
Siemens SITRANS F manuals

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Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. F US Clamp-on Communications Module Kit
  4. F US Clamp-on Communications Module Kit Installation
  5. BACnet Communications
  6. BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
SITRANS F first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Function Manual scope
  16. Product compatability
  17. Device documentation package
  18. Quick commissioning
  19. Sensor settings
  20. Wall thickness
  21. Liner settings
  22. Inner pipe diameter
  23. Disturbed flow profile compensation - settings
  24. Downstream distance
  25. Process temperature
  26. Process density
  27. Sensor crystal projection
  28. Sensor fixed time
  29. Temperature compensation factor
  30. Path 1
  31. Path 2
  32. Necessary number of measuring paths
  33. User calibration
  34. Multipoint calibration
  35. Multipoint calibration table
  36. Flow direction
  37. Minimum ringdown delay
  38. Sensor size
  39. Custom units
  40. Decimal places
  41. Mass flow
  42. Standard flow volume
  43. Standard temperature
  44. Flow velocity
  45. Sound velocity
  46. LiquIdent
  47. Temperature slope factor
  48. Density
  49. Kinematic viscosity
  50. Pressure
  51. Medium temperature
  52. Alarm and warning limits
  53. Standard density
  54. Standard kinematic viscosity
  55. API gravity
  56. Standard API gravity
  57. Specific gravity
  58. Standard specific gravity
  59. Totalizers
  60. Units
  61. Preset
  62. Totalizer 2
  63. Direction
  64. Totalizer 3
  65. Reset all totalizers
  66. Current input
  67. Digital input
  68. Active operation (read only)
  69. Loop current scale
  70. Fail-safe activation condition
  71. Fail-safe value
  72. Frequency output
  73. Pulse output
  74. Status output
  75. Channel 3 - input/output
  76. Channel 3 - relay
  77. Status mode
  78. Process alarms (1)
  79. Process alarms (4)
  80. Device alarms
  81. Input/output alarms (2)
  82. Simulation alarms (1)
  83. NAMUR status signal
  84. Off delay
  85. Channel 4 - relay
  86. Sensor alarms (2)
  87. Process alarms (3)
  88. Totalizer alarms
  89. Input/output alarms
  90. Calibration
  91. Channel 6 - input
  92. Date and time
  93. Brightness
  94. Contrast
  95. Process values (2)
  96. st value
  97. rd value
  98. th process value
  99. Trend scale lower limit
  100. View
  101. rd process value
  102. View 3
  103. Graphic scale mode
  104. th value
  105. Trend scale mode
  106. Trend scale upper limit
  107. Trend log time window
  108. Status icons
  109. Identification
  110. Message
  111. Manufacturer
  112. Serial number
  113. Final assembly number
  114. FW version
  115. Local display
  116. Sensor
  117. Serial number (read only)
  118. Sensor type (read only)
  119. Frontend variant (read only)
  120. Clear diagnostic log
  121. Suppression time
  122. Sensor events (2)
  123. Process events (2)
  124. Totalizer events
  125. Simulation events (2)
  126. Input/output events (2)
  127. Transm. temp. above alarm limit
  128. Spare part replacement
  129. Electronic part identification
  130. I/O cassette
  131. Sensor cassette
  132. Diagnostics
  133. Temperature monitoring
  134. Transmitter electronics temperature
  135. DSL temperature
  136. Inputs and outputs
  137. Peak values
  138. Minimum
  139. Process value 2
  140. Maximum
  141. Timestamp at minimum value
  142. Reset peak values
  143. SensorFlash
  144. Capacity available (read only)
  145. Data logging mode
  146. Advanced logging (expert)
  147. Channel 2 - output
