Fujitsu au F001 manuals
au F001
Table of contents
- illustrations and screenshots in this manual
- notes on cell phone use
- disaster message board service
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- getting ready
- names of parts
- Charging the Battery Pack
- learning the basics
- turning on power
- display indicators
- using menu
- Changing Your E-mail Address
- security code and passwords
- making an international call
- answering a call
- changing the incoming ring tone
- adjusting the incoming ring tone volume
- global function
- calling japan from overseas
- character input
- Entering E-mail Addresses
- entering pictograms
- phone book
- saving a phone number from the incoming or outgoing history
- Reading Received E-mail Messages
- rejecting spam
- Creating and Sending C-mail Messages
- landscape position
- viewing photos
- EZweb
- accessing sites
- Bookmarking Frequently Accessed
- checking charges
- setting ez news ex
- passenger seat navi for people in the passenger seat to check the route
- ez navi walk for when you go out
- Evacuate Navi to Guide You Home or to Nearby Evacuation Areas during Disasters
- TV (1Seg)
- exiting the au media tuner
- setting conditions for activating the remote ctrl lock
- activating the remote ctrl lock by the security lock service
- troubleshooting
- Index
- fcc notice