Sony Ipela SNC-CH180 manuals
Ipela SNC-CH180
Table of contents
Ipela SNC-CH180
Table of contents
- network camera
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- system requirements
- assigning the ip address to the camera
- installing software
- when using windows vista
- when using windows 7
- accessing the camera using the web browser
- basic configuration by the administrator
- operating the camera
- logging in to system
- control panel section
- camera control panel
- monitor image
- control bar
- controlling the camera on a full image
- sending a monitor image via e-mail
- switching transmission mode
- using the system utility
- snc desktop viewer
- basic operations of the administrator menu
- configuration of the administrator menu
- configuring the system
- ptz mode
- time zone
- installation tab
- initialize tab
- system log tab
- access log tab
- audio upload
- picture tab
- white balance
- setting a privacy mask
- video codec tab
- streaming tab
- configuring the network
- mac address
- qos tab
- e-mail (smtp) notification
- http notification
- ssl menu
- private key password
- how to install the ca certificate
- to remove an installed ca certificate
- using the 802.1x authentication function
- client certificate tab
- ca certificate tab
- user menu
- preset position menu
- preset tour tab — setting a position tour
- resume time on inactivity
- file attachment
- periodical sending
- ftp client function
- alarm sending
- image memory menu
- capacity warning
- alarm recording
- periodical recording
- folder structure of image memory
- ftp server function
- recording mode
- alarm output menu
- voice alert menu
- ftp client
- schedule menu
- event detection menu
- what are vmf functions
- setting items for motion detection
- vmf settings
- filter settings
- trigger size
- audio detection
- viewer menu
- html output tab
- how to use snc toolbox
- device list
- registering in my device
- changing the device list display method
- setting snc toolbox options
- masking a camera image
- using the firmware upgrade
- using the schedule task
- configuring the device setting
- other settings
- device restart and initialization
- connecting the camera to the computer
- using the snc audio upload tool
- voice alert tab
- installing the snc video player
- using the snc video player
- using the snmp
- activex control
- dhcp server
- proxy server
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
Ipela SNC-CH180
Table of contents
- network camera
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Features
- How to Use This User's Guide
- Assigning the IP Address to the Camera
- When using Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later
- When using Windows Vista
- configuring windows firewall
- When using Windows 7
- Accessing the Camera Using the Web Browser
- Basic Configuration by the Administrator
- Administrator and User
- Logging in to System
- Configuration of Main Viewer
- camera control panel
- Monitor image
- Plug-in free viewer
- Panning, tilting and zooming by specifying the area (Area zoom mode only)
- Using pan/tilt/zoom operations with the displayed control bar (PTZ Control bar only)
- Using the Trigger Button
- Controlling Alarm out 1, 2
- Using the System Utility
- SNC Desktop viewer
- Basic Operations of the Administrator Menu
- Configuration of the Administrator menu
- Configuring the System — System Menu
- Date & time Tab
- Superimpose Tab
- Installation Tab
- Initialize Tab
- System log Tab
- Setting the Camera Image and Audio Camera Menu
- Picture Tab
- auto iris
- Privacy masking tab
- Day/Night Tab
- Video codec Tab
- Streaming Tab
- Configuring the Network — Network Menu
- host name
- common setting
- qos tab
- Dynamic IP address notification Tab Notifying the IP Address
- http notification
- Setting the SSL function — SSL Menu
- CA certificate tab — Adding the CA certificate for client authentication
- How to install the CA certificate
- To remove an installed CA certificate
- Using the 802.1X Authentication Function 802.1X Menu
- Common Tab — Basic setting of 802.1X authentication function
- Client certificate Tab
- CA certificate Tab
- Setting the User — User Menu
- Setting the Security — Security Menu
- Saving the Camera Position and Action Preset position Menu
- Preset tour Tab — Setting a position tour
- resume time on inactivity
- Sending an Image via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP Menu
- Alarm sending Tab — Setting the e-mail sending mode when detecting the alarm
- Periodical sending Tab — Setting the periodical e-mail sending mode
- Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP client Menu
- Alarm sending Tab — Setting the FTP client action when detecting the alarm
- Periodical sending Tab — Setting the periodical FTP client activity
- Recording Images in Memory — Image memory Menu
- Alarm recording Tab — Setting the Image memory function when detecting the alarm
- Periodical recording Tab — Setting the periodical recording mode
- Downloading Images from the Camera FTP server Menu
- Setting the Edge Storage — Edge Storage Menu
- Folder structure of Edge Storage
- Setting the Alarm Output — Alarm output Menu
- Outputting Audio Linked to Alarm Detection Voice alert Menu
- Setting the Operations from the Viewer Trigger Menu
- alarm output
- Setting the Schedule — Schedule Menu
- Event detection Menu
- Setting items for motion detection
- VMF settings
- trigger size
- Audio detection tab — Set the audio detection
- Configuring the Viewer — Viewer Menu
- HTML output tab
- Using the SNC toolbox
- device list
- Registering in My device
- Changing the Device list display method
- Setting SNC toolbox options
- Using Privacy Masking — Masking a Camera Image
- Using the Custom Homepage — Setting the customized home
- Using the Firmware Upgrade
- Using the Schedule Task
- Configuring the device setting
- other settings
- Device restart and initialization
- Using the SNC audio upload tool Transmitting Audio to Camera
- Using the SNC audio upload tool
- voice alert tab
- Using the SNC video player — Playing a Video Audio File Recorded with the Camera
- Using the SNC video player
- Assigning the IP Address to the Camera Using ARP Commands
- Using the SNMP
- Glossary
- dhcp server
- proxy server
- Index
- Table Of Contents