Silvercrest GTA2000 manuals
Table of contents
- English
- Table Of Contents
- Supplied items
- Safety instructions
- EMC and safety precautions
- Repair
- Technical data
- Product description
- Operating elements and connections
- Getting started
- Step 2: Install the pen pad driver and Macro Key Manager
- Step 3: Connect the pen pad
- Step 4: Adjust the active area to the screen format
- Step 5: Install "Free Notes / Office Ink
- Step 6: Install "CorelDRAW Essentials 4
- First steps
- Working with the digital pen (for example when using "Free Notes")
- Configuration
- Customising the digital pen
- Troubleshooting
- Replacing the pen battery
- Getting assistance
- Warranty information and hotline numbers
- Svenska
- Table Of Contents
- allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar
- anmärkningar gällande ce-konformitet
- bortskaffande av förbrukad apparat
- tekniska data
- manöverelement och anslutningar
- steg 6: installera "coreldraw essentials
- första steg
- programmera makroknapparna
- konfigurera den digitala pennan
- avlägsna störningar
- licensbestämmelser - licensavtal
- garantibestämmelser och hotline-nummer
- Danske
- Table Of Contents
- pakkens indhold
- generelle sikkerhedsanvisninger
- bortskaffelse af udtjente apparater
- tekniske data
- betjeningselementer og tilslutninger
- trin 6: installation af "coreldraw essentials
- de første trin
- programmering af makrotaster
- udskiftning af blyantens batteri
- muligheder for hjælp
- garantioplysninger og hotlinenumre
- Hrvatski
- Table Of Contents
- opseg isporuke
- sigurnosne upute
- odredbe o elektromagnetskoj kompatibilnosti i sigurnosne odredbe
- zbrinjavanje starih uređaja
- tehnički podaci
- opis proizvoda
- puštanje u rad
- korak 5: instaliranje "free notes / office ink
- korak 6: instaliranje "coreldraw essentials
- prvi koraci
- programiranje makro tipki
- prilagođavanje digitalne olovke
- uklanjanje smetnji
- promjena baterije olovke
- dobivena pomo
- upute o jamstvu i broj servisne linije
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