  148. Relay (3)
  149. Channel 4 - Input/output
  150. Simulation process values
  151. Volume flow
  152. Standard volume flow
  153. Auxiliary temperature
  154. Simulate alarms
  155. Alarm class
  156. Firmware update change log
  157. Device restart (write only)
  158. Service channel (USB)
  159. HART (Channel 1)
  160. HART device type (read only)
  161. SV process value
  162. TV process value
  163. QV process value
  164. Hart units
  165. Flow velocity units
  166. Kinematic viscosity units
  167. Temperature units
  168. Totalizer 3 units
  169. Process values (1)
  170. Slave address (HW) (read only)
  171. Floating point byte order
  172. Source register 1..20
  173. Modbus units
  174. Flow velocity unit
  175. Density unit
  176. Totalizer 2 unit
  177. Security
  178. PIN recovery
  179. Auto logout
  180. Language
  181. A Support
  182. Glossary
  183. Index
SITRANS F first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. General Installation Menu Notes
  10. Standard Portable Features
  11. Performance
  12. Alarm Functions
  13. Channel Functions
  14. Appendix A - Engineering Drawings
  15. The 1010P Keypad
  16. Accessing And Leaving The Menu
  17. Selecting Items from an Option List
  18. Multiple Select Option Lists
  19. Entering Alphanumeric Strings
  20. Dual Channel Flow
  21. Multi-Channel Meter Types
  22. Selecting a Meter Type
  23. Creating a New Site Setup
  24. Forming the Battery (Optimizing Operating Time)
  25. BC Power Adapter/Charger
  26. DP Dual-Channel Portable Flowmeter, Rear View
  27. DP Input/Output Terminals
  28. WDP Portable Flowmeter, Rear View
  29. WDP Input/Output Terminals
  30. WP Single Channel Weather Proof Portable Flowmeter
  31. WP Input/Output Terminals
  32. Using FASTSTART Setup
  33. Picking and Installing the Transducers
  34. Section 2 The 1010P Installation Menu
  35. The Channel Setup Menu
  36. How To Create/Name A Site Setup
  37. How To Delete A Site Setup
  38. Pipe Data Menu Structure
  39. How To Enter The Pipe OD (in. or mm.)
  40. Liner Thickness
  41. Application Data Menu Structure
  42. How To Select A Liquid Class
  43. How to Edit the Estimated Vs (liquid sonic velocity)
  44. Pipe Configuration Menu Structure
  45. The Pick/Install XDCR (Transducer) Menu
  46. Pick/Install Xdcr Menu Structure
  47. How To Select A Transducer Mount Mode
  48. Reviewing The Spacing Method
  49. Letter Index (1011 Transducer) - Letter and Number Index (990 Trans- ............... ducer)
  50. How To Use [Install Completed?]
  51. Force Transmit Procedure
  52. The Empty Pipe Set Menu
  53. How to Use the Set Empty Command
  54. ZeroMatic
  55. ZeroMatic (optional function)
  56. The Operation Adjust Menu
  57. Damping Control
  58. Memory/Fault Set
  59. Flow/Total Units Menu Structure
  60. Flow Volume Units
  61. Flow Display Scale
  62. Batch/Sample Total
  63. The Data Span/Set/Cal Menu
  64. Span Data
  65. Max Flow
  66. Min Temperature
  67. Interface Vs (m/s) meters-per-second
  68. Calibrate Flow Rate
  69. MultiPoint Calibration
  70. The StripChart Setup Menu
  71. Select Data
  72. Time Base
  73. Datalogger Setup Menu Structure
  74. Datalogger Mode
  75. The I/O Data Control Menu
  76. I/O Data Control Menu Structure
  77. Assigning Io Output Functions
  78. Assigning Relay 1 and 2 Functions
  79. Setting up the Analog Current Input
  80. Diagnostic Data Menu Structure
  81. Main Diagnostics Screen
  82. Flow Data Menu Items
  83. HiFlow and LoFlow
  84. The Application Info Menu
  85. Liquid Data Menu Items
  86. Introduction to [HF] Menu Item
  87. Manual" Adjustment Procedure
