Sony MVS-8000X System manuals
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Features
- Basic Video Processing
- Transition
- Keys
- Wipes
- DME Wipes
- Frame Memory
- system configuration
- names and functions of parts of the control panel
- Side Flags
- transition control block
- Keyframes
- Snapshots
- Setup
- Key Control Block
- Cross-Point Control Block
- Device Control Block (Trackball)
- operation buttons
- numeric keypad control block
- Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- AUX Bus Control Block
- Menu Panel
- Menu Screen
- Top Menu Window
- Numeric Keypad Window
- Keyboard Window
- Color Palette Window
- Basic Menu Operations
- Recalling a Menu
- Top Menu List
- Shutting Down the Switcher System
- Power Supply and Connector Section
- rear view
- control panel
- Control Panel
- Image Creation Operation Flow
- signal selection
- Signal Selection
- Signal Assignment and Selection
- Priority
- Transition Indicator
- pattern limit
- executing an auto transition
- fader lever operation in bus fixed mode
- Mode
- independent key transitions
- Operations
- setting the independent key transition rate
- Overview
- key modifiers
- key memory
- key setting menus
- selecting key fill and key source
- chroma key adjustments
- specifying the key output destination
- key modify clear
- key snapshots
- types of wipe pattern
- pattern mix
- Pattern Mix
- Setting Wipe Modifiers
- Basic Independent Key Transition Wipe Setting Operations
- Wipe Snapshots
- DME Wipe Pattern Variation and Modifiers
- DME Wipe Restrictions
- Basic DME Wipe Setting Operations
- Setting DME Wipe Modifiers
- DME Wipe Modify Clear
- DME Wipe Snapshots
- Patterns
- operation modes
- Still Image File Operations
- Selecting an Input Image
- Recalling Still Images (Recall)
- image output
- Image Output
- Frame Memory Clip Function
- Frame Memory Clip Operations
- Clip Playback
- creating a folder
- Clip Creation
- Clip Transition Operations
- Image Data Management
- Renaming Files
- Formatting a HDD
- Managing Images using a DDR/VTR
- Extracting Images from Video Tape
- Color Backgrounds
- Copy and Swap
- Basic Copy and Swap Operations
- Misc Menu
- Setting the AUX Mix Transition Rate
- AUX Menu
- Status Menu
- Video Process
- primary color correction
- Primary Color Correction
- Secondary Color Correction
- Luminance Process
- Spot Color Adjustment
- YUV Clips
- Multi Program 2
- Multi Program 2 Mode Settings (Other Operations)
- Functions Added in Multi Program
- using the software
- K System
- M/E Configuration Switching (M/E Split)
- Transform Operation Modes
- graphics display
- Graphics Display
- video effects
- Special Effects
- Global Effects
- Three-Dimensional Transform Operations
- Three-Dimensional Parameter Display
- Three-Dimensional Parameter Entry
- Applying Special Effects (Common Operations)
- Border Settings
- Beveled Edge Settings
- Key Border Settings
- Flex Shadow Settings
- Wipe Crop Settings
- Color Mix Settings
- Applying Special Effects (Effects on the Overall Signal)
- Multi Move Settings
- Mono Settings
- Mosaic Settings
- Metal Settings
- Glow Settings
- Freeze Settings
- Applying Special Effects (Nonlinear Effect Settings)
- Mosaic Glass Settings
- Ripple Settings
- Rings Settings
- Blind Settings
- Split Slide Settings
- Kaleidoscope Settings
- Circle Settings
- Roll Settings
- Swirl Settings
- Character Trail Settings
- Applying Special Effects (Lighting and Recursive Effects)
- Trail Settings
- Motion Decay Settings
- Keyframe Strobe Settings
- Wind Settings
- Spotlighting Settings
- Background Settings
- Invert Settings
- Key Density Settings
- Corner Pinning Settings
- adjusting the zoom
- Brick Settings
- Shadow Settings
- Control of External Devices
- Control of P-Bus Devices
- P-Bus Trigger
- Control of GPI Devices
- Control of VTRs, Disk Recorders, and Extended VTRs
- Controlling the Tape/Disk Transport
- Cueup & Play
- VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Timeline
- Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Operations
- loading files
- Regions
- Paths
- Effect Execution
- Displaying the Timeline Menu
- Timeline Menu Display Settings
- Recalling a Register
- Specifying the Region and Edit Points
- Effect Editing
- Time Settings
- Deleting Keyframes
- Moving Keyframes
- Undoing an Edit Operation
- Path Settings
- Saving Effects
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline
- Editing Registers
- Effect Register Editing
- Effect Register List View and Editing
- Snapshot Operations (Numeric Keypad Control Block)
- Snapshot Operations (Flexi Pad Control Block)
- Banks and Registers
- Snapshot Operations (Menu)
- Snapshot Status Display
- Setting Key Snapshot Attributes
- Operations in the Misc >Snapshot Menu on a Switcher Bank
- Utility Overview
- Utility Execution (Utility/Shotbox Control Block)
- Shotbox Overview
- Shotbox Register Creation
- Shotbox Register Creation (Menu)
- Shotbox Execution
- Shotbox Execution (Utility/Shotbox Control Block)
- Shotbox Register Editing
- Macros
- Macro Creation and Editing
- Macro Execution
- Recalling a Macro Register and Executing a Macro
- deleting an event
- Saving a Macro
- Macro Operations (Flexi Pad Control Block)
- Macro Operations (Cross-Point Control Block)
- Macro Operations (Menu)
- Offline Editing of Macro Events
- Macro Attachments
- Displaying the Macro Attachment Settings
- Menu Macros
- Creating and Editing a Menu Macro
- Menu Macro Register Editing
- Creating and Editing a Macro Timeline
- Overview of File Operations
- directory operations
- Operations on Individual Files
- Selecting a Device for Operation
- Loading Files
- Interconversion of Frame Memory Clips and Extended Clips
- Saving a Frame Memory File List
- Loading Files in Batch
- Importing and Exporting Files
- Directory Operations
- Deleting a Directory
- Saving Files Loaded by Autoload
- system setup
- Settings Relating to the Network
- Selecting the Operation Mode
- Enabling the FM Data Port of the Switcher
- Enabling Passage of 59.94 (2x) Format Signals on an AUX Bus
- Setting Conversion Formats (Format Converter)
- Setting Conversion Formats (4K Up Converter)
- Power-On (Startup) State Selection
- Saving and Recalling Setup Data
- Reset and Initialization
- Configuring Settings to Use the Software
- Adding User Texture Patterns
- Registering a Frame Memory Clip with Ancillary Data
- Switcher
- Setting a Removable Drive as the Primary Device
- Locking File Loading Operations
- Settings Relating to Control Panel Configuration
- Linking Switcher Bus and Router Destinations
- Linking Transitions Between Keyers
- Setting Transition Control Block Button Assignments
- Setting Device Control Block (Trackball Button Assignments
- Inhibiting DME Channel Selection Operations
- Copying Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Selecting Cross-Point Assign Tables
- AUX Bus Control Block Settings
- Settings Relating to Button Assignment
- Button in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Buttons of the Cross-Point Control Block
- Settings Relating to External Device Connections
- Settings Relating to Operation
- Setting Source Names and Destination Names
- Button in the Transition Control Block
- Cross-point Control Block/AUX Bus Control Block
- setting the display mode
- Settings Relating to Control Panel Management
- Setting the Mouse Wheel Function when Setting Parameters
- Switcher Configuration
- Setting User Regions
- Setting DME Channel Assignments
- Settings Relating to Signal Inputs
- Setting the Input Signal Color Corrector
- Selecting the Primary Input to use as the Format Converter
- Setting the IP Converter Conversion Method
- Setting the 4K Up-Converter Conversion Method
- Settings Relating to Signal Outputs
- Setting the Safe Title Area
- Enabling AUX Mix Transitions
- Settings Relating to Keys, Wipes, Frame Memory, and Color Correction
