
HP AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 manuals

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. About this Guide
  14. Glossary of terms
  15. HP technical support
  16. Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
  17. About the CLI
  18. Help information
  19. Performing basic configuration tasks
  20. Using a console session on the serial port
  21. Changing default passwords summary
  22. How to change default passwords at login
  23. How to display network interface settings
  24. How to set static addresses for the Ethernet network interface
  25. DHCP summary
  26. Setting the date and time
  27. How to set the time zone
  28. How to set the time zone interactively
  29. Synchronizing local time using Network Time Protocol (NTP)
  30. Maintaining licensed software features
  31. How to generate or activate a license key
  32. How to remove a licensed feature
  33. Customizing a switch name
  34. Customizing the chassis name
  35. How to display domain IDs
  36. Activating ports on demand
  37. How to activate Ports on Demand
  38. Activating Dynamic Ports on Demand
  39. Managing POD licenses
  40. Releasing a port
  41. Disabling and enabling a switch
  42. How to enable a port
  43. Linking through a gateway
  44. Checking status
  45. How to show switches in Access Gateway mode
  46. How to display the status of the track changes feature
  47. How to set the switch status policy threshold values
  48. Configuring the audit log
  49. Auditable event classes
  50. How to verify host syslog prior to configuring the audit log
  51. Shutting down switches and Directors
  52. High availability of daemon processes
  53. Managing user accounts
  54. Role Permissions
  55. Configuring the authentication model
  56. How to set the switch authentication model
  57. About the default accounts
  58. How to create an account
  59. How to change account parameters
  60. Recovering accounts
  61. How to change the password for a different account
  62. How to accept the user database
  63. How to set the password history policy
  64. Upgrade and downgrade considerations
  65. Managing Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
  66. Windows 2000 IAS
  67. RADIUS configuration and admin domains
  68. Configuring the RADIUS server
  69. How to add the Brocade attribute to the server
  70. How to enable CHAP
  71. How to configure the RADIUS server
  72. Configuring RADIUS servers on the switch
  73. How to add a RADIUS server to the switch configuration
  74. How to change a RADIUS server configuration
  75. Setting the boot PROM password
  76. SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director
  77. How to set the boot PROM password for a Director without a recovery string
  78. Recovering user, admin, and factory passwords
  79. Configuring standard security features
  80. Ensuring network security
  81. Configuring the telnet interface
  82. Blocking listeners
  83. Accessing switches and fabrics
  84. Configuring for the SSL protocol
  85. Choosing a certificate authority
  86. Generating and storing a CSR
  87. Installing a switch certificate
  88. Configuring the browser
  89. Displaying and deleting certificates
  90. Configuring SNMP
  91. Setting the security level
  92. using legacy commands for snmpv1
  93. Configuring secure file copy
  94. Maintaining configurations
  95. to upload a configuration file
  96. Troubleshooting configuration upload
  97. Configuration download without disabling a switch
  98. Security considerations
  99. Restoring configurations in a FICON environment
  100. SAN Director configuration form
  101. Configuring advanced security
  102. Identifying policy members
  103. Configuring an FCS policy
  104. FCS policy restrictions
  105. Overview of steps to create and manage the FCS policies
  106. Distributing an FCS policy
  107. Configuring a DCC policy
  108. Creating a DCC policy
  109. Creating an SCC policy
  110. Adding a member to an existing policy
  111. Removing a member from an ACL policy
  112. E_Port authentication
  113. Device authentication policy
  114. Selecting authentication protocols
  115. Managing secret key pairs
  116. Fabric wide distribution of the Auth policy
  117. Creating an IP Filter policy
  118. Displaying an IP Filter policy
  119. Deleting an IP Filter policy
  120. IP Filter policy enforcement
  121. Deleting IP Filter policy rules
  122. distributing the policy database
  123. Configuring the database distribution settings
  124. Distributing ACL policies to other switches
  125. Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
  126. Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  127. managing administrative domains
  128. Admin domain features
  129. Requirements for admin domains
  130. Admin domain access levels
  131. Admin domains and login
  132. Switch port members
  133. Admin Domains and switch WWN
  134. Admin domain compatibility and availability
  135. Firmware upgrade and downgrade scenarios
  136. Understanding the AD transaction model
  137. Creating an admin domain
  138. Managing admin domains
  139. How to create a new physical fabric administrator user account
  140. Adding and removing admin domain members
  141. Deleting an Admin Domain
  142. Validating an Admin Domain member list
  143. Executing a command in a different AD context
  144. How to show an Admin Domain
  145. Admin Domain interactions
  146. Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
  147. Admin Domains and LSAN zones
  148. Installing and maintaining firmware
  149. Upgrading and downgrading firmware
  150. Considerations for FICON CUP environments
  151. Checking connected switches
  152. Obtaining and decompressing firmware
  153. Summary of firmware downloads on Director models
  154. Testing and restoring firmware on switches
  155. Testing and restoring firmware-on Directors
  156. Validating the firmware download
  157. Troubleshooting firmware download
  158. Pre-installation messages
  159. Blade troubleshooting tips
  160. Configuring Directors
  161. By slot and port number
  162. By index
  163. Basic blade management
  164. Disabling and enabling port blades
  165. Conserving power
  166. Port blade compatibility
  167. Obtaining slot information
  168. Configuring a new SAN Director 2/128 with two domains
  169. Converting an installed SAN Director 2/128 to support two domains
  170. Setting the blade beacon mode
  171. Routing traffic
  172. Assigning a static route
  173. Using Dynamic Load Sharing
  174. Viewing routing path information
  175. Viewing routing information along a path
  176. Using the FC-FC routing service
  177. Fibre Channel routing concepts
  178. proxy devices
  179. routing types
  180. performing verification checks
  181. assigning backbone fabric ids
  182. configuring an interfabric link
  183. portcfgexport options
  184. using router port cost
  185. port cost considerations
  186. setting a proxy pid
  187. Supported configurations and platforms
  188. Support
  189. Proxy devices
  190. dual backbone configuration
  191. configuring backbone fabrics for interconnectivity
  192. monitoring resources
  193. routing echo
  194. interoperability with legacy fcr switches
  195. administering ficon fabrics
  196. supported switches
  197. ficon commands
  198. configuring switches
  199. preparing a switch
  200. setting a unique domain id
  201. displaying information
  202. fru failures
  203. using ficon cup
  204. enabling and disabling ficon management server mode
  205. displaying the fmsmode setting
  206. displaying mode register bit settings
  207. setting mode register bits
  208. port and switch naming standards
  209. troubleshooting
  210. backing up ficon files
  211. sample rmf configuration file for mainframe
  212. configuring the distributed manager server
  213. controlling access
  214. configuring the server database
  215. controlling topology discovery
  216. working with diagnostic features
  217. viewing switch status
  218. viewing port information
  219. viewing equipment status
  220. viewing the system message log
  221. viewing the port log
  222. configuring for syslogd
  223. configuring the switch
  224. viewing and saving diagnostic information
  225. about troubleshooting
  226. gathering information for technical support
  227. analyzing connection problems
  228. to check for zoning problems
  229. to download a correct configuration
  230. to correct a fabric merge problem quickly
  231. to edit zone configuration members
  232. to check fan components
  233. correcting device login issues
  234. identifying media-related issues
  235. to test components to and from the hba
  236. correcting link failures
  237. to correct a port that has come up in the wrong mode
  238. correcting marginal links
  239. inaccurate information in the system message log
  240. port mirroring
  241. supported hardware
  242. how port mirroring works
  243. port mirroring considerations
  244. creating, deleting, and displaying port mirroring
  245. administering npiv
  246. configuration scenarios
  247. displaying login information
  248. administering advanced performance monitoring
  249. displaying and clearing the crc error count
  250. adding end-to-end monitors
  251. setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
  252. deleting end-to-end monitors
  253. monitoring filter-based performance
  254. deleting filter-based monitors
  255. monitoring isl performance
  256. displaying monitor counters
  257. administering advanced performance monitoring (apm)
  258. clearing monitor counters
  259. saving and restoring monitor configurations
  260. administering extended fabrics
  261. fabric considerations
  262. configuring external ports
  263. configuring an extended isl
  264. administering isl trunking
  265. standard trunking criteria
  266. initializing trunking on ports
  267. monitoring traffic
  268. enabling and disabling isl trunking
  269. setting port speeds
  270. displaying trunking information
  271. trunking over extended fabrics
  272. troubleshooting trunking problems
  273. administering advanced zoning
  274. zone types
  275. zone objects
  276. zone configurations
  277. software-enforced zoning
  278. rules for configuring zones
  279. supported switches for broadcast zones
  280. high availability considerations with broadcast zones
  281. creating and managing zone aliases
  282. to delete an alias
  283. to delete a zone
  284. activating default zones
  285. merging zones
  286. creating and modifying zoning configurations
  287. to delete a zone configuration
  288. to view selected zone configuration information
  289. maintaining zone objects
  290. to delete a zone object
  291. managing zoning configurations in a fabric
  292. splitting a fabric
  293. configuring and monitoring fcip tunneling
  294. fcip licensing
  295. port numbering
  296. port numbering on the b-series mp router blade
  297. port numbering on the 400 mp router
  298. fcip fastwrite and tape pipelining
  299. unsupported configurations
  300. platforms and os requirements for fc fastwrite
  301. constraints for fc fastwrite
  302. disabling fc fastwrite on a port
  303. configuring ipsec
  304. ipsec parameters
  305. configuring fcip tunnels
  306. defining the ip interface of each virtual port
  307. configuring the gbe ports
  308. verifying ip connectivity
  309. fcip tunnel create option
  310. fcip tunnel modify and delete options
  311. verifying the fcip tunnel configuration
  312. checklist for configuring fcip links
  313. about the ipperf option
  314. wan tool performance characteristics
  315. wan tool ipperf syntax
  316. fcip tunnel performance characteristics
  317. a configuring the pid format
  318. impact of changing the fabric pid format
  319. selecting a pid format
  320. evaluating the fabric
  321. planning the update procedure
