
Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series manuals

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. revision history
  2. safety precautions
  3. about this product
  4. support and service
  5. command syntax
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
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  17. Table Of Contents
  18. CHAPTER 1 Network Environment Setup and Tool Installation
  19. FIGURE 1.2 External network functions
  20. How to Configure the External Networks (Management LAN/ Maintenance LAN/Production LAN)
  21. TABLE 1.3 IP addresses for the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series server (set from the operating system in a partition)
  22. Management LAN
  23. FIGURE 1.3 Management LAN configuration
  24. How to configure the management LAN
  25. Redundant configuration of the management LAN
  26. Maintenance LAN/REMCS LAN
  27. Redundancy of the production LAN
  28. TABLE 1.7 Maximum number of connections using the remote operation function
  29. FIGURE 1.5 Connection configuration for video redirection
  30. FIGURE 1.6 Operating sequence of video redirection
  31. TABLE 1.10 Tool Bar menu in [Video redirection] window
  32. FIGURE 1.8 Message of requesting access to Virtual Console in second terminal PC
  33. FIGURE 1.12 Popup for [Allow Virtual Console] in second terminal PC
  34. FIGURE 1.17 Example of setting partition #3 (1)
  35. FIGURE 1.19 Forced disconnection of console redirection (1)
  36. FIGURE 1.21 Configuration of virtual media connection
  37. FIGURE 1.22 [Virtual Media] window (1)
  38. FIGURE 1.23 Image file selection window
  39. ServerView Suite
  40. CHAPTER 2 Operating System Installation
  41. CHAPTER 3 Component Configuration and Replacement (Add, Remove)
  42. FIGURE 3.1 Conceptual diagram of the partitioning function (PRIMEQUEST 2400E)
  43. FIGURE 3.2 Conceptual diagram of the partitioning function (PRIMEQUEST 2800E)
  44. Setting procedure of partition in MMB Web-UI
  45. FIGURE 3.3 SB hotadd
  46. FIGURE 3.5 IOU Hot add
  47. TABLE 3.3 DR supported list
  48. Reserved SB
  49. FIGURE 3.9 Example 3. Example when multiple free SB (#2,#3) is set as Reserved SBs in Partition #0
  50. Memory Operation Mode
  51. Memory Mirror
  52. Hardware RAID
  53. Replaceable components
  54. Replacement procedures in hot maintenance
  55. Expansion of components
  56. Procedure of expansion in hot maintenance
  57. Procedure of expansion in cold maintenance
  58. Process after switching to the Reserved SB and Automatic Partition Reboot
  59. Checking the source partition configuration information when switching to a Reserved SB
  60. Replacing the Home SB No
  61. TABLE 3.19 Example of Home SB No. replacement
  62. CHAPTER 4 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  63. dr Command Package Install/ Uninstall
  64. Preparing for SB hot add
  65. Confirming the status of SB before SB hot add
  66. How to deal with when timeout occurs while OS is processing SB hot add
  67. Operation after SB hot add
  68. Hot replacement of IOU
  69. Preparation for IOU hot replacement
  70. TABLE 4.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  71. TABLE 4.2 Hardware address description examples
  72. DR operation of IOU hot replacement
  73. Operation after IOU hot replacement
  74. Preparation for IOU hot add
  75. IOU hot remove
  76. TABLE 4.4 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  77. TABLE 4.5 Hardware address description examples
  78. DR operation of IOU hot remove
  79. Hot Replacement of PCI Express Cards
  80. FC card (Fibre Channel card) replacement procedure
  81. Network card replacement procedure
  82. FIGURE 4.2 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  83. TABLE 4.6 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  84. TABLE 4.7 Hardware address description examples
  85. TABLE 4.8 Example of interface information about the replacement NIC
  86. TABLE 4.9 Example of entered values corresponding to the interface names before and after NIC replacement
  87. TABLE 4.10 Confirmation of interface names
  88. Hot replacement procedure for iSCSI (NIC)
  89. Hot Addition of PCI Express cards
  90. FC card (Fibre Channel card) addition procedure
  91. Network card addition procedure
  92. FIGURE 4.4 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  93. Removing PCI Express cards
  94. Common removal procedures for all PCI Express cards
  95. Network card removal procedure
  96. Hot removal procedure for iSCSI (NIC)
  97. CHAPTER 5 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  98. FIGURE 5.1 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  99. TABLE 5.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  100. TABLE 5.2 Hardware address description examples
  101. TABLE 5.3 Example of interface information about the replacement NIC
  102. TABLE 5.4 Example of entered values corresponding to the interface names before and after NIC replacement
  103. TABLE 5.5 Confirmation of interface names
  104. FIGURE 5.2 Example of single NIC interface
  105. Common addition procedures for all PCI Express cards
  106. PCI Express card addition procedure in detail
  107. FIGURE 5.3 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  108. PCI Express card removal procedure in detail
  109. FC card (Fibre Channel card) removal procedure
  110. CHAPTER 6 Replacement of HDD/SSD
  111. Preventive replacement of HDD/SSD with Hardware RAID configuration
  112. Preventive replacement of failed HDD/SSD with RAID 1, RAID 1E, RAID 5, RAID 6, or RAID 10 configuration
  113. Replacement of HDD/SSD in case hot replacement cannot be performed
  114. CHAPTER 7 PCI Express card Hot Maintenance in Windows
  115. Common Hot Plugging Procedure for PCI Express cards
  116. Addition procedure
  117. About removal
  118. Hot plugging a non-redundant NIC
  119. Hot plugging an FC card incorporated with the ETERNUS multipath driver
  120. FC card addition procedure
  121. Confirming the incorporation of a card with MPD
  122. Disconnecting MPD
  123. CHAPTER 8 Backup and Restore
  124. FIGURE 8.1 [Backup BIOS Configuration] window
  125. Backing up and restoring MMB configuration information
  126. FIGURE 8.4 [Backup/Restore MMB Configuration] window
  127. CHAPTER 9 Chapter System Startup/Shutdown and Power Control
  128. Partition Power on unit
  129. Procedure for Partition Power On and Power Off
  130. Controlling Partition Startup by using the MMB
  131. Checking the Partition Power status by using the MMB
  132. FIGURE 9.4 [Information] window
  133. Scheduled operations
  134. Power off a Partition by scheduled operation
  135. Automatic Partition Restart Conditions
  136. FIGURE 9.6 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] window
  137. Power Restoration
  138. Remote shutdown (Windows)
  139. CHAPTER 10 Configuration and Status Checking (Contents, Methods, and Procedures)
  140. MMB CLI
  141. UEFI
  142. CHAPTER 11 Error Notification and Maintenance (Contents, Methods, and Procedures)
  143. Maintenance of the MMB
  144. Maintenance policy/preventive maintenance
  145. Troubleshooting
  146. FIGURE 11.2 Troubleshooting overview
  147. Items to confirm before contacting a sales representative
  148. Finding out about abnormal conditions
  149. FIGURE 11.5 System status display in the MMB Web-UI window
  150. Investigating abnormal conditions
  151. FIGURE 11.7 System status display
  152. FIGURE 11.8 System event log display
  153. Checking into errors in detail
  154. MMB-related problems
  155. Notes on Troubleshooting
  156. FIGURE 11.11 [System Event Log] window in PRIMEQUEST 2400E and 2800E
  157. FIGURE 11.13 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] window in PRIMEQUEST 2400E and 2800E
  158. FIGURE 11.14 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] window in PRIMEQUEST 2800B
  159. FIGURE 11.15 [System Event Log (Detail)] window
  160. Collecting data for investigation (Windows)
  161. Setting up the dump environment (Windows)
  162. FIGURE 11.16 [Startup and Recovery] dialog box
  163. FIGURE 11.17 [Advanced] tab of the dialog box
  164. FIGURE 11.18 [Virtual Memory] dialog box
  165. FIGURE 11.19 Advanced options dialog box
  166. Acquiring data for investigation (RHEL)
  167. sadump
  168. Firmware Updates
  169. A.1 Function List
  170. A.1.3 Monitoring and reporting functions
  171. A.1.4 Maintenance
  172. A.1.5 Redundancy functions
  173. A.2 Correspondence between Functions and Interfaces
  174. A.2.5 Display of partition configuration information and partition status
  175. A.2.8 Partition power control
  176. A.3 Management Network Specifications
  177. TABLE A.21 Management network specifications
  178. B.1 Physical Mounting Locations of Components
  179. FIGURE B.2 Physical mounting locations in the PRIMEQUEST 2800E/2800B
  180. B.2 Port Numbers
  181. FIGURE B.6 IOU_1GbE port numbers
  182. Appendix C Lists of External Interfaces Physical
  183. Appendix D Physical Locations and BUS Numbers of Built-in I/O, and PCI Slot Mounting Locations and Slot Numbers
  184. Appendix E PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Cabinets
  185. Appendix F Status Checks with LEDs
  186. F.1.3 FANU
  187. F.1.6 PCI Express slot of IOU
  188. F.1.9 MMB
  189. F.1.11 OPL
  190. F.1.14 IO_PSU
  191. FIGURE F.2 Mounting locations of PSU and FANU
  192. F.3 LED list
  193. TABLE F.28 LED list (2/3)
  194. TABLE F.29 LED list (3/3)
  195. F.4 Button and switch
  196. Appendix G Component Mounting Conditions
  197. TABLE G.3 Relationship between DIMM size and mutual operability (within an SB)
  198. TABLE G.6 DIMM mounting order and DIMM mixed mounting condition in each configuration
  199. TABLE G.7 DIMM mounting order at 1CPU/1SB (*1)
  200. TABLE G.9 DIMM mixed mounting condition at 1CPU/1SB (*1)
  201. TABLE G.10 DIMM mixed mounting condition at 2CPU/1SB (*1)
  202. G.3 Configuration when using 100 V PSU
  203. Appendix H Tree Structure of the MIB Provided with the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series
  204. H.2 MIB File Contents
  205. Appendix I Windows Shutdown Settings
  206. Appendix J Systemwalker Centric Manager Linkage
  207. J.2.2 SNMP trap linkage
  208. J.2.3 Event monitoring linkage
  209. Appendix K How to Confirm Firmware of SAS RAID Controller Card
  210. FIGURE K.2 Boot Manager front page (2)
  211. FIGURE K.4 Driver list
  212. FIGURE K.6 dh command of UEFI Shell
  213. FIGURE K.8 [Adapter Selection] window of WebBIOS (1)
  214. K.2 How to confirm firmware version of SAS card
  215. FIGURE K.13 Menu window
  216. FIGURE K.15 EFI driver version in [LSI SAS2 MPT Controller Configuration]
  217. K.3 How to confirm firmware version and UEFI driver version of FC card
  218. K.3.1 How to confirm firmware version for FC card made by Qlogic
  219. FIGURE K.21 Boot Manager front page (1)
  220. FIGURE K.23 Boot Manager menu
  221. K.3.2 How to confirm firmware version for FC card made by Emulex
  222. FIGURE K.27 Boot Manager front page (1)
  223. FIGURE K.29 [Device Manager] window
  224. FIGURE K.31 [Adapter Selection] window (HBA list)
  225. FIGURE K.33 [Controller Information] window
  226. Appendix L Software
