
Cisco Prisma II HQT manuals

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Prisma II HQT

Brand: Cisco | Category: Transmitter
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. important safety instructions
  6. installation site
  7. handling precautions
  8. fuse replacement
  9. Introduction
  10. in this chapter
  11. Description
  12. Optical Output
  13. High Density Transmitter Front and Back Panel
  14. High Density Transmitter Front Panel Features
  15. Back Panel Connectors
  16. Host Module
  17. Host Module Back Panel Connectors
  18. Module Configuration
  19. Module Installation
  20. Preparing for Installation
  21. Site Requirements
  22. Power Requirements
  23. Prisma II XD Chassis Style
  24. Connecting the RF Cables to the Chassis
  25. Installing the HD Module in the Chassis
  26. To Install the Host Module in the Chassis
  27. To Install the Module in a Prisma II XD Chassis
  28. Routing Optical Cables
  29. Cleaning Optical Connectors
  30. To Clean Optical Connectors
  31. Connecting Optical Cables
  32. Connecting the ICIM to Additional Chassis
  33. To Connect Chassis-to-Chassis ICIM IN and ICIM OUT Ports
  34. External Alarm Connections
  35. ALARMS IN and ALARMS OUT Connector Illustration
  36. Redundancy Interface Panel
  37. Operation Using the ICIM
  38. ICIM Introduction
  39. ICIM Block Diagram
  40. ICIM2 Front Panel
  41. ICIM2 Front Panel Features
  42. ICIM Keypad
  43. ICIM Password
  44. Expired Password or Inactive Password Messages
  45. To Change the User Password
  46. To Disable the User Password using ICIM
  47. Operating the ICIM
  48. Prisma II ICIM Menu
  49. Prisma II MAIN Menu and ICIM Menu Structure
  50. Checking the Operating Status using the ICIM
  51. Configuring the Module using the ICIM
  52. Checking Module Alarms using the ICIM
  53. To Set Adjustable Alarm Thresholds using the ICIM
  54. Checking Manufacturing Data using the ICIM
  55. Saving the Configuration using the ICIM
  56. Adjusting Alarm Thresholds
  57. Operation Using LCI
  58. LCI Introduction
  59. System Requirements
  60. Installing LCI
  61. Connecting Your Computer to the Chassis
  62. Starting LCI Software
  63. LCI Module Tree
  64. Accessing Module Details
  65. Checking the Operating Status
  66. Configuring the Module using LCI
  67. Checking the Module Alarms using LCI
  68. Modifying Module Alarm Limits using LCI
  69. Checking Manufacturing Data using LCI
  70. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
  71. Maintenance
  72. General Troubleshooting Information
  73. Troubleshooting Alarm Conditions
  74. Customer Information
  75. Appendix A Module Parameter Descriptions
  76. High Density Long Reach Multiwave and Hybrid Modulation QAM Transmitter Parameters
  77. Configurable Parameters
  78. Alarm Data Parameters
  79. Alarm Types
  80. Glossary
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