Asus P550 manuals
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- p550 specifications
- package contents
- getting started
- getting to know your p
- device components description
- getting your device ready
- charging the battery
- powering your device
- locking the keys and buttons
- the today screen
- status indicators
- screen orientation
- start menu
- asus launcher
- entering data
- using the input panel
- using the on-screen keyboard
- using the letter recognizer
- using the transcriber
- writing and drawing on the screen
- recording voice
- using activesync
- synchronizing via mini-usb
- synchronizing via bluetooth
- synchronizing with exchange server
- setting the synchronization schedule
- searching information
- getting help
- phone features
- using the phone
- adjusting the device volume
- making a call
- making calls from contacts
- using voice commander
- receiving a call
- setting ring tone
- changing the ring tone
- wireless features
- using the wireless manager
- using bluetooth
- creating a bluetooth partnership
- ending a bluetooth partnership
- using wi-fi
- configuring wireless networks
- adding a wireless network
- using wi-fi manager
- setting a gprs connection
- connecting gprs
- disconnecting gprs
- using the gprs tool
- gsm/3g switch
- auto network setting
- gps features
- gps catcher
- setting gps catcher
- turning on gps
- recording travel track
- exporting route
- creating a new poi
- travelog setting
- system setting
- reset all
- location courier
- external gps
- using the camera
- navigation button functions in camera mode
- camera mode screen
- taking photos
- video mode screen
- recording videos
- viewing pictures and videos
- tool bar
- streaming player
- setting time
- setting world clock
- remote presenter
- backing-up files
- restoring files
- backup setting
- meeting time planner
- special features
- windows live
- reading rss news
- adding a new channel
- newstation menus
- enabling my secrets
- internet sharing
- wake-up setting
- mode switcher
- auto cleaner
- system information
- restoring default factory settings
- asus status icon
- cpu mode setting
- lcd brightness
- storage card memory
- programs running in memory
- rf exposure information (sar)
- fcc regulations
- replaceable batteries
- safety information
- memory card
- driving safety
- electronic devices
- posted facilities
- contact information
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- P550 specifications
- Package contents
- getting started
- Layout
- Device components description
- Getting your device ready
- Charging the battery
- Starting up
- Locking the keys and buttons
- The Today screen
- Status indicators
- Screen orientation
- Start menu
- ASUS Launcher
- entering data
- Using the Input Panel
- Using the On-screen keyboard
- Using the Letter Recognizer
- Using the Transcriber
- Writing and drawing on the screen
- Recording voice
- Using ActiveSync
- Synchronizing via mini-USB
- Synchronizing via Bluetooth
- Synchronizing with Exchange Server
- Setting the synchronization schedule
- Searching information
- Getting Help
- phone features
- Using the phone
- Adjusting the device volume
- Making a call
- Making calls from Contacts
- Using the Smart Dialer
- Receiving a call
- wireless features
- Using the Wireless Manager
- Using Bluetooth
- Creating a Bluetooth partnership
- Ending a Bluetooth partnership
- Using Wi-Fi
- Configuring wireless networks
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- P550 產品規格
- 產品包裝內容
- 認識您的 P550
- 準備好您的 P550
- 為電池充電
- 使用華碩小幫手
- 開始使用
- Today 主畫面
- 華碩選單
- 新增或移除功能至華碩選單
- 使用輸入面板
- 使用螢幕虛擬鍵盤
- 使用全螢幕手寫辨識功能
- 記事功能
- 使用錄音功能
- 如何開啟與使用智慧聲控功能
- 使用 ActiveSync™ 功能
- 透過 USB 進行同步
- 如何撥打電話
- 使用快速撥號功能
- 切換到電話模式
- 通話狀態下的功能說明
- 使用話機功能
- 調整話機音量
- 來電過濾功能
- 開啟來電過濾功能
- 建立藍牙合作關係
- USB 設定
- GPRS 連線設定
- 連接與中斷 GPRS 連線
- 無線裝置管理員
- 網路設定
- GPS 功能
- 追星快手
- 我的旅遊誌
- 匯出軌跡記錄
- 新增自建點
- 我的位置
- GPS 外接裝置設定
- 個人化您的裝置
- 鎖定功能設定
- 檔案的管理與加密
- 我的祕密檔案
- 搜尋與說明資訊
- 儲存卡加密功能
- 工作
- 行事曆
- 會議時段查詢
- 連絡人
- 在連絡人中快速查詢電話
- 簡報遙控器
- 瀏覽幻燈片
- E-mail 與文字訊息
- 使用 Windows Live 功能
- 新聞即時通
- 相機模式
- 拍攝模式
- 相機模式畫面說明
- 相機功能表選單
- 拍攝相片
- 刪除圖片
- 儲存至連絡人
- 影片模式
- 影像模式功能表
- 拍攝影片
- 傳送影片
- 觀賞與刪除影片
- 圖片與視訊功能
- 編輯圖片
- 檢視視訊檔案
- 串流播放器
- 系統設定
- 輸入法設定
- 如何節省電源
- 時鐘與鬧鐘
- 設定鬧鐘
- 螢幕校準與橫向顯示模式切換
- 記憶體分配
- 程式管理員
- 模式切換
- 行動備份
- 還原檔案
- 智慧聲控設定
- 重置 P550
- 安全性資訊
- 連絡資訊