
LG KS20 manuals

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Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. InTrodUCTIon
  8. For YoUr SAFETY
  10. road safety
  11. blasting area
  12. explosive atmospheres
  13. KS20 FEATUrES
  14. side view
  15. rear view
  16. cautions for touch keys
  18. charging the battery
  19. charging mode
  20. Disconnecting the charger
  21. How to use a microSD memory card
  22. Memory card formatting
  23. reset the device
  24. Calibrate the Device
  25. Manage screen settings
  26. SCrEEn InForMATIon
  27. Indicators
  28. Using the Start Menu
  29. InForMATIon
  30. Using the standard on-screen Keyboard
  31. Enter text using Block recognizer
  32. Using Transcriber
  33. Transcriber Gestures
  34. The Transcriber toolbar
  35. Drawing and Writing on the Screen
  36. entering and searching information
  37. Recording a note
  38. Searching Information
  39. GEnErAL FUnCTIonS
  40. making a call
  41. make a call from speed dial
  42. Receiving a Call
  43. to set up a conference call
  44. make an emergency call
  45. SYnChronIzInG YoUr dEvICE
  46. Synchronizing Information
  47. Synchronizing via Bluetooth
  48. Synchronizing Music, Video, and Pictures
  49. synchronization settings
  50. CoMMUnICATIonS
  51. new Text Message
  52. new MMS Messages
  53. managing messages
  54. note downloading messages
  55. Phone
  56. Make a call using Speed dial
  57. Call logs
  58. Filter
  59. overview of contacts
  60. To change contact information
  61. To find a contact
  63. Video Camera
  64. Frame shot
  65. Playback screen
  66. library screen
  67. FM Radio
  68. Pictures & Videos
  69. To copy a picture or video clip to your device
  70. To sort pictures and video clips
  71. To set a picture as the Today screen
  72. To send pictures and video clips via e-mail
  73. To assign pictures to contacts
  74. Mobile Java
  75. Games
  76. ProGrAMS
  77. word mobile
  78. excel Mobile
  79. PowerPoint Mobile
  80. To navigate between slides
  81. File explorer
  82. Messenger
  83. To start Windows Live Messenger
  84. To check your own Messenger status
  85. Entering information in notes
  86. Tasks
  87. writing text
  88. Making drawings
  89. To cut/copy an entire area
  90. Auto Profile
  91. Internet Share
  92. SETTInGS
  93. network
  94. Band
  95. Setting the time and date
  96. Lock
  97. To display owner information on the Today
  98. Today
  99. To set options for displaying appointments on the Today screen
  100. Alarms
  101. Memory
  102. Main
  103. Power
  104. Bluetooth
  105. bluetooth modes
  106. Bluetooth partnerships
  107. To accept a Bluetooth partnership
  108. To use the USB mass storage
  109. connections
  110. To connect to the Internet via My ISP
  111. To reset or modify the network card settings on your device
  112. Wireless Manager
  113. Configuring Wi-Fi connection settings
  114. ACCESSorIES
  115. TEChnICAL dATA
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. InTroDUCCIón
  6. Por SU SEGUrIDaD
  7. InSTrUCCIonES Para Un USo SEGUro y EfICaz
  8. Dispositivos electrónicos
  9. Seguridad vial
  10. Derribos
  11. CaraCTErÍSTICaS DE KS20
  12. vista lateral
  13. vista trasera
  14. InICIo
  15. Desconectar el cargador
  16. microsd
  17. Formateo de la tarjeta de memoria
  18. Encendido y apagado del dispositivo
  19. Restablecimiento del dispositivo
  20. pleto
  21. Calibrado del dispositivo
  22. Configuración de la pantalla
  23. InforMaCIón DE La PanTaLLa
  24. Pantalla Hoy de Microsoft predeterminada
  25. Indicadores
  26. Utilización del menú inicio
  27. InforMaCIón
  28. Utilización del teclado
  29. Utilización del reconocedor de trazos naturales
  30. Grabación de una nota
  31. Búsqueda de información
  32. fUnCIonES GEnEraLES
  33. realización de una llamada desde Contactos
  34. Recepción de una llamada
  35. Información de marcación adicional
  36. Kit de herramientas SIM (STK)
  37. SInCronIzaCIón DEL DISPoSITIvo
  38. Configuración de Windows vistaTM
  39. Configuración de la sincronización en Windows Mobile Device Center
  40. Utilización de Windows Mobile Device Center
  41. Sincronización de la información
  42. Sincronización directa con Exchange Server
  43. Sincronización mediante Bluetooth
  44. imágenes
  45. Modificación de la configuración de sin cronización de los archivos multimedia
  46. CoMUnICaCIonES
  47. Nuevos mensajes MMS
  48. Inicio de un mensaje MMS
  49. Administración de mensajes
  50. nota para la descarga de mensajes
  51. Teléfono
  52. realización de una llamada
  53. rápida
  54. Enviar mensaje de texto
  55. Contactos
  56. Copia de los contactos de la tarjeta SIM en
  58. Configuración del modo de cámara
  59. Videocámara
  60. Marcos
  61. Windows Media
  62. Pantalla reproducción
  63. Pantalla reproduciendo
  64. Pantalla biblioteca
  65. Radio FM
  66. Imágenes y vídeos
  67. reproducción de vídeos con audio
  68. Definición de una imagen como fondo de la pantalla Hoy
  69. Transferencia de una imagen
  70. Mobile Java
  71. ProGraMaS