- Setting the Video Process Memory
- Settings Relating to Function Links
- Setting a Link Between M/E Banks
- Setting Switcher GPI Outputs
- Setting the Interface Between the DME and the Switcher
- Setting the TBC Window Center Position
- Setting DME GPI Outputs
- Parallel Input Settings
- Releasing a GPI Input Port Assignment
- Parallel Output Settings
- GPI Output Settings
- Serial Port Settings
- Router Interface Settings
- Tally Group Settings
- Wiring Settings
- Tally Generation Settings
- Tally Copy Settings
- Parallel Tally Settings
- Serial Tally Settings
- Source Patching
- Replacing Signal Pairs Using the Patch Table
- Communications Status
- Wipe Pattern List
- DME Wipe Pattern List
- Resizer DME Wipe Pattern List
- Menu Tree
- PGM/PST Menu
- Color Bkgd Menu
- Frame Memory Menu
- Copy/Swap Menu
- DME Menu
- Global Effect Menu
- Router Menu
- Key Frame Menu
- Snapshot Menu
- Shotbox Menu
- User Setup Menu
- Engineering Setup Menu
- Diag Menu
- Disabled Operation and Settings Menus
- Disabled Menus in 4K Systems
- file menu
- Menus Recalled by Pressing a Button Twice
- Spotlighting
- Functional Differences Between DME Models
- AUX Bus Remote Panel
- Macro File Editing Rules
- Saving and Loading a File
- Symbols and Parameters
- Example of File Contents
- Content Displayed in Macro Attachment List
- Other Blocks
- Data Saved by [Setup Define] and [Initial Status Define]
- Data Saved by [Initial Status Define]
- Error Messages
- Error Messages Shown in the Error Information Menu
- Maintenance
- Index
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- related manuals
- changing the background
- independent key transitions
- key modifiers
- dme wipes
- copy and swap
- external devices
- control panel
- transition control block
- menu button
- numeric keypad control block
- auxiliary bus control block
- menu control block
- memory stick"/usb connections block
- device control block (mks-8031tb trackball module, option)
- operation buttons
- device control block (mks-8036a search dial module, option)
- basic menu operations
- displaying a menu
- interpreting the menu screen
- menu operations
- clear button
- video processing flow
- signal selection
- bus selection
- signal assignment and selection
- signal name display
- selecting the next transition
- procedure for basic transition operation
- key priority setting
- setting the key priority by a menu operation
- display of the key output status and key priority
- selecting the transition type by a menu operation
- super mix settings
- color matte settings
- executing a transition
- setting the transition rate
- pattern limit
- executing an auto transition
- combinations of auto and manual transitions
- fader lever operation in bus fixed mode
- transition preview
- basic independent key transition operations
- setting the independent key transition rate
- chapter 4 keys
- key types
- chroma key
- key memory
- key default
- key setting operations using menus
- key type setting
- chroma key composition
- chroma key adjustments
- selecting key fill and key source
- key edge modifications
- specifying the key output destination
- key modify clear
- video processing
- key setting operations with the key control block
- operations in the key control block
- selecting key fill
- other key setting operations
- using the show key function
- two-dimensional transformations of keys
- resizer interpolation settings
- resizer crop/border settings
- edge enhancement
- key snapshots
- chapter 5 wipes
- types of wipe pattern
- basic procedure for wipe settings
- pattern mix
- setting wipe modifiers
- wipe modify clear
- wipe settings for independent key transitions
- setting independent key transition wipe modifiers
- wipe snapshots
- chapter 6 dme wipes
- types of dme wipe pattern
- dme wipe pattern variation and modifiers
- relation between dme wipes and other effects
- basic procedure for dme wipe settings
- setting dme wipe modifiers
- dme wipe modify clear
- dme wipe settings for independent key transitions
- setting independent key transition dme wipe modifiers
- dme wipe snapshots
- creating user programmable dme patterns
- chapter 7 frame memory
- operation modes
- still image operations
- interpreting the frame memory menu
- selecting an input image
- capturing and saving an input image
- recalling still images
- image output
- continuously capturing still images (record)
- frame memory clip function
- clip playback
- clip creation
- creating a new folder
- clip output
- clip transition operations
- image data management
- moving files
- deleting files
- renaming files
- external hard disk drive access
- saving files
- recalling files
- managing images using a ddr/vtr
- extracting images from video tape
- color background
- copy by button operation
- misc menu operations
- displaying a list of transition rates and changing the settings
- aux menu operations
- status menu
- router control menu operations
- switching the source for each destination
- video process adjustments on a particular bus
- video process memory
- video process settings
- overall color corrector operations
- primary color correction operations
- secondary color correction operations
- spot color adjustment
- output video processing operations
- yuv clip operations
- rgb clip operations
- side flag settings
- wipe action on images with side flags
- dme wipe action for an image with side flags
- using the software
- sequence of operations in multi program
- functions added in multi program 2 mode
- differences between multi program 2 mode and standard mode
- restrictions on using multi program 2 mode
- wipe pattern list
- mosaic wipes
- dme wipe patterns available in three-channel mode
- resizer dme wipe pattern list
- menu tree
- pgm/pst menu
- frame memory menu
- color bkgd menu
- ccr menu
- copy/swap menu
- dme menu
- global effect menu
- macro menu
- key frame menu
- snapshot menu
- file menu
- diagnostic menu
- using the m/e-4 bank
- setup menu
- selecting keys 5 to 8 for next transition
- three-dimensional transformations
- transformation operation modes
- axis location
- graphics display
- basic operations
- entering three-dimensional parameter values
- graphics display operation
- canceling virtual images
- background color
- setting the border color
- crop settings
- beveled edge settings
- art edge settings
- color mix settings
- blur settings
- contrast settings
- broken glass settings
- mirror settings
- circle settings
- character trail settings
- adjusting the zoom
- global effects
- combiner settings
- brick settings
- control of external devices
- shared functions for external device control
- p-bus trigger
- control of gpi devices
- control of vtrs, extended vtrs, and disk recorders
- manual operation
- checking vtr/disk recorder/extended vtr information
- vtr/disk recorder/extended vtr timeline
- disk recorder/extended vtr file operations
- saving and recalling effects
- effect editing
- time settings
- effect execution
- master timelines
- displaying the timeline menu
- settings in the timeline menu
- specifying the region and edit points
- setting the edit points
- creating and editing keyframes
- keyframe loop (repeated execution of a specified range)
- undoing an edit operation
- transition mode settings for user programmable dme
- setting the keyframe duration
- setting the effect duration
- setting the delay
- executing effects
- setting the run mode
- saving effects
- creating and saving a master timeline with the menu
- register operations in the menus
- effect status display
- displaying a list of effect registers for editing
- chapter 14 snapshots
- snapshot types
- snapshot attributes
- snapshot operations from the numeric keypad control block
- snapshot status display
- setting key snapshot attributes
- creating and saving a master snapshot
- snapshot register editing
- recalling a snapshot