  322. offline update
  323. changing to extended edge pid format
  324. converting port number to area id
  325. performing pid format changes
  326. hp/ux procedure
  327. aix procedure
  328. swapping port area ids
  329. vendor switch requirements
  330. supported features
  331. zoning restrictions
  332. zone name restrictions
  333. c understanding legacy password behaviour
  334. password prompting behaviors
  335. password migration during firmware changes
  336. d using remote switch
  337. e zone merging scenarios
  338. Routing types
  339. Matching fabric parameters
  340. Monitoring resources
  341. Preparing a switch
  342. Setting a unique domain ID
  343. Displaying information
  344. Zoning and PDCM considerations
AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
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  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. About this guide
  17. Intended audience
  18. Rack stability
  19. Subscription service
  20. Standard features
  21. Connecting to the CLI
  22. Using a console session on the serial port
  23. Changing default account passwords at login
  24. Configuring the Ethernet interface
  25. Setting static Ethernet addresses
  26. Configuring DHCP
  27. Setting the date and time
  28. Synchronizing local time using NTP
  29. Customizing switch names
  30. Licensed features
  31. Generating a license key
  32. Removing a licensed feature
  33. Features and required licenses
  34. Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) licensing
  35. Time-based licenses
  36. Activating POD
  37. Displaying the port license assignment
  38. Disabling Dynamic Ports on Demand
  39. Releasing a port
  40. Disabling and enabling switches
  41. Making basic connections
  42. Checking status
  43. Tracking and controlling switch changes
  44. Configuring the audit log
  45. Auditable event classes
  46. Shutting down switches and Directors
  47. Daemons that are automatically restarted
  48. Managing user accounts
  49. Using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  50. Role permissions
  51. Managing the local database user accounts
  52. Recovering accounts
  53. Configuring the local user database
  54. Configuring password policies
  55. Setting the password history policy
  56. Upgrade and downgrade considerations
  57. Denial of service implications
  58. Authentication configuration options
  59. Creating Fabric OS user accounts
  60. Managing Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
  61. Linux FreeRadius server
  62. Configuring the RADIUS server
  63. Windows 2000
  64. LDAP configuration and Microsoft's Active Directory
  65. Configuring authentication servers on the switch
  66. Enabling and disabling local authentication as backup
  67. Multi-protocal (MP) Router
  68. SAN Director and DC SAN Backbone Director (short name, DC Director)
  69. Recovering forgotten passwords
  70. Configuring standard security features
  71. Ensuring network security
  72. Configuring the Telnet protocol
  73. Blocking listeners
  74. Port configuration
  75. Summary of SSL procedures
  76. Generating and storing a CSR
  77. Installing a switch certificate
  78. Configuring the browser
  79. Displaying and deleting certificates
  80. Configuring for SNMP
  81. Using the snmpConfig command
  82. Configuring secure file copy
  83. Configuring advanced security features
  84. Identifying policy members
  85. Displaying ACL policies
  86. FCS policy restrictions
  87. Overview of steps to create and manage the FCS policies
  88. Distributing an FCS policy
  89. Configuring a DCC policy
  90. Creating a DCC policy
  91. Examples of creating DCC policies
  92. Saving changes to ACL policies
  93. Removing a member from an ACL policy
  94. E_Port authentication
  95. Device authentication policy
  96. Selecting authentication protocols
  97. Managing secret key pairs
  98. Fabric wide distribution of the Auth policy
  99. Accept distributions configuration parameter
  100. Displaying an IP Filter policy
  101. Deleting an IP Filter policy
  102. IP Filter policy enforcement
  103. Creating IP Filter policy rules
  104. IP Filter policy distributions
  105. Configuring the database distribution settings
  106. Distributing ACL policies to other switches
  107. Setting the consistency policy fabric-wide
  108. Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
  109. Matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  110. Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  111. Zeroization functions
  112. Conditional tests
  113. FIPS mode
  114. Preparing the switch for FIPS
  115. Maintaining configurations
  116. Troubleshooting configuration upload
  117. Restoring switch information
  118. Security considerations
  119. Messages captured in the logs
  120. Configuration form
  121. Managing administrative domains
  122. Fabric with two Admin Domains
  123. Admin Domain features
  124. AD255
  125. Admin Domain access levels
  126. Admin Domains and login
  127. Switch port members
  128. Admin Domain compatibility and availability
  129. Compatibility
  130. Understanding the AD transaction model
  131. Creating an Admin Domain
  132. Assigning a user to an Admin Domain
  133. Activating and deactivating Admin Domains
  134. Adding and removing Admin Domain members
  135. Deleting an Admin Domain
  136. Validating an Admin Domain member list
  137. Executing a command in a different AD context
  138. Switching to a different Admin Domain context
  139. Admin Domain interaction with Fabric OS features
  140. Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
  141. Configuration upload and download in an AD context
  142. Installing and maintaining firmware
  143. Upgrading and downgrading firmware
  144. Preparing for firmware downloads
  145. Checking connected switches
  146. Obtaining and decompressing firmware
  147. Downloading firmware to a Director
  148. Overview of the firmware download process on directors
  149. Director restrictions for downgrading
  150. firmwaredownload from a USB device
  151. FIPS Support
  152. The firmwareDownload command
  153. Power-on firmware checksum test
  154. Testing and restoring firmware on directors
  155. Validating firmwareDownload
  156. Troubleshooting firmwareDownload
  157. Preinstallation messages
  158. Blade troubleshooting tips
  159. Configuring Directors
  160. Director port numbering schemes
  161. Default index/area_ID core PID assignment with no port swap
  162. Basic blade management
  163. Disabling and enabling port blades
  164. FC4-48 and FC8-48 blade exceptions
  165. Blade terminology and compatibility
  166. Core blades
  167. Obtaining slot information
  168. Routing traffic
  169. Assigning a static route
  170. Using dynamic load sharing
  171. Viewing routing path information
  172. Viewing routing information along a path
  173. Using the FC-FC routing service
  174. A metaSAN with interfabric links
  175. A metaSAN with edge-to-edge and backbone fabrics
  176. Proxy devices
  177. Routing types
  178. Setting up the FC-FC routing service
  179. Performing verification checks
  180. Assigning backbone fabric IDs
  181. Configuring FCIP tunnels (optional)
  182. Configuring DH-CHAP secret
  183. Configuring an interfabric link
  184. portCfgExport options
  185. Configuring the FC Router port cost (optional)
  186. Using router port cost
  187. Port cost considerations
  188. Configuring EX_Port frame trunking (optional)
  189. Supported configurations and platforms
  190. Configuring LSANs and zoning
  191. Defining and naming zones
  192. LSAN zone binding (optional)
  193. Dual backbone configuration
  194. Configuring backbone fabrics for interconnectivity
  195. Broadcast configuration
  196. Monitoring resources
  197. Routing ECHO
  198. Interoperability with legacy FCR switches
  199. Backward compatibility
  200. Range of output ports
  201. Interoperating with an M-EOS fabric
  202. McDATA Mi10K interoperability
  203. Configuring the fabrics for interconnectivity
  204. Connectivity modes
  205. Configuring M-EOS for interconnection
  206. SAN Pilot and EFCM Zone screens
  207. LSAN zoning with M-EOS
  208. Completing the configuration
  209. Migrating from an MP Router to a 400 MP Router
  210. Redundant configuration
  211. Devices directly connected to router
  212. Administering FICON fabrics
  213. Supported switches
  214. FICON commands
  215. User security considerations
  216. Preparing a switch
  217. Setting a unique domain ID
  218. Displaying information
  219. Swapping ports
  220. Setup summary
  221. Setting up CUP when FICON management server mode is enabled
  222. Displaying mode register bit settings
  223. Setting mode register bits
  224. Port and switch naming standards
  225. Troubleshooting
  226. Backing up and restoring FICON configuration files
  227. Recording configuration information
  228. Sample IOCP configuration file
  229. Configuring the Distributed Management Server
  230. Controlling access
  231. Configuring the server database
  232. Working with Diagnostic Features
  233. Viewing switch status
  234. Viewing port information
  235. Error summary description
  236. Viewing equipment status
  237. Viewing the system message log
  238. Commands for port log management
  239. Configuring for syslogd
  240. Configuring the switch
  241. Viewing and saving diagnostic information
  242. About troubleshooting
  243. Gathering information for technical support
  244. Analyzing connection problems
  245. Restoring a segmented fabric
  246. Correcting zoning setup issues
  247. Recognizing MQ-WRITE errors
  248. Correcting device login issues
  249. Identifying media-related issues
  250. Component test descriptions
  251. Correcting link failures
  252. Correcting marginal links
  253. Inaccurate information in the system message log
  254. Configuring ftrace for a tunnel
  255. Recognizing port initialization and FCP auto discovery process
  256. Supported hardware
  257. Port mirroring considerations
  258. Administering NPIV
  259. Configuration scenarios
  260. Displaying login information
  261. Optimizing fabric behavior
  262. TI zone failover
  263. General rules for TI zones
  264. Supported configurations for Traffic Isolation
  265. Limitations and restrictions of Traffic Isolation
  266. Modifying TI zones
  267. Activating and deactivating a TI zone
  268. Deleting a TI zone
  269. QoS: SID/DID traffic prioritization
  270. QoS zones
  271. QoS on E_Ports
  272. Setting traffic prioritization
  273. Administering Advanced Performance Monitoring
  274. Advanced performance monitoring commands
  275. Monitoring AL_PAs
  276. Adding end-to-end monitors
  277. Setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
  278. Deleting end-to-end monitors
  279. Monitoring filter-based performance
  280. Adding custom filter-based monitors
  281. Deleting filter-based monitors
  282. Identifying top bandwidth users (Top Talkers)
  283. Using Top Talker monitors in port mode
  284. Using Top Talker monitors in fabric mode
  285. Limitations of Top Talker monitors
  286. Known display problem and workaround
  287. Saving and restoring monitor configurations
  288. Administering Extended Fabrics
  289. Fibre Channel data frames
  290. FC switch port Buffer Credit requirements for long distance calculations
  291. Displaying the remaining buffers in a port group
  292. Fabric considerations
  293. Long distance link initialization activation
  294. Extended ISL modes: 3xxx switches (Bloom and Bloom II ASICs)
  295. Administering ISL Trunking
  296. Standard trunking criteria
  297. Initializing trunking on ports
  298. Enabling and disabling ISL Trunking
  299. Setting port speeds
  300. Displaying trunking information
  301. Trunking over extended fabrics
  302. Trunking distances
  303. Recognizing buffer underallocation
