Yamaha DM 1000 manuals
DM 1000
Table of contents
- studio manager
- important information
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Windows System Requirements
- Macintosh System Requirements
- System Hookup
- Windows Installation
- windows 2000
- Yamaha CBX Driver (DM2000/02R96 only)
- Macintosh Installation
- USB MIDI Driver
- Studio Manager
- Setting Up OMS
- Starting Studio Manager
- Configuring Studio Manager
- Synchronizing Studio Manager
- Working with Sessions
- Troubleshooting
- software licensing agreement
DM 1000
Table of contents
- specifications
- control port
- panel layout
- rear panel
- circuit board layout
- Table Of Contents
- disassembly procedure
- installing an optional card
- lsi pin description
- ic block diagram
- circuit boards
- dm1000/mb1000 service check program
- mb1000 test program
- initializing the dm
- transmitting parameter settings via midi (bulk dump)
- checking the battery and the system version
- midi data format
- program change
- midi implementation chart
- parts list
- front panel assembly
- rear panel assembly
DM 1000
Table of contents
- important safety instructions
- backup battery
- package contents
- New Functions in DM1000 Version 2
- remote control
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Welcome
- surround sound
- Control Surface & Rear Panel
- ad input section
- channel strip section
- display access section
- display section
- selected channel section
- layer section
- data entry section
- monitor section
- Rear Panel
- remote connector
- power section
- Installing an Optional Card
- Operating Basics
- Selecting Display
- Display Interface
- title edit window
- Selecting Layers
- Selecting Channels
- Selecting Fader Modes
- Selecting Encoder Modes
- Assigning Parameters to the ENCODER MODE [ASSIGN] button
- Metering
- Connections and Setup
- Wordclock Connections and Settings
- Input and Output Patching
- Analog I/O & Digital I/O
- Digital Inputs & Outputs
- Converting Sampling Rates of Signals Received at 2TR Digital Inputs
- Monitoring Digital Input Channel Status
- Dithering Digital Outputs
- Input Channels
- Setting the Input Channels from the Display
- gating input channels
- compressing input channels
- attenuating input channels
- panning input channels
- routing input channels
- viewing input channel settings
- Setting the Input Channels from the Control Surface
- Pairing Input Channels
- Naming Input Channels
- Using MS Stereo Microphone
- About Stereo Out
- Bus Out 1–8
- Setting the Stereo Out and Bus Out 1–8 from the Display
- Setting the Stereo Out and Bus Out 1–8 from the Control Surface
- Pairing Buses or Aux Sends
- Attenuating Output Signals
- Naming the Stereo Out and Bus Outs
- Aux Send
- Setting Aux Out 1–8 from the Control Surface
- viewing aux out settings
- Setting Aux Send Levels
- Viewing Aux Send Settings for Multiple Channels
- Panning Aux Sends
- Excluding Certain Channels from Aux Sends (Mix Minus)
- Copying Channel Fader Positions to Aux Sends
- Soloing AUX Sends using the [AUX 1]–[AUX 8] Buttons
- Input & Output Patching
- Output Patching
- Patching Direct Outs
- Insert Patching
- Control Room Monitor
- Solo Setup
- Using the Solo Function
- Using the Control Room Monitor
- sources
- settings
- setting up and selecting surround pan modes
- trajectory patterns
- st link
- Surround Monitoring
- surr. mode
- bass management
- monitor alignment
- Grouping & Linking
- Using Fader Groups and Mute Groups
- Using Fader Group Master
- simultaneously
- About the Internal Effects
- Using Effects Processors via Aux Sends
- Inserting the Internal Effects into Channels
- Editing Effects
- About Surround Effects
- About Plug-Ins
- About Scene Memories
- about scene numbers
- Storing and Recalling Scenes
- Auto Scene Memory Update
- Fading Scenes
- Recalling Scenes Safely
- scenes
- Libraries
- Using Libraries
- input patch library
- output patch library
- bus to stereo library
- surround monitor library
- Automix
- Setting Up for Automix Recording
- creating a time signature map
- Recording an Automix
- Inserting Mix Parameters into Automix
- parameter recording
- Punching In & Out
- SEL] Button Functions While the [AUTO] Button Indicator Is On