  227. Appendix M Failure Report Sheet
  228. Appendix N Information of PCI Express card
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. safety precautions
  2. warning labels
  3. how to use this manual
  4. command syntax
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Table Of Contents
  22. Table Of Contents
  23. Table Of Contents
  24. CHAPTER 1 MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
  25. Web-UI menus (Administrator)
  26. Web-UI menus (Operator)
  27. Web-UI menus (Partition Operator)
  28. Web-UI menus (User)
  29. Web-UI menus (CE)
  30. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode
  31. TABLE 1.8 Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Administrator)
  32. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Operator)
  33. TABLE 1.9 Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Operator)
  34. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Partition Operator)
  35. TABLE 1.10 Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Partition Operator)
  36. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (User)
  37. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (CE)
  38. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (maintenance personnel)
  39. TABLE 1.13 Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (maintenance personnel)
  40. Web-UI menus (PRIMEQUEST 2800B model)
  41. System] Menu for PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E
  42. System Event Log] Window
  43. FIGURE 1.2 [System Event Log] window
  44. TABLE 1.18 Buttons on [System Event Log] Window
  45. FIGURE 1.3 [System Event Log (Collect)] Window
  46. FIGURE 1.4 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  47. TABLE 1.20 [System Events Log Filtering Condition] Window Buttons
  48. Operation Log] Window
  49. TABLE 1.22 [Operation Log] Window Buttons
  50. FIGURE 1.6 [Operating Log Filtering Condition] Window
  51. Partition Event Log] Window
  52. TABLE 1.25 Display items of [Partition Event Log] window
  53. FIGURE 1.8 [Partition Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  54. System Information] Window
  55. Firmware Information] Window
  56. FIGURE 1.10 [Firmware Information] Window
  57. System Setup] Window
  58. FIGURE 1.11 [System Setup] Window
  59. TABLE 1.33 [System Setup] window button
  60. System Power Control] window
  61. FIGURE 1.12 [System Power Control] Window
  62. LEDs] window
  63. FIGURE 1.13 [LEDs] Window
  64. Power Supply] window
  65. Fans] window
  66. FIGURE 1.15 [Fans] Window(1)
  67. TABLE 1.40 Display items of [Fans] window
  68. Temperature] window
  69. SB] Menu
  70. FIGURE 1.19 [SB#x] Window (2)
  71. FIGURE 1.21 [SB#x] Window (4)
  72. FIGURE 1.23 [SB#x] Window (6)
  73. TABLE 1.44 [SB#x] Window Button
  74. FIGURE 1.24 [SB#x Status Clear] Window (Message Display)
  75. IOU] Menu
  76. FIGURE 1.26 [IOU#x] Window (1)
  77. FIGURE 1.27 [IOU#x] Window (2)
  78. FIGURE 1.28 [IOU#x] Window (3)
  79. TABLE 1.46 Button of [IOB#x] Screen
  80. DU] Menu
  81. TABLE 1.48 Buttons on [DU#x] Window
  82. PCI_Box] Menu
  83. FIGURE 1.31 [PCI_Box] Window (2)
  84. FIGURE 1.33 [PCI_Box] Window (4)
  85. OPL] Window
  86. MMB] Menu
  87. FIGURE 1.35 [MMB#x] Window
  88. TABLE 1.54 [MMB#x] Window button
  89. Disk Enclosure] Menu
  90. FIGURE 1.37 [Disk Enclosure#x] Window (2)
  91. Partition] Menu for PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E
  92. FIGURE 1.38 [Power Control] Window
  93. FIGURE 1.39 [Power Control] Window (Grayout Display)
  94. TABLE 1.57 [Power Control] Window Buttons
  95. FIGURE 1.40 Display of Errors of [Power Control] Window
  96. Schedule] Menu
  97. FIGURE 1.41 [Schedule Control] Window
  98. FIGURE 1.42 [Schedule List] Window
  99. TABLE 1.60 Display Items and Set Items of [Schedule List] Window
  100. FIGURE 1.43 [Schedule List] Window
  101. Console Redirection Setup] window
  102. FIGURE 1.44 [IPv4 Console Redirection Setup]
  103. TABLE 1.65 [IPv4 Console redirection Setup] Window Buttons
  104. FIGURE 1.45 [IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] Window
  105. Partition Configuration] Menu
  106. FIGURE 1.46 [Partition Configuration] Window
  107. TABLE 1.69 [Partition Configuration] Window Buttons
  108. FIGURE 1.47 [Add SB/IOU to Partition] Window
  109. FIGURE 1.48 [Remove SB/IOU from Partition] Window
  110. FIGURE 1.49 [Partition Home] window
  111. Reserved SB Configuration] window
  112. TABLE 1.72 Display Items and Set Items of [Reserved SB Configuration] Window
  113. Power Management Setup] Window
  114. TABLE 1.75 [Power Management Setup] Window Buttons
  115. Partition#x] Menu
  116. FIGURE 1.53 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] Window
  117. TABLE 1.78 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] Window Buttons
  118. FIGURE 1.54 [Console Redirection] Window
  119. FIGURE 1.55 [Mode] Window
  120. User Administration] Menu
  121. TABLE 1.82 Buttons in the [User List] window
  122. FIGURE 1.57 [Add List] Window
  123. FIGURE 1.58 [Edit List] Window
  124. Change Password] window
  125. FIGURE 1.59 [Change Password] window
  126. Who] window
  127. Network Configuration] Menu
  128. TABLE 1.88 Buttons in the [Date/Time] window
  129. Network Interface] window
  130. FIGURE 1.63 [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E) (2)
  131. FIGURE 1.64 [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B) (1)
  132. TABLE 1.90 Setting and display items in the [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B)
  133. FIGURE 1.66 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E) (1)
  134. FIGURE 1.67 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E) (2)
  135. TABLE 1.92 Setting and display items in the [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E)
  136. FIGURE 1.68 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B) (1)
  137. FIGURE 1.69 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B) (2)
  138. Management LAN Port Configuration] window
  139. FIGURE 1.70 [Management LAN Port Configuration] window(PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E)
  140. TABLE 1.97 Buttons in the [Management LAN Port Configuration] window
  141. Network Protocols] window
  142. TABLE 1.99 Buttons in the [Network Protocols] window
  143. Refresh Rate] window
  144. SNMP Configuration] window
  145. FIGURE 1.74 [SNMP Community] window
  146. TABLE 1.103 Buttons in the [SNMP Community] window
  147. FIGURE 1.75 [SNMP Trap] window
  148. TABLE 1.105 Buttons in the [SNMP Trap] window
  149. FIGURE 1.76 [SNMP v3 Configuration] window
  150. SSL] menu
  151. FIGURE 1.77 [Create CSR] window
  152. FIGURE 1.78 Confirmation dialog box
  153. FIGURE 1.79 [Export Key/CSR] window
  154. FIGURE 1.80 [Import Certificate] window
  155. FIGURE 1.81 [Create Selfsigned Certificate] window
  156. SSH] menu
  157. FIGURE 1.82 [Create SSH Server Key] window
  158. Remote Server Management] window
  159. TABLE 1.116 Buttons in the [Remote Server Management] window
  160. FIGURE 1.84 [Edit User] window
  161. Access Control] window
  162. FIGURE 1.85 [Access Control] window
  163. FIGURE 1.86 [Add Filter] window
  164. Alarm E-Mail] window
  165. FIGURE 1.87 [Alarm E-Mail] window
  166. TABLE 1.124 Buttons in the [Alarm E-Mail] window
  167. FIGURE 1.88 [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window(PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E)
  168. TABLE 1.125 Setting and display items in the [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window
  169. Maintenance] Menu
  170. Backup/Restore Configuration] menu
  171. FIGURE 1.91 Backup/Restore MMB Configuration window
  172. FIGURE 1.92 Backup BIOS Configuration window
  173. FIGURE 1.93 [Restore BIOS Configuration] window (1)
  174. FIGURE 1.94 [Restore BIOS Configuration] window (2)
  175. FIGURE 1.95 Backup/Restore BIOS Configuration window
  176. Maintenance Wizard] window
  177. System] Menu for PRIMEQUEST 2800B
  178. TABLE 1.130 Status of Unit and its Icons
  179. FIGURE 1.97 [System Event Log] window
  180. TABLE 1.133 Buttons on [System Event Log] Window
  181. FIGURE 1.98 [System Event Log (Collect)] Window
  182. FIGURE 1.99 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  183. TABLE 1.135 [System Events Log Filtering Condition] Window Buttons
  184. FIGURE 1.100 [System Information] Window
  185. TABLE 1.137 Buttons on the [System Information] Window
  186. FIGURE 1.101 [Firmware Information] Window
  187. FIGURE 1.102 [System Setup] Window
  188. TABLE 1.140 [System Setup] window button
  189. Power Control] Window
  190. TABLE 1.141 Display Items and Set Items of [Power Control] Window
  191. TABLE 1.142 [Power Control] Window Buttons
  192. FIGURE 1.104 [Schedule Control] Window
  193. FIGURE 1.105 [Schedule List] Window
  194. TABLE 1.145 Display Items and Set Items of [Schedule List] Window
  195. FIGURE 1.106 [Schedule List] Window
  196. TABLE 1.147 Display Items and Set Items of [Add Schedule] Window
  197. Console Redirection Setup] Menu
  198. TABLE 1.150 [IPv4 Console redirection Setup] Window Buttons
  199. FIGURE 1.108 [IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] Window
  200. FIGURE 1.109 [Power management Setup] window
  201. ASR Control] Window
  202. FIGURE 1.110 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] Window
  203. Console Redirection] Window
  204. Mode] Window
  205. FIGURE 1.113 [SB#x] Window (1)
  206. FIGURE 1.115 [SB#x] Window (3)
  207. FIGURE 1.117 [SB#x] Window (5)
  208. TABLE 1.159 Display and Setting items on [SB#x] Window
  209. TABLE 1.160 [SB#x] Window Button
  210. FIGURE 1.119 [IOU#x] Window (1)
  211. FIGURE 1.120 [IOU#x] Window (2)
  212. TABLE 1.161 Display Items and Setting Items in [IOU#x] Window
  213. TABLE 1.162 Button of [IOB#x] Screen
  214. MMB] Window
  215. FIGURE 1.123 [MMB#x] Window(2)
  216. TABLE 1.164 [MMB#x] Window button
  217. CHAPTER 2 MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
  218. CLI command list
  219. TABLE 2.3 MMB CLI commands (Operator)
  220. TABLE 2.4 MMB CLI commands (Partition Operator)
  221. TABLE 2.5 MMB CLI commands (User)
  222. TABLE 2.6 MMB CLI commands (CE)
  223. TABLE 2.7 Parameter specification range
  224. Setting Commands
  225. clear access_control
  226. clear ssh_key
  227. download ssh_key
  228. power off
  229. power on
  230. sadump
  231. reset
  232. remove partition
  233. set date
  234. set partition dynamic_reconfiguration
  235. set gateway_ipv6
  236. set hostname
  237. set http_port
  238. set https_port
  239. set ipv6
  240. set maintenance_ip
  241. set partition home
  242. set partition memory_mirror_ras_mode
  243. set partition memory_opration_mode
  244. set partition name
  245. set partition pci_address_mode
  246. set ssh_port
  247. set telnet_port
  248. hotadd partition
  249. hotremove partition
  250. pciinfo partition
  251. show access_control
  252. show active_mmb
  253. show partition configuration
  254. show partition dynamic_reconfiguration
  255. show partition home
  256. show partition name
  257. show partition memory_operation_mode
  258. show partition pci_address_mode
  259. show gateway
  260. show http_port
  261. show https_port
  262. show hostname