- creating a shotbox register using the menus
- chapter 16 macros
- macro creation and editing
- editing a macro
- macro execution
- recalling a macro register and executing a macro
- creating and editing a macro
- creating a new macro
- deleting an event
- saving a macro
- event number
- delete button
- offline editing of macro events
- macro attachment assigning
- executing a macro by macro attachment
- recalling a menu macro register and executing a menu macro
- menu macro register editing
- creating and editing a macro timeline
- chapter 17 files
- file operations
- directory operations
- operations on individual files
- loading files
- copying files
- converting between frame memory clips and extended clips
- memory card
- file batch operations
- batch loading files
- batch copying files
- importing and exporting files
- exporting frame memory data
- creating a new directory
- copying files between different unit ids
- saving files recalled by autoload
- texture patterns
- shape patterns
- macro file editing rules
- syntax of event and continue statements
- file name
- correspondence between events and symbols
- symbols and parameters
- example of file contents
- about the macro attachment list display
- other blocks
- setup for the whole system
- system settings (system config menu)
- specifying the dme connected to the switcher
- enabling the fm data port of the switcher
- setting conversion formats
- setting the screen aspect ratio (format menu)
- selecting the state after powering on (start up menu)
- saving and recalling setup data
- selecting the state at start-up
- saving user-defined settings
- reset and initialization (initialize menu)
- installing software
- making settings required to use the software
- adding user texture patterns
- select button
- setting the dme input/output signal format
- setting the date and time
- using a memory card
- carrying out the primary setting
- locking the setup menu settings
- locking file loading operations
- panel setup
- interchanging the bank order or disabling operation
- assigning two m/e banks to one m/e bank
- linking switcher bus and router destination
- linking transitions between keyers
- selecting the module to be the reference for device control block
- setting transition control block button assignments
- setting the assignment of macro operation buttons
- assigning functions to key control block buttons
- assigning preview output to preview selection buttons
- assigning functions to the device control block
- inhibiting utility 2 bus and key operations
- inhibiting dme channel selection operations
- cross-point settings (xpt assign menu)
- creating cross-point assign tables
- copying cross-point assign tables
- selecting cross-point assign tables
- exporting source names and destination names
- making settings for audio mixer
- assigning a cross-point button to enable/disable side flags
- auxiliary bus control block settings (aux assign menu)
- using the auxiliary bus control block for router control
- setting button assignments (prefs/utility menu)
- making control panel gpi output settings
- setting the control mode for p-bus devices
- making dcu serial port settings
- sharing disk recorder/extended vtr file lists
- setting the aux bus override operating mode
- operation settings (operation menu)
- setting the on-air tally
- setting the first keyframe when a rewind is executed
- settings for the wipe snapshot menu
- setting the button operation mode
- specifying main split fader
- maintenance menu
- adjusting the alarms
- setting the menu to be shown when the menus are started
- settings for switcher configuration (config menu)
- setting the operation mode
- setting user regions
- assigning pgm/pst logically to an m/e
- setting the side flag video material and operation
- making video process settings
- selecting the format converter conversion
- signal output settings (output menu)
- setting the output signal
- transition menu
- switching video process memory on or off
- automatically naming and saving to frame memory
- settings relating to function links (link menu)
- making link table settings
- making a setting for linking two m/e banks
- making a link setting for key transition
- making 9-pin port device interface settings
- making switcher processor gpi input settings
- making switcher processor gpi output settings
- enabling or disabling aux bus control
- setting dme and switcher interfaces
- chapter 21 dme setup (dme)
- settings relating to signal inputs (input menu)
- setting an illegal color limit for matte signals
- settings relating to signal outputs (output menu)
- making dme gpi input settings
- making dme gpi output settings
- chapter 22 dcu setup (dcu)
- setup relating to dcu
- gpi input setting (gpi input assign menu)
- gpi output setting (gpi output assign menu)
- serial port settings (serial port assign menu)
- tally group settings (group tally menu)
- wiring settings (wiring menu)
- changing the wiring settings
- tally generation settings (tally enable menu)
- modifying tally generation
- tally copy settings (tally copy menu)
- modifying tally copy settings
- parallel tally settings (parallel tally menu)
- deleting parallel tally settings
- serial tally settings (serial tally menu)
- clearing a source address setting
- procedure for simple connection
- setting status of the mks-8080/8082 in simple connection
- chapter 25 diagnosis
- checking the communications status
- data saved by [initial status define
- error messages
- error messages appearing in a message box
- error messages shown in the error information menu
- Table Of Contents
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Chapter 1 MVS-8000X Functions
- Introduction
- Features of the MVS-8000X Multi Format Switcher System
- Basic Video Processing
- Keys
- Wipes
- DME Wipes
- Copy and Swap
- Side Flags
- Creation of Special Effects and Management of Data and Operations
- External Devices
- Snapshots
- Utility
- Files
- Setup
- Chapter 2 Menus and Control Panel
- Names and Functions of Parts of the Control Panel
- Cross-Point Control Block
- Transition Control Block (Standard Type)
- Flexi Pad Control Block (Standard Type)
- Key Control Block
- Device Control Block (Trackball)
- menu button
- Device Control Block (Joystick)
- Device Control Block (Search Dial)
- Keyframe Control Block
- Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Fade to Black Control Block
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block (for AUX Buses)
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block (for Router Control)
- Menu Control Block
- Memory Card/USB Adaptor Block
- Memory Stick"/USB Connections Block
- Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Transition Control Block and Flexi Pad Control Block (Simple Type)
- Independent Key Transition Control Block (Simple Type)
- Downstream Key Control Block
- Downstream Key/Fade-to-Black Control Block
- Transition Control Block (Compact Type)
- CCP-6224 2M/E Control Panel
- Cross-Point Control Block (CCP-6224/6324) in the AUX Operating Mode
- Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Basic Menu Operations
- Accessing Menus
- Displaying a Menu
- Interpreting the Menu Screen
- Menu Operations
- Operation With a Mouse
- del button
- Switching Between the Main Menu Site and Subsidiary Menu Site
- Video Processing Flow
- Signal Selection
- Basics of Signal Selection
- AUX Panel-less Function
- Signal Assignment and Selection
- Signal Name Display
- Transitions
- Procedure for Basic Transition Operation
- Key Priority Setting
- Setting the Key Priority by a Menu Operation
- Display of the Key Output Status and Key Priority
- Selecting the Transition Type by a Menu Operation
- Super Mix Settings
- Color Matte Settings
- Executing a Transition
- Setting the Transition Rate
- Pattern Limit
- Executing an Auto Transition
