
HP Integrity BL870c manuals

Integrity BL870c first page preview

Integrity BL870c

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
Integrity BL870c first page preview

Integrity BL870c

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Overview
  15. Base server
  16. HP_ComputerSystemChassis
  17. HP_ComputerSystemPackage
  18. HP_PowerManagementService
  19. HP_PowerManagementCapabilities
  20. HP_AssociatedPowerManagementService
  21. HP_HostedPowerManagementService
  22. HP_SystemROMElementFirmwareIdentity
  23. WBEM Providers Started
  24. Use cases
  25. HP_ProcessorCapabilities
  26. HP_ProcessorCore
  27. HP_HardwareThread
  28. HP_ProcessorCacheMemory
  29. HP_SystemProcessor
  30. HP_ProcessorElementCapabilities
  31. HP_HWThreadComponent
  32. HP_ProcessorCollection
  33. HP_ProcessorGroupHostedCollection
  34. HP_ProcessorChip
  35. HP_RealizesProcessor
  36. HP_ProcessorElementLocation
  37. System Power Supply
  38. HP_PowerCollection
  39. HP_PowerRedundancySet
  40. HP_MemberOfPowerRedundancy
  41. HP_HostedPowerRedundancySet
  42. HP_SystemPowerSupply
  43. HP_PowerSupplySlot
  44. HP_PowerSupplyInSlot
  45. HP_SystemPhysicalPowerSupply
  46. HP_AssociatedPowermeter
  47. HP_Location
  48. CIM_ElementCapacity
  49. System fan
  50. HP_CoolingCollection
  51. HP_CoolingRedundancySet
  52. HP_MemberOfCoolingRedundancy
  53. HP_HostedCoolingRedundancySet
  54. HP_FanModule
  55. HP_FanSlot
  56. HP_FanInSlot
  57. HP_ElementLocation
  58. CIM_ConfigurationCapacity
  59. Supported indications
  60. System Temperature Sensor
  61. HP_SensorCollection
  62. HP_MemberOfSensorCollection
  63. System memory
  64. HP_SystemMemory
  65. HP_MemoryModule
  66. HP_MemoryBoard
  67. HP_MemoryCollection
  68. HP_HostedMemoryCollection
  69. HP_ MemoryModuleSlot
  70. HP_MemoryBoardSlot
  71. HP_MemoryModuleInSlot
  72. HP_MemoryModuleSlotLocation
  73. HP_MemoryBoardSlotLocation
  74. HP_MemoryModuleSlotElementLocation
  75. HP_SystemMemoryModuleSlot
  76. PCI Device
  77. HP_PCIBridge
  78. HP_PCICard
  79. HP_PCISlot
  80. HP_PCICardInSlot
  81. HP_RealizesPCIDevice
  82. Management Processor Lite
  83. CIM_SoftwareIdentity
  84. HP_MPCollection
  85. HP_MPComponentCS
  86. CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity
  87. SEL Record Log
  88. HP_CommonLogEntry
  89. HP_LogManagesRecord
  90. Platform Watchdog
  91. CIM_HostedService
  92. CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement
  93. Blade System Lite
  94. HP_BladeEnclosureCollection
  95. HP_BladeSystemComponent
  96. HP_BladeEnclosureGroupHostedCollection
  97. CIM_InstalledSoftwareIdentity
  98. Ethernet Teaming
  99. Class implementations
  100. HP_EthernetDevice
  101. HP_EthernetTeamMember
  102. HP_EthernetLANEndpoint
  103. HP_EthernetPortToLANEndpoint
  104. HP_IPBindsToEthernetLANEndpoint
  105. HP_EthernetPortStatisticalData
  106. HP_EthernetCollection
  107. HP_EthernetGroupHostedCollection
  108. HP_EthIPHostedAccessPoint
  109. HP_EthEventSettings
  110. Ethernet Team Redundancy Lost
  111. Ethernet Team Redundancy Increased
  112. Ethernet Team Redundancy Decreased
  113. Ethernet Team Full Redundancy Restored
  114. Network Interface Connectivity Lost
  115. Network Interface Connectivity Restored
  116. Ethernet Team Member Status Change
  117. Ethernet Team Member Role Change
  118. Ethernet Team Member Dropped
  119. Ethernet Team Member Added
  120. Network Interface No Longer Available
  121. New Network Interface Available
  122. Ethernet Team Active Member Count Change
  123. Ethernet Provider Fatal Error
  124. Ethernet Provider Cannot Access Data Source
  125. Operating System Status
  126. CIM_RunningOS
  127. Smart Array
  128. HPSA_ArrayController
  129. HPSA_StorageVolume
  130. HPSA_DiskDrive
  131. HPSA_StorageExtent
  132. HPSA_DiskDriveFirmware
  133. HPSA_ArrayControllerPhysicalPackage
  134. HPSA_DiskPhysicalPackage
  135. HPSA_StorageEnclosure
  136. HPSA_StorageEnclosureProcessor
  137. HPSA_PortController
  138. HPSA_DAPort
