
HP BL460c - ProLiant - G5 manuals

BL460c - ProLiant - G5 first page preview

BL460c - ProLiant - G5

Brand: HP | Category: Adapter
BL460c - ProLiant - G5 first page preview

BL460c - ProLiant - G5

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. reference guide
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Where to go for additional help
  5. Foundation agents
  6. Event Identifiers 1105-1808
  7. Event Identifiers 256-774
  8. Event Identifiers 300-1293
BL460c - ProLiant - G5 first page preview

BL460c - ProLiant - G5

Brand: HP | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. troubleshooting guide
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Introduction
  10. Getting started
  11. Pre-diagnostic steps
  12. Symptom information
  13. Common problem resolution
  14. Hard drive guidelines
  15. SAS and SATA hard drive LED combinations
  16. Diagnostic flowcharts
  17. Start diagnosis flowchart
  18. Power-on problems flowchart
  19. POST problems flowchart
  20. Operating system boot problems flowchart
  21. Server fault indications flowchart
  22. Hardware problems
  23. UPS problems
  24. Unknown problem
  25. Third-party device problems
  26. Diskette drive problems
  27. Tape drive problems
  28. Hard drive problems
  29. Fan problems
  30. Memory problems
  31. PPM problems
  32. System open circuits and short circuits
  33. Mouse and keyboard problems
  34. Audio problems
  35. Network controller problems
  36. Operating system problems
  37. Operating system updates
  38. Restoring to a backed-up version
  39. Linux operating systems
  40. Command-line syntax error
  41. Array Configuration Utility
  42. SmartStart Scripting Toolkit
  43. configuring online spare memory
  44. Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
  45. Management CD
  46. Erase Utility
  47. HP ProLiant Essentials Server Migration Pack - Physical to ProLiant Edition
  48. System Management home
  49. Survey Utility
  50. Array Diagnostic Utility
  51. Version control
  52. Care Pack
  53. Methods for updating firmware
  54. Current firmware versions
  55. HP website
  56. White papers
  57. Management of the server
  58. Server and option specifications, symbols, installation warnings, and notices
  59. Introduction to ADU error messages
  60. Accelerator Parity Write Errors: X
  61. Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data Detected
  62. Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset
  63. Cache Has Been Disabled; Likely Caused By a Loose Pin on One of the RAM Chips
  64. Controller Reported POST Error. Error Code: X
  65. Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive
  66. Drive Monitoring Features Are Unobtainable
  67. Identify Logical Drive Data did not Match with NVRAM
  68. Logical Drive X Status = Interim Recovery (Volume Functional, but not Fault Tolerant)
  69. Logical Drive X Status = Wrong Drive Replaced
  70. Other Controller Indicates Different Firmware Version
  71. SCSI Port X Drive ID Y Failed - REPLACE (failure message)
  72. Performance Data
  73. Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated an Overheated Condition
  74. Swapped cables or configuration error detected. A configured array of drives
  75. Swapped cables or configuration error detected. The configuration information on the attached drives
  76. This Controller Can See the Drives but the Other Controller Can't
  77. Unsupported Processor Configuration (Processor Required in Slot #1)
  78. WARNING: Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated it is Operating in Single Ended Mode
  79. Non-numeric messages or beeps only
  80. Power faults/supply solutions
  81. Series
  82. 1779-Slot-X Drive Array Replacement drive detected
  83. 1785-Slot X Drive Array Not Configured
  84. 1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed
  85. Introduction to event list error messages
  86. Automatic operating system shutdown initiated due to fan failure
  87. Unrecoverable Host Bus Data Parity Error
  88. HP BladeSystem infrastructure error codes
  89. Power management module error codes
  90. Port 85 codes and iLO messages
  91. Memory-related port 85 codes
  92. Expansion board-related port 85 codes
  93. Windows® Event Log processor error codes
  94. Insight Diagnostics processor error codes
  95. MSG_CPU_RR_7
  96. MSG_CPU_RR_17
  97. Contacting HP
  98. Server information you need
  99. Novell NetWare operating systems
  100. IBM OS/2 operating systems
  101. Acronyms and abbreviations
  102. Index
  103. Table Of Contents
  104. Table Of Contents
  105. Table Of Contents
BL460c - ProLiant - G5 first page preview

