
Epson Moverio Pro BT-2000 manuals

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Moverio Pro BT-2000

Brand: Epson | Category: Headsets
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. Product Summary and Functions
  6. Main System Specifications
  7. Basic Information for App Development
  8. Other Main Functions
  9. Developing Apps
  10. Pre-Caution for Developing Apps
  11. Summary of Developing Apps
  12. Introduction to the Android SDK
  13. ADB driver settings
  14. Connecting the BT-2000 to a computer
  15. Including the SDK provided by EPSON
  16. Display control
  17. Display control summary
  18. Full screen display function
  19. Switch between 2D/3D display function
  20. Backlight control
  21. Mute function
  22. See-through function
  23. UI control
  24. UI control summary
  25. Application interface list
  26. Application interface details
  27. Voice commands
  28. Pre-cautions for developing Voice commands Apps
  29. Voice commands summary
  30. Application interface function summary
  31. Sample code
  32. Others
  33. Camera control
  34. Pre-cautions for developing camera Apps
  35. Function summary
  36. Available parameters
  37. Image organization and format
  38. Depth data characteristics
  39. Depth Information Acquisition Flow Details
  40. Remarks
  41. Android standard camera API Camera.Parameters Class
  42. Sensor control
  43. Sensor control summary
  44. Using the sensor
  45. Using SensorEventListener
  46. Bluetooth/BLE
  47. Pre-cautions for developing Apps using BLE
  48. Summary
  49. Usage method
  50. Remarks & Restrictions for BLE App Development
  51. Import module
  52. Supported GATT procedure table
  53. BLE Processing Sample Code
  54. Power control
  55. Power control summary
  56. Acquiring Battery Information
  57. Self-diagnostic function
  58. GPS Assist
  59. GPS Assist function summary
  60. Precaution and limitation of using /developing GPS Assist function
  61. How to use
  62. Setting method
  63. Application interface detail
  64. How to use API for GPS assist
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