Cisco D9854-I manuals
Table of contents
- safety precautions
- precauciones de seguridad
- precauzioni di sicurezza
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- about this guide
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- D9854/D9854-I Advanced Program Receiver
- Transport Stream Inputs/Outputs
- HD-SDI Outputs
- Disaster Recovery
- Uplink P rofile Settings
- NIT Retu ne Recovery
- Chapter 2 Quick Setup - Read Me First
- Connecting t he Receiver to Ot her Equipm ent
- Maintena nce of EMC Comp liance
- Setting up for Net work Connection
- Quick Setup Instructions for RF Acqu isition
- Assigning a Program C hannel to a PE (Program E ntry)
- asi out
- Setting up the HD-SDI Outputs (SDI Model, wit h SD/HD-SDI and AES outputs)
- Setting up the MOIP Outputs
- Setting the DPM Mode
- Chapter 3 Installation
- Rack Installation
- Equipotential Bonding
- Installing the D9854/D9854-I Receiver
- Connecting AC Power to the D9854/D9854-I Receiver
- D9854/D9854-I Receiver Rear Connector Pa nel
- Connecting t he I nput/Output Signals
- Connecting t he Audio Outputs
- Connecting t he Ethernet Managem ent Int erface
- External Ala rm System Connector
- Cue Tone/Cue T rigger Interface
- Configuring Op en-collector Outputs
- Setting Adm in User Privileges via a Telnet/SSH Connection
- Adding a New User
- Changing a Password (allowed by all Users)
- Common Interface Modules
- Chapter 4 Front Panel Operation
- About the Front Panel
- Navigation/S elect ion Keypad
- Locking/U nlocking the Front Panel
- Startup Screen
- LCD Symbol
- Assigning P rogram to the P rogram Entry
- Deleting a Program from the P rogram Ent ry
- Main Menu
- Status Menu
- Status Menu: General
- Status Menu: Services
- Status Menu: TS Input
- Status Menu: TS Output
- Status Menu - D/R
- Setup Menu
- Setup Menu: Admin
- Setup Menu: TS Input
- Setup Menu: IP
- Setup Menu: Services
- Setup Menu: Common Int erface (CI)
- Setup Menu: Outputs
- Setup Menu: CA
- Setup Menu: Alarm/Wa rning
- Setup Menu: Noise Cutoffs
- Setup Menu: D/R
- About Menu
- Licenses
- Versions Menu
- Diagnostics Menu
- PSI - Frequ ency Plan
- PSI - Tables
- Health Monitor
- Chapter 5 Web GUI Setup and Monitoring
- Logging O n to the Web Interface
- D9854/D9854-I Summary Overview
- Modules
- D9854/D9854-I Menus
- D9854/D9854-I Web GUI Environment
- Setting up Input Information
- Validating t he O rbital Position
- Reacqu iring t he Network Information
- Setting up the ASI Input
- Configuring t he IP Input
- Setting up SI Receive Parameters
- Setting up Muting Thres hold C ontrols
- Viewing the Input Status
- Viewing the Disaster Recovery Status
- Setting up the Cha nnel S elections
- Viewing the Cha nnel Status
- Configuring t he Com mon I nterface (CI) Information
- Viewing the Common I nterface (CI) Status
- Viewing the CA Status
- Setting up the BISS Mod e
- Viewing the PSI Tables
- Viewing PSI Frequ ency Table Information
- Viewing the PSI Channels
- Viewing the PID Input Status
- Setting up the Vid eo Parameters
- Setting up Captions
- Setting up Subtitles
- Setting up the VBI
- Setting up Audio Param eters
- Setting up Cueing Parameters
- Setting up Cue Tone Test
- Setting up Cue Tones
- Setting up SDI
- Setting up Services to be Decod ed by the D9854/D9854 -I Receiver
- Configuring t he ASI Output
- Configuring t he DP M ASI Details
- Viewing the ASI Output Transport Status
- Configuring t he MPEGoIP Output
- Configuring t he DP M MPE GoIP Output Details
- Viewing the MPE G Output Transport Status
- Viewing the System Identification
- Viewing Ha rdware Features and Softwa re Lic ens e Information
- Setting up IP Information
- Setting up IP Unicast Routing Information
- Configuring t he MPE Settings
- Setting up SNMP I nformation and T rap Destinations
- Configuring T ime/C lock S ettings
- Viewing the Alarm/ Warning Status
- Setting up Alarms a nd Warnings
- Viewing Alarm/ Warning History
- Viewing Version I nformation
- Setting up Import/Export File Information
- Setting up Import/Export FTP Information
- Managing D9854/D9854-I Web GUI Accounts
- Configuring Lock Level Settings
- Configuring Front Panel Settings
- Viewing Support Inf ormation
- Viewing Diagnostic Logs
- Viewing the Usage Cou nters
- Viewing Operating Board Temp eratures
- Loading a Software Version
- Chapter 6 Service and Maintenance
- D9854/D9854-I Receiver Alarm Messages
- Warnings
- Chapter 7 Customer Information
- Appendix A Technical Specifications
- L-Band Input and Process ing
- LNB Power and C ontrol
- Video I nputs/Outputs and Processing
- Embedded Data in SDI
- Audio Outputs
- MPE Output
- ASI Input
- Control, Ma nagement and Data Interfaces
- Contact Closure Interface
- Power and General Specif ications
- Mechanical
- Appendix B Default Settings and Lock Levels
- Factory Default Settings and Lock Levels
- IP Input
- Tune Mode
- Trap Destinations
- Audio
- Decode
- Options
- Noise Cutoff
- DPM Default Settings for Different Output Modes
- Appendix C Compliance
- Applicable Standa rds and Notices
- FCC Notices
- declaration of conformity