  263. show ssh
  264. show telnet_port
  265. show ntpq
  266. TABLE 2.8 Output Items of show ntpq
  267. help
  268. netck traceroute
  269. netck arping
  270. netck ifconfig
  271. show dynamic_reconfiguration status
  272. Update Command
  273. show update_status
  274. Other Commands
  275. passwd
  276. PRIMEQUEST2800B model Commands
  277. TABLE 2.10 MMB CLI commands (Operator)
  278. TABLE 2.11 MMB CLI commands (User)
  279. TABLE 2.12 MMB CLI commands (CE)
  280. set memory_opration_mode
  281. set memory_mirror_ras_mode
  282. set lan_device_mode
  283. show memory_operation_mode
  284. show memory_mirror_ras_mode
  285. show lan_device_mode
  286. add user
  287. console
  288. CHAPTER 3 UEFI Menu Operations
  289. FIGURE 3.2 Window area of Boot Manager Front
  290. Continue] Menu
  291. Boot specification of UEFI
  292. About boot specification of legacy BIOS
  293. Boot processing
  294. TABLE 3.6 Boot failure of Windows Server 2008 (UEFI Boot success of EFI USB Device)
  295. FIGURE 3.6 Example of displayed [Boot Manager] menu
  296. Device Manager] Menu
  297. System Information] Menu
  298. LAN Remote Boot Configuration] Menu
  299. FIGURE 3.9 Display of [LAN Remote Boot Configuration] Menu
  300. FIGURE 3.10 Operation Window of PXE/iSCSI boot Enable Setting
  301. FIGURE 3.11 Display of [Boot Manager] Menu
  302. CPU Configuration] Menu
  303. TABLE 3.17 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  304. TABLE 3.18 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  305. PCI Subsystem Configuration] Menu
  306. TABLE 3.19 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  307. FIGURE 3.16 Display Example of [OpROM Scan Configuration] Menu
  308. TABLE 3.22 Display contents of operation help display
  309. FIGURE 3.17 Display example of [I/O Space Assignment Configuration] Menu
  310. TABLE 3.24 Display contents of Display of Operation help
  311. iSCSI Configuration] menu
  312. TABLE 3.25 Display contents of Menu Selection
  313. FIGURE 3.19 iSCSI Environment Setting Operation Windows (1)
  314. FIGURE 3.20 iSCSI Environment Setting Operation Windows (2) [MAC Selection] menu
  315. FIGURE 3.21 iSCSI Environment Setting Operation Windows (3) [Attempt Configuration]menu
  316. FIGURE 3.22 Display example of [MAC Selection] menu
  317. FIGURE 3.23 Display example of [Attempt Configuration] Menu
  318. FIGURE 3.24 Display example of [Delete Attempts] menu
  319. FIGURE 3.25 Display example of [Change Attempt Order] Menu
  320. Memory Configuration] menu
  321. FIGURE 3.26 Display Example of [Memory Configuration] Menu
  322. USB Configuration] menu
  323. TABLE 3.37 Display contents of Menu selection
  324. Security Configuration] menu
  325. TABLE 3.40 Display contents of operation help display
  326. Boot maintenance Manager] Menu
  327. Boot Mode] Menu
  328. Boot Options] menu
  329. FIGURE 3.32 Display Example of [Boot Manager] Menu
  330. FIGURE 3.33 Display Example of [Add Boot Option] Menu
  331. FIGURE 3.34 A list of Devices
  332. FIGURE 3.36 Windows Server 2012 Installed Disk Window
  333. FIGURE 3.37 Display Example of Boot Option Name Change Window
  334. FIGURE 3.38 Display Example of [Boot Manager] Menu
  335. FIGURE 3.39 Display example of [Delete Boot option] menu
  336. FIGURE 3.40 Delete window (1) of boot option
  337. FIGURE 3.42 [Change Boot Order] Menu
  338. FIGURE 3.43 Change Window of Priority Order (Change Boot Order) (1)
  339. FIGURE 3.44 Change Window of Priority Order (Change Boot Order) (2)
  340. FIGURE 3.46 Display example of [Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order] menu
  341. FIGURE 3.47 Change in priority level (Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order) (1)
  342. FIGURE 3.48 Change in priority level (Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order) (2)
  343. FIGURE 3.50 Change of the priority level (Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order) (4)
  344. FIGURE 3.51 Display Example of [Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order] Menu
  345. FIGURE 3.52 Change of the Priority Level (Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order) (1)
  346. FIGURE 3.53 Change in Priority Level (Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order) (2)
  347. FIGURE 3.55 Change in Priority Level (Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order) (4)
  348. FIGURE 3.56 Example of Displayed [Set Legacy CD‐ROM Drive Order] Menu
  349. FIGURE 3.57 Change in priority level (Set Legacy CD-ROM Drive Order (1)
  350. FIGURE 3.58 Change in priority level (Set Legacy CD-ROM Drive Order (2)
  351. FIGURE 3.59 Change in priority level (Set Legacy CD-ROM Drive Order) (3)
  352. FIGURE 3.61 Display example of the [Set Legacy NET Drive Order] menu
  353. TABLE 3.62 Display contents of menu selection
  354. FIGURE 3.62 Change (Set Legacy NET Drive Order) (1) of priority level
  355. FIGURE 3.64 Change of Priority Level (Set Legacy NET Drive Order) (3)
  356. FIGURE 3.65 Change of Priority Level (Set Legacy NET Drive Order) (4)
  357. Boot From File] Menu
  358. FIGURE 3.67 Specifications of Boot File (1)
  359. FIGURE 3.68 Specifications of Boot File (2)
  360. Boot From DVD/CD] Menu
  361. FIGURE 3.71 Logo Window
  362. FIGURE 3.72 Display Example of [Set Boot Delay Time] Menu
  363. Device Path
  364. Identification of Device Path
  365. FIGURE 3.74 Specification of SAS Disk built in DU#0
  366. FIGURE 3.76 Specification of GigaLAN
  367. CHAPTER 4 UEFI Command Operations
  368. UEFI shell command syntax
  369. UEFI shell command list
  370. CHAPTER 5 Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
  371. Show slot status (slot subcommand)
  372. Show resources on device (show subcommand)
  373. Hot plug collaboration function
  374. Timeout of collaboration program
  375. Method of describing configuration file of collaboration program
  376. Permission required for collaboration program
  377. Exit status of collaboration program
  378. CHAPTER 6 Setting of sadump environment
  379. FIGURE 6.1 Structure of menu for sadump configuration (1)
  380. FIGURE 6.2 Structure of menu for sadump configuration (2)
  381. Screen areas
  382. Set up Manager] Menu
  383. FIGURE 6.6 sadump setup menu
  384. Dump device Manager] Menu
  385. Create a dump device] Menu
  386. Select device] Menu
  387. TABLE 6.10 Displayed contents of the help display area for operation
  388. Setting dump device] Menu
  389. FIGURE 6.11 [Select device] Menu
  390. Select discard dump device] Menu
  391. Select multiple devices] Menu
  392. FIGURE 6.14 [Confirmation] Menu
  393. TABLE 6.19 Displayed contents of menu selection area
  394. A.1 Setting Items of MMB Web-UI
  395. A.1.2 Setting Item of [Operation Log Filtering Condition] Window
  396. A.1.3 Setting Items of [System Information] Window
  397. A.1.5 Setting items of [System Power Control] Window
  398. A.1.7 Setting Items of [Schedule Control] Window
  399. A.1.10 Setting Items of [IPv4 Console Redirection Setup] Window
  400. A.1.13 Setting Items of [ASR Control] Window
  401. A.1.15 Setting Items of [Mode] Window
  402. A.1.17 Setting Items of [Date/Time] Window
  403. A.1.18 Setting Items of [IPv4 Interface] Window
  404. A.1.19 Setting Items of [IPv6 Interface] Window
  405. A.1.20 Setting Items of [Management LAN Port Configuration] Window
  406. A.1.21 Setting Items of [Network Protocols] Window
  407. A.1.23 Setting Items of [SNMP Community] Window
  408. A.1.25 Setting Items of [SNMP v3 Configuration] Window
  409. A.1.26 Setting Items of [Create CSR] Window
  410. A.1.28 Setting Items of [Edit User] Window
  411. A.1.30 Setting Items of [Alarm E-Mail] Window
  412. A.2.1 Setting Items on [LAN Remote Boot Configuration] Window
  413. A.2.3 Setting Items on [PCI Subsystem Configuration] Window
  414. TABLE A.35 Setting Items of [OpROM Scan Configuration] Window (1/2)
  415. A.2.4 Setting Items on [iSCS Configuration] Window
  416. TABLE A.39 Setting Items of [Attempt Configuration] Window
  417. A.2.5 Setting Items on [Memory Configuration] Window
  418. A.3 Setting Items on Video redirection
  419. A.3.3 Setting Items on [Mouse] Window
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. general description
  2. revision history
  3. safety precautions
  4. about this product
  5. support and service
  6. command syntax
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. CHAPTER 1 Product Overview
  17. Product Lineup
  18. FIGURE 1.2 External Overview of 2800B
  19. PRIMEQUEST 2000 series configuration
  20. Hardware configuration
  21. FIGURE 1.5 Hardware configuration image (PRIMEQUEST 2800E)
  22. FIGURE 1.6 Hardware configuration image (PRIMEQUEST 2800B)
  23. Hardware specifications
  24. Partition management
  25. Hardware technologies
  26. QuickPath Interconnect (QPI)
  27. Memory Mirror Functions
  28. PCI Hot Plug Function
  29. Extended Partitioning
  30. Management Board (MMB)
  31. Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE)
  32. iSCSI boot and iSCSI connection
  33. FCoE boot and FCoE connection
  34. Wake on LAN (WOL)
  35. Optimal Fan Control Cooling (Optimization of rotation per minute of fans)
  36. Power Saving
  37. Operating system and virtualization software
  38. FIGURE 1.7 Configuration diagram of the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series operation management
  39. FIGURE 1.8 SVIM setup flow
  40. Fujitsu middleware products
  41. CHAPTER 2 Hardware Configuration
  42. Base cabinet
  43. FIGURE 2.4 PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E right view
  44. FIGURE 2.7 PRIMEQUEST 2800B rear view
  45. Support CPU list
  46. Supported DIMM
  47. FIGURE 2.11 SB External view
  48. FIGURE 2.12 system diagram
  49. MMB (Management Board)
  50. MMB serial interface
  51. External ports of the MMB
  52. FIGURE 2.14 External view of IOU_1GbE
  53. IOU card slot
  54. DU specifications
  55. FIGURE 2.17 External view of the DU
  56. Internal storage device
  57. Internal SSD
  58. FIGURE 2.18 External view of OPL
  59. OPL specifications
  60. FIGURE 2.19 PCI_Box conceptual diagram
  61. PCI_Box mounting structural diagram
  62. PCI_Box block diagram
  63. PCI_Box component list
  64. FIGURE 2.24 PCI_Box connection diagram (maximum configuration) for mounted four IOU_10GbEs
  65. PCI _Box connection conditions
  66. FIGURE 2.27 Connection to different PCI_Boxes pattern 1 (permitted)
  67. PCI_Box number
  68. PCI Express cassette
  69. PSU_P specifications
  70. PSU_S specifications
  71. Dual power feed configuration
  72. TABLE 2.24 FCoE Connection (internal)
  73. CHAPTER 3 Software Configuration
  74. Supplied Drivers
  75. CHAPTER 4 Functions provided by the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series
  76. MMB firmware
  77. Hardware monitoring and configuration display
  78. Partition settings and configuration display
  79. Saving and Restoring System Settings Information
  80. Power Consumption Monitoring
  81. Scheduled Operations
  82. NTP client
  83. Video Redirection
  84. Virtual media
  85. Memory Dump Function (Windows)
  86. CHAPTER 5 Partitioning
  87. Partition granularity
  88. Partition Configuration rule
  89. Reserved SB
