
Sony PRS-505 manuals

PRS-505 first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: eBook Reader
Table of contents
  1. getting started
PRS-505 first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: eBook Reader
Table of contents
  1. About the Manuals
  2. Using the eBook Library Help
  3. English
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. What You Can Do with Reader
  8. Guide to Parts and Controls
  9. Menu Operations
  10. Turning on Reader
  11. about charging
  12. Inserting a Memory Card
  13. Importing eBooks from CONNECT eBooks
  14. Importing Content from Your Computer
  15. Importing content files
  16. Transferring Content to Reader Connected with Your Computer
  17. Transferring content via a memory card
  18. Synchronizing content in Library with Reader
  19. Reading Books
  20. Jumping to the specified number page directly
  21. Switching screen orientation (vertical/horizontal)
  22. Displaying the book information
  23. Sorting the Book list
  24. Selecting a book from the Collection list
  25. Creating a bookmark on a
  26. Reading previously displayed
  27. Playing Audio Files
  28. operations on the playback screen
  29. Reading books while playing an audio file
  30. Viewing Pictures
  31. operations on the picture viewer
  32. Setting screen orientation
  33. Setting the Date and Time
  34. Setting the Slideshow
  35. Setting the Sleep Mode (Resume Function)
  36. Setting the Advanced Settings
  37. Formatting the internal memory
  38. Shutting down Reader
  39. Checking Version Information for Reader
  40. Troubleshooting
  41. memory card
  42. Restoring default settings
  43. Uninstalling eBook Library
  44. Updating the Reader's Firmware
  45. About Books Pre-installed on Reader
  46. Notes on Reader Disposal
  47. Precautions
  48. On safety
  49. On heat build-up
  50. Notes on memory cards
  51. On software
  52. On Cleaning
  53. On Copyrights
  55. Specifications
  56. Index
  57. propos des manuels
  58. Français
  59. Table Of Contents
  60. utilisation du reader
  61. composants et commandes
  62. fonctionnement des menus
  63. mise sous tension du reader
  64. insertion d'une carte mémoire
  65. importation de ebooks depuis connect ebooks
  66. importation de contenu depuis votre ordinateur
  67. transfert de contenu vers le reader depuis votre ordinateur
  68. ebook library
PRS-505 first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: eBook Reader
Table of contents
PRS-505 first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Card Reader
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