  72. Creación de un archivo
  73. Mobile
  74. Excel Mobile
  75. PowerPoint Mobile
  76. Inicio de una presentación de diapositivas
  77. explorador de archivos
  78. Messenger
  79. tarjeta de almacenamiento
  80. adaptador de viaje
  81. for your safety
  82. avoid damage to your hearing
  83. emergency calls
  84. ks20 features
  85. cautions for touch keys
  86. charging the battery
  87. microsd memory card
  88. turn the device on
  89. using the start menu
  90. using letter recognizer
  91. using transcriber
  92. transcriber gestures
  93. recording a note
  94. searching information
  95. receiving a call
  96. to switch between two calls
  97. make an emergency call
  98. setting up windows vista
  99. synchronizing information
  100. exchange server
  101. synchronizing via bluetooth
  102. new text messages
  103. new mms messages
  104. to reply to or forward a message
  105. call logs
  106. send multimedia message
  107. to create a contact
  108. to find a contact
  109. video camera
  110. playback screen
  111. library screen
  112. to play videos with audio
  113. to set a picture as the today screen
  114. to use advance options
  115. internet explorer
  116. to navigate between slides
  117. to start windows live messenger
  118. to block or unblock contacts
  119. to create a note
  120. to change the priority of a task
  121. making drawings
  122. to change the zoom level
  123. phone setting
  124. fixed dialing
  125. setting alarms
  126. to display owner information on the today screen
  127. to set options for displaying appointments on the today screen
  128. storage card
  129. running programs
  130. to make your device discoverable
  131. usb to pc
  132. wireless manager
  133. travel adapter
  134. technical data
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. GİRİŞ
  9. KuRaLLaRı
  11. BaŞLaRKEN
  12. Adaptörün çıkartılması
  13. MicroSD bellek kartının kullanımı
  14. Bellek kartı biçimlendirme
  15. Cihazın kalibre edilmesi
  16. Ekran ayarlarını yönetme
  18. Göstergeler
  19. Start Menüsünü Kullanma
  21. Klavyeyi Kullanma
  22. Transcriber'ı Kullanma
  23. Transcriber Özel Hareketleri
  24. Transcriber araç çubuğu
  25. Ekran Üzerine Çizme ve Yazma
  26. Not Okuma
  27. Arama Bilgisi
  29. Çağrı Alma
  31. Senkronize Etme
  32. Bluetooth aracılığıyla senkronizasyon
  34. Yeni Metin Mesajları
  35. Yeni MMS Mesajları
  36. Mesaj yönetimi
  37. Mesaj İndirme
  38. Phone
  39. arama yapma
  40. Rehbere Kaydetme
  41. Contacts
  42. Contacts'a genel bakış
  43. Camera
  44. Kamera modunu yapılandırma
  45. Video Camera
  46. Frame Shot
  47. Windows media
  48. Oynatma ekranı
  49. Now playing ekranı
  50. Library ekranı
  51. FM Radio
  52. Pictures & Videos
  53. Sesli video oynatma
  54. seçme
  55. gönderme
  56. Mobile Java
  57. PROGRaMS
  58. Dosya oluşturma
  59. Word Mobile hakkında daha fazla yardım almak için
  60. Excel Mobile
  61. PowerPoint Mobile
  62. File explorer
  63. Messenger
  64. Windows Live Messenger'ı başlatmak için
  65. Kişileri engellemek veya engellemeyi kaldırmak için
  66. Notes
  67. Tasks
  68. Tüm yeni görevler için varsayılan bir hatırlatıcı ayarlamak için
  69. PSNote
  70. Yeni belge
  71. AutoProfile
  72. SETTıNGS
  73. Band
  74. Sounds&Notifications
  75. Şifrenizi değiştirmek için
  76. Bugün ekranında telefon sahibi bilgilerini görüntülemek için
  77. Today
  78. Bugün ekranında randevu görüntüleme seçeneklerini ayarlamak için
  79. Alarms
  80. Memory
  81. Main
  82. Power
  83. Battery
  84. Bluetooth
  85. Bluetooth ortaklıkları
  86. Connections
  87. kullanarak bağlanmak için
  88. veya değiştirmek için
  89. Wireless Manager
  90. Wi-Fi bağlantı ayarlarının yapılandırılması
  91. aKSESuaRLaR
  93. accessibility Services
  94. for your safety
  95. electronic devices
  96. emergency calls
  97. ks20 features
  98. cautions for touch keys
  99. the battery
  100. microsd memory card
  101. turn the device on
  102. using the start menu
  103. using transcriber
  104. transcriber gestures
  105. drawing and writing on the screen
  106. to switch between two calls
  107. make an international call
  108. synchronizing information
  109. synchronizing via bluetooth
  110. new mms messages
  111. call logs
  112. to create a contact
  113. to find a contact
  114. to sort pictures and video clips
  115. to set a picture as the today screen
  116. to start windows live messenger
  117. to create a note
  118. to change the zoom level
  119. fixed dialing
  120. to display owner information on the today screen
  121. storage card
  122. to make your device discoverable
  123. to create a bluetooth partnership
  124. technical data
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
Table of contents
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Handhelds
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Handhelds
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
KS20 first page preview


Brand: LG | Category: Cell Phone
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