  90. Dynamic Reconfiguration Function
  91. CHAPTER 6 Redundancy
  92. Redundancy of external storage
  93. Degradation Function
  94. CHAPTER 7 Applicable Components for Hot Maintenance
  95. CHAPTER 8 Operations Management Tools
  96. Command line interface (CLI)
  97. TABLE 8.1 List of SVS function manuals
  98. UEFI
  99. CHAPTER 9 Server Maintenance
  100. FIGURE 9.1 [System Event Log] Screen
  101. CHAPTER 10 Hardware Installation and Connection
  102. Appendix A Component Mounting Locations
  103. Appendix B Mounting Locations, BUS numbers, and Slot numbers
  104. Appendix C Status checks with LEDs
  105. Appendix D Component Mounting Conditions
  106. Appendix E Cable (Specifications
  107. Appendix F Tree Structure of the MIB provided with the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series
  108. Appendix G Linkage functions and Services
  109. Appendix H Function list supported by OS
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. installation manual
  2. revision history
  3. safety precautions
  4. about this product
  5. how to use this manual
  6. command syntax
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. CHAPTER 1 Installation Overview
  12. Work performed by the user
  13. CHAPTER 2 Preparing for Main Unit Installation
  14. Before Installing the Main Unit
  15. Facility power requirements and characteristics
  16. Confirming the Supplied Parts
  17. FIGURE 2.1 Power cable socket locations (PRIMEQUEST2000 Series)
  18. FIGURE 2.2 Power cable socket locations (PCI_Box)
  19. CHAPTER 3 Work before Operating System Installation
  20. Power-on/off of main unit
  21. Connecting the MMB console PC
  22. MMB Initialization
  23. Setting of Connection for Actual operating Environment
  24. TABLE 3.4 Settings required for connecting external LAN
  25. Login to MMB
  26. Web-UI Window View
  27. Network set up of MMB
  28. Set up of telnet
  29. FIGURE 3.7 Example of [Network Protocols] Window
  30. Configuration of DNS server
  31. Set up of Alarm E-Mail
  32. Registration of User Account
  33. Setting of System Name
  34. Setting of Date and Time
  35. Partition Configuration (Physical Partition)
  36. Setting the Home SB
  37. Setting of Reserved SB
  38. Partition name settings
  39. Various mode settings
  40. TABLE 3.7 Setting of Various modes
  41. Settings of Console Redirection
  42. Power OFF and ON of the partition
  43. Confirmation of partition information
  44. Partition Configuration (Extended Partitioning)
  45. Generating the Extended Partition
  46. Assigning SB resources to Extended Partition
  47. Assigning IOU resources to Extended Partition
  48. Assigning PCI_Box resources to Extended Partition
  49. Power OFF and ON of the Extended Partition
  50. Storage of the configuration information
  51. CHAPTER 4 Installation of Operating System and bundled software
  52. Procedure to install Windows in SAN/iSCSI storage device
  53. Preparation for installation
  54. Bundled software setting after installation is completed
  55. Connection of SAN and the internal HDD/SDD after installation
  56. Preparations for installation
  57. Setting the bundled software after completion of installation
  58. After Installation, Connection between SAN and internal HDD/SSD
  59. Procedures to install RHEL in SAN storage device
  60. Execution of installation
  61. Configuring Bundled Software after Installation
  62. After installation, connecting SAN and internal HDD/SSD
  63. Preparing for Installation
  64. After installation, connecting SAN with internal HDD/SSD
  65. Preparation of installation
  66. Setting of Software Watchdog
  67. Procedure to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 3 into the SAN Storage Unit
  68. Installation
  69. Procedure to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 3 into the Internal HDD
  70. CHAPTER 5 Work after Operating System installation
  71. Setting of sadump
  72. Setup of dump environment (Windows)
  73. Setup of dump environment (Linux)
  74. Setup of NTP client
  75. Storage of BIOS configuration information
  76. CHAPTER 6 Work after installation
  77. NTP Configuration
  78. Setting NTP server
  79. Configuring DNS server
  80. Set up of security
  81. Set up of SNMP
  82. set up of ssh
  83. HTTPS Settings
  84. Schedule operations
  85. CHAPTER 7 Power ON and OFF of the partition
  86. Power OFF of the partition
  87. Appendix A List of setting items
  88. Appendix B About software
  89. Appendix C Configuring the SAN boot environment
  90. Appendix D Notes on VMware installation
  91. Appendix E Setting up the NTP Server (Windows)
  92. E.2 NTP Settings in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
  93. FIGURE E.2 [Date and Time] window (1)
  94. FIGURE E.3 [Date and Time] window (2)
  95. FIGURE E.4 [Internet Time Settings] window
  96. E.2.2 Synchronization Interval and Startup Settings of NTP Service
  97. FIGURE E.6 [Registry Editor] window
  98. E.2.3 Event Task Settings
  99. FIGURE E.8 [Task Scheduler] window
  100. FIGURE E.10 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Task Trigger)
  101. FIGURE E.11 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (When a Specific Event Is Logged)
  102. FIGURE E.13 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Start a Program)
  103. FIGURE E.15 [Properties] dialog box
  104. E.3 NTP Settings in Windows Server 2008 R2
  105. FIGURE E.18 [Date and Time] window (2)
  106. E.3.2 Synchronization Interval and Startup Settings of NTP Service
  107. FIGURE E.22 [Services] window
  108. E.3.3 Event Task Settings
  109. FIGURE E.24 [Task Scheduler] window
  110. FIGURE E.26 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Task Trigger)
  111. FIGURE E.28 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Action)
  112. FIGURE E.29 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Start a Program)
  113. FIGURE E.31 [Properties] dialog box
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. revision history
  2. safety precautions
  3. about this product
  4. support and service
  5. command syntax
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. CHAPTER 1 REMCS Service Overview
  9. Installing the REMCS function
  10. CHAPTER 2 Before Using the REMCS Service
  11. P-P connection (ISDN: e-mail)
  12. FIGURE 2.3 P-P connection (ISDN: e-mail) (using the network connected to a USER port)
  13. CHAPTER 3 REMCS Service Start Procedure
  14. FIGURE 3.1 REMCS Center registration flow
  15. REMCS Center Registration
  16. Setting the connection configuration
  17. Setting up the environment
  18. FIGURE 3.4 [Initial Settings] window
  19. FIGURE 3.5 [Internet(Mail Only) connection environment settings] window
  20. Setting the periodic connection schedule
  21. Setting the customer information
  22. FIGURE 3.8 [Customer Information] window
  23. FIGURE 3.9 [Customer Information Review] window
  24. Confirming the registration result
  25. Checking the connection
  26. Importing the Registration Information
  27. FIGURE 3.14 [Importation of the REMCS settings] window
  28. FIGURE 3.16 [Connection check information] window
  29. Replacing the S/MIME certificate during the initialization work
  30. FIGURE 3.20 [Confirmation of certificate] window (during initialization work)
  31. The notes about the importing and the automatic registration procedures of the REMCS settings
  32. CHAPTER 4 REMCS Service Operations
  33. REMCS Service Menu
  34. Periodical Connection
  35. Export Settings
  36. FIGURE 4.5 [Exportation of the REMCS settings] window
  37. Connection type change
  38. FIGURE 4.7 [Display of certificate] window (with certificate not replaced)
  39. Replacing the certificate
  40. Restoring a certificate
  41. Connection check
  42. FIGURE 4.14 [Connection check] window (with personal information deleted)
  43. Temporary Disconnection
  44. Reconnection
  45. HW Config. Info
  46. FIGURE 4.19 [Sending Software Configuration Information] window
  47. CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 5 REMCS Service Detail Settings
  48. Detail Environment Settings
  49. FIGURE 5.3 [Environment settings] window in case of P-P connection
  50. Selecting REMCS Center
  51. Machine Name Display Change
  52. Deleting the Personal Information
  53. FIGURE 5.8 [Display of certificate] window (SSL)
  54. CHAPTER 6 REMCS Messages
  55. TABLE 6.4 Messages in the state display frame
  56. TABLE 6.8 Messages in the [Initial Settings] window
  57. TABLE 6.10 Messages in the [Customer Information Review] window
  58. TABLE 6.13 Messages in the [Point-to-Point Connection environment settings] window
  59. TABLE 6.14 Messages in the [Periodical Connection settings] window
  60. TABLE 6.16 Message in the [Customer Information Review] window
  61. TABLE 6.18 Messages in the [Registration result] window
  62. TABLE 6.20 Messages in the [Connection check] window or [Connection check information] window
  63. TABLE 6.23 Message in the [Sending Hardware Configuration Information] window
  64. TABLE 6.26 Messages in the [Environment settings] window
  65. TABLE 6.28 Messages in the [Select language(Japanese or English)] window
  66. TABLE 6.32 Messages in the [Replacement of certificates] window
  67. Communication Error Messages (SMTP Communication)
  68. Other Error Messages
  69. CHAPTER 7 MMB Log Collection
  70. CHAPTER 8 Notes on Using REMCS GUI
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. safety precautions
  2. warning labels
  3. how to use this manual
  4. command syntax
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Table Of Contents
  22. Table Of Contents
  23. Table Of Contents
  24. Table Of Contents
  25. Table Of Contents
  26. Table Of Contents
  27. Table Of Contents
  28. Table Of Contents
  29. Table Of Contents
  30. CHAPTER 1 MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
  31. Web-UI menus (Administrator)
  32. Web-UI menus (Operator)
  33. Web-UI menus (Partition Operator)
  34. Web-UI menus (User)
  35. Web-UI menus (CE)
  36. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode
  37. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Administrator)
  38. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Operator)
  39. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (Partition Operator)
  40. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (User)
  41. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (CE)
  42. Web-UI menus in maintenance mode (maintenance personnel)
  43. Web-UI menus (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B model)
  44. System] Menu for PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E
  45. TABLE 1.15 Status of Unit and its Icons
  46. System Event Log] Window
  47. TABLE 1.17 Items displayed in [System Event Log] Window
  48. FIGURE 1.3 [System Event Log (Collect)] Window
  49. FIGURE 1.4 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  50. TABLE 1.19 Display and Setting Items on [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  51. TABLE 1.20 [System Events Log Filtering Condition] Window Buttons
  52. Operation Log] Window
  53. TABLE 1.22 [Operation Log] Window Buttons
  54. FIGURE 1.6 [Operating Log Filtering Condition] Window
