
Cisco UBR7225VXR manuals

UBR7225VXR first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Wireless Router
Table of contents
UBR7225VXR first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Wireless Router
Table of contents
  1. cisco ubr7225vxr universal broadband router
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. document revision history
  8. document organization
  9. document conventions
  10. warning definition
  11. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  12. Chapter 1 Cisco uBR7225VXR Overview
  13. Cisco uBR7225VXR Router Chassis
  14. cisco ubr7225vxr network interface overview
  15. Cisco uBR7225VXR Network Interface Overview
  16. supported system configurations overview
  17. Supported System Configurations Overview
  18. VPN Services
  19. telco return
  20. Telco Return
  21. Hardware Component Descriptions
  22. Cisco Cable Interface Line Cards
  23. power supplies
  24. Power Supplies
  25. Cisco uBR7225VXR Chassis
  26. Subchassis and Midplane
  27. CompactFlash Disk
  28. Safety Recommendations
  29. C H A P T E R 2 Preparing the Cisco uBR7225VXR Router for Installation
  30. Safety with Electricity
  31. Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage
  32. Site Requirements
  33. Site Configuration: Maintaining Normal Operation
  34. Power Considerations
  35. Installation Tools
  36. Equipment Required to Verify Your Plant's RF Setup
  37. Provisioning the Cable Headend
  38. Headend Certification
  39. DHCP, DNS, TFTP, and TD Servers
  40. Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Servers
  41. Headend Wiring
  42. Equipment Racks
  43. Site Preparation Checklist
  44. Component Checklists
  45. Cisco uBR7225VXR Router Installation Checklist
  46. C H A P T E R 3 Installing the Cisco uBR7225VXR Router
  47. Cable-Management Bracket Requirements
  48. Installing the Brackets on the Chassis
  49. Installing Rack-Mount Brackets on the Front of the Chassis
  50. Installing Rack-Mount Brackets in the Middle of the Chassis
  51. Installing the Chassis in the Rack
  52. Installing the Chassis in a Workbench or Tabletop Environment
  53. Installing the Cable-Management Bracket on a Cisco uBR7225VXR Router in a Workbench or Tabletop Environment
  54. Connecting Cable Interface Line Card Cables
  55. Console Port Signals
  56. Protective Grounding
  57. Connecting to the AC-Input Power Supply
  58. Powering On the Cisco uBR7225VXR Router
  59. Configuring the Interfaces
  60. C H A P T E R 4 Connecting the Cisco uBR7225VXR Router to the Cable Headend
  61. One-Way Data Headend Architecture
  62. Connecting and Configuring the Downstream
  63. Measuring the Downstream RF Signal Using the Channel Power Option on a Spectrum Analyzer
  64. Measuring the Downstream RF Signal at the Upconverter Output
  65. Measuring the Downstream RF Signal Using CATV Mode on a Spectrum Analyzer
  66. Measuring the Downstream RF Signal at the Upconverter Output Using CATV Mode
  67. Connecting and Configuring the Upstream
  68. Testing the Upstream Configuration
  69. Measuring the Upstream RF Signal
  70. Analyzing the Upstream RF Signal
  71. Using the Zero-Span Method with Adjacent Upstream Channels
  72. Measuring the RF Signal at the Forward Test Point on a Laser Transmitter
  73. Configuring the Digital Signal
  74. online insertion and removal
  75. C H A P T E R 5 Maintaining the Cisco uBR7225VXR Router
  76. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Functions
  77. Reporting Functions
  78. Fan Failures
  79. Overview
  80. Problem Solving with Subsystems
  81. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
  82. Power Subsystem
  83. Processor Subsystem
  84. Troubleshooting Cable Interface Line Cards
  85. Other Troubleshooting Information Websites
  86. cisco ubr7225vxr physical and system specifications
  87. A P P E N D I X A Cisco uBR7225VXR Router Specifications
  88. downstream rf channel transmission characteristics
  89. Appendix B RF Specification
  90. Downstream RF Channel Transmission Characteristics
  91. Upstream RF Channel Transmission Characteristics
  92. EuroDOCSIS Transmission Characteristics
  93. electrical input and output
  94. Electrical Input and Output
  95. cable specifications
  96. console and auxiliary port cables and pinouts
  97. console port cables and pinouts
  98. auxiliary port cables and pinouts
  99. about wiring standards
  100. optical fiber color codes
  101. telephone wire color codes
  102. frequency allocation tables
  103. standards comparisons
  104. ntsc cable television channels and relative frequencies
  105. north american channel plans
  106. european channel plans
  107. site log
  108. Online Insertion and Removal
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