  304. Administering Advanced Zoning
  305. Zone types
  306. Zone objects
  307. Zoning schemes
  308. Zoning enforcement
  309. Enforcing hardware zoning
  310. Hardware-enforced nonoverlapping zones
  311. Considerations for zoning architecture
  312. Best practices for zoning
  313. Supported switches for broadcast zones
  314. High availability considerations with broadcast zones
  315. Creating and managing zone aliases
  316. Creating and maintaining zones
  317. Activating default zones
  318. Merging zones
  319. Resulting database size: 0 to 96K
  320. Resulting database size: 128K to 256K
  321. Creating and modifying zoning configurations
  322. Maintaining zone objects
  323. Managing zoning configurations in a fabric
  324. Splitting a fabric
  325. Configuring and monitoring FCIP extension services
  326. Platforms that support SAN extension over IP
  327. FCIP concepts
  328. Compression
  329. Layer three DiffServ Code Points (DSCP)
  330. IPSec concepts and implementation over FCIP
  331. Options for enhancing tape write I/O performance
  332. Constraints for FCIP fastwrite and tape pipelining
  333. Unsupported configurations
  334. FICON emulation concepts
  335. XRC emulation
  336. FCIP services configuration guidelines
  337. Configuring IPSec
  338. IPSec parameters
  339. Managing policies
  340. Persistently disabling ports
  341. Configuring IP interfaces and IP routes
  342. Configuring FCIP tunnels
  343. Configuring FICON emulation
  344. Configuring FTRACE
  345. Enabling persistently disabled ports
  346. Modify and delete command options
  347. Modifying/deleting QoS Settings
  348. Deleting an fcip tunnel
  349. Troubleshooting FCIP links
  350. WAN performance analysis tools
  351. WAN tool performance characteristics
  352. WAN tool ipPerf syntax
  353. Using portCmd ping
  354. using portcmd traceroute
  355. fcip tunnel performance characteristics
  356. FICON performance statistics
  357. FTRACE output control and display
  358. FC fastwrite concepts
  359. Platforms and OS requirements for FC fastwrite
  360. FC fastwrite flow configuration requirements
  361. Configuring and enabling FC fastwrite
  362. Disabling FC fastwrite on a blade or switch
  363. A Configuring the PID format
  364. Impact of changing the fabric PID format
  365. Changes to configuration data
  366. Evaluating the fabric
  367. Planning the update procedure
  368. Offline update
  369. Converting port number to area ID
  370. SAN Director with extended edge PID
  371. Performing PID format changes
  372. HP/UX procedure
  373. AIX procedure
  374. Swapping port area IDs
  375. B Implementing an interoperable fabric
  376. Determining McDATA-unaware features
  377. Supported Connectivity for Fabric 6.0
  378. M-EOS 9.6.2 features supported in Fabric OS 6.0
  379. Trunking
  380. Unsupported features
  381. Supported features McDATA Fabric mode (interopmode 2)
  382. McDATA Open Fabric mode configuration restrictions
  383. Zone name restrictions
  384. Safe zone
  385. Moving to McDATA Open Fabric mode from earlier Fabric OS versions
  386. Enabling McDATA Fabric mode
  387. Enabling Brocade Native mode
  388. FCR SANtegrity (Fabric Binding)
  389. Support for coordinated Hot Code Load
  390. Activating Hot Code Load
  391. C Understanding legacy password behavior
  392. Password prompting behaviors
  393. Password migration during firmware changes
  394. D Using Remote Switch
  395. E Zone merging scenarios
  396. Index
  397. Correcting I2C bus errors
AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
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  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Table Of Contents
  22. About this guide
  23. Intended audience
  24. Rack stability
  25. Subscription service
  26. Fabric OS overview
  27. Telnet or SSH sessions
  28. Console sessions using the serial port
  29. Changing the default account passwords at login
  30. The Ethernet interface on your switch
  31. Displaying the network interface settings
  32. Static Ethernet addresses
  33. Activating DHCP
  34. IPv6 autoconfiguration
  35. Time zone settings
  36. Setting the time zone interactively
  37. Synchronizing the local time with an external source
  38. Customizing chassis names
  39. setting the domain id
  40. Domain IDs
  41. ICL licensing
  42. Time-based licenses
  43. Removing a licensed feature
  44. List of available ports when implementing PODs
  45. activating ports on demand
  46. Ports on Demand
  47. Dynamic Ports on Demand
  48. Releasing a port from a POD set
  49. Switch activation and deactivation
  50. Disabling a port
  51. Device connection
  52. Equipment status
  53. Verifying fabric connectivity
  54. Verifying device connectivity
  55. Displaying switches in Access Gateway mode
  56. Viewing the switch status policy threshold values
  57. Audit log configuration
  58. Auditable event classes
  59. Verifying host syslog prior to configuring the audit log
  60. Switch and enterprise-class platform shutdown
  61. High availability of daemon processes
  62. Managing user accounts
  63. Fabric OS roles
  64. RBAC permissions matrix
  65. Role permissions
  66. Local database user accounts
  67. Deleting an account
  68. Changing account parameters
  69. Changing the password for the current login account
  70. Protection of the local user database from distributions
  71. Password history policy
  72. Upgrade and downgrade considerations for password management
  73. Enabling the admin lockout policy
  74. with a recovery string
  75. The boot PROM password
  76. With a recovery string
  77. Recovering forgotten passwords
  78. The authentication model
  79. Setting the switch authentication mode
  80. Fabric OS user accounts
  81. Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
  82. Linux FreeRadius server
  83. The RADIUS server
  84. RADIUS authentication
  85. LDAP configuration and Microsoft Active Directory
  86. Creating a user
  87. Authentication servers on the switch
  88. Adding a RADIUS server to the switch configuration
  89. Deleting a RADIUS or LDAP server from the configuration
  90. Configuring local authentication as backup
  91. Configuring standard security features
  92. Secure file copy
  93. Simple Network Management Protocol
  94. SNMP and Virtual Fabrics
  95. The snmpConfig command
  96. Secure Shell protocol
  97. Configuring SSH authentication
  98. Deleting keys on the switch
  99. Secure Sockets Layer protocol
  100. Certificate authorities
  101. Obtaining certificates
  102. Checking and installing root certificates on Internet Explorer
  103. Summary of certificate commands
  104. Unblocking Telnet
  105. Ports and applications used by switches
  106. Port configuration
  107. Configuring advanced security features
  108. Policy members
  109. Displaying ACL policies
  110. FCS policy restrictions
  111. Creating an FCS policy
  112. FCS policy distribution
  113. DCC policies
  114. DCC policy restrictions
  115. Deleting a DCC policy
  116. Creating an SCC policy
  117. Member modification to existing policies
  118. DH-CHAP authentication
  119. E_Port authentication
  120. Device authentication policy
  121. AUTH policy restrictions
  122. Viewing the current authentication parameter settings for a switch
  123. Secret key pairs
  124. Fabric-wide distribution of the AUTH policy
  125. IP Filter policy
  126. Saving an IP Filter policy
  127. Supported services
  128. IP Filter policy enforcement
  129. Deleting a rule to an IP Filter policy
  130. Database distribution settings
  131. Displaying the database distribution settings
  132. ACL policy distribution to other switches
  133. Displaying the fabric-wide consistency policy
  134. Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
  135. Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  136. Securing the management interface
  137. Gateway-to-Gateway Tunnel
  138. Nested Configurations
  139. Block ciphers
  140. Null encryption
  141. Pre-shared keys
  142. Example of an End-to-End Transport Tunnel mode
  143. FIPS support
  144. Power-on self tests
  145. LDAP in FIPS mode
  146. Setting up LDAP for FIPS mode
  147. LDAP certificates for FIPS mode
  148. Deleting an LDAP switch certificate
  149. Enabling FIPS mode
  150. Disabling FIPS mode
  151. Maintaining the switch configuration file
  152. Chassis section
  153. Switch section
  154. Configuration file restoration
  155. Restrictions
  156. Configuration download without disabling a switch
  157. Configurations across a fabric
  158. Downloading a configuration file from one switch to another same model switch
  159. B-Series configuration form
  160. Managing virtual fabrics
  161. Logical Switches and fabric IDs
  162. Port assignment in Logical Switches
  163. Logical Switches and connected devices
  164. Logical Fabric
  165. Logical Fabric and ISL sharing
  166. Base switches connected by an XISL
  167. Logical Fabric formation
  168. Account management and Virtual Fabrics
  169. DC04 SAN Director
  170. Limitations and restrictions of Virtual Fabrics
  171. Enabling Virtual Fabrics
  172. Creating a Logical Switch or base switch
  173. Deleting a Logical Switch
  174. Displaying Logical Switch configuration
  175. Changing the context to a different Logical Fabric
  176. Example of Logical Fabrics in multiple chassis and XISLs
  177. Managing administrative domains
  178. Admin Domain features
  179. Requirements for Admin Domains
  180. User-defined Administrative Domains
  181. AD255
  182. Admin Domain member types
  183. Switch members
  184. Admin Domain compatibility, availability, and merging
  185. Firmware upgrade considerations
  186. Setting the default zone mode
  187. Assigning a user to an Admin Domain
  188. Creating a new user account for managing Admin Domains
  189. Activating an Admin Domain
  190. Adding members to an existing Admin DomainConnect to an AD-capable switch and log in as admin
  191. Renaming an Admin Domain
  192. Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains
  193. SAN management with Admin Domains
  194. Executing a command in a different AD context
  195. Admin Domain interactions with other Fabric OS features
  196. Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
  197. Admin Domains and LSAN zones
  198. Configuration upload and download in an AD context
  199. Installing and maintaining firmware
  200. Upgrading and downgrading firmware
  201. High Available sync state
  202. Connected switches
  203. Obtain and decompress firmware
  204. Upgrading firmware for switch and router products
  205. Firmware download on an enterprise-class platform
  206. Enterprise-class platform firmware download process overview
  207. Firmware download from a USB device
  208. Downloading the 6.2.0 image using the relative path
  209. Updating the firmwarekey
  210. Power-on Firmware Checksum Test
  211. Test and restore firmware on enterprise-class platforms
  212. Validating a firmware download
  213. Administering advanced zoning
  214. Zone types
  215. Zone objects
  216. Zoning schemes
  217. Zoning enforcement
  218. Hardware-enforced nonoverlapping zones
  219. Identifying the enforced zone type
  220. Considerations for zoning architecture
  221. Supported switches for broadcast zones
  222. Broadcast zones and FC-FC routing
  223. Loop devices and broadcast zones
  224. Adding members to an alias
  225. Deleting an alias
  226. Viewing an alias in the defined configuration
  227. Adding devices (members) to a zone
  228. Deleting a zone
  229. Validating a zone
  230. Default zoning mode
  231. Zoning database size and zone merging
  232. Resulting database size: 96K to 128K
  233. Zoning configurations
  234. Creating a zoning configuration
  235. Removing zones (members) from a zone configuration
  236. Deleting a zone configuration
