
Samsung SF-5100P manuals

SF-5100P first page preview


Brand: Samsung | Category: Printer
SF-5100P first page preview


Brand: Samsung | Category: All in One Printer
Table of contents
  1. samsung smarthru
SF-5100P first page preview


Brand: Samsung | Category: Software
SF-5100P first page preview


Brand: Samsung | Category: All in One Printer
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. troubleshooting
  5. samsung smarthru
  6. system requirements
  7. hardware requirement
  8. installing samsung software
  9. configuring the internet gate on your pc
  10. installing bonus software
  11. installing software from diskettes
  12. printing a document
  13. loading paper
  14. paper guidelines
  15. printer settings
  16. canceling a print job
  17. introducing samsung smarthru
  18. running scan wizard
  19. running smarthru
  20. getting help in the smarthru 2 program
  21. loading documents for scanning
  22. scanning a document with the scan manager
  23. features of the scan manager window
  24. selecting scan manager options
  25. samsung twain for scan window
  26. copying a document
  27. scanning to pc fax
  28. scanning to e-mail
  29. scanning to ocr
  30. configuring automatic text recognition
  31. working with image manager
  32. opening the image manager window
  33. image manager toolbar overview
  34. editing images
  35. working with images in browse mode
  36. image viewer
  37. viewing images with the image viewer
  38. features of the mailbox window
  39. working with fax messages
  40. creating and sending a pc fax
  41. browsing fax messages
  42. sending a pc fax from a windows application
  43. reading incoming fax messages
  44. using fax cover page editor
  45. working with e-mail messages
  46. new message toolbars
  47. browsing e-mail messages
  48. finding messages
  49. using address book
  50. opening the address book
  51. adding contact information to your address book
  52. organizing address book items
  53. smarthru configuration
  54. configuring the fax gate
  55. configuring the internet gate
  56. configuring service
  57. running anypage lite
  58. how to recognize a text or table
  59. anypage lite window overview
  60. printer problems
  61. print quality problems
  62. scanning problems
  63. pc-fax problems
  64. ocr problems
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