
HP E1351A manuals

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Brand: HP | Category: Multiplexer
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Warranty
  5. Declaration of Conformity
  6. Reader Comment Sheet
  7. Using This Chapter
  8. Multimeter Connection Points
  9. Switchbox and Scanning Voltmeter Configurations
  10. Scanning Voltmeter
  11. Programming Language
  12. Multiplexer Card Numbers
  13. Selecting the Interrupt Line Number
  14. Setting the Card ID Switch
  15. Connecting User Inputs
  16. Adding Signal Conditioning Components/Current Shunts
  17. Connecting Field Wiring
  18. Wiring a Terminal Module
  19. Connecting Multimeters and Signal Generators
  20. Analog Bus and Digital Bus Cables
  21. Multiplexer Commands
  22. Connecting Switchbox Channels to Direct Terminals
  24. Connecting Switchbox Channels to Tree Terminals for Making Measurements
  25. Scanning a Range of Switchbox Channels
  26. Downloading a Scan List
  27. Scanning a Switchbox without a Downloaded Scan List
  28. Scanning a Switchbox with a Downloaded Scan List
  29. Scanning Voltmeter Configuration with HP E1326B
  30. Setup for Measuring Thermocouple Temperature using an External Multimeter
  31. Using the Scan Complete Bit
  32. Linking Commands
  33. ABORt
  34. COUNt
  35. DISPlay
  36. MONitor[:STATe]
  37. INITiate
  38. CONTinuous
  39. OUTPut
  40. ROUTe:]
  41. CLOSe
  42. OPEN
  45. SETTling[:TIME]
  46. STATus
  47. SYSTem
  48. CTYPe
  49. TRIGger
  50. SOURce
  51. IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
  52. Command Quick Reference
  53. specifications
  54. About This Appendix
  55. The Base Address
  56. Register Offset
  57. Register Bit Descriptions
  58. Status/Control Register
  59. Scan Control Register
  60. Scan Channel Configuration Register
  61. Direct Control Register
  62. Register-Based Programming for Maximum Speed
  63. Multimeter Command and Parameter Opcodes
  64. Multimeter Register-Based Programming Error Codes
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