  139. HPSA_SPIPort
  140. HPSA_Firmware
  141. HPSA_PrimordialPool
  142. HPSA_StoragePool
  143. HPSA_StorageSetting
  144. HPSA_DriveCage
  145. HPSA_SCSIProtocolEndpoint
  146. HPSA_SCSIProtocolController
  147. HPSA_RedundancySet
  148. HPSA_StorageRedundancySet
  149. HPSA_DriveCageLocation
  150. HPSA_ArraySystemLocation
  151. HPSA_DiskDriveLocation
  152. HPSA_StorageCapabilities
  153. HPSA_Product
  154. HPSA_TSASSCSIProtocolEndpoint
  155. HPSA_ISASSCSIProtocolEndpoint
  156. HPSA_TSASPort
  157. HPSA_ISASPort
  158. HPSA_ArraySystemRedundancySet (Association)
  159. HPSA_StoragePoolStorageCapabilities (Association)
  160. HPSA_ArraySystemDiskDrive (Association)
  161. HPSA_ArraySystemPrimordialPool (Association)
  162. HPSA_StorageEnclosureStorageEnclosureProcessor (Association)
  163. HPSA_PhysicalPackageStorageEnclosure (Association)
  164. HPSA_StorageSpecificCollectionArraySystem (Association)
  165. HPSA_FirmwareArraySystem (Association)
  166. HPSA_DiskDriveStorageExtent (Association)
  167. HPSA_SpareExtentStorageRedundancySet (Association)
  168. HPSA_StorageGroupHostedCollection (Association)
  169. HPSA_PhysicalPackageArraySystemLocation (Association)
  170. HPSA_StorageEnclosureEnclosureLocation (Association)
  171. HPSA_PortControllerISASPort (Association)
  172. HPSA_ DiskDriveTSASSCSIProtocolEndpoint (Association)
  173. Physical Drive Status Changed to ERROR
  174. Physical Drive Status Changed to REBUILDING
  175. Physical Drive Status Changed to PREDICTIVE FAILURE
  176. Logical Drive Status Changed to OK
  177. Logical drive Status Changed to ERROR
  178. Logical Drive Status Changed to DEGRADED
  179. Controller Status Changed to OK
  180. Controller Status Changed to ERROR
  181. Controller Redundancy State Has Been Set to ACTIVE
  182. Controller Redundancy Has Been Lost
  183. Controller Redundancy Has Been Restored
  184. Controller Battery Status Changed to OK
  185. Controller Battery Status Changed to Not Fully Charged
  186. Controller Battery Status Changed to Failed
  187. Controller Cache Status Changed to OK
  188. Enclosure Power Supply Status Changed to Non Redundant
  189. Enclosure Power Supply Status Changed to OK (Redundant)
  190. Enclosure Power Supply Status Changed to Redundant Degraded
  191. Enclosure Temperature Sensor Status Changed to OK
  192. Enclosure Temperature Sensor Status Changed to Warning
  193. Enclosure Temperature Sensor Status Changed to Critical
  194. Enclosure Fan Status Changed to OK
  195. Enclosure Fan Status Changed to Degraded
  196. Enclosure Fan Status Changed to Failure
  197. Getting statistics for each Fibre Channel port
  198. HPFCHBA_ComputerSystem
  199. HPFCHBA_FCPort
  200. HPFCHBA_PortController
  201. HPFCHBA_FCPortStatistics
  202. HPFCHBA_LogicalPortGroup
  203. HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackage
  204. HPFCHBA_SoftwareIdentityDrv
  205. HPFCHBA_FirmwareIdentityBIOS
  206. HPFCHBA_SCSIProtocolController
  207. HPFCHBA_SCSIProtocolEndpoint
  208. HPFCHBA_GroupSystemSpecificCollection
  209. HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemPortController
  210. HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemSoftwareIdentityDrv
  211. HPFCHBA_FCPortFCPortStatistics
  212. HPFCHBA_SCSIProtocolControllerFCPort
  213. HPFCHBA_SoftwareIdentityDrvPortController
  214. HPFCHBA_ProductPhysicalComponent
  215. HPFCHBA_ConcreteIdentity
  216. HPFCHBA_Location
  217. Fibre Channel Port Status changed to Link Down
  218. HPSAS_ArraySystem
  219. HPSAS_ArrayController
  220. HPSAS_StorageVolume
  221. HPSAS_DiskDrive
  222. HPSAS_StorageExtent
  223. HPSAS_DiskDriveFirmware
  224. HPSAS_PhysicalPackage
  225. HPSAS_PortController
  226. HPSAS_DAPort
  227. HPSAS_Firmware
  228. HPSAS_PrimordialPoolNoRaid
  229. HPSAS_StoragePool
  230. HPSAS_SCSIProtocolEndpoint
  231. HPSAS_SCSIProtocolController
  232. HPSAS_StorageRedundancySet
  233. HPSAS_StorageSpecificCollection
  234. HPSAS_DiskDriveLocation
  235. HPSAS_Product
  236. HPSAS_EnclosureFirmware
