
HP IndiChrome manuals

IndiChrome first page preview


Brand: HP | Category: Music Mixer
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. User guide introduction
  5. Conventions used in this guide
  6. System requirements
  7. Hardware configuration
  8. Consumables
  9. Important system information and limitations
  10. 2 Safety and environment considerations
  11. General warning
  12. Preventing eye irritation
  13. Handling and storing imaging oil and inks
  14. 3 Getting started
  15. Overview
  16. Detailed Automatic Workflow
  17. Starting the ink mixing system (IMS) software
  18. HP IndiChrome Wizard
  19. Exiting the IMS software
  20. 4 General procedures
  21. Calibrating the electronic scale
  22. Calibrating the spectrophotometer
  23. Draining the water from the dispensing unit
  24. Adjusting the dispensing unit for the press
  25. Measuring a color
  26. Selecting a PANTONE ® color
  27. Save the Ink Definition file
  28. Saving the color's workspace
  29. Transferring the ink definition file to the press
  30. Preparing the basic inks
  31. Dispensing the ingredients
  32. Sealing the can
  33. Shaking the can
  34. Visually comparing the printed color
  35. Accurate match
  36. Match can be improved by a fix can
  37. Improvement possible by changing optical density
  38. Undoing and redoing a measurement
  39. Improving visual match by changing illuminant
  40. Comparing different ink mix results
  41. Changing the ink on the press
  42. 5 Additional IMS procedures
  43. Ready Mix colors
  44. Detailed Ready Mix Workflow
  45. Continuing work on a previously defined mix color
  46. Manual color mixing
  47. Detailed Manual Workflow
  48. Mixing a custom color
  49. Measuring the color directly
  50. Excluding a basic color from the ink mix
  51. Adding a new substrate
  52. Importing .mix files (including previous-version ink mix files)
  53. Exporting and deleting ink workspace files
  54. Setting and displaying specific ink mix parameters
  55. HP Indigo press selection
  56. Color information summary
  57. Zoom into 2D color space
  58. View the 3D color space
  59. 6 Customizing the look of the HP IndiChrome window
  60. Introduction
  61. HP IndiChrome window customization
  62. Changing the 2D color space panel background color
  63. Displaying the 2D color space background bitmap
  64. Loading a customization
  65. Online help
  66. Special options
  67. Window menu item usage
  68. Basic concepts
  69. Color gamut
  70. Spare parts
  71. Dispensing unit
  72. Miscellaneous
  73. service and support
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