  88. Automatic" Adjustment Procedure
  89. The Test Facilities Menu
  90. Detection Modes
  91. Entering the Diagnostic Graph Screen
  92. Command Modes
  93. Zero Crossover Adjustment: (Hot Key 4)
  94. Signal Masking Function: (Hot Key 7)
  95. Troubleshooting Tips
  96. Using the "F4" Reset Sequence
  97. Troubleshooting With Transducer Test Blocks
  98. Using The 996PSP Pipe Simulator
  99. If a Pipe Simulator/Test-Block Test Fails
  100. Optimization/Correction Of Problems
  101. Section 3 Hardware Installation Guide
  102. Preparing The Pipe
  103. Reflect Mode with EZ Clamp and Spacer Bar
  104. Direct Mode with EZ Clamp and Spacer Bar Only
  105. Reflect Mode - Mounting Frames and Spacer Bar
  106. Reflect Mode With Spacer Bar Only
  107. Installing a 1012T Mounting Track in Reflect Mode
  108. Installing a 1012T Mounting Track in Direct Mode
  109. Mounting Temperature Sensors (optional)
  110. Section 4 The Meter Facilities Menu and Graphic Display Screens
  111. The Table Setups Menu
  112. Transducer Type Menu
  113. Transducer Type Menu Structure
  114. The Datalogger Control Menu
  115. Output Datalogger
  116. Est Log Time Left
  117. The Analog Output Trim Menu
  118. Pgen Output Trim (Pgen 1 and Pgen 2)
  119. RTD Calibrate Menu Structure
  120. The Clock Set Menu
  121. RS-232 Setup
  122. Data Bits
  123. Network ID
  124. System Info
  125. Considerations For Critical Applications
  126. Picking The Appropriate Transducer
  127. Accuracy
  128. Data Drift
  129. Liquid Compatibility
  130. Temperature and Pressure Ratings
  131. Recommended Sonic Coupling Compounds
  132. System 1010 Reynolds Compensation Factors
  133. Terminology Chart
  134. The Dual-Channel Menu Chart
  135. The Clamp-on Menu
  136. General Installation Guidelines
  137. Flow Tube Mounting Location
  138. Flow Data Scatter And Damping
  139. Additional Installation Notes
  140. Section 7 The System 1010 Reflexor Flowmeter
  141. Select The Transducer Mounting Location
  142. Mounting The Transducer
  143. Installing Reflexor Operating Mode
  144. Selection Of Liquid Composition
  145. Section 8 The Thickness Gauge
  146. The Thickness Transducer
  147. Manual Calibration of Thickness Gauge
  148. Longitudinal Sound Velocity (Vpl) of Various Pipe Materials
  149. Measuring The Pipe Wall Thickness
SITRANS F first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Connecting
  7. Device documentation package
  8. Checking the consignment
  9. Notes on warranty
  10. Safety notes
  11. Conformity with European directives
  12. Description
  13. Features
  14. Technical data
  15. Normal environmental conditions
  16. Disconnecting device
  17. Device nameplate
  18. Transmitter power supply, communications and I/O connections
  19. Connecting Inputs/Outputs
  20. Connection Wiring
  21. Finishing the transmitter connection (wall mount housing)
  22. Basic Safety notes
  23. General requirements
  24. Commissioning via local display
  25. Wizards
  26. Sensor settings wizard (wizard)
  27. Process values wizard (wizard)
  28. Inputs/Outputs wizard
  29. Navigating the menu structure
  30. Display views
  31. Operating the FST020
  32. Reading the process values
  33. Operating the totalizer
  34. Handling alarms
  35. Reading the diagnostic values
  36. Changing the resolution
  37. Service and maintenance information
  38. Return procedure
  39. Diagnosing and troubleshooting
  40. Fault codes and corrective actions
  41. Outputs
  42. Operating conditions
  43. Approvals
  44. Dimension drawings
  45. Replacement parts
  46. A.1 Modbus addressing model
  47. A.3 Coil configuration
