Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30 manuals
SmartBand Talk SWR30
Table of contents
- user guide
- Table Of Contents
- hardware overview
- understanding the display
- turning on and off
- setting up your smartband talk
- reconnecting your smartband talk
- settings for your smartband talk
- handling calls
- do not disturb
- controlling applications with your smartband talk
- using the lifelog application
- setting goals
- synchronising data with the lifelog application
- important information
- legal information
- declaration of conformity
SmartBand Talk SWR30
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Basics
- Charging your SmartBand
- Assembly
- Setting up your SmartBand Talk
- Resetting your SmartBand Talk
- Settings for your SmartBand Talk
- Notifications
- Call handling
- Display orientation
- Logging your activities using the Lifelog application
- Setting goals
- Important information
- Legal information
- declaration of conformity