
Sanyo PLC-WXU30 manuals

PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Software
Table of contents
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
Table of contents
  1. network capture
  2. Compliance
  3. Safety instructions
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Required operating environment for computers
  7. Network specifications of the projector
  8. About LAN functions
  9. LAN functions and the features
  10. An example of the connection
  11. LAN connection modes
  12. Setup procedures
  13. Installing the software
  14. installed software
  15. file converter 2 installation
  16. Names and functions of the operation screen
  17. Network connection standby display
  18. Network Capture 4 window
  19. Wired LAN configurations
  20. Connecting to the LAN line
  21. Confirming the operation
  22. Network PIN code
  23. Wired LAN factory default settings
  24. Wireless LAN configurations
  25. Setting the network environment
  26. Configuring security with the projector
  27. use of security type "wep
  28. Easy wireless setting
  29. Network information
  30. WIRELESS indicator display
  31. Wireless LAN factory default settings
  32. Basic setting and operation
  33. starting up the browser
  34. display of main setting page
  35. How to use the setting
  36. Initial setting
  37. network pin code setting
  38. date and time setting
  39. Network configuration
  40. Configuring wireless LAN setting and security setting
  41. E-mail setting
  42. SNMP setting
  43. Controlling the projector
  44. Power control and status check
  45. Controls
  46. image adjustment
  47. PC adjustment
  48. Setting up the projector
  49. Timer setting
  50. check the timer events
  51. Projector information
  52. Multi-control
  53. start/stop the multi control
  54. register the projector
  55. change the mode of the registered projector
  56. controlling all together
  57. viewer auto setting all together
  58. Network capture functions
  59. About Network Capture function
  60. commands on the task bar
  61. parameter set up
  62. Using the Real Time Capture
  63. control by the computer
  64. control by the web browser
  65. from the projector
  66. Using the Network Communication
  67. settings before using the network communication
  68. description of capture editing window
  69. How to use the Network communication
  70. edit capture image
  71. Network Communication operation and change of state
  72. Executing the forcing mode
  73. Moderator function
  74. Preparation for using the moderator function
  75. Using the moderator function
  76. Moderator's password setting up
  77. Error information
  78. Network viewer functions
  79. menu tree
  80. Creating a program file [Program Editor]
  81. setting up the display order and time of the images
  82. Using the Network Viewer function
  83. Appendix
  84. Use of telnet
  85. Web browser setting
  86. windows xp professional
  87. proxy setting
  88. Firewall setting
  89. Troubleshooting
  90. Terminology
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
PLC-WXU30 first page preview


Brand: Sanyo | Category: Projector
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