
HP E4401B manuals

E4401B first page preview


Brand: HP | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Creating Valid Commands
  9. Command Notation Syntax
  10. Special Characters in Commands
  11. Parameters in Commands
  12. Putting Multiple Commands on the Same Line
  13. Overview of HP-IB
  14. Overview of RS-232
  15. Modem Line Handshaking
  16. Printer Setup and Operation
  17. Testing Printer Operation
  18. Using the Analyzer Status Registers
  19. using the status registers
  20. Setting and Querying the Registers
  21. Overall Status Byte Register System
  22. status byte register
  23. Types of Examples
  24. C Programming Examples using VTL
  25. Linking to VTL Libraries
  26. example program
  27. Opening a Session
  28. Addressing a Session
  29. Closing a Session
  30. Using Marker Peak Search and Peak Excursion
  31. Using Marker Delta Mode and Marker Minimum Search
  32. Performing Internal Self-alignment
  33. Reading Trace Data using ASCII Format (HP-IB)
  34. Reading Trace Data Using 32-bit Real Format (HP-IB)
  35. Reading Trace Data Using ASCII Format (RS-232)
  36. Reading Trace Data Using 32-bit Real Format (RS-232)
  37. Creating a Limit Line
  38. Measuring Noise
  39. Entering Amplitude Correction Data
  40. Status Register–Determine When a Measurement is Done
  41. Example:
  42. Determine if an Error has Occurred
  43. Measuring Harmonic Distortion (HP-IB)
  44. Measuring Harmonic Distortion (RS-232)
  45. Functional Index to SCPI Subsection
  46. ieee common commands
  47. Standard Event Status Register Query
  48. Operation Complete
  49. Save
  50. Wait-to-Continue
  51. ABORt Subsystem
  52. calculate subsystem
  53. NdBstate
  54. CALCulate:MARKer Subsection
  55. CALCulate:NTData Subsection
  56. calibration subsystem
  57. Automatic Alignment
  58. Query the Internal or External Frequency Reference
  59. Align the RF Circuitry
  60. Calibrate the Tracking Generator
  61. CONFigure Subsystem
  62. COUPle Subsystem
  63. display subsystem
  64. Display Annotation Title Data
  65. Trace Graticule Display
  66. Control the Display Line
  67. Trace Y-Axis Scaling
  68. Vertical Axis Scaling
  69. FETCh Subsystem
  70. Return Upper Channel Power
  71. Return Harmonic Amplitudes
  72. Return Harmonic N Frequency
  73. format subsystem
  74. HCOPy Subsystem
  75. Print a Hard Copy
  76. INITiate Subsystem
  77. Take New Data Acquisitions
  78. INPut Subsystem
  79. MEASurement Subsystem
  80. Measure Upper Channel Power
  81. MMEMory Subsystem
  82. Move Data to File
  83. Load an Instrument State from a File
  84. Store a Screen Image in a Graphic File
  85. output subsystem
  86. READ Subsystem
  87. Measure Channel Power and Density
  88. sense subsystem
  89. SENSe:ACPower Subsection
  90. SENSe:AVERage Subsection
  91. SENSe:BANDwidth Subsection
  92. SENSe:CHPower Subsection
  93. SENSe:CORRection Subsection
  94. SENSe:DEMod Subsection
  95. SENSe:DETector Subsection
  96. SENSe:EBWidth Subsection
  97. SENSe:FREQuency Subsection
  98. SENSe:HARMonics Subsection
  99. SENSe:OBWidth Subsection
  100. SENSe:POWer Subsection
  101. SENSe:SWEep Subsection
  102. source subsystem
  103. Automatic Source Attenuation
  104. Set the Source Sweep Power Range
  105. Set the Output Power Step Size
  106. Output Power Tracking Peak
  107. status subsystem
  108. Operation Negative Transition
  109. STATus:QUEStionable Subsection
  110. system subsystem
  111. Serial Port RTS Setup
  112. Serial Port Baud Rate Setup
  113. Serial Port Transmit Pace Setup
  114. Display the Hardware Configuration
  115. Error Information Query
  116. Preset
  117. Save User Preset
  118. trace subsystem
  119. Exchange Traces
  120. Mean Trace Data
  121. Query Number of Peaks Found
  122. Trace Math Subtract From Display Line
  123. trigger subsystem
  124. Trigger Source
  125. unit subsystem
  126. error messages
  127. status messages
  128. Informational Messages
  129. Error Queues
  130. Error Message Format
  131. Error Message Types
  132. No Error
  133. Query Errors
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