  237. Viewing selected zone configuration information
  238. Clearing all zone configurations
  239. Deleting a zone object
  240. Renaming a zone object
  241. Fabric segmentation and zoning
  242. Zone merging scenarios
  243. Configuring Enterprise-class platforms
  244. Port identification by slot and port number
  245. Port Identification by Port Area ID
  246. Power conservation
  247. Powering off a port blade
  248. HP StorageWorks 4/256 SAN Director 48 Port 4Gb Blade and HP StorageWorks SAN Director 48 Port 8Gb FC Blade enabling exceptions
  249. CP blades
  250. Core blades
  251. Displaying slot information
  252. Inter-Chassis Links
  253. LED behavior
  254. Routing traffic
  255. Routing policies
  256. Displaying the current routing policy
  257. AP route policy
  258. Dynamic load sharing
  259. Assigning a static route
  260. Interoperability for merged SANs
  261. Configuring the Distributed Management Server
  262. Enabling platform services
  263. Adding a member to the ACL
  264. Deleting a member from the ACL
  265. Viewing the contents of the management server database
  266. Clearing the management server database
  267. Disabling topology discovery
  268. iSCSI gateway service
  269. Basic vs. advanced LUN mapping
  270. iSCSI component identification
  271. Changing and displaying the IQN prefix
  272. Switch-to-iSCSI initiator authentication
  273. Displaying connection redirection status
  274. iSCSI target gateway configuration steps
  275. HP StorageWorks B-Series iSCSI Director Blade Configuration
  276. Enabling the iSCSI gateway service
  277. Enabling GbE ports
  278. Configuring the GbE interface
  279. iSCSI Virtual Target Configuration
  280. Generating an iSCSI VT for a specific FC target
  281. Mapping LUNs on a specific port to an iSCSI VT
  282. Deleting LUNs from an iSCSI VT
  283. Discovery domain and domain set configuration
  284. Creating and enabling a discovery domain sets
  285. Binding user names to an iSCSI VT
  286. Committing the iSCSI-related configuration
  287. LUN masking considerations
  288. iSCSI gateway service in an iSCSI FC zone
  289. iSCSI FC zone creation
  290. Zoning configuration creation
  291. iSNS client service configuration
  292. Disabling the iSNS client service
  293. Administering NPIV
  294. Configuring NPIV
  295. Configuration scenarios
  296. Viewing virtual PID login information
  297. Optimizing fabric behavior
  298. TI zone failover
  299. Additional considerations when disabling failover
  300. Traffic Isolation Routing over FC routers
  301. TI within an edge fabric
  302. TI within a backbone fabric
  303. Limitations of TI zones over FC routers
  304. General rules for TI zones
  305. Trunking with TI zones
  306. Virtual Fabric considerations for Traffic Isolation Routing
  307. Traffic Isolation Routing over FC routers with Virtual Fabrics
  308. Creating a TI zone
  309. Examples of creating a TI zone
  310. Creating a TI zone in a base fabric
  311. Modifying TI zones
  312. Changing the state of a TI zone
  313. Example of deleting a TI zone
  314. Setting up TI over FCR (sample procedure)
  315. QoS: Ingress Rate Limiting
  316. Limiting traffic from a particular device
  317. Disabling ingress rate limiting
  318. QoS on E_Ports
  319. Virtual Fabric considerations for traffic prioritization
  320. Supported configurations for traffic prioritization
  321. Limitations and restrictions for traffic prioritization
  322. Using the FC-FC routing service
  323. Integrated Routing
  324. A metaSAN with interfabric links
  325. A metaSAN with edge-to-edge and backbone fabrics and LSAN zones
  326. Proxy devices
  327. Routing types
  328. Sample topology (physical topology)
  329. Fibre Channel Network Address Translation
  330. Setting up the FC–FC routing service
  331. Backbone FIDs
  332. Assigning backbone FIDs
  333. Configuring an IFL for both edge and backbone connections
  334. FC Router port cost configuration
  335. Upgrade, downgrade, and HA considerations for router port cost
  336. Supported configurations and platforms
  337. Displaying EX_Port trunking information
  338. LSAN zones and fabric-to-fabric communications
  339. Setting the maximum LSAN count
  340. Configuring backbone fabrics for interconnectivity
  341. Speed tag
  342. Rules for LSAN tagging
  343. Configuring a Speed LSAN tag
  344. LSAN zone binding
  345. How LSAN zone binding works
  346. FC router matrix definition
  347. Setting up LSAN zone binding
  348. Fabric parameter considerations
  349. Displaying the current broadcast configuration
  350. FC-FC routing and Virtual Fabrics
  351. Backbone-to-edge routing with Virtual Fabrics
  352. Upgrade and downgrade considerations for FC-FC routing
  353. Range of output ports
  354. Administering advanced performance monitoring
  355. End-to-end performance monitoring
  356. Adding end-to-end monitors
  357. Monitoring the traffic from Host A to Dev B
  358. Setting a mask for an end-to-end monitor
  359. Deleting end-to-end monitors
  360. Adding standard filter-based monitors
  361. Custom filter-based monitors
  362. Adding custom filter-based monitors
  363. Top Talker monitors
  364. Adding a Top Talker monitor on an F_Port
  365. Adding Top Talker monitors on all switches in the fabric (fabric mode)
  366. Deleting the fabric mode Top Talker monitors
  367. Trunk monitoring
  368. Clearing monitor counters
  369. Saving and restoring monitor configurations
  370. Performance data collection
  371. Administering extended fabrics
  372. Fibre Channel data frames
  373. FC switch port buffer credit requirements for long-distance calculations
  374. Displaying the remaining buffers in a port group
  375. Supported Distances
  376. Buffer credit recovery
  377. Fabric considerations for buffer credit management
  378. Enabling long distance when connecting to Time-Division Multiplexing devices
  379. Extended Fabrics device limitations
  380. ISL Trunking overview
  381. Standard trunking criteria
  382. Initializing trunking on ports
  383. Configuring lossless dynamic load sharing on trunk ports
  384. Adding a monitor to an F_Port master port
  385. Enabling or disabling ISL Trunking on a port
  386. long-distance mode definitions
  387. Setting the same speed for all ports on the switch
  388. Displaying trunking information
  389. F_Port masterless trunking
  390. F_Port trunking considerations
  391. F_Port masterless trunking considerations
  392. Setting up F_Port trunking
  393. Assigning a Trunk Area
  394. Enabling F_Port trunking
  395. Enabling the DCC policy on a Trunk Area
  396. Configuration management for trunk areas
  397. F_Port authentication
  398. Configuring and monitoring FCIP extension services
  399. Compression on FCIP tunnels
  400. QoS implementation over FCIP
  401. IPSec implementation over FCIP
  402. IPsec configuration
  403. Creating an IKE and IPsec policy
  404. Displaying IKE and IPsec policy settings
  405. Deleting an IKE and IPsec policy
  406. Virtual Fabrics and FCIP
  407. Supported third party WAN optimizer hardware
  408. Constraints for FCIP Fastwrite and Tape Pipelining
  409. Unsupported configurations for Fastwrite and Tape Pipelining
  410. FC Fastwrite concepts
  411. Platforms and OS requirements for FC Fastwrite
  412. FC Fastwrite flow configuration requirements
  413. Example: Enabling Fastwrite on a switch
  414. Disabling FC Fastwrite on a blade or switch
  415. Example: Disabling FC Fastwrite on a switch
  416. Setting persistently disabled ports
  417. creating ip interfaces and routes
  418. Creating an FCIP tunnel
  419. Example: Creating an FCIP tunnel
  420. Example: Creating an FCIP tunnel with FastWrite and Tape Pipelining enabled
  421. Enabling persistently disabled ports
  422. Managing FCIP tunnels
  423. Modifying and deleting QoS Settings
  424. Deleting an FCIP tunnel
  425. WAN performance analysis tools
  426. WAN tool performance characteristics
  427. wan tool ipperf syntax
  428. Testing a connection
  429. Tracing a route
  430. FCIP tunnel performance characteristics
  431. FICON fabrics
  432. Platforms supporting FICON
  433. Control Unit Port (CUP)
  434. CUP Limitations
  435. User security considerations
  436. Preparing a switch for FICON
  437. Setting unique domain IDs
  438. FICON information
  439. Port swapping
  440. Setting up FICON CUP
  441. Disabling fmsmode
  442. Mode register bit settings
  443. Persistently enabling and disabling ports
  444. FICON CUP license considerations
  445. Uploading the configuration files
  446. Sample IOCP configuration file
  447. Configuring and monitoring FICON Extension Services
  448. One Ethernet interface, one IP route and one FCIP tunnel between sites
  449. FICON emulation configuration
  450. FICON emulation configuration values
  451. FICON performance statistics
  452. FICON emulation monitoring
  453. A Configuring the PID format
  454. Impact of changing the fabric PID format
  455. Static PID mapping errors
  456. Evaluating the fabric
  457. Changing the PID format
  458. Changing the PID format online
  459. Hybrid update
  460. Port number to area ID conversion
  461. Basic procedure for changing the PID format
  462. HP-UX procedure for changing the PID format
  463. AIX procedure for changing the PID format
  464. Swapping port area IDs
  465. Physical port numbers and logical area IDs for swapped ports
  466. B Understanding legacy password behavior
  467. Password prompting behaviors
  468. Password migration during firmware changes
  469. C Mixed fabric configurations for non-merge SANs
  470. D Migrating from an MP Router to a 400 MP Router
  471. Dual backbone fabric configuration
  472. Configuring a new FC router
  473. E Inband Management
  474. IP address and routing management
  475. Setting the IP address for the CP inband management interface
  476. Viewing IP addresses and routes
  477. FIPS
  478. Configuring a Management Station on different subnets
  479. F Using Remote Switch
  480. Index
  481. Example of a Brocade DCT file
  482. Switch model naming matrix
AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. About this guide
  18. Intended audience
  19. Rack stability
  20. Subscription service
  21. Standard features
  22. Connecting to the CLI
  23. Using a console session on the serial port
  24. Changing default account passwords at login
  25. Configuring the Ethernet interface
  26. Setting static Ethernet addresses
  27. Activating DHCP
  28. Disabling DHCP
  29. Setting time zones
  30. Synchronizing local time using NTP
  31. Customizing switch names
  32. Licensed features
  33. Generating a license key
  34. Removing a licensed feature
  35. Features and required licenses
  36. Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) licensing
  37. Time-based licenses
  38. Activating POD
  39. Displaying the port license assignment
  40. Disabling Dynamic Ports on Demand
  41. Reserving a license
  42. Releasing a port from a POD set
  43. Disabling and enabling ports
  44. Connecting to other switches
  45. Checking switch status
  46. Fabric connectivity
  47. Tracking and controlling switch changes
  48. Configuring the audit log
  49. Auditable event classes
  50. Switch and platform-class platform shutdown
  51. High Availability of daemon processes
  52. Managing user accounts
  53. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  54. Role permissions
  55. Managing the local database user accounts
  56. Recovering accounts
  57. Configuring the local user database
  58. Protecting the local user database from distributions
  59. Setting the password history policy
  60. Upgrade and downgrade considerations for password management
  61. Denial of service implications
  62. Authentication configuration options
  63. Creating Fabric OS user accounts
  64. Managing Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
  65. Linux FreeRadius server