  55. TABLE 1.23 Display and Set Items of [Operating Log Filtering Condition] Window
  56. Partition Event Log] Window
  57. FIGURE 1.8 [Partition Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  58. TABLE 1.27 Display and Set Items of [Partition Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  59. System Information] Window
  60. TABLE 1.29 Display and Set Items of [System Information] window
  61. Firmware Information] Window
  62. TABLE 1.31 Display Item of [Firmware Information] Window
  63. System Setup] Window
  64. TABLE 1.32 Display Items and Setting Items in [System Setup] Window
  65. TABLE 1.33 [System Setup] window button
  66. System Power Control] window
  67. TABLE 1.35 [System Power Control] Window Button
  68. LEDs] window
  69. TABLE 1.36 Display Items and Setting Items in [LEDs] Window
  70. Power Supply] window
  71. TABLE 1.38 Display Item on [Power Supply] Window
  72. Fans] window
  73. TABLE 1.40 Display items of [Fans] window
  74. Temperature] window
  75. TABLE 1.42 Display Items on [Temperature] Window
  76. SB] Menu
  77. FIGURE 1.19 [SB#x] Window (2)
  78. FIGURE 1.21 [SB#x] Window (4)
  79. FIGURE 1.23 [SB#x] Window (6)
  80. FIGURE 1.24 [Memory Scale-up Board] Window (1)
  81. FIGURE 1.26 [Memory Scale-up Board] Window (3)
  82. FIGURE 1.28 [Memory Scale-up Board] Window (5)
  83. TABLE 1.43 Display and Setting items on [SB#x] Window
  84. TABLE 1.44 [SB#x] Window Button
  85. FIGURE 1.29 [SB#x Status Clear] Window (Message Display)
  86. FIGURE 1.30 [SB#x] Window (When there is no CPU/DIMM)
  87. IOU] Menu
  88. FIGURE 1.32 [IOU#x] Window (2)
  89. FIGURE 1.33 [IOU#x] Window (3)
  90. TABLE 1.45 Display Items and Setting Items in [IOU#x] Window
  91. TABLE 1.46 Button of [IOB#x] Screen
  92. DU] Menu
  93. TABLE 1.47 Display and Setting items of [DU#x] Window
  94. TABLE 1.48 Buttons on [DU#x] Window
  95. PCI_Box] Menu
  96. FIGURE 1.36 [PCI_Box] Window (2)
  97. FIGURE 1.38 [PCI_Box] Window (4)
  98. TABLE 1.49 Display Items of [PCI_Box#x] Window
  99. TABLE 1.50 [MMB#x] Window button
  100. OPL] Window
  101. TABLE 1.52 Button on [OPL] window
  102. MMB] Menu
  103. TABLE 1.53 Display of [MMB#x] Window / setting items
  104. TABLE 1.54 [MMB#x] Window button
  105. Disk Enclosure] Menu
  106. FIGURE 1.42 [Disk Enclosure#x] Window (2)
  107. TABLE 1.55 Display and Setting items of [Disk Enclosure#x] Window
  108. Partition] Menu for PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E
  109. FIGURE 1.43 [Power Control] Window
  110. FIGURE 1.45 [Power Control] Window (Grayout Display)
  111. FIGURE 1.46 [Power Control] Window (Grayout Display) (When Extended Partitioning Mode is enable)
  112. TABLE 1.56 Display Items and Set Items of [Power Control] Window
  113. FIGURE 1.47 Display of Errors of [Power Control] Window
  114. Schedule] Menu
  115. TABLE 1.58 Display Items and Setting Items of [Schedule Control] Window
  116. Schedule list] Window
  117. TABLE 1.60 Display Items and Set Items of [Schedule List] Window
  118. Add Schedule] window/ [Edit Schedule] window
  119. TABLE 1.62 Display Items and Set Items of [Add Schedule] Window
  120. TABLE 1.63 [Add Schedule] Window Buttons
  121. Console Redirection Setup] window
  122. TABLE 1.64 Display Items and Set Items of [IPv4 Console redirection Setup] Window
  123. IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] window
  124. TABLE 1.66 Display Items and Set Items of [IPv6 Console redirection Setup] Window
  125. Partition Configuration] Menu
  126. FIGURE 1.54 [Partition Configuration] Window (When Extended Partitioning Mode is enable)
  127. TABLE 1.68 Display Items and Set Items of [Add Schedule] Window
  128. Set Partition Name] Button
  129. TABLE 1.70 Display Items and Set Items of [Add SB/IOU to Partition] Window
  130. Remove SB/IOU from Partition] Window
  131. TABLE 1.71 Display Items and Set Items of [Remove SB/IOU to partition] Window
  132. Partition Home] window
  133. Partition #x Extended Partition Configuration] Menu
  134. FIGURE 1.61 [Extended Partition Configuration of SB Resources] Window (2)
  135. TABLE 1.72 Allocation granularity of Memory by Memory Operation Mode
  136. TABLE 1.73 Display Items and Set Items of [Extended Partition Configuration of SB Resources] Window
  137. FIGURE 1.62 [Extended Partition Configuration of SB Resources] no Extended Partitioning window
  138. IOU] window
  139. TABLE 1.74 Display Items and Set Items of [Extended Partition Configuration of IOU Resources] Window
  140. PCI_Box] window
  141. FIGURE 1.66 [Extended Partition Configuration of PCI_Box Resources] no Extended Partitioning Window
  142. Extended Socket Configuration] Window
  143. FIGURE 1.68 Display of Errors of [Extended Socket Configuration] window
  144. TABLE 1.77 [Extended Socket Configuration] Window Buttons
  145. Reserved SB Configuration] window
  146. TABLE 1.78 Display Items and Set Items of [Reserved SB Configuration] Window
  147. Power Management Setup] Window
  148. TABLE 1.80 Display Items and Set Items of [Power Management Setup] Window
  149. Partition#x] Menu
  150. FIGURE 1.72 [Information] Window (In case of a Extended Partition)
  151. TABLE 1.82 Display Items of [Information] Window
  152. ASR Control] Window
  153. TABLE 1.83 Display Items and Set Items of [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] Window
  154. TABLE 1.84 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] Window Buttons
  155. Console Redirection] Window
  156. Mode] Window
  157. FIGURE 1.77 [Mode] Window (Extended Partition)
  158. TABLE 1.87 Display Items and Setting Items in [Mode] Window
  159. User Administration] Menu
  160. TABLE 1.89 Buttons in the [User List] window
  161. Add User] window
  162. Edit User] window
  163. TABLE 1.90 Setting and display items in the [Add User] and [Edit User] windows
  164. Remove User] button
  165. Change Password] window
  166. Who] window
  167. Network Configuration] Menu
  168. TABLE 1.94 Setting and display items in the [Date/Time] window
  169. TABLE 1.95 Buttons in the [Date/Time] window
  170. Network Interface] window
  171. FIGURE 1.85 [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E) (2)
  172. FIGURE 1.86 [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B) (1)
  173. FIGURE 1.87 [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B) (2)
  174. TABLE 1.97 Setting and display items in the [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B)
  175. TABLE 1.98 Buttons in the [IPv4 Interface] window
  176. IPv6 Interface] window
  177. FIGURE 1.89 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E) (2)
  178. FIGURE 1.90 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B) (1)
  179. FIGURE 1.91 [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B) (2)
  180. TABLE 1.100 Setting and display items in the [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B)
  181. TABLE 1.101 Buttons in the [IPv6 Interface] window
  182. Management LAN Port Configuration] window
  183. TABLE 1.104 Buttons in the [Management LAN Port Configuration] window
  184. Network Protocols] window
  185. TABLE 1.105 Setting and display items in the [Network Protocols] window
  186. TABLE 1.106 Buttons in the [Network Protocols] window
  187. Refresh Rate] window
  188. SNMP Configuration] window
  189. TABLE 1.109 Setting and display items in the [SNMP Community] window
  190. SNMP Trap] window
  191. TABLE 1.111 Setting and display items in the [SNMP Trap] window
  192. SNMP v3 Configuration] window
  193. TABLE 1.114 Buttons in the [SNMP v3 Configuration] window
  194. SSL] menu
  195. TABLE 1.115 Setting and display items in the [Create CSR] window
  196. FIGURE 1.100 Confirmation dialog box
  197. Export Key/CSR] window
  198. TABLE 1.117 Buttons in the [Export Key/CSR] window
  199. Import Certificate] window
  200. Create Selfsigned Certificate] window
  201. TABLE 1.120 Buttons in the [Create Selfsigned Certificate] window
  202. SSH] menu
  203. Remote Server Management] window
  204. TABLE 1.122 Display and setting items in the [Remote Server Management] window
  205. FIGURE 1.106 [Edit User] window
  206. TABLE 1.125 Buttons in the [Edit User]
  207. Access Control] window
  208. TABLE 1.127 Buttons in the [Access Control] window
  209. FIGURE 1.108 [Add Filter] window
  210. TABLE 1.128 Setting and display items in the [Add Filter] window
  211. Alarm E-Mail] window
  212. TABLE 1.131 Buttons in the [Alarm E-Mail] window
  213. FIGURE 1.110 [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window(PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E)
  214. FIGURE 1.111 [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window(PRIMQUEST 2800B)
  215. TABLE 1.132 Setting and display items in the [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window
  216. Maintenance] Menu
  217. Backup/Restore Configuration] menu
  218. Backup BIOS Configuration] window for PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E
  219. Restore BIOS Configuration] window for PRIMEQUEST 2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E
  220. FIGURE 1.116 [Restore BIOS Configuration] window (2)
  221. FIGURE 1.117 Backup/Restore BIOS Configuration window
  222. Maintenance Wizard] window
  223. System] Menu for PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B
  224. TABLE 1.137 Status of Unit and its Icons
  225. TABLE 1.139 Items displayed in [System Event Log] Window
  226. FIGURE 1.120 [System Event Log (Collect)] Window
  227. FIGURE 1.121 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  228. TABLE 1.141 Display and Setting Items on [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  229. TABLE 1.142 [System Events Log Filtering Condition] Window Buttons
  230. TABLE 1.143 Display and Set Items of [System Information] window
  231. TABLE 1.145 Display Item of [Firmware Information] Window
  232. TABLE 1.146 Display Items and Setting Items in [System Setup] Window
  233. TABLE 1.147 [System Setup] window button
  234. Power Control] Window
  235. TABLE 1.148 Display Items and Set Items of [Power Control] Window
  236. TABLE 1.149 [Power Control] Window Buttons
  237. TABLE 1.150 Display Items and Setting Items of [Schedule Control] Window
  238. TABLE 1.152 Display Items and Set Items of [Schedule List] Window
  239. TABLE 1.153 [Schedule List] Window Buttons
  240. TABLE 1.154 Display Items and Set Items of [Add Schedule] Window
  241. Console Redirection Setup] Menu
  242. TABLE 1.158 Display Items and Set Items of [IPv6 Console redirection Setup] Window
  243. TABLE 1.160 Display Items and Set Items of [Power Management Setup] Window
  244. TABLE 1.163 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] Window Buttons
  245. TABLE 1.165 Display Items and Setting Items in [Mode] Window
  246. FIGURE 1.136 [SB#x] Window (2)
  247. FIGURE 1.138 [SB#x] Window (4)
  248. TABLE 1.166 Display and Setting items on [SB#x] Window
  249. TABLE 1.167 [SB#x] Window Button
  250. FIGURE 1.141 [IOU#x] Window (2)
  251. TABLE 1.168 Display Items and Setting Items in [IOU#x] Window
  252. TABLE 1.169 Button of [IOB#x] Screen
  253. FIGURE 1.144 [MMB#x] Window(2)
  254. TABLE 1.170 Display of [MMB] Window / setting items