  237. HPSAS_StorageEnclosureProcessor
  238. HPSAS_StorageEnclosureLocation
  239. HPSAS_DriveCageDiskDrive (Association)
  240. HPSAS_ArraySystemStorageEnclosureProcessor (Association)
  241. HPSAS_PrimordialPoolStorageCapabilities (Association)
  242. HPSAS_ArraySystemPortController (Association)
  243. HPSAS_ArraySystemDAPort (Association)
  244. HPSAS_ArraySystemArrayController (Association)
  245. HPSAS_PrimordialPoolNoRaidStorageExtent (Association)
  246. HPSAS_SCSIProtocolControllerStorageVolume (Association)
  247. HPSAS_StoragePoolStorageVolume (Association)
  248. HPSAS_DAPortSCSIProtocolEndpoint (Association)
  249. HPSAS_DiskPhysicalPackageDiskDriveLocation (Association)
  250. SAS HBA in Error State
  251. Physical Drive Status OK
  252. Physical Drive Status ERROR
  253. Physical Drive Status REBUILDING
  254. Drive Status PREDICTIVE FAILURE
  255. Logical Drive Status OK
  256. Logical Drive Status ERROR
  257. Logical Drive is in a Degraded State
  258. Power Supply Status Changed to Non Redundant
  259. Enclosure Temperature Status Changed to Warning
  260. HPSCSI_HBAComputerSystem
  261. HPSCSI_StorageVolume
  262. HPSCSI_DiskDrive
  263. HPSCSI_StorageExtent
  264. HPSCSI_DiskDriveFirmwareIdentity
  265. HPSCSI_DiskPhysicalPackage
  266. HPSCSI_StorageEnclosure
  267. HPSCSI_StorageEnclosureProcessor
  268. HPSCSI_HBAPortController
  269. HPSCSI_DAPort
  270. HPSCSI_HBAFirmwareIdentity
  271. HPSCSI_EnclosureFirmware
  272. HPSCSI_MediaAccessStatData
  273. HPSCSI_HBASCSIProtocolEndpoint
  274. HPSCSI_DASCSIProtocolEndpoint
  275. HPSCSI_HBASCSIProtocolController
  276. HPSCSI_HBAGroupCollection
  277. HPSCSI_DriveCageLocation
  278. HPSCSI_DiskDriveLocation
  279. HPSCSI_HBAComputerSystemStorageEnclosureProcessor (Association)
  280. HPSCSI_HBAComputerSystemStorageExtent (Association)
  281. HPSCSI_StorageEnclosureStorageEnclosureProcessor (Association)
  282. HPSCSI_HBAComputerSystemHBAFirmwareIdentity (Association)
  283. HPSCSI_DiskDriveDiskDriveFirmwareIdentity (Association)
  284. HPSCSI_HBASCSIProtocolEndpointSPIPort (Association)
  285. HPSCSI_HBAPhysicalPackagePortController (Association)
  286. HPSCSI_DriveCageDriveCageLocation (Association)
  287. HPSCSI_HBAComputerSystemSCSIProtocolEndpoint (Association)
  288. Physical Drive Status Set to ERROR
  289. Physical Drive Status is Set to Predictive Failure
  290. Physical Drive Status OFFLINE
  291. Controller Status Changed to Unknown
  292. Controller Status OK
  293. Controller Status ERROR
  294. Power Supply Status NOT REDUNDANT
  295. Power Supply Status OK
  296. Power Supply Status DEGRADED
  297. Temperature Sensor Status Change OK
  298. Temerature Sensor Status Change Warning Condition
  299. Profile registration
  300. HP_ExtendsProfile
  301. HP_ReferencedProfile
  302. Standalone Tape Drive Profile
  303. HPWMITape_TapeDriveStatData
  304. HPWMITape_TapeDriveMediaLocation
  305. HPWMITape_PhysicalTape
  306. HPWMITape_TapeDriveCapabilities
  307. HPWMITape_Product
  308. HPWMITape_SCSIProtocolEndpoint
  309. HPWMITape_TapeDriveSPIPort
  310. HPWMITape_TapeDriveSASPort
  311. HPWMITape_TapeSystemDevice (Association)
  312. HPWMITape_TapeDriveToStatData (Association)
  313. HPWMI_TapeProductToEnclosure (Association)
  314. HPWMITape_HostedAccessPoint (Association)
  315. Drive status changed to OK
  316. Drive status changed to Degraded
  317. Drive status changed to Failed
  318. New Tape Drive Found
  319. Tape Drive status changed to Offline
  320. OK Tape Drive Now Missing
  321. Failed Drive Now Missing
  322. Offline Drive Now Missing
  323. Degraded Drive Now Missing
  324. Tape Drive Cleaning Required
  325. Cleaning Tape Replacement Required
  326. Host Discovered Resources (HDR)
  327. HPHDR_SCSIProtocolEndPointInitiator
  328. HPHDR_LogicalDisk
  329. HPHDR_RemoteServiceAccessPoint
  330. HPHDR_LogicalDiskRemoteServiceAccessPoint (Association)
  331. HPHDR_ComputerSystemSCSIProtocolEndpointInitiator (Association)
  332. For more information
Integrity BL870c first page preview