  66. Configuring the RADIUS server
  67. Configuring RADIUS server support with Windows 2000
  68. RSA RADIUS server
  69. LDAP configuration and Microsoft's Active Directory
  70. Adding the adlist
  71. Configuring local authentication as backup
  72. SAN Director and DC SAN Backbone Director (short name, DC Director)
  73. Recovering forgotten passwords
  74. Configuring standard security features
  75. The SSH protocol
  76. SSH public key authentication
  77. Deleting keys on the switch
  78. Unblocking Telnet
  79. Summary of SSL procedures
  80. Generating and storing a CSR
  81. Installing a switch certificate
  82. Configuring the browser
  83. Configuring for SNMP
  84. Setting the security level
  85. Secure file copy
  86. Setting up SCP for configuploads and downloads
  87. Ports and applications used by switches
  88. Configuring advanced security features
  89. Identifying policy members
  90. Displaying ACL policies
  91. FCS policy restrictions
  92. Overview of FCS policy management
  93. Distributing an FCS policy
  94. Configuring a DCC policy
  95. DCC policy restrictions
  96. Examples of creating DCC policies
  97. Creating an SCC policy
  98. Adding a member to an existing policy
  99. Configuring the authentication policy for fabric elements
  100. E_Port authentication
  101. Device authentication policy
  102. Supported HBAs
  103. Secret key pairs
  104. Fabric-wide distribution of the Auth policy
  105. Displaying an IP Filter policy
  106. IP Filter policy rules
  107. IP Filter policy enforcement
  108. Creating IP Filter policy rules
  109. IP Filter policy restrictions
  110. Configuring the database distribution settings
  111. Distributing ACL policies to other switches
  112. Setting the consistency policy fabric-wide
  113. Fabric-wide consistency policy settings
  114. Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
  115. Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  116. FIPS support
  117. Power-up self tests
  118. LDAP in FIPS mode
  119. Additional Microsoft Active Directory settings
  120. Exporting an LDAP switch certificate
  121. Overview of steps
  122. Disabling FIPS mode
  123. Maintaining the switch configuration file
  124. Restoring a configuration
  125. Security considerations
  126. Downloading Configurations across a fabric
  127. Configuration form
  128. Managing administrative domains
  129. Fabric with two Admin Domains
  130. Admin Domain features
  131. User-defined Administrative Domains
  132. AD255
  133. Admin Domain member types
  134. Switch members
  135. Admin Domain compatibility and availability
  136. Compatibility
  137. Setting the default zone mode
  138. Assigning a user to an Admin Domain
  139. Removing an Admin Domain from a user account
  140. Activating and deactivating Admin Domains
  141. Adding and removing Admin Domain members
  142. Renaming an Admin Domain
  143. Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains
  144. SAN management with Admin Domains
  145. Executing a command in a different AD context
  146. Switching to a different Admin Domain context
  147. Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
  148. Admin Domains and LSAN zones
  149. Configuration upload and download in an AD context
  150. Installing and maintaining firmware
  151. Upgrading and downgrading firmware
  152. Preparing for a firmware download
  153. Checking connected switches
  154. Finding the firmware version
  155. Firmware download on switches
  156. Downloading firmware to a Director
  157. Overview of the firmware download process on directors
  158. FirmwareDownload from a USB device
  159. Downloading the 6.1.1 image using the relative path
  160. Updating the firmwarekey
  161. The firmwareDownload command
  162. Testing and restoring firmware on switches
  163. Testing and restoring firmware on directors
  164. Validating firmwareDownload
  165. Administering Advanced Zoning
  166. Zone types
  167. Zone objects
  168. Zoning schemes
  169. Zoning enforcement
  170. Enforcing hardware zoning
  171. Hardware-enforced non-overlapping zones
  172. Hardware-enforced overlapping zones
  173. Identifying the enforced zone type
  174. Broadcast zones
  175. Broadcast zones and FC-FC routing
  176. High Availability considerations with broadcast zones
  177. Creating and maintaining zones
  178. Default zoning mode
  179. Viewing the current default zone access mode
  180. Resulting database size: 0 to 96K
  181. Resulting database size: 128K to 256K
  182. Zoning configurations
  183. Maintaining zone objects
  184. Zoning configuration management
  185. Fabric segmentation and zoning
  186. Configuring Directors
  187. Director port numbering schemes
  188. Port identification by index
  189. Basic blade management
  190. FR4-18i blade exceptions
  191. Blade terminology and compatibility
  192. CP blades
  193. Setting chassis configuration options for the 4/256 Director
  194. Displaying slot information
  195. Inter-chassis Link behavior between two HP StorageWorks DC Directors
  196. Routing traffic
  197. Static route assignment
  198. Frame order delivery
  199. Setting DLS
  200. Viewing routing information along a path
  201. Implementing an interoperable fabric
  202. Configuring the Distributed Management Server
  203. Enabling platform services
  204. Adding a member to the ACL
  205. Viewing the contents of the management server database
  206. Clearing the management server database
  207. iSCSI Gateway services
  208. Basic versus advanced LUN mapping
  209. Advanced LUN mapping
  210. Changing and displaying the IQN prefix
  211. Switch-to-iSCSI initiator authentication
  212. Enabling and disabling connection redirection for load balancing
  213. Supported iSCSI initiators
  214. FC4-16IP Blade Configuration
  215. Enabling the iSCSI gateway service
  216. Configuring the GbE interface
  217. iSCSI Virtual Target Configuration
  218. Automatic iSCSI VT creation
  219. Generating an iSCSI VT for a specific FC target
  220. Manual iSCSI VT creation
  221. Mapping LUNs on a specific port to an iSCSI VT
  222. Displaying the iSCSI virtual target LUN map
  223. Displaying iSCSI initiator IQNs
  224. iSCSI initiator-to-VT authentication configuration
  225. Deleting user names from an iSCSI VT binding list
  226. Resolving conflicts between iSCSI configurations
  227. iSCSI FC zoning overview
  228. iSCSI FC zone creation
  229. Zoning configuration creation
  230. iSNS client service configuration
  231. Enabling the iSNS client service
  232. Disabling the iSNS client service
  233. Administering NPIV
  234. Configuration scenarios
  235. Viewing virtual PID login information
  236. Optimizing fabric behavior
  237. TI zone failover
  238. FSPF routing rules and Traffic Isolation
  239. Traffic Isolation over FC routers
  240. TI within an edge fabric
  241. TI within a backbone fabric
  242. Limitations of TI zones over FC routers
  243. Trunking with TI zones
  244. Modifying TI zones
  245. Activating and deactivating a TI zone
  246. Setting up TI over FCR (sample procedure)
  247. TI over FCR example
  248. QoS: ingress rate limiting
  249. QoS: SID/DID traffic prioritization
  250. QoS traffic prioritization
  251. QoS on E_Ports
  252. Limitations and restrictions for traffic prioritization
  253. Using the FC-FC routing service
  254. Supported configurations
  255. A metaSAN with interfabric links
  256. A metaSAN with edge-to-edge and backbone fabrics
  257. Proxy devices
  258. Routing types
  259. Setting up the FC-FC routing service
  260. Assigning backbone fabric IDs
  261. Configuring FCIP tunnels
  262. Configuring the FC router port cost
  263. Setting the router port cost for an EX_Port
  264. Port cost considerations
  265. Configuring EX_Port frame trunking (optional)
  266. Supported configurations and platforms
  267. Configuring LSANs and zoning
  268. Controlling device communication with LSAN (sample procedure)
  269. LSAN zone binding
  270. How LSAN zone binding works
  271. FC router matrix definition
  272. Upgrade, downgrade, and HA considerations for LSAN zone binding
  273. Dual backbone configuration
  274. HA and downgrade considerations for LSAN zones
  275. Monitoring resources
  276. Upgrade and downgrade considerations
  277. Interoperability with legacy FCR switches
  278. Range of output ports
  279. Administering advanced performance monitoring
  280. End-to-end performance monitoring
  281. Adding end-to-end monitors
  282. Deleting end-to-end monitors
  283. Filter-based performance monitoring
  284. Custom filter-based monitors
  285. Deleting filter-based monitors
  286. Top Talker monitors
  287. Deleting a Top Talker monitor on an F_Port
  288. Adding Top Talker monitors on all switches in the fabric
  289. Limitations of Top Talker monitors
  290. Clearing monitor counters
  291. Saving and restoring monitor configurations
  292. Administering extended fabrics
  293. Fibre Channel data frames
  294. FC switch port Buffer Credit requirements for long distance calculations
  295. Displaying the remaining buffers in a port group
  296. Switch, port speed, and distance with ASIC and buffers
  297. Buffer credit recovery
  298. Configuring an extended ISL
  299. Extended ISL modes: B-Series 2Gb Switches (Bloom and Bloom II ASICs)
  300. Administering ISL trunking
  301. Standard trunking criteria
  302. Initializing trunking on ports
  303. Adding a monitor to an F_Port master port
  304. Enabling and disabling ISL Trunking
  305. Setting port speeds
  306. Setting the same speed for all ports on the switch
  307. Trunking over Extended Fabrics
  308. F_Port masterless trunking
  309. Switch in Access Gateway mode without F_Port trunking
  310. F_Port trunking considerations
  311. Setting up F_Port trunking
  312. Assigning a Trunk area
  313. Enabling F_Port trunking
  314. Enabling the DCC policy on trunk
  315. Trunking for Access Gateway
  316. Configuring and monitoring FCIP extension services
  317. Compression on FCIP tunnels
  318. FCIP services license
  319. When both DSCP and L2CoS are used
  320. IPSec terminology
  321. Configuring IPSec
  322. Managing policies
  323. Options for enhancing tape write I/O performance
  324. FCIP fastwrite and tape pipelining
  325. FCIP fastwrite/tape pipelining configurations
  326. FC Fastwrite concepts
  327. Platforms and OS requirements for FC Fastwrite
  328. FC Fastwrite flow configuration requirements
  329. Disabling FC Fastwrite on a blade or switch
  330. Disabling FC Fastwrite on a port
  331. Setting persistently disabled ports
  332. Creating an FCIP tunnels
  333. Verifying the FCIP tunnel configuration
  334. Enabling persistently disabled ports
  335. Managing FCIP tunnels
  336. Modifying and deleting QoS Settings
  337. Deleting an IP interface (IPIF)
  338. About the ipperf option
  339. WAN tool performance characteristics
  340. WAN tool ipPerf syntax
  341. Using portCmd ping
  342. Using portCmd traceroute
  343. FCIP tunnel performance characteristics
  344. Command checklist for configuring FCIP links
  345. FICON fabrics
  346. Platforms supporting FICON
  347. FICON commands
  348. User security considerations
  349. Configuring a single switch
  350. Cascaded configuration, two switches
  351. Setting unique Domain IDs
  352. Registered listeners
  353. Clearing the FICON management database
  354. FMSmode and FICON CUP
  355. Displaying the fmsmode setting
  356. Displaying mode register bit settings
  357. Persistently enabling and disabling ports
  358. FICON CUP license considerations
  359. Downloading configuration files with Active=Saved mode disabled
  360. Recording configuration information
  361. Sample IOCP configuration file
  362. Configuring and monitoring FICON Extension Services
  363. FICON emulation requirement for a determinate path
  364. XRC emulation
  365. FICON emulation configuration values