  255. CHAPTER 2 MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
  256. CLI command list
  257. TABLE 2.3 MMB CLI commands (Operator)
  258. TABLE 2.4 MMB CLI commands (Partition Operator)
  259. TABLE 2.5 MMB CLI commands (User)
  260. TABLE 2.6 MMB CLI commands (CE)
  261. TABLE 2.7 Parameter specification range
  262. Setting Commands
  263. add partition
  264. clear access_control
  265. clear ssh_key
  266. download ssh_key
  267. power off
  268. power on
  269. sadump
  270. reset
  271. remove partition
  272. set active_mmb
  273. set partition dynamic_reconfiguration
  274. set gateway
  275. set hostname
  276. set http
  277. set https
  278. set ip
  279. set ipv6
  280. set maintenance_ip
  281. set partition home
  282. set partition lan_device_mode
  283. set partition memory_mirror_ras_mode
  284. set partition memory_operation_mode
  285. set partition name
  286. set partition pci_address_mode
  287. set partition pci_express_mode
  288. set ssh
  289. set telnet
  290. set timezone
  291. set partition extended_partitioning_mode
  292. set partition dimm_excl_mode
  293. set partition skt_binding_mode
  294. add extended_partition sb
  295. add extended_partition iou
  296. add extended_partition pcibox
  297. remove extended_partition sb
  298. remove extended_partition iou
  299. remove extended_partition pcibox
  300. hotadd partition
  301. hotremove partition
  302. pciinfo partition
  303. set partition extended_socket_mode
  304. set partition extended_socket_zone
  305. set partition memory_sparing_mode
  306. create raid logical_drive
  307. delete raid logical_drive
  308. modify raid logical_drive_policy
  309. modify raid logical_drive
  310. create raid global_hotspare
  311. create raid dedicated_hotspare
  312. delete raid hotspare
  313. start raid locate_pd
  314. stop raid locate_pd
  315. start raid locate_ld
  316. stop raid locate_ld
  317. start raid locate_encl
  318. stop raid locate_encl
  319. start raid rebuild
  320. cancel raid rebuild
  321. start raid copyback
  322. cancel raid copyback
  323. start raid mdc
  324. cancel raid mdc
  325. start raid patrol
  326. cancel raid patrol
  327. make raid online
  328. make raid offline
  329. replace raid missing_drive
  330. Commands for Display
  331. show access_control
  332. show date
  333. show partition configuration
  334. show partition dynamic_reconfiguration
  335. show partition home
  336. show partition lan_device_mode
  337. show partition name
  338. show partition memory_mirror_ras_mode
  339. show partition memory_operation_mode
  340. show partition pci_address_mode
  341. show gateway
  342. show http
  343. show https
  344. show ip
  345. show hostname
  346. show ssh
  347. show telnet
  348. show network
  349. show ntpq
  350. TABLE 2.8 Output Items of show ntpq
  351. help
  352. netck traceroute
  353. netck arptbl
  354. netck arping
  355. netck ifconfig
  356. netck stat
  357. show dynamic_reconfiguration status
  358. show partition extended_partitioning_mode
  359. show partition dimm_excl_mode
  360. show partition skt_binding_mode
  361. show extended_partition configuration
  362. show partition status
  363. show partition extended_socket_mode
  364. show partition extended_socket_zone
  365. show partition memory_sparing_mode
  366. show raid adapter
  367. show raid disk_enclosure
  368. show raid physical_drive
  369. show raid physical_drive_count
  370. show raid logical_drive
  371. show raid logical_drive_count
  372. show raid bbu
  373. Update Command
  374. Update ALL
  375. show update_status
  376. Other Commands
  377. ping
  378. PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B model Commands
  379. TABLE 2.9 MMB CLI commands (Administrator)
  380. TABLE 2.10 MMB CLI commands (Operator)
  381. TABLE 2.11 MMB CLI commands (User)
  382. TABLE 2.12 MMB CLI commands (CE)
  383. set memory_operation_mode
  384. set memory_mirror_ras_mode
  385. set lan_device_mode
  386. show memory_operation_mode
  387. show memory_mirror_ras_mode
  388. show lan_device_mode
  389. add user
  390. show user_list
  391. console
  392. show system_control status
  393. set memory_sparing_mode
  394. show memory_sparing_mode
  395. CHAPTER 3 UEFI Menu Operations
  396. FIGURE 3.2 Window area of Boot Manager Front
  397. Continue] Menu
  398. Boot specification of UEFI
  399. About boot specification of legacy BIOS
  400. Boot processing
  401. TABLE 3.6 Boot failure of Windows Server 2008 (UEFI Boot success of EFI USB Device)
  402. FIGURE 3.6 Example of displayed [Boot Manager] menu
  403. Device Manager] Menu
  404. System Information] Menu
  405. TABLE 3.12 Display Contents of the System Information Display
  406. LAN Remote Boot Configuration] Menu
  407. FIGURE 3.9 Display of [LAN Remote Boot Configuration] Menu
  408. FIGURE 3.10 Operation Window of PXE/iSCSI boot Enable Setting
  409. FIGURE 3.11 Display of [Boot Manager] Menu
  410. FIGURE 3.13 Display of [Set Legacy Net Drive Order] Menu
  411. CPU Configuration] Menu
  412. TABLE 3.17 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  413. TABLE 3.18 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  414. PCI Subsystem Configuration] Menu
  415. TABLE 3.19 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  416. OpROM Scan Configuration] Menu
  417. TABLE 3.21 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  418. TABLE 3.22 Display contents of operation help display
  419. I/O Space Assignment Configuration] Menu
  420. TABLE 3.23 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  421. iSCSI Configuration] menu
  422. TABLE 3.25 Display contents of Menu Selection
  423. FIGURE 3.20 iSCSI Environment Setting Operation Windows (1)
  424. FIGURE 3.21 iSCSI Environment Setting Operation Windows (2) [MAC Selection] menu
  425. FIGURE 3.22 iSCSI Environment Setting Operation Windows (3) [Attempt Configuration]menu
  426. MAC Selection] Menu
  427. TABLE 3.28 Display contents of operation help display
  428. Attempt Configuration] Menu
  429. TABLE 3.29 Display contents of menu selection
  430. TABLE 3.30 Display contents of operation help display
  431. Delete Attempts] Menu
  432. TABLE 3.32 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  433. Change Attempt Order] menu
  434. TABLE 3.34 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  435. Memory Configuration] menu
  436. TABLE 3.35 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  437. USB Configuration] menu
  438. TABLE 3.37 Display contents of Menu selection
  439. Security Configuration] menu
  440. TABLE 3.39 Display Contents of Menu Selection
  441. TABLE 3.40 Display contents of operation help display
  442. Secure Boot Configuration] menu
  443. PK Options] Menu
  444. Enroll KEK] Menu
  445. Enroll Signature] Menu
  446. Boot maintenance Manager] Menu
  447. TABLE 3.55 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  448. Boot Mode] Menu
  449. TABLE 3.57 Display contents of operation help display
  450. Boot Options] menu
  451. FIGURE 3.33 Display Example of [Boot Manager] Menu
  452. FIGURE 3.34 Display Example of [Add Boot Option] Menu
  453. FIGURE 3.35 A list of Devices
  454. FIGURE 3.36 Display example of File Selection Window
  455. FIGURE 3.37 Windows Server 2012 Installed Disk Window
  456. FIGURE 3.38 Display Example of Boot Option Name Change Window
  457. FIGURE 3.39 Display Example of [Boot Manager] Menu
  458. FIGURE 3.40 Display example of [Delete Boot option] menu
  459. FIGURE 3.41 Delete window (1) of boot option
  460. FIGURE 3.42 Boot Option Deletion Window (2)
  461. FIGURE 3.43 [Change Boot Order] Menu
  462. TABLE 3.64 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  463. FIGURE 3.44 Change Window of Priority Order (Change Boot Order) (1)
  464. FIGURE 3.46 Windows after setting of priority level is changed (Change Boot Order) (3)
  465. FIGURE 3.47 Display example of [Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order] menu
  466. TABLE 3.67 Display contents of operation help display
  467. FIGURE 3.48 Change in priority level (Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order) (1)
  468. FIGURE 3.50 Change of priority level (Set Legacy Floppy Drive Order) (3)
  469. FIGURE 3.52 Display Example of [Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order] Menu
  470. TABLE 3.70 Display Contents of the Operation Help Display
  471. FIGURE 3.53 Change of the Priority Level (Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order) (1)
  472. FIGURE 3.55 Change in Priority Level (Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order) (3)
  473. FIGURE 3.56 Change in Priority Level (Set Legacy HardDisk Drive Order) (4)
  474. FIGURE 3.57 Example of Displayed [Set Legacy CD‐ROM Drive Order] Menu
  475. TABLE 3.73 Display Contents of Operation Help Display
  476. FIGURE 3.58 Change in priority level (Set Legacy CD-ROM Drive Order (1)
  477. FIGURE 3.60 Change in priority level (Set Legacy CD-ROM Drive Order) (3)
  478. FIGURE 3.61 Change in priority level (Set Legacy CD-ROM Drive Order) (4)
  479. FIGURE 3.62 Display example of the [Set Legacy NET Drive Order] menu
  480. TABLE 3.76 Display content of Operation Help Display
  481. FIGURE 3.63 Change (Set Legacy NET Drive Order) (1) of priority level
  482. FIGURE 3.65 Change of Priority Level (Set Legacy NET Drive Order) (3)
  483. FIGURE 3.66 Change of Priority Level (Set Legacy NET Drive Order) (4)
  484. Boot From File] Menu
  485. FIGURE 3.68 Specifications of Boot File (1)
  486. FIGURE 3.70 Specifications of Boot File (3)
  487. Boot From DVD/CD] Menu
  488. Set Boot Delay Time] Menu
  489. TABLE 3.79 Display Content of Menu Selection Help Display
  490. Device Path
  491. TABLE 3.82 Parameter of Device Path
  492. Identification of Device Path
  493. FIGURE 3.76 Specification of Disk from Fibre Card
  494. CHAPTER 4 UEFI Command Operations
  495. UEFI shell command syntax
  496. TABLE 4.2 Output redirection
  497. UEFI shell command list
  498. CHAPTER 5 Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
  499. Device hot-add/hot-remove operation (add/rm subcommand)
  500. Show slot status (slot subcommand)
  501. Show resources on device (show subcommand)
  502. Information gathering (dr report subcommand)
  503. Hot plug collaboration function
  504. Timeout of collaboration program
  505. Naming convention of collaboration program
  506. Method of describing configuration file of collaboration program
  507. Permission required for collaboration program
  508. Exit status of collaboration program
  509. CHAPTER 6 Setting of sadump environment
  510. FIGURE 6.1 Structure of menu for sadump configuration (1)
  511. FIGURE 6.2 Structure of menu for sadump configuration (2)
  512. FIGURE 6.3 Structure of menu for sadump configuration (3)
  513. Screen areas
  514. Main menu
  515. Set up Manager] Menu
  516. TABLE 6.4 Displayed contents of the help display area for operation
  517. Dump device Manager] Menu
  518. Create a dump device] Menu
  519. Select device] Menu
  520. TABLE 6.10 Displayed contents of the help display area for operation
  521. Setting dump device] Menu
  522. TABLE 6.12 Displayed contents of the help display area for operation