Integrity BL870c

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
Integrity BL870c first page preview

Integrity BL870c

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Typographic Conventions
  17. HP Contact Information
  18. Introduction to iLO 2
  19. Standard Features
  20. Multiple Users
  21. Firmware Upgrades
  22. Mirrored Console
  23. Integrated Remote Console
  24. Obtaining and Activating iLO 2 Advanced Pack Licensing
  25. Integrity iLO 2 Supported Browsers and Client Operating Systems
  26. Protecting SNMP Traffic
  27. Ports and LEDs
  28. Onboard Administrator LEDs and Buttons
  29. HP Integrity rx2660 Server Components
  30. iLO 2 MP Status LEDs
  31. iLO 2 MP Reset Button
  32. MP LAN Port Pinouts
  33. Getting Connected to iLO 2
  34. Setup Checklist
  35. Setup Flowchart
  36. Rackmount Server Connection
  37. Determining the iLO 2 MP LAN Configuration Method
  38. Configuring the iLO 2 MP LAN Using ARP Ping
  39. Configuring the iLO 2 MP LAN Using the Console Serial Port
  40. Server Blade Connection
  41. Connecting the SUV Cable to the Server Blade
  42. Connecting the Server Blade To iLO 2 Using the Onboard Administrator
  43. Auto Login
  44. Initiating an Auto Login Session
  45. Additional Setup
  46. Setting Up Security
  47. Logging In to iLO 2 Using the Web GUI
  48. TCP Ports
  49. Adding Advanced Features
  50. Lights-Out Advanced KVM card Requirements
  51. Configuring the Lights-Out Advanced KVM Card
  52. Lights-Out Advanced KVM Card IRC Feature
  53. Installing the Lights-Out Advanced KVM Card in a Server
  54. PCI-X or PCI-X/PCIe Card Cage (Common to all supported servers)
  55. Lights-out advanced quick setup
  56. Using Lights-Out Advanced KVM Features
  57. Mid Range PCI Backplane Power Behavior
  58. Core I/O Card Configurations
  59. Supported PCI-X Slots
  60. Accessing the Host (Operating System) Console
  61. Accessing Online Help
  62. Accessing a Graphic Host Console Using the Integrated Remote Console
  63. Configuring DHCP, DNS, LDAP, and Schema-Free LDAP
  64. Configuring DNS
  65. Login Process Using Directory Services with Extended LDAP
  66. Configuring Schema-Free LDAP
  67. Setting Up Directory Security Groups
  68. LDAP and MP Login for Integrity Cell-Based Servers
  69. Access Rights
  70. Access Rights for Cell-Based Servers
  71. Partition User Support Options
  72. Text User Interface
  73. MP Main Menu
  74. CO (Console): Leave the MP Main Menu and enter console mode
  75. Events
  76. iLO 2 Event Log Filter Options
  77. Events and Actions
  78. HE (Help): Display help for the menu or command in the MP Main Menu
  79. Command Line Interface Scripting
  80. Command Menu Commands and Standard Command Line Scripting Syntax
  81. BLADE: Display BLADE parameters
  82. DATE: Display date
  83. DF: Display FRU information
  84. FW: Upgrade the MP firmware
  85. IT: Inactivity timeout settings
  86. LDAP: LDAP directory settings
  87. LDAP: LDAP group administration
  88. LDAP: Schema-Free LDAP
  89. PM: Power regulator mode
  90. PR: Power restore policy configuration
  91. SA: Set access LAN/WEB/SSH/IPMI over LAN ports
  92. SO: Security option help
  93. SYSREV: Firmware revisions
  94. WHO: Display a list of iLO 2 connected users
  95. System Status
  96. Status Summary Active Users Page
  97. Active Users Page Description
  98. Server Status General Page
  99. Server Status Identification Page
  100. System Event Log
  101. Remote Serial Console