  366. FICON performance statistics
  367. FICON emulation monitoring
  368. A Configuring the PID format
  369. Impact of changing the fabric PID format
  370. Changes to configuration data
  371. Evaluating the fabric
  372. Changing the PID format
  373. Changing the PID format offline
  374. Converting port number to area ID
  375. Basic procedure for changing the PID format
  376. HP-UX procedure
  377. AIX procedure for changing the PID format
  378. Swapping port area IDs
  379. B Understanding legacy password behavior
  380. Password prompting behaviors
  381. Password migration during firmware changes
  382. C Interoperating with an M-EOS fabric
  383. D Migrating from an MP Router to a 400 MP Router
  384. Redundant configuration
  385. Dual backbone fabric configuration
  386. Configuring a new FC router
  387. E Using Remote Switch
  388. F Zone merging scenarios
  389. Index
AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. About this guide
  18. Intended audience
  19. Rack stability
  20. Subscription service
  21. Standard features
  22. Connecting to the CLI
  23. Using a console session on the serial port
  24. Changing default account passwords at login
  25. Configuring the Ethernet interface
  26. Setting static Ethernet addresses
  27. Activating DHCP
  28. Setting the date and time
  29. Synchronizing local time using NTP
  30. Customizing switch names
  31. Licensed features
  32. Generating a license key
  33. Removing a licensed feature
  34. Features and required licenses
  35. Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) licensing
  36. Time-based licenses
  37. Activating POD
  38. Displaying the port license assignment
  39. Disabling Dynamic Ports on Demand
  40. Releasing a port
  41. Disabling and enabling switches
  42. Making basic connections
  43. Checking switch status
  44. High Availability (HA) features
  45. Show switches in Access Gateway mode
  46. Configuring the audit log
  47. Auditable event classes
  48. Shutting down switches and Directors
  49. Daemons that are automatically restarted
  50. Managing user accounts
  51. Using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  52. Role permissions
  53. Managing the local database user accounts
  54. Recovering accounts
  55. Configuring the local user database
  56. Configuring password policies
  57. Setting the password history policy
  58. Upgrade and downgrade considerations
  59. Denial of service implications
  60. Authentication configuration options
  61. Creating Fabric OS user accounts
  62. Managing Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
  63. Linux FreeRadius server
  64. Configuring the RADIUS server
  65. Windows 2000
  66. RSA RADIUS server
  67. Setting up the RSA RADIUS server
  68. LDAP configuration and Microsoft's Active Directory
  69. Adding the adlist
  70. Configuring authentication servers on the switch
  71. Enabling and disabling local authentication as backup
  72. SAN Director and DC SAN Backbone Director (short name, DC Director)
  73. Recovering forgotten passwords
  74. Configuring standard security features
  75. The SSH protocol
  76. SSH public key authentication
  77. Generating a key pair for host-to-switch authentication (incoming)
  78. Exporting the public key for switch-to-host authentication (outgoing)
  79. Configuring the Telnet protocol
  80. Configuring for the SSL protocol
  81. Choosing a CA
  82. Obtaining certificates
  83. Activating a switch certificate
  84. Installing a root certificate to the Java plug-in
  85. Configuring for SNMP
  86. Using the snmpConfig command
  87. Secure file copy
  88. Listener applications
  89. Port configuration
  90. Configuring advanced security features
  91. Identifying policy members
  92. Displaying ACL policies
  93. FCS policy restrictions
  94. Overview of steps to create and manage the FCS policies
  95. Distributing an FCS policy
  96. Configuring a DCC policy
  97. DCC policy restrictions
  98. Examples of creating DCC policies
  99. Creating an SCC policy
  100. Activating changes to ACL policies
  101. Aborting all uncommitted changes
  102. E_Port authentication
  103. Device authentication policy
  104. Auth policy restrictions
  105. Re-authenticating ports
  106. Fabric wide distribution of the Auth policy
  107. IP Filter policy
  108. Displaying an IP Filter policy
  109. Deleting an IP Filter policy
  110. IP Filter policy enforcement
  111. Creating IP Filter policy rules
  112. Aborting a switch session transaction
  113. Configuring the database distribution settings
  114. Distributing ACL policies to other switches
  115. Setting the consistency policy fabric-wide
  116. Fabric-wide consistency policy settings
  117. Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
  118. Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  119. FIPS support
  120. Power-up self tests
  121. LDAP in FIPS mode
  122. Addtional Microsoft Active Directory settings
  123. Exporting an LDAP switch certificate
  124. Overview of steps
  125. Disabling FIPS mode
  126. Maintaining the switch configuration file
  127. Restoring a configuration
  128. Security considerations
  129. Downloading configurations across a fabric
  130. Configuration form
  131. Managing administrative domains
  132. Fabric with two Admin Domains
  133. Admin Domain features
  134. User-defined Administrative Domains
  135. AD255
  136. Admin Domain member types
  137. Switch members
  138. Admin Domain compatibility and availability
  139. Compatibility
  140. Setting the default zone mode
  141. Assigning a user to an Admin Domain
  142. Activating and deactivating Admin Domains
  143. Adding and removing Admin Domain members
  144. Renaming an Admin Domain
  145. Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains
  146. SAN management with Admin Domains
  147. Executing a command in a different AD context
  148. Switching to a different Admin Domain context
  149. Admin Domain interaction with Fabric OS features
  150. Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
  151. Configuration upload and download in an AD context
  152. Installing and maintaining firmware
  153. Upgrading and downgrading firmware
  154. Preparing for firmware downloads
  155. Checking connected switches
  156. Finding the firmware version
  157. Performing firmwareDownload on switches
  158. Downloading firmware to a Director
  159. Overview of the firmware download process on directors
  160. FirmwareDownload from a USB device
  161. Downloading the 6.1.0 image using the relative path
  162. Updating the firmwarekey
  163. The firmwareDownload command
  164. Testing and restoring firmware on switches
  165. Testing and restoring firmware on directors
  166. Validating firmwareDownload
  167. Administering Advanced Zoning
  168. Zone types
  169. Zone objects
  170. Zoning schemes
  171. Zoning enforcement
  172. Enforcing hardware zoning
  173. Hardware-enforced nonoverlapping zones
  174. Hardware-enforced overlapping zones
  175. Considerations for zoning architecture
  176. Best practices for zoning
  177. Broadcast zones and FC-FC routing
  178. Creating and managing zone aliases
  179. Creating and maintaining zones
  180. Default zoning mode
  181. Merging zones
  182. Resulting database size: 96K to 128K
  183. Resulting database size: 256K to 1M
  184. Creating and modifying zoning configurations
  185. Maintaining zone objects
  186. Managing zoning configurations in a fabric
  187. Fabric segmentation
  188. Configuring Directors
  189. Director port numbering schemes
  190. Default index/area_ID core PID assignment with no port swap
  191. Basic blade management
  192. Powering port blades off and on
  193. FC4-48 and FC8-48 blade exceptions
  194. Blade terminology and compatibility
  195. Core blades
  196. Displaying slot information
  197. Inter Chassis Link behavior between two HP StorageWorks DC Directors
  198. Routing traffic
  199. Static route assignment
  200. Dynamic load sharing
  201. Viewing routing path information
  202. Viewing routing information along a path
  203. Implementing an interoperable fabric
  204. Configuring the Distributed Management Server
  205. Enabling platform services
  206. Adding a member to the ACL
  207. Deleting a member from the ACL
  208. Viewing the contents of the management server database
  209. iSCSI Gateway services
  210. Basic versus advanced LUN mapping
  211. Advanced LUN mapping
  212. Changing and displaying the IQN prefix
  213. Switch-to-iSCSI initiator authentication
  214. Enabling and disabling connection redirection for load balancing
  215. Supported iSCSI initiators
  216. FC4-16IP Blade Configuration
  217. Enabling the iSCSI gateway service
  218. Configuring the GbE interface
  219. iSCSI Virtual Target Configuration
  220. Automatic iSCSI VT creation
  221. Generating an iSCSI VT for a specific FC target
  222. Mapping LUNs on a specific port to an iSCSI VT
  223. Displaying the iSCSI virtual target LUN map
  224. Displaying iSCSI initiator IQNs
  225. iSCSI initiator-to-VT authentication configuration
  226. Deleting user names from an iSCSI VT binding list
  227. Resolving conflicts between iSCSI configurations
  228. iSCSI FC zoning overview
  229. iSCSI FC zone creation
  230. Zoning configuration creation
  231. iSNS client service configuration
  232. Disabling the iSNS client service
  233. Clearing the iSNS client configuration
  234. Administering NPIV
  235. Configuration scenarios
  236. Displaying login information
  237. Optimizing fabric behavior
  238. TI zone failover
  239. General rules for TI zones
  240. Supported configurations for Traffic Isolation
  241. Limitations and restrictions of Traffic Isolation
  242. Modifying TI zones
  243. Activating and deactivating a TI zone
  244. Deleting a TI zone
  245. QoS: SID/DID traffic prioritization
  246. QoS zones
  247. QoS on E_Ports
  248. Setting traffic prioritization
  249. Using the FC-FC Routing Service
  250. A metaSAN with interfabric links
  251. A metaSAN with edge-to-edge and backbone fabrics
  252. Proxy devices
  253. Routing types
  254. Setting up the FC-FC routing service
  255. Performing verification checks
  256. Assigning backbone fabric IDs
  257. Configuring FCIP tunnels (optional)
  258. Configuring DH-CHAP secret
  259. Configuring an interfabric link
  260. portCfgExport options
  261. Configuring the FC router port cost (optional)
  262. Using router port cost
  263. Port cost considerations
  264. Configuring EX_Port frame trunking (optional)
  265. Supported configurations and platforms
  266. Configuring LSANs and zoning
  267. Defining and naming zones
  268. LSAN zone binding (optional)
  269. Dual backbone configuration
  270. Configuring backbone fabrics for interconnectivity
  271. Broadcast configuration
  272. Monitoring resources
  273. Routing ECHO
  274. Interoperability with legacy FCR switches
  275. Backward compatibility
  276. Range of output ports
  277. Administering Advanced Performance Monitoring
  278. End-to-end performance monitoring
  279. Setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
  280. Advanced Performance Monitoring commands
  281. Monitoring AL_PAs
  282. Setting a mask for an end-to-end monitor
  283. Filter-based performance monitoring
  284. Adding custom filter-based monitors
  285. Deleting filter-based monitors
  286. Top Talker monitors
  287. Deleting a Top Talker monitor on an F_Port
  288. Using Top Talker monitors in fabric mode
  289. Limitations of Top Talker monitors
  290. Clearing monitor counters
  291. Saving and restoring monitor configurations
  292. Administering Extended Fabrics
  293. Fibre Channel data frames
  294. FC switch port Buffer Credit requirements for long distance calculations
  295. Displaying the remaining buffers in a port group
  296. Switch, port speed, and distance with ASIC and buffers
