
Toshiba B-SX8T SERIES manuals

B-SX8T SERIES first page preview


Brand: Toshiba | Category: Barcode Reader
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  3. general description
  4. Notation
  5. Operational Conditions
  6. installation procedure
  7. preparation for installation
  8. Installation under Windows 2000/XP/Server2003
  9. Installation under Windows Vista/Server2008/7/ Server2008R2/8/Server2012/Server2012R2/10
  10. Installation under Windows 2000 (USB with Plug & Play Enabled)
  11. Installation under Windows XP/Server2003 (USB with Plug & Play enabled)
  12. Installation under Windows Vista/Server 2008 / 7 / Server2008R2 / 8 / Server2012 / Server2012R2 10 (USB with Plug & Play Enabled)
  13. Installation under Windows 2000 (Parallel interface with Plug & Play Enabled)
  14. Installation under Windows XP/Server2003 (Parallel interface with Plug & Play Enabled)
  15. Installation under Windows Vista / Server2008 / 7 / Server2008R2 / 8 / Server2012 / Server2012R2 10 (Parallel Interface with Plug & Play Enabled)
  16. Uninstalling the Printer Driver
  17. To delete the V6.5 Build75 or V6.5 Build77
  19. Page Setup Tab
  20. Registering a new stock or editing the existing stock
  21. Preset
  22. Advanced Options
  23. Graphics Tab
  24. Stock Tab
  25. fine adjustment
  26. options tab
  27. Multiple Part Print Area Settings (B-EV4 (203 dpi) only)
  28. Ribbon Adjustments
  29. Fonts Tab
  30. Bar Code Font
  31. Tools Tab
  32. Designation of Printer Font
  33. system configuration
  34. System Configuration Example
  36. Addition
  37. Deletion
  39. Parameter Setting on the Printer
  40. How to Connect the Printer to LAN
B-SX8T SERIES first page preview


Brand: Toshiba | Category: Printer
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. key operation flow
  5. operation panel
  6. system mode
  7. self-diagnostic test
  8. self-diagnostic test and result print out
  9. print head element check
  10. parameter setting
  11. character code selection
  12. baud rate selection
  13. data length selection
  14. parity selection
  15. lcd language selection
  16. head up cut selection
  17. control code selection
  18. ribbon type selection
  19. feed key function selection
  20. auto print head check selection
  21. web printer function selection
  22. input prime selection
  23. plug & play selection
  24. pre-strip selection
  25. strip motor torque selection
  26. printer parameter fine adjustment
  27. print start position fine adjustment
  28. cut/strip position fine adjustment
  29. reverse feed amount fine adjustment
  30. x coordinate fine adjustment
  31. print tone fine adjustment (thermal transfer/thermal direct print)
  32. ribbon motor voltage fine adjustment (feed/take-up motor)
  33. threshold manual fine adjustment (black mark/feed gap sensor)
  34. test print
  35. specifying the print condition for the test print
  36. test print pattern selection
  37. slant line (1 dot)
  38. slant line (3 dots)
  39. factory test
  40. auto print
  41. sensor adjustment
  42. black mark sensor adjustment
  43. feed gap sensor adjustment
  44. ram clear
  45. ram clear menu selection
  46. parameter clear
  47. ip address setting
  48. printer ip address, gateway ip address, and subnet mask settings
  49. socket port setting
  50. dhcp host name setting
  51. basic setting
  52. basic specification selection mode
  53. basic expansion mode (execution of basic program)
  54. rfid module setting
  55. rfid read test
  56. rfid module type selection
  57. rfid tag type selection
  58. maximum number of rfid issue retries
  59. maximum number of rfid read retries
  60. rfid read retry time-out
  61. maximum number of rfid write retries
  62. rfid adjustment for retry
  63. rfid wireless power level setting
  64. rfid module q value setting
  65. agc threshold for data write setting
  66. agc threshold lower limit for retry setting
  67. on line mode
  68. automatic threshold setting
  69. reset operation
  70. dump mode
  71. receive buffer size
  72. basic expansion mode
  73. automatic calibration setting
  74. lan enable/disable setting
  75. real time clock (rtc) setting
  76. program down load
  77. firmware download
  78. system requirement
  79. set up
  80. application functions
  81. file menu
  82. tool menu
  83. help menu
  84. operating procedure
B-SX8T SERIES first page preview


Brand: Toshiba | Category: Printer
B-SX8T SERIES first page preview


Brand: Toshiba | Category: Printer
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