  102. Remote Serial Console Page
  103. Remote Serial Console Window
  104. Virtual Serial Port
  105. Limitations of the IRC Mouse and Keyboard
  106. Browsers and Client Operating Systems that Support the IRC
  107. Accessing the IRC
  108. Integrated Remote Console Page
  109. Integrated Remote Console Fullscreen
  110. Virtual Media
  111. Virtual CD/DVD
  112. Virtual Media Dialog Box (Before Connection)
  113. Creating the iLO 2 Disk Image Files
  114. Local Image File Dialog Box
  115. Virtual Floppy/USB Key
  116. Virtual Media Applet Timeout
  117. Java Plug-in Version
  118. Power Meter Readings
  119. Power Meter Readings Page
  120. Power Regulator
  121. Power Regulator Page Description
  122. Administration
  123. Licensing
  124. Licensing Page Description
  125. Group Accounts
  126. Access Settings
  127. LAN Page
  128. Serial Page
  129. Current LDAP Parameters
  130. Current LDAP Parameters Page
  131. Network Settings
  132. Domain Name Server
  133. SNMP Settings
  134. BL c-Class
  135. Help
  136. Help Page
  137. SMASH Server Management Command Line Protocol
  138. Exiting the SM CLP Interface
  139. Using the SM CLP Interface
  140. Command Verbs
  141. Command Targets
  142. Display Option
  143. System1 Target
  144. System Reset Power Status and Power Control
  145. Map1 (iLO 2) Target
  146. Resetting iLO 2
  147. Switching Between the System Console and the SM CLP
  148. Firmware Revision Display and Upgrade
  149. Displaying Firmware Revisions
  150. Firmware Upgrade
  151. Telnet Examples
  152. Target: map1/enetport1/lanendpt1
  153. Target: map1/dhcpendpt1
  154. Target: map1/enetport1/lanendpt1/ipendpt1/gateway1
  155. SM CLP Network Command Examples
  156. vMedia
  157. vMedia Functionality on Server Blades and Rack-Mounted Servers
  158. cddr1 Properties
  159. User Accounts Configuration
  160. User Account Examples
  161. LDAP Configuration Examples
  162. Installing and Configuring Directory Services
  163. Directory Services Installation Prerequisites
  164. Directory Services Support
  165. Schema Installer
  166. Results Screen
  167. Management Snap-In Installer
  168. Preparing Directory Services for Active Directory
  169. Installing and Initializing Snap-Ins for Active Directory
  170. Directory Example
  171. Select Users Dialog Box
  172. Directory Services Objects
  173. Active Directory Snap-Ins
  174. Setting Login Restrictions
  175. Setting Time Restrictions
  176. Setting User or Group Role Rights
  177. Directory Services for eDirectory
  178. Example: Creating and Configuring Directory Objects for Use with iLO 2 Devices in eDirectory
  179. Creating Roles
  180. Setting Role Rights
  181. Directory Services Objects for eDirectory
  182. Setting Role Restrictions
  183. Defining Client IP Address or DNS Name Access
  184. Installing Snap-Ins and Extending Schema for eDirectory on a Linux Platform
  185. Installing Snap-Ins
  186. Verifying Snap-In Installation and Schema Extension
  187. User Login Using Directory Services
  188. Certificate Services
  189. Using Existing Groups
  190. Creating Roles that Follow Organizational Structure
  191. IP Address Range Restrictions
  192. Enforcing User Time Restrictions
  193. User Address Restrictions
  194. Directory Services Schema (LDAP)
  195. Core Class Definitions
  196. hpqPolicyDN
  197. hpqRoleTimeRestriction
  198. iLO 2 Class Definitions
  199. hpqLOMRightServerReset
  200. Glossary
  201. Index
Integrity BL870c first page preview