  297. Buffer credit recovery
  298. Configuring an extended ISL
  299. Extended ISL modes: B-Series 2Gb Switches (Bloom and Bloom II ASICs)
  300. Administering ISL Trunking
  301. Standard trunking criteria
  302. Initializing trunking on ports
  303. Displaying port throughput performance
  304. Enabling and disabling ISL Trunking
  305. Setting port speeds
  306. Setting the same speed for all ports on the switch
  307. Displaying trunking information
  308. Trunking over Extended Fabrics
  309. Switch in Access Gateway mode without F_Port trunking
  310. F_Port masterless trunking considerations
  311. Setting up F_Port trunking
  312. Assigning a Trunk area
  313. Enabling F_Port trunking
  314. Enabling the DCC policy on trunk
  315. Disabling F_Port trunking
  316. Configuring and monitoring FCIP extension services
  317. Platforms that support SAN extension over IP
  318. FCIP concepts
  319. Compression
  320. IPSec concepts and implementation over FCIP
  321. IPSec terminology
  322. Options for enhancing tape write I/O performance
  323. FCIP fastwrite/tape pipelining configurations
  324. Unsupported configurations
  325. FICON emulation concepts
  326. XRC emulation
  327. FCIP services configuration guidelines
  328. Configuring IPSec
  329. IPSec parameters
  330. Managing policies
  331. Persistently disabling ports
  332. Configuring IP interfaces and IP routes
  333. Configuring FCIP tunnels
  334. Configuring FICON emulation
  335. Configuring FTRACE
  336. Enabling persistently disabled ports
  337. Modify and delete command options
  338. Modifying/deleting QoS Settings
  339. Deleting an fcip tunnel
  340. Troubleshooting FCIP links
  341. WAN performance analysis tools
  342. WAN tool performance characteristics
  343. WAN tool ipPerf syntax
  344. using portcmd ping
  345. using portcmd traceroute
  346. fcip tunnel performance characteristics
  347. FICON fabrics
  348. Supported switches
  349. FICON commands
  350. User security considerations
  351. Preparing a switch
  352. Setting a unique Domain ID
  353. Displaying information
  354. Swapping ports
  355. Setup summary
  356. Setting up CUP when FICON Management Server mode is enabled
  357. Displaying mode register bit settings
  358. Setting mode register bits
  359. Port and switch naming standards
  360. Troubleshooting
  361. Backing up and restoring FICON configuration files
  362. Recording configuration information
  363. Sample IOCP configuration file
  364. Configuring and monitoring FICON Extension Services
  365. Platforms that support FICON extension over IP
  366. FCIP Configuration requirements for FICON extension
  367. Cross-coupled configurations
  368. Tape Write Pipelining
  369. Displaying FICON emulation configuration values
  370. FICON performance statistics
  371. Monitoring FICON emulation
  372. A Configuring the PID format
  373. Impact of changing the fabric PID format
  374. Changes to configuration data
  375. Evaluating the fabric
  376. Planning the update procedure
  377. Offline update
  378. Converting port number to area ID
  379. Performing PID format changes
  380. HP/UX procedure
  381. AIX procedure
  382. Swapping port area IDs
  383. B Understanding legacy password behaviour
  384. Password prompting behaviors
  385. Password migration during firmware changes
  386. C Interoperating with an M-EOS fabric
  387. D Migrating from an MP Router to a 400 MP Router
  388. Redundant configuration
  389. Devices directly connected to router
  390. E Using Remote Switch
  391. Zone merging scenarios
  392. Network using FCIP
  393. Index
AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. About this guide
  13. Document conventions and symbols
  14. Rack stability
  15. HP websites
  16. HP StorageWorks DC SAN Backbone Director Switch Overview
  17. Hardware components
  18. Port side of the DC SAN Director
  19. Non-port side of the DC SAN Director
  20. DC SAN Director blades
  21. High availability
  22. Software features
  23. Network manageability
  24. Optional hardware kits
  25. DC SAN Director Installation
  26. Site preparation, unpacking the DC SAN Director
  27. Items included with the DC SAN Director
  28. U Rack Mount Kit parts list
  29. U Rack Mount Kit contents
  30. Attaching the shelf brackets
  31. Left and right shelf brackets installed on rails
  32. Shelf bracket and clip or retainer nut placement on cabinet rails
  33. Removing the chassis door
  34. Positioning the DC SAN Director for installation in a cabinet
  35. Replacing the chassis door
  36. Aligning the DC SAN Director door with the chassis
  37. Powering on the DC SAN Director
  38. Managing cables
  39. ICL connectors on CR8 blade
  40. Inter-chassis link (ICL) connections (configuration 1)
  41. Inter-chassis link (ICL) connections (configuration 2)
  42. Inter-chassis link (ICL) connections (configuration 3)
  43. Inter-chassis link (ICL) connections (configuration 4)
  44. DC SAN Director log in and configuration
  45. Configuring IP addresses
  46. Establishing an Ethernet connection
  47. Customizing a switch name
  48. Verifying the Port Identifier mode and connecting to the fabric
  49. Back up the configuration
  50. Monitoring DC SAN Director system components
  51. FC8-16 Director blade
  52. FC8-32 Director blade
  53. FC8-48 Director blade
  54. FC10-6 Director blade
  55. FR4-18i Director blade
  56. Monitoring Control Processor blade (CP8) status
  57. Control Processor blade (CP8)
  58. Monitoring core switch blade (CR8) status
  59. Core switch blade (CR8)
  60. Monitoring power supply status
  61. Monitoring blower assembly status
  62. Blower assembly
  63. Monitoring WWN bezel (logo plate) and WWN card status
  64. WWN bezel (logo plate)
  65. Replacing DC SAN Director field-replaceable units (FRUs)
  66. Installing the chassis door
  67. Installing a cable management comb
  68. Removing a Director blade
  69. Installing a Director blade
  70. Replacing a Director blade filler panel
  71. Installing a filler panel
  72. How to determine whether or not to replace a CP blade
  73. Removing a control processor blade (CP8)
  74. Installing a control processor blade (CP8)
  75. Verifying operation of the new CP blade
  76. Replacing a core switch blade (CR8)
  77. Installing a core switch blade (CR8)
  78. Replacing a power supply
  79. Replacing a blower assembly
  80. Installing a blower assembly
  81. Replacing the WWN bezel (logo plate) and WWN card
  82. WWN LED patterns
  83. Removing the WWN bezel (logo plate) and WWN card
  84. Installing the WWN bezel (logo plate) and WWN card
  85. Replacing SFPs and XFPs
  86. Replacing the DC SAN Director chassis
  87. Recording critical DC SAN Director and SAN information
  88. Disconnecting from the network and the fabric
  89. Removing components from the chassis
  90. Installing components into the new chassis
  91. Verifying that the system is operating correctly
  92. Reconnecting to the network and the fabric
  93. Cable routing table
  94. HP StorageWorks DC04 SAN Backbone Director Switch Overview
  95. Port side of the DC04 SAN Director
  96. Port side of the DC04 SAN Director (sample configuration)
  97. Non-port side of the DC04 SAN Director
  98. DC04 SAN Director blades
  99. Reliability
  100. Serviceability
  101. Security
  102. Optional software licenses
  103. DC04 SAN Director orderable hardware
  104. DC04 SAN Director Installation
  105. Site preparation, unpacking the DC04 SAN Director
  106. Items included with the DC04 SAN Director
  107. Rack mount kit contents
  108. Torque requirements
  109. Installing the cabinet hardware
  110. Clip and retainer nut locations on cabinet rails
  111. Installing the shelf in the cabinet
  112. Installing the DC04 SAN Director in the cabinet
  113. Installing the DC04 SAN Director shipping brackets
  114. DC04 SAN Director shipping brackets (left side)
  115. Powering on the DC04 SAN Director
  116. Port numbering
  117. Using the optional HP StorageWorks DC SAN Director Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) cable kit
  118. ICL connectors on CR4S-8 blade
  119. DC04 SAN Director ICL cabling
  120. DC04 SAN Director to DC SAN Director ICL cabling
  121. DC04 SAN Director log in and configuration
  122. Default IP addresses and password
  123. Setting the domain ID
  124. Setting the date and time
  125. Synchronizing local time
  126. Enabling software licenses
  127. Monitoring DC04 SAN Director system components
  128. FR4-18i router blade
  129. Monitoring core switch blade (CR4S-8) status
  130. Core switch blade (CR4S-8)
  131. CR4S-8 blade LED descriptions
  132. Power supply
  133. Blower assembly LED descriptions
  134. Messages that may indicate WWN card failure
  135. Replacing DC04 SAN Director field-replaceable units (FRUs)
  136. Replacing the vertical cable management assembly
  137. Installing a cable management finger assembly
  138. Removing a blade
  139. Installing a blade
  140. Replacing a blade filler panel
  141. Replacing a control processor blade (CP8)
  142. Recording critical DC04 SAN Director information
  143. Replacing a core switch blade (CR4S-8)
  144. How to determine whether or not to replace a core switch blade
  145. Installing a core switch blade
  146. Removing a power supply
  147. Removing a blower assembly
  148. How to determine whether or not to replace a WWN card
  149. Commands identifying the WWN card status
  150. WWN card related system log messages
  151. Replacing the DC04 SAN Director chassis
  152. Verifying the need for replacing the chassis
  153. Configuring the new chassis serial number
  154. Verifying that the configuration of the fabric is correct
  155. Cable routing table for DC04 SAN Director (48 ports shown)
  156. A Technical specifications
  157. System architecture
  158. System size and weight
  159. System blade and FRU weights
  160. Power specifications
  161. Power cords
  162. Power cords (Japan, Denan)
  163. Fibre Channel port specifications
  164. Data transmission ranges
  165. B Intelligent blades
  166. Optional items
  167. B-Series MP Router blade (FR4-18i) components
  168. Configuring FCIP and Fibre Channel Routing Services and enable the ports
  169. Recommendations for cable management
  170. C Regulatory compliance and safety notices
  171. Laser device
  172. Laser product label
  173. Japanese notice
  174. Environmental regulation compliance
  175. Safety guidelines
  176. Grounding methods
  177. Taiwan battery recycling notice
  178. D Port numbering templates
  179. Port side populated with eight FC8-48 port blades, two CR8 blades, and two CP8 blades
  180. Port side populated with eight FC8-32 port blades, two CR8 blades, and two CP8 blades
  181. Port side populated with eight FC8-16 port blades, two CR8 blades, and two CP8 blades
  182. FC10-6 port blades
  183. HP StorageWorks DC04 SAN Backbone Director Switch templates
  184. Port side populated with four FC8-48 port blades, two CR4S-8 blades, and two CP8 blades
  185. Port side populated with four FC8-32 port blades, two CR4S-8 blades, and two CP8 blades
  186. Port side populated with four FC8-16 port blades, two CR4S-8 blades, and two CP8 blades
  187. FR4-18i router blades
  188. Index
AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12 first page preview

AE370A - Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch 4/12

Brand: HP | Category: Software
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. About this Guide
  14. Intended audience
  15. HP technical support
  16. Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
  17. About the CLI
  18. Help information
  19. Performing basic configuration tasks
  20. Setting the default account passwords
  21. Changing default passwords summary
  22. How to change default passwords at login
  23. How to display network interface settings
  24. Configuring DHCP
  25. Setting the date and time