  523. Select discard dump device] Menu
  524. Select multiple devices] Menu
  525. FIGURE 6.14 [Confirmation] Menu
  526. A.1 Setting Items of MMB Web-UI
  527. A.1.1 Setting items of [System Event Log Filtering Condition] Window
  528. A.1.2 Setting Item of [Operation Log Filtering Condition] Window
  529. A.1.4 Setting Items of [System Information] Window
  530. A.1.6 Setting items of [System Power Control] Window
  531. A.1.9 Setting Items of [Add Schedule]/ [Edit User] Window
  532. A.1.11 Setting Items of [IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] Window
  533. A.1.14 Setting Items of [ASR Control] Window
  534. A.1.16 Setting Items of [Mode] Window
  535. A.1.17 Setting Items of [Add User]/ [Edit User] Window
  536. A.1.18 Setting Items of [Change Password] Window
  537. A.1.19 Setting Items of [Date/Time] Window
  538. A.1.20 Setting Items of [IPv4 Interface] Window
  539. A.1.21 Setting Items of [IPv6 Interface] Window
  540. A.1.22 Setting Items of [Management LAN Port Configuration] Window
  541. A.1.23 Setting Items of [Network Protocols] Window
  542. A.1.25 Setting Items of [SNMP Community] Window
  543. A.1.26 Setting Items of [SNMP Trap] Window
  544. A.1.27 Setting Items of [SNMP v3 Configuration] Window
  545. A.1.29 Setting Items of [Create Selfsigned Certificate] Window
  546. A.1.31 Setting Items of [Add Filter] / [Edit Filter] Window
  547. A.1.33 Setting Items of [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] Window
  548. A.2 Setting Items on UEFI
  549. A.2.2 Setting Items on [CPU Configuration] Window
  550. A.2.3 Setting Items on [PCI Subsystem Configuration] Window
  551. A.2.3.1 Setting Items on [OpROM Scan Configuration] Window
  552. TABLE A.38 Setting Items of [OpROM Scan Configuration] Window (2/2)
  553. A.2.3.2 Setting Items on [I/O Space Assignment Configuration] Window
  554. A.2.4 Setting Items on [iSCS Configuration] Window
  555. A.2.4.1 Setting Items on [Attempt Configuration] Window
  556. A.2.5 Setting Items on [Memory Configuration] Window
  557. A.2.7 Setting Items on [Security Configuration] Window
  558. A.3 Setting Items on Video redirection
  559. A.3.3 Setting Items on [Mouse] Window
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. installation manual
  2. revision history
  3. safety precautions
  4. about this product
  5. how to use this manual
  6. command syntax
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. CHAPTER 1 Installation Overview
  16. Work performed by the user
  17. CHAPTER 2 Preparing for Main Unit Installation
  18. Before Installing the Main Unit
  19. Facility power requirements and characteristics
  20. Confirming the Supplied Parts
  21. FIGURE 2.1 Power cable socket locations (PRIMEQUEST2000 Series)
  22. FIGURE 2.2 Power cable socket locations (PCI_Box)
  23. CHAPTER 3 Work before Operating System Installation
  24. System Startup
  25. Connection and Setting of MMB
  26. Connecting the MMB console PC
  27. MMB Initialization
  28. Setting of Connection for Actual operating Environment
  29. Login to MMB
  30. TABLE 3.6 URL to be entered for Login
  31. Web-UI Window View
  32. Set up of telnet
  33. Configuration of DNS server
  34. Set up of Alarm E-Mail
  35. Registration of User Account
  36. Setting of System Name
  37. Setting of Date and Time
  38. Partition Configuration (Physical Partition)
  39. FIGURE 3.20 [Partition Configuration] Window Example
  40. Setting the Home SB
  41. FIGURE 3.22 Example of [Partition Home] Window
  42. Setting of Reserved SB
  43. Partition name settings
  44. Various mode settings
  45. Settings of Console Redirection
  46. Power OFF and ON of the partition
  47. Confirmation of partition information
  48. Partition Configuration (Extended Partitioning)
  49. Generating the Extended Partition
  50. Assigning SB resources to Extended Partition
  51. Assigning IOU resources to Extended Partition
  52. Assigning PCI_Box resources to Extended Partition
  53. Setting of Extended Socket
  54. TABLE 3.8 Example for Extended Socket (Zone) configuration
  55. Power OFF and ON of the Extended Partition
  56. Storage of the configuration information
  57. CHAPTER 4 Installation of Operating System and bundled software
  58. Procedure to install Windows in SAN/iSCSI storage device
  59. Preparation for installation
  60. Bundled software setting after installation is completed
  61. Connection of SAN and the internal HDD/SDD after installation
  62. Procedures to install Windows into internal HDD/SSD
  63. Installation of operating system
  64. Setting the bundled software after completion of installation
  65. After Installation, Connection between SAN and internal HDD/SSD
  66. Procedures to install RHEL in SAN storage device
  67. Execution of installation
  68. Configuring Bundled Software after Installation
  69. After installation, connecting SAN and internal HDD/SSD
  70. Procedure to install RHEL into internal HDD/SSD
  71. Installation
  72. After installation, connecting SAN with internal HDD/SSD
  73. Procedure to install VMware on the SAN storage device
  74. Installation of VMware
  75. Setting of Software Watchdog
  76. Preparation of installation
  77. Setting of notification in case that OS freezes
  78. Procedure to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server into the SAN Storage Unit
  79. Procedure to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Service Pack 3 into the Internal HDD
  80. CHAPTER 5 Work after Operating System installation
  81. Management LAN setting for SVagent
  82. Setting of sadump
  83. FIGURE 5.3 sadump set-up menu
  84. FIGURE 5.6 Dump Device Maintenance Menu
  85. FIGURE 5.8 Dump Device Selection Menu
  86. FIGURE 5.9 Dump Device Selection Menu
  87. Setup of dump environment (Windows)
  88. Setup of dump environment (Linux)
  89. Setup of NTP client
  90. Storage of BIOS configuration information
  91. Write Policy" recommended setting of SAS array controller card
  92. CHAPTER 6 Work after installation
  93. NTP Configuration
  94. FIGURE 6.2 Operation Diagram when External NTP Server is used (When three NTP servers are used)
  95. Setting NTP server
  96. Configuring DNS server
  97. Set up of Access Control
  98. Set up of SNMP
  99. FIGURE 6.7 Example of [SNMP Community] Window
  100. FIGURE 6.8 Example of [SNMP Trap] Window
  101. FIGURE 6.10 Example of [Network Protocols] Window
  102. HTTPS Settings
  103. CHAPTER 7 Power ON and OFF of the partition
  104. Power OFF of the partition
  105. Appendix A List of setting items
  106. Appendix B About software
  107. Appendix C Configuring the SAN boot environment
  108. Appendix D Notes on VMware installation
  109. Appendix E Setting up the NTP Server (Windows)
  110. E.1 Overview of NTP Client Settings
  111. E.2 NTP Settings in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
  112. FIGURE E.3 [Date and Time] window (2)
  113. FIGURE E.4 [Internet Time Settings] window
  114. E.2.2 Synchronization Interval and Startup Settings of NTP Service
  115. FIGURE E.6 [Registry Editor] window
  116. FIGURE E.7 [Windows Time Properties] window
  117. E.2.3 Event Task Settings
  118. FIGURE E.9 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Create a Basic Task)
  119. FIGURE E.11 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (When a Specific Event Is Logged)
  120. FIGURE E.13 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Start a Program)
  121. FIGURE E.15 [Properties] dialog box
  122. E.3 NTP Settings in Windows Server 2008 R2
  123. FIGURE E.18 [Date and Time] window (2)
  124. FIGURE E.19 [Internet Time Settings] window
  125. E.3.2 Synchronization Interval and Startup Settings of NTP Service
  126. FIGURE E.22 [Services] window
  127. FIGURE E.23 [Windows Time Properties] window
  128. E.3.3 Event Task Settings
  129. FIGURE E.25 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Create a Basic Task)
  130. FIGURE E.27 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (When a Specific Event Is Logged)
  131. FIGURE E.29 [Create Basic Task Wizard] window (Start a Program)
  132. FIGURE E.31 [Properties] dialog box
  133. Appendix F Starting HII Configuration Utility
  134. FIGURE F.2 [Device Manager] window
  135. F.2 Method of identifying position where SAS RAID Controller is mounted
  136. FIGURE F.4 [Device Manager] window
  137. FIGURE F.6 HII Configuration Utility [Controller Management] window
  138. F.3 Method of identifying SB where SAS RAID Controller is mounted
  139. FIGURE F.8 [Device Manager] window
  140. FIGURE F.10 HII Configuration Utility [Device management] window
  141. FIGURE F.12 HII Configuration Utility [Device Management] window
  142. FIGURE F.14 HII Configuration Utility [Main Menu] window
  143. FIGURE F.15 HII Configuration Utility [Select operation] window
  144. FIGURE F.17 HII Configuration Utility [Main Menu] window
  145. Appendix G Starting Web BIOS
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. revision history
  2. safety precautions
  3. about this product
  4. support and service
  5. command syntax
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. CHAPTER 1 Network Environment Setup and Tool Installation
  21. FIGURE 1.2 External network functions
  22. How to Configure the External Networks (Management LAN/ Maintenance LAN/Production LAN)
  23. TABLE 1.3 IP addresses for the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series server (set from the operating system in a partition)
  24. Management LAN
  25. FIGURE 1.3 Management LAN configuration
  26. How to configure the management LAN
  27. Redundant configuration of the management LAN
  28. Maintenance LAN/REMCS LAN
  29. Redundancy of the production LAN
  30. TABLE 1.7 Maximum number of connections using the remote operation function
  31. FIGURE 1.5 Connection configuration for video redirection
  32. FIGURE 1.6 Operating sequence of video redirection
  33. FIGURE 1.7 [Video Redirection] window
  34. TABLE 1.9 Menu Bar in [Video redirection] window
  35. TABLE 1.10 Tool Bar menu in [Video redirection] window
  36. FIGURE 1.8 Message of requesting access to Virtual Console in second terminal PC
  37. FIGURE 1.9 Popup window of [Virtual Console Sharing Privileges]
  38. FIGURE 1.14 Popup for [Deny Access] in second terminal PC
  39. FIGURE 1.17 Example of setting partition #3 (1)
  40. FIGURE 1.19 Forced disconnection of console redirection (1)
  41. FIGURE 1.21 Configuration of virtual media connection
  42. FIGURE 1.22 [Virtual Media] window (1)
  43. FIGURE 1.23 Image file selection window
  44. ServerView Suite
  45. CHAPTER 2 Operating System Installation
  46. CHAPTER 3 Component Configuration and Replacement (Add, Remove)
  47. FIGURE 3.1 Conceptual diagram of the partitioning function (PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2400E2)
  48. FIGURE 3.2 Conceptual diagram of the partitioning function (PRIMEQUEST 2400E)
  49. FIGURE 3.3 Conceptual diagram of the partitioning function (PRIMEQUEST 2800E3/2800E2/2800E)
  50. Extended Partition configuration
  51. FIGURE 3.4 Example of partition configuration where Extended Partition is used in PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2400E2/2400E