Integrity BL870c

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. About This Document
  5. Related Information
  6. Publishing History
  7. Preparing for the installation
  8. Ensuring platform compatibility
  9. Back up existing data
  10. Choosing the Installation media
  11. Setting up a console
  12. Set up the headless console using a LAN
  13. Set up an Integrated Remote Console (rx2660, rx3600, rx6600, BL860c, and BL870c only)
  14. Setting up PXE/RIS
  15. Install RIS
  16. Authorize a RIS server in Active Directory
  17. Preparing the server hardware
  18. Locate the DVD/CD drive
  19. Set ACPI flag to windows (cell-based servers only)
  20. Installing the OS
  21. Run EBSU
  22. Run Windows Setup
  23. Enter the product key
  24. Specify server settings
  25. Installing from PXE
  26. Load the system image
  27. Reinstalling from a GUI console
  28. Applying OS updates
  29. Enabling Windows components
  30. Configure SNMP
  31. Updating firmware, drivers, and software
  32. Update firmware
  33. Install the Integrity Support Pack (ISP)
  34. Install updates from the web
  35. Installing a Windows guest on an HP Integrity Virtual Machine host
  36. Enabling hyperthreading on HP Integrity servers
  37. Enable hyperthreading using Partition Manager
  38. Installing the Management Tools
  39. Initializing SMH
  40. Configure management agents after Support Pack installation
  41. Configuring the event notifier
  42. Setting the agent SNMP data collection interval
  43. Monitoring server processes
  44. Sending SNMP traps to management applications via IP
  45. Installing partition management tools
  46. Install nPartition Commands Bundle from the Smart Setup media
  47. Verifying the installation
  48. Performing hot-plug operations
  49. Adding a PCI card
  50. Hardware interface for Superdome servers
  51. Software interface
  52. A Preparing the server for Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  53. Installing SQL Server from the GUI
  54. B EFI Utilities
  55. Common EFI Shell commands
  56. EFI-Based Setup Utility
  57. Creating a new boot file using the EFI Shell
  58. Verify successful boot file creation
  59. C Management processor and Special Administration Console
  60. Special Administration Console
  61. SAC Channel Management Commands
Integrity BL870c first page preview