- Automix Main
- Automix Memory
- Fader1 &2
- Editing Events Offline
- Remote Control
- Pro Tools Remote Layer
- grab button
- selecting channels
- setting send levels
- using the panner
- Nuendo/Cubase SX Remote Layer
- MIDI Remote Layer
- Machine Control Function
- MIDI Port Setup
- Assigning Scenes to Program Changes for Remote Recall
- Assigning Parameters to Control Changes for Real-time Control
- Controlling Parameters by Using Parameter Changes
- Controlling the DM1000 from a Video Editor
- Crossfade via ESAM Commands
- Supported Commands
- Other Functions
- Setting Preferences
- Creating a Custom Layer by Combining Channels (User Assignable Layer)
- Using the Oscillator
- Using the User Defined Keys
- Using GPI (General Purpose Interface)
- Using Operation Lock
- Cascading Consoles
- Using the AD8HR/AD824
- Checking the Battery and the System Version
- Calibrating the Faders
- USER DEFINED KEYS Initial Assignments
- Input Patch Parameters
- Initial Input Patch Settings
- Output Patch Parameters
- Initial Output Patch Settings
- GPI Trigger Source & Target List
- User Defined Remote Layer Initial Bank Settings
- Effects Parameters
- delay lcr
- auto pan
- dual pitch
- amp simulate
- surround panning
- Effects and tempo synchronization
- Preset EQ Parameters
- Preset Gate Parameters (fs = 44.1 kHz)
- Preset Compressor Parameters (fs = 44.1 kHz)
- Dynamics Parameters
- comp section
- Appendix B: Specifications
- Analog Input Spec
- Digital Input Spec
- I/O Slot Spec (1–2)
- Dimensions
- Appendix C: MIDI
- Initial Parameter to Control Change Table
- MIDI Data Format
- program change
- Appendix D: About Optional Product
- Installing the SP1000 Side Panels
- Index
- Table Of Contents
- midi implementation chart
DM 1000
Table of contents
- studio manager
- important information
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Configuring Studio Manager
- Synchronizing Studio Manager
- Console Window
- Input Channels
- channel fader
- Master Section
- Output Channels
- Remote Channels
- Selected Channel Window
- gate section
- Bus Outs
- Aux Sends
- Stereo Out
- Library Window
- save button
- Patch Editor Window
- Surround Editor Window
- Timecode Counter Window
- Effect Editor Window
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Index
- Table Of Contents
DM 1000
Table of contents
- important safety instructions
- important information
- operating notes
- package contents
- conventions used in this manual
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Welcome
- scene memory
- Control Surface & Rear Panel
- ad input section
- channel strip section
- display access section
- display section
- selected channel section
- layer section
- data entry section
- monitor section
- Rear Panel
- remote connector
- power section
- Installing an Optional Card
- Operating Basics
- Selecting Display
- Display Interface
- title edit window
- Selecting Layers
- Selecting Channels
- Selecting Fader Modes
- Selecting Encoder Modes
- Assigning Parameters to the ENCODER MODE [ASSIGN] button
- Metering
- Connections and Setup
- Wordclock Connections and Settings
- Input and Output Patching
- Analog I/O & Digital I/O
- Digital Inputs & Outputs
- Converting Sampling Rates of Signals Received at 2TR Digital Inputs
- Monitoring Digital Input Channel Status
- Dithering Digital Outputs
- Setting the Transfer Format for Higher Sampling Rates
- Input Channels
- Setting the Input Channels from the Display
- delaying input channels
- gating input channels
- compressing input channels
- attenuating input channels
- panning input channels
- routing input channels
- viewing input channel settings
- Setting the Input Channels from the Control Surface
- Pairing Input Channels
- Naming Input Channels
- Using MS Stereo Microphone
- About Stereo Out
- Bus Out 1–8
- Setting the Stereo Out and Bus Out 1–8 from the Display
- Setting the Stereo Out and Bus Out 1–8 from the Control Surface
- Pairing Buses or Aux Sends
- Attenuating Output Signals
- Naming the Stereo Out and Bus Outs
- Aux Send
- Setting Aux Out 1–8 from the Control Surface
- viewing aux out settings
- Setting Aux Send Levels
- Viewing Aux Send Settings for Multiple Channels