BL460c - ProLiant - G5

Brand: HP | Category: Desktop
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Overview
  10. Ethernet port
  11. SMX_EthernetPort
  12. SMX_EthernetDevice
  13. SMX_EthernetLANHostedAccessPoint
  14. SMX_EthernetPortToLANEndpoint
  15. SMX_EthernetPortControllerEthernetPort
  16. SMX_EthernetControllerPhysicalPackageEthernetController
  17. SMX_EthernetControllerLocation
  18. SMX_EthernetControllerPhysicalPackageEthernetControllerLocation
  19. SMX_IPBindsToEthernetLANEndpoint
  20. SMX_EthernetRemoteAccessAvailableToIPEndpoint
  21. SMX_EthernetRemoteServiceHostedAccessPoint
  22. SMX_EthernetPortStatisticalData
  23. SMX_EthernetPortControllerSoftwareIdentity
  24. SMX_EthernetElementSoftwareIdentity
  25. SMX_EthernetElementFirmwareIdentity
  26. SMX_EthernetMemberOfCollection
  27. PCI Device Provider
  28. SMX_PCICard
  29. SMX_PCISlot
  30. SMX_PCICardInSlot
  31. SMX_PCILSlotLocation
  32. SMX_PCISlotElementLocation
  33. SMX_SAArraySystem
  34. SMX_SAArrayController
  35. SMX_SAStorageVolume
  36. SMX_SADiskDrive
  37. SMX_SAStorageExtent
  38. SMX_SADiskDriveFirmware
  39. SMX_SAPhysicalPackage
  40. SMX_SAArrayControllerPhysicalPackage
  41. SMX_SADiskPhysicalPackage
  42. SMX_SAStorageEnclosureProcessor
  43. SMX_SAPortController
  44. SMX_SADAPort
  45. SMX_SAFirmware
  46. SMX_SAEnclosureFirmware
  47. SMX_SAPrimordialPool
  48. SMX_SAMediaAccessStatData
  49. SMX_SAStorageSetting
  50. SMX_SADriveCage
  51. SMX_SASCSIProtocolEndpoint
  52. SMX_SASCSIProtocolController
  53. SMX_SARedundancySet
  54. SMX_SAStorageRedundancySet
  55. SMX_SADriveCageLocation
  56. SMX_SAArraySystemLocation
  57. SMX_SADiskDriveLocation
  58. SMX_SAArrayControllerLocation
  59. SMX_SAStorageCapabilities
  60. SMX_SAProduct
  61. SMX_SAStorageEnclosureLocation
  62. SMX_SAStorageVolumeStorageSetting (Association)
  63. SMX_SAArraySystemPortController (Association)
  64. SMX_SAArraySystemDAPort (Association)
  65. SMX_SAArraySystemArrayController (Association)
  66. SMX_SAPhysicalPackageStorageEnclosure (Association)
  67. SMX_SAArrayControllerRedundancySet (Association)
  68. SMX_SAFirmwareArraySystem (Association)
  69. SMX_SADiskDriveDiskDriveFirmware (Association)
  70. SMX_SASpareExtentStorageExtent (Association)
  71. SMX_SASPIPortSCSIProtocolEndpoint (Association)
  72. SMX_SADriveCageDriveCageLocation (Association)
  73. SMX_SAStorageEnclosureEnclosureLocation (Association)
  74. HP_DeviceIndication: Physical Drive Status Changed to ERROR
  75. HP_DeviceIndication: Physical Drive Status Changed to REBUILDING
  76. HP_DeviceIndication: Physical Drive Status Changed to PREDICTIVE FAILURE
  77. HPSA_StorageVolumeIndication: Logical Drive Status Changed to OK
  78. SMX_SAStorageVolumeIndication: Logical Drive Status Changed to ERROR
  79. SMX_SAStorageVolumeIndication: Logical Drive Status Changed to Degraded
  80. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Status Changed to OK
  81. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Status Changed to ERROR
  82. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Redundancy state has been set to Active
  83. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Redundancy has been lost
  84. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Redundancy has been restored
  85. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Battery Status Change - OK
  86. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Battery status changed to not fully charged
  87. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Battery status changed to Failed
  88. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Cache Status - OK
  89. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Cache status—Temporarily Disabled
  90. HP_DeviceIndication: Controller Cache status—Permanently Disabled
  91. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Power Supply status changed to Non Redundant
  92. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Power Supply status changed to OK (Redundant)
  93. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Power Supply status changed to Redundant Degraded
  94. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Temperature sensor status changed to OK
  95. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Temperature sensor status changed to Warning
  96. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Temperature sensor status changed to Critical
  97. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Fan status changed to OK