- Executing a Transition With the Fader Lever (Manual Transition)
- Combinations of Auto and Manual Transitions
- Fader Lever Operation in Bus Fixed Mode
- Transition Preview
- Independent Key Transitions
- Basic Independent Key Transition Operations
- Setting the Independent Key Transition Type by a Menu Operation
- Setting the Independent Key Transition Rate
- Fade to Black
- Setting the Fade to Black Transition Rate
- Simple Transition
- Independent Key Transitions With a Simple Transition Module
- Overview
- chroma key
- Key Modifiers
- Key Memory
- Key Default
- Key Setting Operations Using Menus
- Key Type Setting
- Chroma Key Composition
- Chroma Key Adjustments
- Selecting Key Fill and Key Source
- Key Edge Modifications
- Masks
- Applying a DME Effect to a Key
- Specifying the Key Output Destination
- Blink Function
- Key Setting Operations With the Key Control Block
- Operations in the Key Control Block
- Other Key Setting Operations
- Key Adjustment Operations With the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Resizer
- Resizer Interpolation Settings
- Resizer Crop/Border Settings
- Applying Resizer Effects
- Key Snapshots
- Key Snapshot Operations Using a Simple Transition Module
- Basic Procedure for Wipe Settings
- Pattern Mix
- Setting Wipe Modifiers
- Wipe Modify Clear
- Wipe Settings for Independent Key Transitions
- Setting Independent Key Transition Wipe Modifiers
- Wipe Snapshots
- Wipe Snapshot Operations With the Menus
- Recalling a Wipe Snapshot
- Selecting the Wipe Pattern
- Saving, Canceling, and Deleting Edited Wipe Patterns
- DME Wipe Pattern Variation and Modifiers
- Relation Between DME Wipes and Other Effects
- Basic Procedure for DME Wipe Settings
- Setting DME Wipe Modifiers
- DME Wipe Modify Clear
- DME Wipe Settings for Independent Key Transitions
- Setting Independent Key Transition DME Wipe Modifiers
- Resizer DME Wipe Setting
- DME Wipe Snapshots
- DME Snapshot Operations With the Menus
- Creating User Programmable DME Patterns
- DME Wipe Pattern Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Editing the DME Wipe Pattern
- Saving, Canceling, and Deleting DME Wipe Snapshots
- operation modes
- Still Image Operations
- Interpreting the Frame Memory Menu
- Selecting an Input Image
- Capturing and Saving an Input Image
- Recalling Still Images
- Image Output
- Continuously Capturing Still Images (Record)
- Recalling a Continuous Sequence of Still Images (Animation)
- Frame Memory Clip Function
- Frame Memory Clip Operations
- Clip Playback
- Clip Creation
- Creating and Handling Frame Memory Folders
- Clip Output
- Clip Transition Operations
- Image Data Management
- Moving Files
- Deleting Files
- Renaming Files
- External Hard Disk Drive Access
- Saving Files
- Recalling Files
- Managing Images Using a DDR/VTR
- Extracting Images from Video Tape
- Color Background
- Copy and Swap Operations
- Copy by Button Operation
- Misc Menu Operations
- Editing Keyboard Settings
- Safe Title Settings
- Displaying a List of Transition Rates and Changing the Settings
- AUX Menu Operations
- Status Menu
- Router Control Menu Operations
- Switching the Source for Each Destination
- Video Process
- Video Process Memory
- Video Process Settings
- Preparations
- Overall Color Corrector Operations
- Color Corrector Functions
- Primary Color Correction Operations
- Secondary Color Correction Operations
- Spot Color Adjustment
- Output Video Processing Operations
- YUV Clip Operations
- RGB Clip Operations
- Wipe Action on Images With Side Flags
- DME Wipe Action for an Image With Side Flags
- Multi Program 2
- Sequence of Operations in Multi Program 2
- Basic Operations (Required)
- Examples of Operations in the Multi Program 2 Mode (When Sharing a Switcher Bank)
- Optional Operations
- Functions Added in Multi Program 2 Mode
- Differences Between Multi Program 2 Mode and Standard Mode
- Restrictions on Using Multi Program 2 Mode
- Wipe Pattern List
- Enhanced Wipes
- Rotary Wipes
- Mosaic Wipes
- Random/Diamond Dust Wipes
- DME Wipe Pattern List
- DME Wipe Patterns Available in Two-Channel Mode
- DME Wipe Patterns Available in Three-Channel Mode
- Resizer DME Wipe Pattern List
- Menu Tree
- PGM/PST Menu
- Frame Memory Menu
- Color Bkgd Menu
- CCR Menu
- Copy/Swap Menu
- DME Menu
- Global Effect Menu
- Macro Menu
- Key Frame Menu
- Effect Menu
- Snapshot Menu
- Shotbox Menu
- File Menu
- Engineering Setup Menu
- Diagnostic Menu
- Using the M/E-4 Bank
- Assigning Buttons for Selection of Keys 5 to 8 in the Setup Menu
- Selecting Keys 5 to 8 for Next Transition
- Three-Dimensional Transformations
- Transformation Operation Modes
- axis location
- Graphics Display
- Three-Dimensional Parameter Display
- Three-Dimensional Transformation Operations
- Entering Three-Dimensional Parameter Values
- Graphics Display Operation
- Canceling Virtual Images
- DME Special Effect Operations
- Operations Common to All DME Special Effects
- Border Settings
- Crop Settings
- Beveled Edge Settings
- Key Border Settings
- Art Edge Settings
- Flex Shadow Settings
- Wipe Crop Settings
- Color Mix Settings
- Defocus Settings
- Blur Settings
- Sepia Settings
- Mono Settings
- Posterization and Solarization Settings
- Contrast Settings
- Mosaic Settings
- Metal Settings
- Dim and Fade Settings
- Glow Settings
- Mask Settings
- Freeze Settings
- Nonlinear Effect Settings
- Corner Pinning Settings
- Lighting Settings
- Trail Settings
- Motion Decay Settings
- Keyframe Strobe Settings
- Wind Settings
- Spotlighting Settings
- Background Settings
- Separate Sides Settings
- Key Density Settings
- Interpolation Settings
- Global Effect Operations
- Combiner Settings
- Brick Settings
- Shadow Settings
- Control of External Devices
- Shared Functions for External Device Control
- Control of P-Bus Devices
- P-Bus Trigger
- Control of GPI Devices
- Control of VTRs, Extended VTRs, and Disk Recorders
- Controlling the Tape/Disk Transport
- Checking VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Information
- Cueup & Play
- VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Timeline
- Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Operations
- Regions
- Registers
- Keyframes
- Effect Editing
- Time Settings
- Paths
- Effect Execution
- Master Timelines
- Displaying the Timeline Menu
- Settings in the Timeline Menu
- Recalling a Register
- Specifying the Region and Edit Points
- Setting the Edit Points
- Creating and Editing Keyframes
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Movement
- Copying
- Keyframe Loop (Repeated Execution of a Specified Range)
- Undoing an Edit Operation
- Transition Mode Settings for User Programmable DME
- Setting the Effect Duration
- Setting the Delay
- Path Setting
- Executing Effects
- Setting the Run Mode
- Executing an Effect in the Flexi Pad Control Block
- Saving Effects
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline Using the Buttons in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline With the Menu
- Register Operations in the Menus
- Effect Status Display
- Displaying a List of Effect Registers for Editing
- Snapshot Attributes
- Snapshot Operations From the Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Flexi Pad Control Block
- Saving and Recalling Snapshots
- Snapshot Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Menus
- Snapshot Status Display
- Setting Key Snapshot Attributes
- Creating and Saving a Master Snapshot
- Snapshot Register Editing
- Operations in the Misc >Snapshot Menu
- Utility Execution
- Executing a Utility in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Executing Utilities With the Cross-Point Buttons in the Key 2 Row
- Shotbox
- Shotbox Register Creation
- Creating a Shotbox Register in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating a Shotbox Register Using the Menus
- Shotbox Execution
- Flexi Pad Control Block