Integrity BL870c

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. About This Document
  9. Typographic Conventions
  10. HP-UX Release Name and Release Identifier
  11. HP Contact Information
  12. Overview
  13. SAS Disk Drives
  14. I/O Subsystem
  15. Memory Subsystem
  16. Power Subsystem
  17. Enclosure Information
  18. Front Panel LEDs and Controls
  19. SUV Cable and Ports
  20. Rear Panel
  21. General Site Preparation Guidelines
  22. Installing the Server Blade Into the Enclosure
  23. Verify Site Preparation
  24. Installing a Hot-Plug SAS Disk Drive
  25. Installing Internal Components
  26. Removing the Server Blade Left Access Panel
  27. Installing a Processor
  28. Installing DIMMs
  29. Installing Mezzanine Cards
  30. Installing a Mezzanine Card to Port 1
  31. Installing a Mezzanine Card to Ports 2 and 3
  32. Replacing the Left Access Panel
  33. Installing and Powering On the Server Blade
  34. Server Blade Power States
  35. Powering On the Server Blade
  36. Accessing the iLO 2 MP with No Network Connection
  37. Connecting a Terminal to the Server Blade
  38. Configuring the iLO 2 MP
  39. iLO 2 MP Security Requirements
  40. Configuring Remote Access to the Server Blade
  41. Remote Access Allowed
  42. Remote Access Not Allowed
  43. EFI Boot Manager
  44. Server Blade to Enclosure Interface
  45. LAN / NIC Configuration
  46. Flashing Firmware on First Controller
  47. Viewing the VPD Information for EFI Driver and RISC Firmware
  48. Configuration Utility Screens
  49. Adapter Properties Screen
  50. RAID Properties Screens
  51. Select New Array Type Screen
  52. View Array Screen
  53. Manage Array Screen
  54. Exit the SAS Configuration Utility Screen
  55. Rules for creating IM volumes and hot spare disks
  56. Using the AUTO Command
  57. Verifying the Latest Version of Firmware
  58. Booting and Shutting Down the Operating System
  59. Installing the Operating System from the External USB DVD Device
  60. Configuring System Boot Options
  61. Booting and Shutting Down HP-UX
  62. HP-UX Standard Boot
  63. Booting HP-UX in Single-User Mode
  64. Booting HP-UX in LVM-Maintenance Mode
  65. Booting HP-UX in LVM-Maintenance Mode (EFI Shell)
  66. Booting and Shutting Down HP OpenVMS
  67. Booting OpenVMS
  68. Shutting Down OpenVMS
  69. Booting and Shutting Down Microsoft Windows
  70. Booting the Microsoft Windows Operating System
  71. Shutting Down Microsoft Windows
  72. Shutting down Windows from the Command Line
  73. Booting and Shutting Down Linux
  74. Booting the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System
  75. Booting the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Operating System
  76. Shutting Down Linux
  77. Troubleshooting
  78. Recommended Troubleshooting Methodology
  79. Troubleshooting Tools
  80. Locator LED
  81. NIC LEDs
  82. LAN LEDs
  83. Diagnostics
  84. Online Support Tools
  85. General Diagnostic Tools
  86. WBEM Indication Providers and EMS Hardware Monitors
  87. System Event Log Review
  88. Supported Configurations
  89. Troubleshooting Processors/Memory/SBA
  90. Processor Installation Order
  91. Cooling Subsystem
  92. Troubleshooting Management Subsystems
  93. Troubleshooting the Server Interface (System Console)
  94. Online Support
  95. Removing and Replacing Components
  96. Replacing a SAS Disk Drive
  97. Replacing a Disk Drive Blank
  98. Removing and Replacing the Server Blade from the Enclosure
  99. Replacing the Server Blade in the Enclosure
  100. Removing and Replacing the Server Blade Access Panels
  101. Replacing the Right Access Panel
  102. Removing the Left Access Panel
  103. Removing and Replacing Internal Components
  104. Removing a DIMM
  105. DIMM Configuration
  106. Removing the Memory Mezzanine Board
  107. Removing and Replacing a Processor
  108. Removing a Processor
  109. Replacing a Processor
  110. Removing and Replacing the SAS Backplane
  111. Replacing the SAS Backplane
  112. Replacing the Front Panel
  113. Removing the Server Battery
  114. Replacing the Server Battery
  115. Replacing a Mezzanine Card
  116. Removing and Replacing the Trusted Platform Module
  117. Replacing the TPM
  118. Removing and Replacing the System Board
  119. Replacing the System Board
  120. A Parts Information
  121. B Utilities
  122. Extensible Firmware Interface
  123. EFI Commands
  124. EFI/POSSE Commands
  125. baud
  126. Parameters
  127. conconfig
  128. default
  129. Operation
  130. ioconfig
  131. lanaddress
  132. Syntax
  133. sysmode
  134. Specifying Parameters
  135. Using the Boot Option Maintenance Menu
  136. Add a Boot Option
  137. Manage BootNext Setting
  138. Select Active Console Output Devices
  139. Select Active Standard Error Devices
  140. Security/Password Menu
  141. Index
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