  98. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Fan status changed to Degraded
  99. HP_DeviceIndication: Enclosure Fan status changed to Failure
  100. Smart Array View Class
  101. HPVC_SAControllerFirmware
  102. HPVC_SAStorageExtent
  103. HPVC_SAStorageVolume
  104. Base server
  105. SMX_ComputerSystemChassis
  106. SMX_ComputerSystemPackage
  107. SMX_RunningOS
  108. SMX_InstalledOS
  109. SMX_SMXSoftwareIdentity
  110. SMX_SMXInstalledSoftwareIdentity
  111. SMX_SystemInstalledFirmwareIdentity
  112. SMX_SystemElementFirmwareIdentity
  113. HP_DeviceIndication: WBEM Providers Started
  114. HP_DeviceIndication: WBEM Providers Informational Test Indication
  115. HP_DeviceIndication: WBEM Providers Warning Test Indication
  116. Namespaces
  117. SMX_ProcessorCapabilities
  118. SMX_HardwareThread
  119. SMX_CacheMemory
  120. SMX_SystemProcessor
  121. SMX_ProcessorElementCapabilities
  122. SMX_AssociatedProcessorCacheMemory
  123. SMX_ProcessorCollection
  124. SMX_HostedProcessorCollection
  125. SMX_MemberOfProcessorCollection
  126. SMX_RealizesProcessor
  127. SMX_SystemPhysicalProcessor
  128. SMX_ProcessorElementLocation
  129. HP_DeviceIndication: Processor Failed Post
  130. HP_DeviceIndication: Processor Disabled by BIOS or EFI
  131. HP_DeviceIndication: Processor Predicted to fail
  132. System Fan
  133. SMX_FanCollection
  134. SMX_FanRedundancySet
  135. SMX_MemberOfFanRedundancy
  136. SMX_MemberOfFanCollection
  137. SMX_FanElementLocation
  138. SMX_SystemPhysicalFan
  139. SMX_RealizesFan
  140. SMX_SystemFanSlot
  141. HP_DeviceIndication: Fan Removed
  142. HP_DeviceIndication: Fan Inserted
  143. HP_SensorHardwareIndication: Fan Failed
  144. HP_DeviceIndication: Fan Degraded
  145. HP_DeviceIndication: Fan Redundancy Reduced
  146. HP_DeviceIndication: Fan Redundancy Lost
  147. HP_DeviceIndication: Fan Redundancy Restored
  148. System Power Supply
  149. SMX_PowerCollection
  150. SMX_PowerRedundancySet
  151. SMX_MemberOfPowerRedundancy
  152. SMX_MemberOfPowerCollection
  153. SMX_PowerSupplyElementLocation
  154. SMX_PowerSupplyModule
  155. SMX_SystemPhysicalPowerSupply
  156. SMX_SystemPowerSupplySlot
  157. SMX_PowerSupplyInSlot
  158. HP_DeviceIdentification: Power Supply Removed
  159. HP_DeviceIndication: Power Supply Inserted
  160. HP_DeviceIndication: Power Supply Degraded
  161. HP_Device Indication: Power Supply Repaired
  162. HP_Device Indication: Power Supply Redundancy Reduced
  163. HP_DeviceIndication: Power Supply Redundancy Failed
  164. HP_DeviceIndication: Power Supply Redundancy Restored
  165. Class implementations
  166. SMX_ExtendsProfile
  167. Supported indications
  168. Use cases
  169. SMX_SensorCollection
  170. SMX_MemberOfSensorCollection
  171. SMX_HostedSensorCollection
  172. System memory
  173. SMX_Memory
  174. SMX_SystemMemory
  175. SMX_MemoryBoard
  176. SMX_RealizesMemoryModule
  177. SMX_MemoryModuleSlot
  178. SMX_MemoryBoardSlot
  179. SMX_MemoryModuleInSlot
  180. SMX_MemoryModuleSlotOnBoard
  181. SMX_MemoryBoardSlotLocation
  182. SMX_MemoryModuleSlotElementLocation
  183. SMX_SystemMemoryModule
  184. SMX_MemoryRedundancySet
  185. SMX_MemoryCollection
  186. SMX_HostedMemoryCollection
  187. SMX_HostedMemoryRedundancySet
  188. SMX_SystemMemoryBoardSlot
  189. SMX_BladeEnclosureCS
  190. SMX_BladeEnclosureCollection
  191. SMX_BladeSystemComponent
  192. SMX_BladeEnclosureGroupHostedCollection
  193. CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity
  194. SMX_BladeEnclosureInstalledFWIdentity
  195. SMX_BladeCSElementLocation
  196. SMX_FCHBAComputerSystem
  197. SMX_FCBAFCPort
  198. SMX_FCHBAPortController
  199. SMX_FCHBAFCPortStatistics
  200. SMX_FCHBALogicalPortGroup
  201. SMX_FCHBAProduct
  202. SMX_FCHBASoftwareIdentityDrv
  203. SMX_FCHBAFirmwareIdentityBIOS
  204. SMX_FCHBAGroupSystemSpecificCollection
  205. SMX_FCHBAComputerSystemPortController
  206. SMX_FCHBAComputerSystemSoftwareIdentityDrv
  207. SMX_FCHBAPortControllerFCPort
  208. SMX_FCHBAPortControllerFirmwareIdentityFW
  209. SMX_FCHBAProductPhysicalComponent
  210. SMX_FCHBAFCPortGroupSystemSpecific
  211. SMX_FCHBAPhysicalElementLocation
  212. SMX_FCHBASCSIProtocolEndpoint
  213. SMX_FCHBAFCPortSCSIProtocolEndpoint
  214. SMX_FCHBAConcreteIdentity
  215. SMX_ManagementProcessor
  216. SMX_MPFirmware
  217. SMX_MPCollection
  218. SMX_MPHostedCollection
  219. SMX_MPComponentCS
  220. SMX_MPInstalledFirmwareIdentity
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