- Shotbox Execution in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Executing a Shotbox Function With the Key 2 Row Cross-Point Buttons
- Shotbox Register Editing
- Macros
- Macro Creation and Editing
- Macro Execution
- Macro Operations in the Numeric Keypad Control Block and the Key frame Control Block
- Recalling a Macro Register and Executing a Macro
- Creating and Editing a Macro
- Saving a Macro
- Macro Operations in the Standard Type Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Macro
- Macro Operations in the Simple Type Flexi Pad Control Block
- Macro Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Macro Editing Using Menus
- Offline Editing of Macro Events
- Macro Attachment Assigning
- Setting and Canceling a Macro Attachment
- Displaying the Macro Attachment List
- Executing a Macro by Macro Attachment
- Menu Macros
- Recalling a Menu Macro Register and Executing a Menu Macro
- Menu Macro Creation and Editing
- Menu Macro Register Editing
- Macro Timeline
- Creating and Editing a Macro Timeline
- Overview of File Operations
- Operations on Individual Files
- Selecting Regions
- Loading Files
- Copying Files
- Converting Between Frame Memory Clips and Extended Clips
- Saving the list of frame memory files to hard disk or memory card
- File Batch Operations
- Batch Loading Files
- Batch Copying Files
- Importing and Exporting Files
- Exporting Frame Memory Data
- Directory Operations
- Renaming a Directory
- Copying Files Between Different Unit IDs
- Saving Files Recalled by Autoload
- SpotLighting
- Shape Patterns
- Functional Differences With Models of DME
- Macro File Editing Rules
- Syntax of Event and Continue Statements
- File Name
- Errors
- Symbols and Parameters
- Example of File Contents
- About the Macro Attachment List Display
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block
- Other Blocks
- Menu Operations Not Recorded in a Menu Macro
- Setup for the Whole System
- Network Settings (Network Config Menu)
- System Settings (System Config Menu)
- Specifying the DME Connected to the Switcher
- Enabling the FM Data Port of the Switcher
- Setting the Signal Format (Format Menu)
- Switching the Input Reference Signal for HD System
- Setting Conversion Formats
- Setting the Screen Aspect Ratio (Format Menu)
- Selecting the State After Powering On (Start Up Menu)
- Saving and Recalling Setup Data
- Selecting the State at Start-up
- Saving User-Defined Settings
- Reset and Initialization (Initialize Menu)
- Installation and Device Setup (Install/Unit Config Menu)
- Making Settings Required to Use the Software
- Volume
- Setting the DME Input/Output Signal Format
- System Maintenance (Maintenance Menu)
- Using a Memory Card
- Carrying Out the Primary Setting
- Locking the Setup Menu Settings
- Locking File Loading Operations
- Overall Control Panel Settings (Config Menu)
- Interchanging the Bank Order or Disabling Operation
- Assigning Two M/E Banks to One M/E Bank
- Assigning the Key Delegation in the Downstream Key Control Block
- Linking Switcher Bus and Router Destination
- Linking Transitions Between Keyers
- Selecting the Module to be the Reference for Device Control Block
- Assigning a Region to the Region Selection Buttons in the Numeric
- Keypad Control Block or Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Setting Transition Control Block Button Assignments
- Setting the Assignment of Macro Operation Buttons
- Assigning the Dual Background Bus Mode Switching Function
- Assigning the Utility/Shotbox Mode Switching Function
- Assigning the AUX Bus Control Mode Switching Function
- Assigning Keys to the DSK1 and DSK2 Buttons in the Downstream Key Fade-to-Black Control Block
- Assigning Functions to Key Control Block Buttons
- Assigning Preview Output to Preview Selection Buttons
- Assigning Functions to the Device Control Block
- Inhibiting Utility 2 Bus and Key Operations
- Inhibiting DME Channel Selection Operations
- Assigning Functions to the Buttons in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Cross-Point Settings (Xpt Assign Menu)
- Creating Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Copying Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Selecting Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Exporting Source Names and Destination Names
- Making Settings for Audio Mixer
- Assigning a Cross-Point Button to Enable/Disable Side Flags
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block Settings (Aux Assign Menu)
- Using the Auxiliary Bus Control Block for Router Control
- Setting Button Assignments (Prefs/Utility Menu)
- Assigning a Function to a Memory Recall Button in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Assigning a Function to the Key 2 Row Cross-Point Buttons
- Interfacing With External Devices (Device Interface Menu)
- Making Control Panel GPI Output Settings
- Setting the Control Mode for P-Bus Devices
- Making DCU Serial Port Settings
- Sharing Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Lists
- Setting the AUX Bus Override Operating Mode
- Operation Settings (Operation Menu)
- Setting the On-Air Tally
- Making Settings Relating to Effects
- Setting the Source and Destination Names
- Settings for the Flexi Pad and Wipe Snapshot Menu
- Setting the Operation Mode of the [ALL] Button in the Transition Control Block
- Specifying Main Split Fader
- Screen Saver and Other Settings (Maintenance Menu)
- Adjusting the Alarms
- Setting the Menu to be Shown When the Menus Are Started
- Settings for Switcher Configuration (Config Menu)
- Adjusting the Reference Phase
- Setting User Regions
- Assigning PGM/PST Logically to an M/E
- Setting the Side Flag Video Material and Operation
- Signal Input Settings (Input Menu)
- Making Video Process Settings
- Selecting the Format Converter Conversion
- Signal Output Settings (Output Menu)
- Setting the Output Signal
- Settings Relating to Video Switching (Transition Menu)
- Switching Video Process Memory On or Off
- Automatically Naming and Saving to Frame Memory
- Settings Relating to Function Links (Link Menu)
- Making Link Table Settings
- Making a Setting for Linking Two M/E Banks
- Making a Link Setting for Key Transition
- Making Switcher Processor GPI Input Settings
- Making Switcher Processor GPI Output Settings
- Enabling or Disabling AUX Bus Control
- Setting DME and Switcher Interfaces
- Selecting the Mode for Turning Off Keys Upon Receiving the Editor Command
- Settings Relating to Signal Inputs (Input Menu)
- Setting an Illegal Color Limit for Matte Signals
- Settings Relating to Signal Outputs (Output Menu)
- Making DME GPI Input Settings
- Making DME GPI Output Settings
- Setup Relating to DCU
- Settings Relating to Parallel Inputs (Input Config Menu)
- Releasing the Assignment of a GPI Input Port
- GPI Input Setting (GPI Input Assign Menu)
- Parallel Output Settings (Output Config Menu)
- Releasing the Assignment of a GPI Output Port
- GPI Output Setting (GPI Output Assign Menu)
- Serial Port Settings (Serial Port Assign Menu)
- Making Detailed Settings on the External Device Connected to the Serial Port
- Router Interface Settings (Router Menu)
- Making an External Box Setting
- Tally Group Settings (Group Tally Menu)
- Wiring Settings (Wiring Menu)
- Changing the Wiring Settings
- Tally Generation Settings (Tally Enable Menu)
- Modifying Tally Generation
- Tally Copy Settings (Tally Copy Menu)
- Modifying Tally Copy Settings
- Parallel Tally Settings (Parallel Tally Menu)
- Deleting Parallel Tally Settings
- Serial Tally Settings (Serial Tally Menu)
- Clearing a Source Address Setting
- Procedure for Simple Connection
- Setting Status of the MKS-8080/8082 in Simple Connection
- Chapter 25 DIAGNOSIS
- Checking the Communications Status
- Appendix (Volume
- Data Saved by [Setup Define] and [Initial Status Define]
- Data Saved by [Initial Status Define]
- Error Messages