  48. A.4 Modbus register mapping
  49. A.5 Integer byte order
  50. A.8 Access control
  51. A.9.2 Process values
  52. A.9.3 Totalizers
  53. A.9.4 Units
  54. A.9.5 Device reset
  55. A.9.6 Setup
  56. user calibration
  57. A.9.6.2 Process values
  58. A.9.6.3 Totalizers
  59. A.9.6.4 Inputs and outputs
  60. A.9.6.5 Date and time
  61. A.9.6.6 Local display
  62. A.9.6.7 Selectable values dependent on the view type
  63. A.9.6.8 Process value filter masks
  64. A.9.7 Maintenance and diagnostics
  65. A.9.8 Diagnostic events
  66. A.9.8.2 Diagnostic log
  67. A.9.8.3 Alarm items
  68. A.9.9 Diagnostics
  69. A.9.9.2 DSL
  70. A.9.9.3 Temperature monitoring
  71. A.9.9.4 Inputs and outputs
  72. A.9.9.5 Peak values
  73. A.9.10 Characteristics
  74. A.9.11 SensorFlash
  75. A.9.11.2 Data logging
  76. A.9.12 Simulation
  77. A.9.12.2 Process values
  78. A.9.12.3 Alarms
  79. A.9.13 Audit trail
  80. A.9.13.3 FW update change log
  81. A.9.14 Communication
  82. B.1 Certificates
  83. B.3 QR code label
  84. C.1 Commissioning with PDM
  85. C.1.4 Initial setup
  86. C.1.6 Adding device to communication network
  87. C.1.7 Configuring a new device
  88. C.1.8 Wizard - Quick Start via PDM
  89. C.1.9 Wizard - Clamp-On Configuration
  90. C.1.11 Changing parameter settings using SIMATIC PDM
  91. C.1.12 Parameters accessed via drop-down menus
  92. C.1.13 Process variables
  93. Index
SITRANS F first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Connecting
  5. Checking the consignment
  6. Device identification
  7. Functions
  8. Technical data
  9. Safety notes
  10. Safety note for bronze sensors
  11. Lithium batteries
  12. Description
  13. Design
  14. Principle of operation
  15. Installing/Mounting
  16. Reduction
  17. Insulation
  18. Transmitter installation (compact/remote versions)
  19. Installation wall mounting kit (remote transmitter)
  20. Battery-powered transmitter
  21. Connecting battery (battery-powered versions and mains-powered versions with back up battery)
  22. Connecting power supply cable (main-powered systems only)
  23. Connecting pulse output signal cable(s)
  24. Finishing connection
  25. Sensor side
  26. Transmitter Side
  27. Installing and connecting optional current output module
  28. Sealing of FUE380
  29. Introduction
  30. Navigating the menu structure
  31. Start-up routine
  32. Commissioning via PDM
  33. Installing and connecting the IrDA interface adapter
  34. Installing the device driver
  35. Adding the device to the network
  36. Configuring the device
  37. Optimizing the system
  38. Output A, terminals 56/57
  39. Output B, terminals 66/67
  40. Checking the operation readiness
  41. Unit selection
  42. Number of decimal digits
  43. Service and maintenance
  44. Service menu
  45. Technical support
  46. Application-specific data - Qualification certificate
  47. Return procedures
  48. Battery disposal
  49. Troubleshooting/FAQs
  50. Diagnosing with PDM
  51. FUS380 and FUE380 systems
  52. Optional current output module
  53. Output characteristics
  54. Battery
  55. Sensor for FUS380 and FUE380
  56. Dimensional drawings for FUS380 and FUE380
  57. A.1 Identification
  58. A.2 Output
  59. A.3 Diagnostics
  60. A.4 Meter setup
  61. A.5 Human Interface
  62. B.1 Factory settings
  63. B.2 Factory settings for Modbus communication
  64. B.3 Ordering of spare parts
  65. C.1 Technical support
  66. Index
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Brand: Siemens | Category: Accessories
SITRANS F first page preview


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