  52. Setting procedure of partition in MMB Web-UI
  53. High availability configuration
  54. FIGURE 3.6 Example of [Power Control] window (Extended Partitioning is enabled.)
  55. FIGURE 3.7 Example of [Partition Configuration] window (Extended Partitioning is enabled.)
  56. FIGURE 3.9 Example of Extended Partition of [IOU] window
  57. FIGURE 3.10 Example of [PCI_Box] window of Extended Partition
  58. FIGURE 3.11 Example of [IPv4 Console Redirection Setup] window
  59. FIGURE 3.13 Example of [Mode] window of physical partition
  60. TABLE 3.5 Effect on the menu of the MMB due to Extended Partitioning mode change
  61. TABLE 3.6 Activate/Deactivate for Extended Partition
  62. TABLE 3.7 Comparison of the operating system installation options
  63. Extended Socket
  64. FIGURE 3.15 Overview of Extended Socket
  65. Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR)
  66. FIGURE 3.18 IOU Hot add
  67. TABLE 3.12 DR supported list
  68. Reserved SB
  69. FIGURE 3.22 Example 3. Example when multiple free SB (#2,#3) is set as Reserved SBs in Partition #0
  70. Memory Operation Mode
  71. Memory Mirror
  72. TABLE 3.18 Mirror size being able to mirror in Home SB and Non-Home SB
  73. TABLE 3.19 Memory mirror group
  74. Hardware RAID
  75. Replaceable components
  76. Replacement procedures in hot maintenance
  77. Replacing the battery backup unit of the uninterrupted power supply unit (UPS)
  78. Expansion of components
  79. Procedure of expansion in hot maintenance
  80. Expansion of PCI SSD card
  81. Processing after replacement of a faulty SB
  82. Checking the source partition configuration information when switching to a Reserved SB
  83. TABLE 3.26 Description of partition status transition
  84. CHAPTER 4 Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  85. DR function configuration setting
  86. dr Command Package Install/ Uninstall
  87. Confirming the status of SB before SB hot add
  88. How to deal with timeout while OS is processing SB hot add
  89. Operation after SB hot add
  90. Hot replacement of IOU
  91. TABLE 4.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  92. TABLE 4.2 Hardware address description examples
  93. DR operation of IOU hot replacement
  94. Operation after IOU hot replacement
  95. Preparation for IOU hot add
  96. Operation after IOU hot add
  97. IOU hot remove
  98. Preparation for IOU hot remove
  99. TABLE 4.4 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  100. TABLE 4.5 Hardware address description examples
  101. DR operation of IOU hot remove
  102. Operation after IOU hot remove
  103. Overview of common replacement procedures for PCI Express cards
  104. FC card (Fibre Channel card) replacement procedure
  105. Network card replacement procedure
  106. TABLE 4.6 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  107. TABLE 4.7 Hardware address description examples
  108. TABLE 4.8 Example of interface information about the replaced NIC
  109. TABLE 4.9 Example of entered values corresponding to the interface names before and after NIC replacement
  110. TABLE 4.10 Confirmation of interface names
  111. Hot replacement procedure for iSCSI (NIC)
  112. Hot Addition of PCI Express cards
  113. Common addition procedures for all PCI Express cards
  114. FC card (Fibre Channel card) addition procedure
  115. Network card addition procedure
  116. FIGURE 4.4 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  117. Removing PCI Express cards
  118. Common removal procedures for all PCI Express cards
  119. Network card removal procedure
  120. Hot removal procedure for iSCSI (NIC)
  121. CHAPTER 5 Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  122. Preparing for SB hot add
  123. DR operation in SB hot add
  124. Preparing for SB hot remove
  125. DR operation in SB hot remove
  126. Preparation for IOU hot replacement
  127. TABLE 5.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  128. TABLE 5.2 Hardware address description examples
  129. TABLE 5.4 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  130. TABLE 5.5 Hardware address description examples
  131. Hot Replacement of PCI Express Cards
  132. FIGURE 5.2 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  133. TABLE 5.6 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  134. TABLE 5.7 Hardware address description examples
  135. TABLE 5.8 Example of interface information about the replaced NIC
  136. TABLE 5.9 Example of entered values corresponding to the interface names before and after NIC replacement
  137. PCI Express card addition procedure in detail
  138. PCI Express card removal procedure in detail
  139. FIGURE 5.5 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  140. CHAPTER 6 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  141. TABLE 6.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  142. TABLE 6.2 Hardware address description examples
  143. TABLE 6.3 Example of interface information about the replaced NIC
  144. TABLE 6.4 Example of entered values corresponding to the interface names before and after NIC replacement
  145. TABLE 6.5 Confirmation of interface names
  146. FC card (Fibre Channel card) removal procedure
  147. FIGURE 6.4 Single NIC interface and bonding configuration interface
  148. CHAPTER 7 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
  149. Confirming the status of SB before SB hot remove
  150. TABLE 7.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  151. DR operation of IOU hot add
  152. TABLE 7.4 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  153. PCI Express card replacement procedure in detail
  154. TABLE 7.6 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
  155. TABLE 7.7 Hardware address description examples
  156. TABLE 7.8 Example of interface information about the replaced NIC
  157. TABLE 7.9 Example of entered values corresponding to the interface names before and after NIC replacement
  158. TABLE 7.10 Confirmation of interface names
  159. CHAPTER 8 Replacement of HDD/SSD
  160. Preventive replacement of HDD/SSD with Hardware RAID configuration
  161. Preventive replacement of failed HDD/SSD with RAID 1, RAID 1E, RAID 5, RAID 6, or RAID 10 configuration
  162. Replacement of HDD/SSD in case hot replacement cannot be performed
  163. CHAPTER 9 PCI Express card Hot Maintenance in Windows
  164. Common Hot Plugging Procedure for PCI Express cards
  165. Addition procedure
  166. About removal
  167. Hot plugging a NIC incorporated into teaming
  168. Hot plugging a non-redundant NIC
  169. Hot plugging an FC card incorporated with the ETERNUS multipath driver
  170. FC card addition procedure
  171. Disconnecting MPD
  172. CHAPTER 10 Backup and Restore
  173. FIGURE 10.1 [Backup BIOS Configuration] window
  174. FIGURE 10.2 [Restore BIOS Configuration] window
  175. Backing up and restoring MMB configuration information
  176. CHAPTER 11 Chapter System Startup/Shutdown and Power Control
  177. Partition Power on unit
  178. Procedure for Partition Power On and Power Off
  179. Controlling Partition Startup by using the MMB
  180. Checking the Partition Power status by using the MMB
  181. FIGURE 11.4 [Information] window
  182. Scheduled operations
  183. Power off a Partition by scheduled operation
  184. Automatic Partition Restart Conditions
  185. FIGURE 11.6 [ASR (Automatic Server Restart) Control] window
  186. Power Restoration
  187. Remote shutdown (Windows)
  188. FIGURE 11.7 Simplified help for the shutdown command
  189. CHAPTER 12 Configuration and Status Checking (Contents, Methods, and Procedures)
  190. MMB CLI
  191. UEFI
  192. CHAPTER 13 Error Notification and Maintenance (Contents, Methods, and Procedures)
  193. Maintenance of the MMB
  194. Maintenance of the PCI_BOX (PEXU)
  195. Troubleshooting
  196. FIGURE 13.2 Troubleshooting overview
  197. Items to confirm before contacting a sales representative
  198. Finding out about abnormal conditions
  199. FIGURE 13.5 System status display in the MMB Web-UI window
  200. Investigating abnormal conditions
  201. FIGURE 13.7 System status display
  202. FIGURE 13.8 System event log display
  203. Checking into errors in detail
  204. MMB-related problems
  205. Notes on Troubleshooting
  206. FIGURE 13.11 [System Event Log] window in PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2800E3/2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E
  207. FIGURE 13.14 [System Event Log Filtering Condition] window in PRIMEQUEST 2800B3/2800B2/2800B
  208. FIGURE 13.15 [System Event Log (Detail)] window
  209. Collecting data for investigation (Windows)
  210. Setting up the dump environment (Windows)
  211. FIGURE 13.16 [Startup and Recovery] dialog box
  212. FIGURE 13.17 [Advanced] tab of the dialog box
  213. FIGURE 13.18 [Virtual Memory] dialog box
  214. FIGURE 13.19 Advanced options dialog box
  215. Acquiring data for investigation (RHEL)
  216. sadump
  217. Firmware Updates
  218. Appendix A Functions Provided by the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series
  219. A.1.3 Monitoring and reporting functions
  220. A.1.4 Maintenance
  221. A.1.5 Redundancy functions
  222. A.2 Correspondence between Functions and Interfaces
  223. A.2.4 Hardware status display
  224. A.2.7 Partition operation
  225. A.2.12 Maintenance
  226. TABLE A.21 Management network specifications
  227. Appendix B Physical Mounting Locations and Port Numbers
  228. FIGURE B.2 Physical mounting locations in the PRIMEQUEST 2800E3/2800E2
  229. FIGURE B.4 Physical mounting locations in the PRIMEQUEST 2400E
  230. FIGURE B.6 Physical mounting locations in the PRIMEQUEST 2800B
  231. B.2 Port Numbers
  232. FIGURE B.10 IOU_1GbE port numbers
  233. Appendix C Lists of External Interfaces Physical
  234. Appendix D Physical Locations and BUS Numbers of Built-in I/O, and PCI Slot Mounting Locations and Slot Numbers
  235. Appendix E PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Cabinets
  236. Appendix F Status Checks with LEDs
  237. F.1.3 FANU
  238. F.1.6 IOU
  239. F.1.9 HDD/SSD
  240. F.1.12 OPL
  241. F.1.14 PCI Express slot in PCI_Box
  242. F.2 LED Mounting Locations
  243. FIGURE F.4 DU LED mounting locations
  244. FIGURE F.6 PCI_Box LED mounting locations
  245. F.3 LED list
  246. TABLE F.30 LED list (2/3)
  247. TABLE F.31 LED list (3/3)
  248. F.4 Button and switch
  249. Appendix G Component Mounting Conditions
  250. TABLE G.2 Relationship between DIMM size, type and mutual operability (within an SB)
  251. TABLE G.5 Relationship between DIMM size, type and mutual operability (within an SB)
  252. TABLE G.8 Relationship between DIMM size and mutual operability (within an SB)
  253. G.2.1 DIMM mounting order and DIMM mixed mounting condition
  254. TABLE G.13 DIMM mounting order in Memory Scale-up Board
  255. TABLE G.15 DIMM mounting order in special case in SB
  256. TABLE G.17 DIMM mounting order in special case in Memory Scale-up Board
  257. G.3 Configuration when using 100 V PSU
  258. Appendix H Tree Structure of the MIB Provided with the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series
  259. H.2 MIB File Contents
  260. Appendix I Windows Shutdown Settings
  261. Appendix J Systemwalker Centric Manager Linkage
  262. J.2.2 SNMP trap linkage
  263. J.2.3 Event monitoring linkage
  264. Appendix K Software
  265. Appendix L Failure Report Sheet
  266. Appendix M Information of PCI Express card
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series first page preview

PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. revision history
  2. safety precautions
  3. about this product
  4. how to use this manual
  5. command syntax
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Installation Data
  12. FIGURE 1.1 PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2800E3/2400E2/2800E2 front view
  13. FIGURE 1.3 PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E front view
  14. FIGURE 1.5 PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2800E3/2400E2/2800E2/2400E/2800E top view
  15. FIGURE 1.7 PRIMEQUEST 2800B3/2800B2 front view
  16. FIGURE 1.9 PRIMEQUEST 2800B front view
  17. FIGURE 1.11 PRIMEQUEST 2800B3/2800B2/2800B top view
  18. External Overview of Device (PCI_Box)
  19. Installation Specifications
  20. Installation Specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2800E3)
  21. Installation Specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2800B3)
  22. Installation specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2400E2)
  23. Installation Specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2800E2)
  24. Installation Specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2)
  25. Installation specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2400E)
  26. Installation Specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2800E)
  27. Installation Specifications (PRIMEQUEST 2800B)
  28. Installation Specifications (PCI_Box)
  29. Installation Area
  30. Flow of Cooling Air and Exhaust Air of Installation
  31. Installation Environment
  32. Connected Information
  33. Connection of signal cable
  34. FIGURE 2.2 External interface connection figure of (PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2400E2 (Front surface))
  35. FIGURE 2.6 External interface connection figure of (PRIMEQUEST 2800B3/2800B2 (Front surface))
  36. FIGURE 2.8 External interface connection figure of (PRIMEQUEST 2400E (Front surface))
  37. FIGURE 2.10 External interface connection figure of (PRIMEQUEST 2800E (Front surface))
  38. FIGURE 2.12 External interface connection figure of (PRIMEQUEST 2800B (Front surface))
  39. FIGURE 2.14 Details of external interface (MMB)
  40. Power cable connection
  41. Power Supply Cable Connection (PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2400E2/2400E)
  42. FIGURE 2.21 PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2400E2/2400E (High-efficiency/Standard) 200V Non-redundant
  43. FIGURE 2.23 PRIMEQUEST 2400E3/2400E2/2400E (High-efficiency/Standard) 200V Dual Power feed
  44. Power Cable Connections (PCI_Box)
  45. FIGURE 2.27 PCI_Box (Standard) 100V Non-redundant
  46. FIGURE 2.30 PCI_Box (High-efficiency/Standard) 200V Redundant (N+1)
  47. Connection Specifications of Input Power
  48. Power Distribution Box and Distribution Panel
  49. Free Access Underfloor Connection of Power Cable
  50. FIGURE 2.34 Characteristics of Breaker of Distribution Panel
  51. Notes on Carrying In and Installing the Product
  52. APPENDIX A Racks
  53. A.1 Rack Mounting
  54. FIGURE A.1 Example of rack mounting
  55. A.2.2 Requirements for mounting in a third party's rack
  56. FIGURE A.2 Length of rack
  57. FIGURE A.4 Format of rack posts
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