- Error Messages Appearing in a Message Box
- Error Messages Shown in the Error Information Menu
- Index
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
- Functions
- Table Of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Features of the MVS-8000X/7000X Multi Format Switcher System
- Basic Video Processing
- independent key transitions
- Keys
- DME Wipes
- Multi Program 2
- D Support
- External Devices
- Files
- Names and Functions of Parts of the Control Panel
- Cross-Point Control Block
- Transition Control Block
- Device Control Block (Joystick)
- Keyframe Control Block
- Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block
- Memory Stick"/USB Connections Block
- Key Control Block (MKS-8035 Key Control Module, Option)
- Device Control Block (MKS-8031TB Trackball Module, Option)
- operation buttons
- Device Control Block (MKS-8036A Search Dial Module, Option)
- Utility/Shotbox Control Block (MKS
- Downstream Key Control Block (MKS
- Basic Menu Operations
- Example of Displaying a Menu
- Interpreting the Menu Screen
- Names and Functions of Parts of the Top Menu Window
- Names and Functions of Parts of the Numeric Keypad Window
- Names and Functions of Parts of the Color Pallet Window
- Menu Operations
- Going Back to the Previous Menu
- video processing flow
- signal selection
- signal assignment and selection
- signal name display
- selecting the next transition
- key priority setting
- key priority
- super mix settings
- transition indicator function
- pattern limit
- executing an auto transition
- combinations of auto and manual transitions
- Fader Lever Operation in Bus Fixed Mode
- transition preview
- basic independent key transition operations
- key types
- key modifiers
- key memory
- key setting operations using menus
- key type setting
- Selecting Key Fill and Key Source
- chroma key adjustments
- Key Edge Modifications
- specifying the key output destination
- key modify clear
- Parameter Adjustment with the Knobs
- Selecting Key Fill
- Key Adjustments (Key Control Block)
- Masks
- Applying a DME Effect to a Key
- Other Key Setting Operations
- Resizer
- Resizer Interpolation Settings
- Applying Resizer Effects
- edge enhancement
- Setting rotation of the resizer
- Key Snapshots
- Overview
- Pattern Mix
- Setting Wipe Modifiers
- Wipe Modify Clear
- Wipe Settings for Independent Key Transitions
- Wipe Snapshots
- Relation Between DME Wipes and Other Effects
- DME Wipe Settings Menu
- Setting DME Wipe Modifiers
- DME Wipe Modify Clear
- DME Wipe Settings for Independent Key Transitions
- Resizer DME Wipe Setting
- DME Wipe Snapshots
- operation modes
- Still Image Operations
- Selecting an Input Image
- Capturing and Saving an Input Image
- Recalling Still Images
- Image Output
- Recalling a Continuous Sequence of Still Images (Animation)
- Frame Memory Clip Function
- Frame Memory Clip Operations
- image data management
- Deleting Files
- Hard Disk Formatting
- basic color background setting operations
- Overview of Copy and Swap
- AUX Menu Operations
- video process
- color corrector
- Primary Color Correction Operations
- Secondary Color Correction Operations
- spot color adjustment
- special functions
- Basic Operations (Required)
- Mode (When Sharing a Switcher Bank)
- Optional Operations
- Functions Added in Multi Program 2 Mode
- Differences between Multi Program 2 Mode and Standard Mode
- Preparations
- output connectors
- Restrictions in 3D Mode
- Video Creation in 3D Mode
- Three-Dimensional Transformations
- Transformation Operation Modes
- Graphics Display
- Three-Dimensional Parameter Display
- background color
- Global Effects
- Three-Dimensional Transformation Operations
- Graphics Display Operation
- Canceling Virtual Images
- Border Settings
- Crop Settings
- Beveled Edge Settings
- Key Border Settings
- Flex Shadow Settings
- Wipe Crop Settings
- Color Mix Settings
- Applying Special Effects (Effects on the Overall Video Signal)
- Blur Settings
- Multi Move Settings
- Sepia Settings
- Nega Settings
- Metal Settings
- Glow Settings
- Freeze Settings
- Applying Special Effects (Nonlinear Effect Settings)
- Mosaic Glass Settings
- Ripple Settings
- Rings Settings
- Flying Bar Settings
- Split Settings
- Mirror Settings
- Kaleidoscope Settings
- Circle Settings
- Roll Settings
- Sphere Settings
- Melt Settings
- Character Trail Settings
- Applying Special Effects (Lighting and Recursive Effects)
- Trail Settings
- Motion Decay Settings
- Keyframe Strobe Settings
- Wind Settings
- Spotlighting Settings
- Background Settings
- Invert Settings
- Key Density Settings
- Corner Pinning Settings
- adjusting the zoom
- Global Effect Operations
- Combiner Settings
- Brick Settings
- Shadow Settings
- Appendix (Volume
- Enhanced Wipes
- Mosaic Wipes
- Random/Diamond Dust Wipes
- DME Wipe Pattern List
- DME Wipe Patterns Available in Two Channel Mode
- DME Wipe Patterns Available in Three Channel Mode
- Resizer DME Wipe Pattern List
- Menu Tree
- PGM/PST Menu
- Frame Memory Menu
- AUX Menu
- Copy/Swap Menu
- DME Menu
- Global Effect Menu
- Macro Menu
- Effect Menu
- Snapshot Menu
- Shotbox Menu
- File Menu
- Engineering Setup Menu
- User Setup Menu
- Using the M/E-4 Bank
- Assigning Buttons for Selection of Keys 5 to
- Selecting Keys 5 to 8 for Next Transition
- Menus accessed by pressing a button twice
- Menus allowing a return to default settings
- SpotLighting
- Volume
- Control of External Devices
- Control of P-Bus Devices
- P-Bus Trigger
- Control of GPI Devices
- Control of VTRs, Extended VTRs, and Disk Recorders
- Controlling the Tape/Disk Transport
- Checking VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Information
- Cueup & Play
- VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Timeline
- Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Operations
- Regions
- Registers
- Keyframes
- Time Settings
- Paths
- Effect Execution
- Master Timelines
- Displaying the Timeline Menu
- Settings in the Timeline Menu
- Recalling a Register
- Specifying the Region and Edit Points
- Creating and Editing Keyframes
- Modification
- Deletion
- Copying
- Undoing an Edit Operation
- Duration Mode Setting
- Path Setting
- Executing Effects
- Saving Effects
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline With the Menu
- Register Operations in the Menus
- Effect Status Display
- Displaying a List of Effect Registers for Editing
- Snapshot Operations From the Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Menus
- Snapshot Status Display
- Creating and Saving a Master Snapshot
- saving a snapshot
- Utility Execution
- Shotbox
- Shotbox Register Creation
- Creating a Shotbox Register Using the Menus
- Shotbox Execution
- Shotbox Register Editing
- Macros
- Macro Creation and Editing
- Macro Execution
- Control Block and the Keyframe Control Block
- Creating and Editing a Macro
- deleting an event
- Saving a Macro
- delete button
- Offline Editing of Macro Events
- Macro Attachment Assigning
- Setting and Canceling a Macro Attachment
- Displaying the Macro Attachment List
- Menu Macros
- Recalling a Menu Macro Register and Executing a Menu Macro
- Menu Macro Creation and Editing
- Menu Macro Register Editing
- Macro Timeline
- Overview of File Operations
- Operations on Individual Files
- saving files
- loading files
- copying files
- renaming files
- importing and exporting files
- creating a new directory
- Making the Network Settings
- format menu
- saving and recalling setup data
- installing software
- ancillary data
- Using a Memory Card
- Operation
- Downstream Key Control Block (MKS 8032 DSK Fader Module, Option)
- Linking Switcher Bus and Router Destination
- Linking Transitions Between Keyers
- Selecting the Module to Be the Reference for Device Control Block
- Setting Transition Control Block Button Assignments
- Setting the Assignment of Macro Operation Buttons
