
Toshiba TX39 Series manuals

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TX39 Series

Brand: Toshiba | Category: Computer Hardware
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  8. Notation used in this manual
  9. Kind of accessing by the TX3904
  10. Precautions in the TMPR3904F specification
  13. Positions of Pins
  14. Functions of Pins
  16. Register Map
  17. Chip Configuration Register
  18. PIO2 and PIO1
  19. Error processing
  20. Connection of external bus master
  21. INT[7:0] active status set-up
  22. CLOCK
  23. Doze mode
  24. Status Shifting
  25. Operations of each block in the each modes
  27. Single read operation
  28. Burst read operation
  29. Single write operation
  30. Bus Error
  31. bit Bus Mode
  32. Half Speed Bus Mode
  33. Bus Arbitration
  34. Release of bus ownership
  35. Kinds of bus ownership
  36. Snoop function
  37. Interrupts
  38. Block Diagrams
  39. Registers
  40. Explanations of Registers
  41. Base address mask register 0 (DBMR0)
  42. Wait register 0 (DWR0)
  43. Channel control register 1 (DCCR1)
  44. Base address mask register 1 (DBMR1)
  45. Wait register 1 (DWR1)
  46. Refresh control register (DREFC)
  47. Operations
  48. Address multiplex
  49. Operation modes
  50. bit static bus sizing
  51. Page mode support and page hit detection
  52. Arbiter
  53. Timing Diagrams
  54. bit word single read operation with 16-bit bus
  55. bit bus fast page mode read (Burst mode)
  56. bit bus fast page mode read (Burst read) page hit miss
  57. bit bus hyper page mode read (Burst read)
  58. bit bus single write (Early write)
  59. bit bus fast page mode write (Early write)
  60. CBR refresh
  61. External Circuit Connections
  62. Channel control register 0
  63. Channel control register 1
  64. Base address mask register 0
  65. Base address mask register 1
  66. bit bus single read (32-bit word) operation (ROM/SRAM)
  67. bit bus single read (half word) operation (ROM/SRAM)
  68. bit bus single write (word) operation (SRAM/Flush)
  69. bit bus normal mode burst read operation (ROM/SRAM)
  70. bit bus page mode burst read operation (Page mode MROM)
  71. bit bus word normal mode burst read operation (ROM/SRAM)
  72. bit bus page mode burst read (word) operation (Page mode MROM)
  73. bit bus normal mode burst write (SRAM)
  74. bit bus normal mode burst write (word) (SRAM; WE control write)
  75. bit bus normal mode burst write (half word) (SRAM; WE control)
  76. Examples of MROM/EPROM Usage
  77. Examples of SRAM Usage
  79. DMAC internal blocks
  80. DMA control register (DCR)
  81. Channel control register (CCRn)
  82. Channel status register (CSRn)
  83. Source address register (SARn)
  84. Destination address register (DARn)
  85. Byte count register (BCR0n)
  86. Next byte count register (NCR0/1)
  87. Data holding register (DHR)
  88. Functions
  89. Transfer requests
  90. Address modes
  91. Burst transfer
  92. Channel operation
  93. Endian switch function
  94. Single address mode
  95. Input of DONE* signal
  96. Output of DONE* signal
  97. Interrupt detection
  98. Interrupt status register (ISR)
  99. Interrupt level registers (ILR3-ILR0)
  100. Interrupt mask register (IMR)
  102. Line control register (SLCRn)
  103. Line status register (SLSRn)
  104. DMA/Interrupt control register (SDICRn)
  105. DMA/Interrupt status register (SDISRn)
  106. FIFO control register (SFCRn)
  107. Baudrate control register (SBGRn)
  108. Transmit FIFO buffer (TFIFOn)
  109. Serial clock generator
  110. Receiver Controller
  111. Hand shake function
  112. Parity control
  113. Timing Explanations
  114. Operation at the time of receiving (8 and 9 bit length multi-controller system
  115. Transmit halt timing by CTS
  117. Watchdog timer mode register 2 (WTMR2)
  118. Pulse generator mode
  119. Watchdog timer mode
  120. Pulse generator mode F/F output timing
  121. IO PORTS (PIO)
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