
Cisco D9854-I manuals

D9854-I first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Receiver
Table of contents
  1. safety precautions
  2. precauciones de seguridad
  3. precauzioni di sicurezza
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. about this guide
  11. Chapter 1 Introduction
  12. D9854/D9854-I Advanced Program Receiver
  13. Transport Stream Inputs/Outputs
  14. HD-SDI Outputs
  15. Disaster Recovery
  16. Uplink P rofile Settings
  17. NIT Retu ne Recovery
  18. Chapter 2 Quick Setup - Read Me First
  19. Connecting t he Receiver to Ot her Equipm ent
  20. Maintena nce of EMC Comp liance
  21. Setting up for Net work Connection
  22. Quick Setup Instructions for RF Acqu isition
  23. Assigning a Program C hannel to a PE (Program E ntry)
  24. asi out
  25. Setting up the HD-SDI Outputs (SDI Model, wit h SD/HD-SDI and AES outputs)
  26. Setting up the MOIP Outputs
  27. Setting the DPM Mode
  28. Chapter 3 Installation
  29. Rack Installation
  30. Equipotential Bonding
  31. Installing the D9854/D9854-I Receiver
  32. Connecting AC Power to the D9854/D9854-I Receiver
  33. D9854/D9854-I Receiver Rear Connector Pa nel
  34. Connecting t he I nput/Output Signals
  35. Connecting t he Audio Outputs
  36. Connecting t he Ethernet Managem ent Int erface
  37. External Ala rm System Connector
  38. Cue Tone/Cue T rigger Interface
  39. Configuring Op en-collector Outputs
  40. Setting Adm in User Privileges via a Telnet/SSH Connection
  41. Adding a New User
  42. Changing a Password (allowed by all Users)
  43. Common Interface Modules
  44. Chapter 4 Front Panel Operation
  45. About the Front Panel
  46. Navigation/S elect ion Keypad
  47. Locking/U nlocking the Front Panel
  48. Startup Screen
  49. LCD Symbol
  50. Assigning P rogram to the P rogram Entry
  51. Deleting a Program from the P rogram Ent ry
  52. Main Menu
  53. Status Menu
  54. Status Menu: General
  55. Status Menu: Services
  56. Status Menu: TS Input
  57. Status Menu: TS Output
  58. Status Menu - D/R
  59. Setup Menu
  60. Setup Menu: Admin
  61. Setup Menu: TS Input
  62. Setup Menu: IP
  63. Setup Menu: Services
  64. Setup Menu: Common Int erface (CI)
  65. Setup Menu: Outputs
  66. Setup Menu: CA
  67. Setup Menu: Alarm/Wa rning
  68. Setup Menu: Noise Cutoffs
  69. Setup Menu: D/R
  70. About Menu
  71. Licenses
  72. Versions Menu
  73. Diagnostics Menu
  74. PSI - Frequ ency Plan
  75. PSI - Tables
  76. Health Monitor
  77. Chapter 5 Web GUI Setup and Monitoring
  78. Logging O n to the Web Interface
  79. D9854/D9854-I Summary Overview
  80. Modules
  81. D9854/D9854-I Menus
  82. D9854/D9854-I Web GUI Environment
  83. Setting up Input Information
  84. Validating t he O rbital Position
  85. Reacqu iring t he Network Information
  86. Setting up the ASI Input
  87. Configuring t he IP Input
  88. Setting up SI Receive Parameters
  89. Setting up Muting Thres hold C ontrols
  90. Viewing the Input Status
  91. Viewing the Disaster Recovery Status
  92. Setting up the Cha nnel S elections
  93. Viewing the Cha nnel Status
  94. Configuring t he Com mon I nterface (CI) Information
  95. Viewing the Common I nterface (CI) Status
  96. Viewing the CA Status
  97. Setting up the BISS Mod e
  98. Viewing the PSI Tables
  99. Viewing PSI Frequ ency Table Information
  100. Viewing the PSI Channels
  101. Viewing the PID Input Status
  102. Setting up the Vid eo Parameters
  103. Setting up Captions
  104. Setting up Subtitles
  105. Setting up the VBI
  106. Setting up Audio Param eters
  107. Setting up Cueing Parameters
  108. Setting up Cue Tone Test
  109. Setting up Cue Tones
  110. Setting up SDI
  111. Setting up Services to be Decod ed by the D9854/D9854 -I Receiver
  112. Configuring t he ASI Output
  113. Configuring t he DP M ASI Details
  114. Viewing the ASI Output Transport Status
  115. Configuring t he MPEGoIP Output
  116. Configuring t he DP M MPE GoIP Output Details
  117. Viewing the MPE G Output Transport Status
  118. Viewing the System Identification
  119. Viewing Ha rdware Features and Softwa re Lic ens e Information
  120. Setting up IP Information
  121. Setting up IP Unicast Routing Information
  122. Configuring t he MPE Settings
  123. Setting up SNMP I nformation and T rap Destinations
  124. Configuring T ime/C lock S ettings
  125. Viewing the Alarm/ Warning Status
  126. Setting up Alarms a nd Warnings
  127. Viewing Alarm/ Warning History
  128. Viewing Version I nformation
  129. Setting up Import/Export File Information
  130. Setting up Import/Export FTP Information
  131. Managing D9854/D9854-I Web GUI Accounts
  132. Configuring Lock Level Settings
  133. Configuring Front Panel Settings
  134. Viewing Support Inf ormation
  135. Viewing Diagnostic Logs
  136. Viewing the Usage Cou nters
  137. Viewing Operating Board Temp eratures
  138. Loading a Software Version
  139. Chapter 6 Service and Maintenance
  140. D9854/D9854-I Receiver Alarm Messages
  141. Warnings
  142. Chapter 7 Customer Information
  143. Appendix A Technical Specifications
  144. L-Band Input and Process ing
  145. LNB Power and C ontrol
  146. Video I nputs/Outputs and Processing
  147. Embedded Data in SDI
  148. Audio Outputs
  149. MPE Output
  150. ASI Input
  151. Control, Ma nagement and Data Interfaces
  152. Contact Closure Interface
  153. Power and General Specif ications
  154. Mechanical
  155. Appendix B Default Settings and Lock Levels
  156. Factory Default Settings and Lock Levels
  157. IP Input
  158. Tune Mode
  159. Trap Destinations
  160. Audio
  161. Decode
  162. Options
  163. Noise Cutoff
  164. DPM Default Settings for Different Output Modes
  165. Appendix C Compliance
  166. Applicable Standa rds and Notices
  167. FCC Notices
  168. declaration of conformity
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