- Assigning Functions to Key Control Block Buttons
- Assigning Preview Output to Preview Selection Buttons
- Inhibiting Utility 2 Bus and Key Operations
- Block Top Menu and User Preference Buttons
- Creating Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Copying Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Exporting Source Names and Destination Names
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block Settings (Aux Assign Menu)
- Using the Auxiliary Bus Control Block for Router Control
- Setting Button Assignments (Prefs/Utility Menu)
- Block (MKS-8033 Utility/Shotbox Module, Option)
- Interfacing With External Devices (Device Interface Menu)
- Making Control Panel GPI Output Settings
- Setting the SCU Editor Panel Port
- Sharing Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Lists
- Operation Settings (Operation Menu)
- Setting the First Keyframe When a Rewind is Executed
- Setting the Button Operation Mode
- Double-Click Sensitivity
- Screen Saver Settings
- Setting Whether or not to Sound a Beep when a Touch Operation is Carried Out
- Adjusting the Reference Phase
- Setting the Operation Mode
- Setting User Regions
- Setting the Side Flag Video Material and Operation
- Signal Input Settings (Input Menu)
- Selecting the Primary Input to be Used in the Format Converter
- Signal Output Settings (Output Menu)
- Setting the Output Signal
- Selecting the Bank to Make the Settings
- Memory and Color Correction (Key Wipe/FM/CCR Menu)
- Automatically Naming and Saving to Frame Memory
- Settings Relating to Function Links (Link Menu)
- Making Link Table Settings
- Making a Link Setting for Key Transition
- Making Switcher Processor GPI Input Settings
- Making Switcher Processor GPI Output Settings
- Enabling or Disabling AUX Bus Control
- Setting the AUX Bus Output and Reentry Input
- Setting the Initial Crop
- Setting the TBC Window Center Position
- Making DME GPI Input Settings
- Making DME GPI Output Settings
- Setup Relating to DCU
- Making DCU GPI Input Settings
- Parallel Output Settings (Output Config Menu)
- Releasing the Assignment of a GPI Output Port
- Serial Port Settings (Serial Port Assign Menu)
- Making Detailed Settings on the External Device Connected to the Serial Port
- Bus Space
- Making an External Box Setting
- Wiring Settings (Wiring Menu)
- Changing the Wiring Settings
- Modifying Tally Generation
- Deleting Tally Copy Settings
- Deleting Parallel Tally Settings
- Clearing a Source Address Setting
- Source Patch
- Checking the Communications Status
- Macro File Editing Rules
- Syntax of Event and Continue Statements
- Correspondence Between Events and Symbols
- Symbols and Parameters
- Example of File Contents
- M/E and PGM/PST Banks
- Other Blocks
- Menu Operations Not Recorded in a Menu Macro
- Data Saved by [Setup Define] and [Initial Status Define]
- Data Saved by [Initial Status Define]
- Error Messages
- Information Menu
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- external devices
- Control of P-Bus Devices
- P-Bus Trigger
- Control of GPI Devices
- manual operation
- Controlling the Tape/Disk Transport
- Checking VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Information
- Cueup & Play
- VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Timeline
- Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Operations
- Regions
- Registers
- effect editing
- Time Settings
- Paths
- effect execution
- Master Timelines
- Displaying the Timeline Menu
- Settings in the Timeline Menu
- Recalling a Register
- Specifying the Region and Edit Points
- Setting the Edit Points
- Creating and Editing Keyframes
- Deletion
- Pause
- Undoing an Edit Operation
- Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Setting the Effect Duration
- Path Settings
- Executing Effects
- executing an effect
- Executing an Effect in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline
- Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline With the Menu
- Register Operations in the Menus
- Effect Status Display
- status information
- snapshot attributes
- Snapshot Operations From the Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Flexi Pad Control Block
- Saving and Recalling Snapshots
- Snapshot Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Menus
- Snapshot Status Display
- Creating and Saving a Master Snapshot
- recalling a snapshot
- Utility Execution
- Executing Utilities With the Cross-Point Buttons in the Key 2 Row
- Shotbox
- Creating a Shotbox Register Using the Menus
- flexi pad control block
- Shotbox Execution in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Shotbox Register Editing
- Macros
- Macro Creation and Editing
- editing a macro
- Control Block and the Keyframe Control Block
- Recalling a Macro Register and Executing a Macro
- Saving a Macro
- Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Macro
- Macro Operations in the Simple Type Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Editing a Macro
- Macro Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- event number
- delete button
- Offline Editing of Macro Events
- Macro Attachment Assigning
- Setting and Canceling a Macro Attachment
- Displaying the Macro Attachment List
- Executing a Macro by Macro Attachment
- Menu Macros
- Menu Macro Creation and Editing
- Menu Macro Register Editing
- Creating and Editing a Macro Timeline
- file operations
- Operations on Individual Files
- saving files
- loading files
- copying files
- renaming files
- deleting files
- Saving the List of Frame Memory Files to Hard Disk or Memory Card
- File Batch Operations
- importing and exporting files
- Exporting Frame Memory Data
- creating a new directory
- Copying Files Between Different Unit IDs
- Saving Files Recalled by Autoload
- Setup for the Whole System
- network settings
- System Settings (System Config Menu)
- Specifying the DME Connected to the Switcher
- format menu
- Switching the Input Reference Signal for HD System
- Setting the Screen Aspect Ratio (Format Menu)
- saving and recalling setup data
- Selecting the State at Start-up
- installing software
- Making Settings Required to Use the Software
- Adding User Texture Patterns
- ancillary data
- system maintenance
- Reloading a USB Driver
- Locking File Loading Operations
- control panel setup
- Assigning Two M/E Banks to One M/E Bank
- Linking Switcher Bus and Router Destination
- Linking Transitions Between Keyers
- Linking the Next Transition Selection Buttons
- Setting Transition Control Block Button Assignments
- Assigning the Utility/Shotbox Mode Switching Function
- Buttons in the Downstream Key/Fade to-Black Control Block
- Assigning Functions to Key Control Block Buttons
- Block
- Inhibiting Utility 2 Bus and Key Operations
- Transition Control Block (Simple Type)
- Cross-Point Settings (Xpt Assign Menu)
- Copying Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Selecting Cross-Point Assign Tables
- Assigning a Cross-Point Button to Enable Disable Side Flags
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block Settings (Aux Assign Menu)
- utility menu
- Button in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Assigning a Function to the Key 2 Row Cross Point Buttons
- Making Control Panel GPI Output Settings
- Devices
- operating mode
- Operation Settings (Operation Menu)
- Setting the Transition Rate Display Mode
- Settings for the Flexi Pad and Wipe Snapshot Menu
- Button in the Transition Control Block
- Specifying Main Split Fader
- adjusting the brightness
- Setting the Mouse Wheel Scrolling Direction for Parameter Setting
- switcher setup
- setting the operation mode
- Setting User Regions
- Setting the Side Flag Video Material and Operation
- input menu
- Enabling the Illegal Color Limiter
- output menu
- Enabling AUX Mix Transitions
- Selecting the Bank to Make the Settings
- Memory and Color Correction (Key Wipe/FM/CCR Menu)