- Panning Aux Sends
- Excluding Certain Channels from Aux Sends (Mix Minus)
- Copying Channel Fader Positions to Aux Sends
- Input & Output Patching
- Output Patching
- Patching Direct Outs
- Insert Patching
- Control Room Monitoring
- Control Room Monitor and Solo Setup
- solo trim
- Using the Control Room Monitor
- Using the Talkback Function
- Surround Functions
- setting up and selecting surround pan modes
- trajectory patterns
- Surround Monitoring
- surr. mode
- bass management
- monitor alignment
- Grouping Channels & Linking Parameters
- Using Fader Groups and Mute Groups
- Linking EQ and Compressor Parameters
- Internal Effects
- Using Effects Processors via Aux Sends
- Inserting the Internal Effects into Channels
- Editing Effects
- About Surround Effects
- Scene Memories
- about scene numbers
- Storing and Recalling Scenes
- Auto Scene Memory Update
- Fading Scenes
- Recalling Scenes Safely
- Sorting Scenes
- Libraries
- Using Libraries
- input patch library
- output patch library
- bus to stereo library
- gate library
- surround monitor library
- Automix
- Setting Up for Automix Recording
- creating a time signature map
- Recording an Automix
- parameter recording
- Punching In & Out
- SEL] Button Functions While the [AUTO] Button Indicator Is On
- Automix Main
- Automix Memory
- Fader1 &2
- Editing Events Offline
- Remote Control
- Pro Tools Remote Layer
- selecting channels
- muting channels
- setting send levels
- Nuendo Remote Layer
- MIDI Remote Layer
- Machine Control Function
- MIDI & the DM1000
- MIDI Port Setup
- Assigning Scenes to Program Changes for Remote Recall
- Assigning Parameters to Control Changes for Real-time Control
- Controlling Parameters by Using Parameter Changes
- Changing the Input and Output Connector Names
- Setting Preferences
- timecode display relative
- Creating a Custom Layer by Combining Channels (User Assignable Layer)
- Using the Oscillator
- Using the User Defined Keys
- Using GPI (General Purpose Interface)
- Using Operation Lock
- Cascading Consoles
- Using the AD824
- Checking the Battery and the System Version
- Initializing the DM1000
- Calibrating the Faders
- USER DEFINED KEYS Initial Assignments
- Input Patch Parameters
- Initial Input Patch Settings
- Output Patch Parameters
- Initial Output Patch Settings
- GPI Trigger Source List
- User Defined Remote Layer Initial Bank Settings
- user defined remote layer initial bank settings
- Effects Parameters
- delay lcr
- auto pan
- dual pitch
- amp simulate
- Preset EQ Parameters
- Preset Compressor Parameters (fs = 44.1 kHz)
- General Spec
- Appendix B: Specifications
- Analog Input Spec
- Digital Input Spec
- I/O Slot Spec (1–2)
- Dimensions
- Scene Memory to Program Change Table
- Initial Parameter to Control Change Table
- MIDI Data Format
- program change
- MB1000 Peak Meter Bridge
- Installing the SP1000 Side Panels
- Index
- Table Of Contents
- midi implementation chart
DM 1000
Table of contents
- special notices
- Getting Started
- console setup
- Synchronizing DM1000 Editor
- Undo/Redo Function
- Other Functions
- Using DM1000 Editor Windows
- Layer Windows
- output channels
- remote channels
- Selected Channel Window
- bus outs
- aux sends
- stereo out
- Library Window
- close button
- Patch Editor Window
- output patch page
- insert patch page
- effect patch page
- direct out patch page
- Surround Editor Window
- Timecode Counter Window
- effect parameter section
- Meter Window
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Index
- Table Of Contents
DM 1000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Overview
- Make settings in your video editor
- Connect the DM1000 V2 to your video recorders
- Enable commands to be exchanged with the video editor
- Verify that the DM1000 is correctly connected to your video editor
- Match the frame type with the video
- Initialize the DM1000's mixer settings
- Patch the bus signals to output jacks
- Specify the fader operation of the DM1000
- Specify the output destination (bus) for the signals input to the DM1000
- If you are using pre-read
- Pair the input channels
- Use the panel [SEL] LED to indicate the ESAM fader on/off status
- Specify the delay for the input channels