  26. How to set the time zone
  27. How to set the time zone interactively
  28. Synchronizing local time
  29. Maintaining licensed software features
  30. How to generate or activate a license key
  31. How to remove a licensed feature
  32. Customizing a switch name
  33. Customizing the chassis name
  34. How to display domain IDs
  35. Ports on Demand license summary for applicable switches
  36. Configuring Dynamic Ports on Demand
  37. Activating Dynamic Ports on Demand
  38. Managing licenses
  39. Releasing a port
  40. Disabling and enabling a switch
  41. How to enable a port
  42. Linking through a gateway
  43. Checking status
  44. Tracking and controlling switch changes
  45. How to display the status of the track changes feature
  46. How to set the switch status policy threshold values
  47. Configuring the audit log
  48. How to verify host syslog prior to configuring the audit log
  49. How to configure an audit log for specific event classes
  50. To power off a switch gracefully (5.1.0 and later)
  51. Managing user accounts
  52. Role Permissions
  53. Configuring the authentication model
  54. About the default accounts
  55. How to create an account
  56. How to change account parameters
  57. Recovering accounts
  58. How to change the password for a different account
  59. How to accept the user database
  60. How to set the password history policy
  61. Upgrade and downgrade considerations
  62. Creating Fabric OS user accounts
  63. Windows 2000 IAS
  64. RADIUS configuration and admin domains
  65. Configuring the RADIUS server
  66. Linux
  67. How to enable clients
  68. How to configure RADIUS users
  69. Configuring RADIUS servers on the switch
  70. How to display the current RADIUS configuration
  71. How to enable and disable a RADIUS server
  72. Enabling and disabling local authentication as backup
  73. SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director
  74. How to set the boot PROM password for a Director without a recovery string
  75. How to recover passwords
  76. Configuring standard security features
  77. Ensuring network security
  78. Configuring the telnet interface
  79. Blocking listeners
  80. Configuring for the SSL protocol
  81. Browser and Java support
  82. Generating a public/private key
  83. Obtaining certificates
  84. Activating a switch certificate
  85. Installing a root certificate to the Java Plug-in
  86. Troubleshooting certificates
  87. Setting the security level
  88. Using legacy commands for SNMPv1
  89. Configuring secure file copy
  90. Configuring advanced security
  91. Configuring ACL policies
  92. Displaying ACL policies
  93. DCC policy restrictions
  94. Examples of creating DCC policies
  95. Saving changes to ACL policies
  96. Adding a member to an existing policy
  97. Aborting all uncommitted changes
  98. Configuring the database distribution settings
  99. Distributing ACL policies to other switches
  100. Setting the consistency policy fabric-wide
  101. Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
  102. Matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  103. Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
  104. Maintaining configurations
  105. to upload a configuration file
  106. Troubleshooting configuration upload
  107. Configuration download without disabling a switch
  108. Security considerations
  109. Restoring configurations in a FICON environment
  110. SAN Director configuration form
  111. Managing administrative domains
  112. Admin domain features
  113. Requirements for admin domains
  114. System-defined administrative domains
  115. Admin domain access levels
  116. Admin domains and login
  117. Switch port members
  118. Fabric showing switch and device WWNs
  119. Admin domain compatibility and availability
  120. Managing admin domains
  121. Implementing admin domains
  122. Assigning a user to an admin domain
  123. Activating and deactivating admin domains
  124. Adding and removing admin domain members
  125. Renaming an Admin Domain
  126. Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains
  127. Using Admin Domains
  128. Displaying an Admin Domain configuration
  129. Performing zone validation
  130. Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
  131. Admin Domains and LSAN zones
  132. Configuration upload and download in an AD context
  133. Installing and maintaining firmware
  134. Effects of firmware changes on accounts and passwords
  135. Checking connected switches
  136. Summary of the firmware download process
  137. Summary of firmware downloads on Director models
  138. SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director firmware download procedure
  139. Testing and restoring firmware on switches
  140. Testing and restoring firmware-on Directors
  141. Validating the firmware download
  142. Troubleshooting firmware download
  143. Pre-installation messages
  144. Blade troubleshooting tips
  145. Configuring Directors
  146. By slot and port number
  147. Basic blade management
  148. MP Router exceptions
  149. Blade terminology and compatibility
  150. CP blades
  151. Obtaining slot information
  152. Configuring a new SAN Director 2/128 with two domains
  153. Converting an installed SAN Director 2/128 to support two domains
  154. Setting the blade beacon mode
  155. Routing traffic
  156. Assigning a static route
  157. Using Dynamic Load Sharing
  158. Viewing routing path information
  159. Viewing routing information along a path
  160. Using the FC-FC routing service
  161. A metaSAN with interfabric links
  162. Front domain consolidation
  163. Using front domain consolidation
  164. Range of output ports
  165. Routing types
  166. Fibre Channel NAT and phantom domains
  167. Performing verification checks
  168. Assigning backbone fabric IDs
  169. Configuring FCIP tunnels (optional)
  170. Configuring an interfabric link
  171. portcfgexport options
  172. Configuring LSANs and zoning
  173. Configuring backbone fabrics for Interconnectivity
  174. Upgrade, downgrade, and HA considerations
  175. Setting a proxy PID
  176. EX_Port frame trunking (optional)
  177. Using EX_Port Frame trunking
  178. Monitoring resources
  179. Routing ECHO
  180. Interoperability with legacy FCR switches
  181. Connecting to HP M-Series or McDATA SANs
  182. Connectivity modes
  183. configuring interoperability
  184. Configuring M-Series or McDATA for interconnection
  185. SAN Pilot and EFCM zone screens
  186. Pending Zone Set list in SAN Pilot and EFCM zone screens
  187. LSAN zoning with McDATA
  188. Completing the configuration
  189. Administering FICON fabrics
  190. Supported switches
  191. Types of FICON configurations
  192. FICON commands
  193. Configuring switches
  194. Preparing a switch
  195. Setting a unique domain ID
  196. Displaying information
  197. FRU failures
  198. Using FICON CUP
  199. Enabling and disabling FICON management server mode
  200. Setting up CUP when FICON management server mode is enabled
  201. Displaying mode register bit settings
  202. Setting mode register bits
  203. Port and switch naming standards
  204. Troubleshooting
  205. Backing up FICON files
  206. SAN Director switches
  207. Sample RMF configuration file for mainframe
  208. Configuring the distributed manager server
  209. Controlling access
  210. Configuring the server database
  211. Controlling topology discovery
  212. Working with diagnostic features
  213. Viewing switch status
  214. Viewing port information
  215. Viewing equipment status
  216. Viewing the system message log
  217. Viewing the port log
  218. Configuring for syslogd
  219. Configuring the switch
  220. Viewing and saving diagnostic information
  221. Most common problem areas
  222. Gathering information for technical support
  223. Analyzing connection problems
  224. To check for zoning problems
  225. To download a correct configuration
  226. To correct a fabric merge problem quickly
  227. To edit zone configuration members
  228. To check fan components
  229. Correcting device login issues
  230. Identifying media-related issues
  231. To test a switch's internal components
  232. Correcting link failures
  233. To check for a point-to-point initialization failure
  234. Correcting marginal links
  235. Inaccurate information in the system message log
  236. Port mirroring
  237. Supported hardware
  238. How port mirroring works
  239. Port mirroring considerations
  240. Creating, deleting, and displaying port mirroring
  241. Administering NPIV
  242. Configuration scenarios
  243. Displaying login information
  244. Administering Advanced Performance Monitoring (APM)
  245. Displaying and clearing the CRC error count
  246. Adding end-to-end monitors
  247. Setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
  248. Deleting end-to-end monitors
  249. Monitoring filter-based performance
  250. Adding custom filter-ased monitors
  251. Deleting filter-based monitors
  252. Monitoring ISL performance
  253. Displaying monitor counters
  254. Clearing monitor counters
  255. Saving and restoring monitor configurations
  256. Administering Extended Fabrics
  257. Choosing an Extended ISL mode
  258. Configuring external ports
  259. Configuring an extended ISL
  260. Administering ISL Trunking
  261. Standard trunking criteria
  262. Initializing trunking on ports
  263. Monitoring traffic
  264. Enabling and disabling ISL trunking
  265. Setting port speeds
  266. Displaying trunking information
  267. Trunking over Extended Fabrics
  268. Troubleshooting trunking problems
  269. Administering Advanced Zoning
  270. Zone types
  271. zone objects
  272. Zone objects
  273. Hardware-enforced Zoning
  274. Hardware-enforced non-overlapping Zones
  275. Hardware-enforced overlapping zones
  276. Rules for configuring zones
  277. To create an alias
  278. To delete an alias
  279. To add devices (members) to a zone
  280. Activating default zones
  281. Creating and modifying Zoning configurations
  282. To remove zones (members) from a zone configuration
  283. To view selected zone configuration information
  284. Maintaining zone objects
  285. To delete a zone object
  286. Managing Zoning configurations in a fabric
  287. Splitting a fabric
  288. Configuring and monitoring FCIP tunneling
  289. FCIP licensing
  290. Network using FCIP
  291. Port numbering on the B-Series MP Router blade
  292. Port Numbering on the 400 MP Router
  293. configuring ipsec
  294. ipsec parameters
  295. managing policies
  296. Configuring FCIP tunnels
  297. defining the ip interface of each virtual port
  298. configuring the gbe ports
  299. verifying ip connectivity
  300. supported configurations
  301. unsupported configurations
  302. fcip tunnel modify and delete options
  303. verifying the fcip tunnel configuration
  304. Checklist for configuring FCIP links
  305. about the ipperf option
  306. wan tool performance characteristics
  307. wan tool ipperf syntax
  308. A Configuring the PID format
  309. Impact of changing the fabric PID format
  310. Selecting a PID format
  311. Evaluating the fabric
  312. Planning the update procedure
  313. Hybrid update
  314. Changing to extended edge PID format
  315. Converting port number to area ID
  316. SAN Director With Extended Edge PID
  317. Performing PID format changes
  318. HP/UX procedure
  319. AIX procedure
  320. Swapping port area IDs
  321. B Configuring interoperability mode
  322. Configuration recommendations
  323. Zoning restrictions
  324. Zone name restrictions
  325. C Understanding legacy password behaviour
  326. Password prompting behaviors
  327. Password migration during firmware changes
  328. D Using Remote Switch
  329. E Zone merging scenarios
  330. Index
  331. Correcting I2C bus errors
  332. Recovering forgotten passwords
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