- Automatically Naming and Saving to Frame Memory
- Settings Relating to Function Links (Link Menu)
- Making Link Table Settings
- Making a Link Setting for Key Transition
- Interfacing With External Devices (Device Interface Menu)
- Making Switcher Processor GPI Input Settings
- Making Switcher Processor GPI Output Settings
- Enabling or Disabling AUX Bus Control
- Setting the AUX Bus Output and Reentry Input
- Settings Relating to Signal Inputs (Input Menu)
- Setting the TBC Window Center Position
- Making DME GPI Input Settings
- Making DME GPI Output Settings
- Setup Relating to DCU
- Releasing the Assignment of a GPI Input Port
- Parallel Output Settings (Output Config Menu)
- Releasing the Assignment of a GPI Output Port
- Serial Port Settings (Serial Port Assign Menu)
- serial port
- Router Interface Settings (Router Menu)
- Setting External Boxes 1 to 12
- Tally Group Settings (Group Tally Menu)
- Changing the Wiring Settings
- Modifying Tally Generation
- Deleting Tally Copy Settings
- address settings
- Clearing a Source Address Setting
- Source Patch
- Creating a Patch Table (Conversion Table)
- Replacing Signal Pairs Using the Patch Table
- Checking the Communications Status
- remote panel
- Macro File Editing Rules
- file name
- Correspondence Between Events and Symbols
- Symbols and Parameters
- Example of File Contents
- About the Macro Attachment List Display
- auxiliary bus control block
- Other Blocks
- Menu Operations Not Recorded in a Menu Macro
- Data Saved by [Setup Define] and [Initial Status Define]
- Data Saved by [Initial Status Define]
- error messages
- Error Messages Appearing in a Message Box
- Error Messages Shown in the Error Information Menu
- Index
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
- Signal Selection and Transitions
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- DME Operations
- Three-Dimensional Transformations
- Transformation Operation Modes
- Graphics Display
- Three-Dimensional Parameter Display
- Three-Dimensional Transformation Operations
- Entering Three-Dimensional Parameter Values
- Graphics Display Operation
- Canceling Virtual Images
- DME Special Effect Operations
- background color
- Operations Common to All DME Special Effects
- Border Settings
- setting the border color
- Crop Settings
- Beveled Edge Settings
- Key Border Settings
- Art Edge Settings
- Flex Shadow Settings
- Wipe Crop Settings
- Color Mix Settings
- Defocus Settings
- Blur Settings
- Sepia Settings
- Mono Settings
- Posterization and Solarization Settings
- Contrast Settings
- Mosaic Settings
- Metal Settings
- Dim and Fade Settings
- Glow Settings
- Mask Settings
- Freeze Settings
- Nonlinear Effect Settings
- mirror settings
- Corner Pinning Settings
- Lighting Settings
- Trail Settings
- Motion Decay Settings
- Keyframe Strobe Settings
- Wind Settings
- Spotlighting Settings
- Background Settings
- Separate Sides Settings
- Key Density Settings
- Interpolation Settings
- Global Effect Operations
- Combiner Settings
- Brick Settings
- Shadow Settings
- Control of External Devices
- Shared Functions for External Device Control
- Control of P-Bus Devices
- P-Bus Trigger
- Control of GPI Devices
- Control of VTRs, Extended VTRs, and Disk Recorders
- Menus and Control Panel
- Checking VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Information
- Cueup & Play
- VTR/Disk Recorder/Extended VTR Timeline
- Disk Recorder/Extended VTR File Operations
- Regions
- Registers
- Keyframes
- Effect Editing
- Time Settings
- Paths
- Effect Execution
- Master Timelines
- Displaying the Timeline Menu
- Settings in the Timeline Menu
- Recalling a Register
- Specifying the Region and Edit Points
- Setting the Edit Points
- Creating and Editing Keyframes
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Movement
- Copying
- Keyframe Loop (Repeated Execution of a Specified Range)
- Undoing an Edit Operation
- Transition Mode Settings for User Programmable DME
- Setting the Effect Duration
- Setting the Delay
- Path Setting
- Executing Effects
- Setting the Run Mode
- Executing an Effect in the Flexi Pad Control Block
- Saving Effects
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline Using the Buttons in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Master Timeline With the Menu
- Register Operations in the Menus
- Effect Status Display
- Displaying a List of Effect Registers for Editing
- Overview
- Snapshot Attributes
- Snapshot Operations From the Numeric Keypad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Flexi Pad Control Block
- Saving and Recalling Snapshots
- Snapshot Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Snapshot Operations in the Menus
- Snapshot Status Display
- Setting Key Snapshot Attributes
- Creating and Saving a Master Snapshot
- Snapshot Register Editing
- Operations in the Misc >Snapshot Menu
- Utility Execution
- Executing a Utility in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Executing Utilities With the Cross-Point Buttons in the Key 2 Row
- Shotbox
- Shotbox Register Creation
- Creating a Shotbox Register in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating a Shotbox Register Using the Menus
- Shotbox Execution
- Shotbox Execution in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block or the Flexi Pad Control Block
- Shotbox Execution in the Utility/Shotbox Control Block
- Executing a Shotbox Function With the Key 2 Row Cross-Point Buttons
- Shotbox Register Editing
- Macros
- Macro Creation and Editing
- editing a macro
- Macro Execution
- Macro Operations in the Numeric Keypad Control Block and the Keyframe Control Block
- Recalling a Macro Register and Executing a Macro
- Creating and Editing a Macro
- creating a new macro
- deleting an event
- Saving a Macro
- Macro Operations in the Standard Type Flexi Pad Control Block
- Creating and Saving a Macro
- deleting a macro
- Macro Operations in the Simple Type Flexi Pad Control Block
- Macro Operations in the Multifunction Flexi Pad Control Block
- Macro Editing Using Menus
- event number
- delete button
- Offline Editing of Macro Events
- Macro Attachment Assigning
- Setting and Canceling a Macro Attachment
- Displaying the Macro Attachment List
- Executing a Macro by Macro Attachment
- Menu Macros
- Recalling a Menu Macro Register and Executing a Menu Macro
- Menu Macro Creation and Editing
- Menu Macro Register Editing
- Macro Timeline
- Creating and Editing a Macro Timeline
- Overview of File Operations
- directory operations
- Operations on Individual Files
- Selecting Regions
- Saving Files
- Loading Files
- Copying Files
- Renaming Files
- Deleting Files
- Converting Between Frame Memory Clips and Extended Clips
- Saving the list of frame memory files to hard disk or memory card
- File Batch Operations
- Batch Loading Files
- Batch Copying Files
- Importing and Exporting Files
- Exporting Frame Memory Data
- Directory Operations
- Renaming a Directory
- Copying Files Between Different Unit IDs
- Saving Files Recalled by Autoload
- SpotLighting
- Shape Patterns
- Functional Differences With Models of DME
- Macro File Editing Rules
- Syntax of Event and Continue Statements
- File Name
- Errors
- Symbols and Parameters
- Example of File Contents
- About the Macro Attachment List Display
- Auxiliary Bus Control Block
- Other Blocks
- Menu Operations Not Recorded in a Menu Macro
- Index
MVS-8000X System
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Troubleshooting
- Operating Environment
- Recommended Power Cord
- Installation Space (External dimensions)
- MVS-7000X
- Installing the Options
- Installing the Plug-in Boards
- Installing the Connector Board
- Installing the HK-PSU05
- Rack Mounting
- Matching Connectors
- Input/Output Signals of Connectors
- Checks on Completion of Installation
- System Connection
- flow of video signals
- Cleaning
- About the Data Backup Capacitor