HP AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V manuals
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- About this Guide
- Glossary of terms
- HP technical support
- Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
- About the CLI
- Help information
- Performing basic configuration tasks
- Using a console session on the serial port
- Changing default passwords summary
- How to change default passwords at login
- How to display network interface settings
- How to set static addresses for the Ethernet network interface
- DHCP summary
- Setting the date and time
- How to set the time zone
- How to set the time zone interactively
- Synchronizing local time using Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- Maintaining licensed software features
- How to generate or activate a license key
- How to remove a licensed feature
- Customizing a switch name
- Customizing the chassis name
- How to display domain IDs
- Activating ports on demand
- How to activate Ports on Demand
- Activating Dynamic Ports on Demand
- Managing POD licenses
- Releasing a port
- Disabling and enabling a switch
- How to enable a port
- Linking through a gateway
- Checking status
- How to show switches in Access Gateway mode
- How to display the status of the track changes feature
- How to set the switch status policy threshold values
- Configuring the audit log
- Auditable event classes
- How to verify host syslog prior to configuring the audit log
- Shutting down switches and Directors
- High availability of daemon processes
- Managing user accounts
- Role Permissions
- Configuring the authentication model
- How to set the switch authentication model
- About the default accounts
- How to create an account
- How to change account parameters
- Recovering accounts
- How to change the password for a different account
- How to accept the user database
- How to set the password history policy
- Upgrade and downgrade considerations
- Managing Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
- Windows 2000 IAS
- RADIUS configuration and admin domains
- Configuring the RADIUS server
- How to add the Brocade attribute to the server
- How to enable CHAP
- How to configure the RADIUS server
- Configuring RADIUS servers on the switch
- How to add a RADIUS server to the switch configuration
- How to change a RADIUS server configuration
- Setting the boot PROM password
- SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director
- How to set the boot PROM password for a Director without a recovery string
- Recovering user, admin, and factory passwords
- Configuring standard security features
- Ensuring network security
- Configuring the telnet interface
- Blocking listeners
- Accessing switches and fabrics
- Configuring for the SSL protocol
- Choosing a certificate authority
- Generating and storing a CSR
- Installing a switch certificate
- Configuring the browser
- Displaying and deleting certificates
- Configuring SNMP
- Setting the security level
- using legacy commands for snmpv1
- Configuring secure file copy
- Maintaining configurations
- to upload a configuration file
- Troubleshooting configuration upload
- Configuration download without disabling a switch
- Security considerations
- Restoring configurations in a FICON environment
- SAN Director configuration form
- Configuring advanced security
- Identifying policy members
- Configuring an FCS policy
- FCS policy restrictions
- Overview of steps to create and manage the FCS policies
- Distributing an FCS policy
- Configuring a DCC policy
- Creating a DCC policy
- Creating an SCC policy
- Adding a member to an existing policy
- Removing a member from an ACL policy
- E_Port authentication
- Device authentication policy
- Selecting authentication protocols
- Managing secret key pairs
- Fabric wide distribution of the Auth policy
- Creating an IP Filter policy
- Displaying an IP Filter policy
- Deleting an IP Filter policy
- IP Filter policy enforcement
- Deleting IP Filter policy rules
- distributing the policy database
- Configuring the database distribution settings
- Distributing ACL policies to other switches
- Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
- Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
- managing administrative domains
- Admin domain features
- Requirements for admin domains
- Admin domain access levels
- Admin domains and login
- Switch port members
- Admin Domains and switch WWN
- Admin domain compatibility and availability
- Firmware upgrade and downgrade scenarios
- Understanding the AD transaction model
- Creating an admin domain
- Managing admin domains
- How to create a new physical fabric administrator user account
- Adding and removing admin domain members
- Deleting an Admin Domain
- Validating an Admin Domain member list
- Executing a command in a different AD context
- How to show an Admin Domain
- Admin Domain interactions
- Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
- Admin Domains and LSAN zones
- Installing and maintaining firmware
- Upgrading and downgrading firmware
- Considerations for FICON CUP environments
- Checking connected switches
- Obtaining and decompressing firmware
- Summary of firmware downloads on Director models
- Testing and restoring firmware on switches
- Testing and restoring firmware-on Directors
- Validating the firmware download
- Troubleshooting firmware download
- Pre-installation messages
- Blade troubleshooting tips
- Configuring Directors
- By slot and port number
- By index
- Basic blade management
- Disabling and enabling port blades
- Conserving power
- Port blade compatibility
- Obtaining slot information
- Configuring a new SAN Director 2/128 with two domains
- Converting an installed SAN Director 2/128 to support two domains
- Setting the blade beacon mode
- Routing traffic
- Assigning a static route
- Using Dynamic Load Sharing
- Viewing routing path information
- Viewing routing information along a path
- Using the FC-FC routing service
- Fibre Channel routing concepts
- proxy devices
- routing types
- performing verification checks
- assigning backbone fabric ids
- configuring an interfabric link
- portcfgexport options
- using router port cost
- port cost considerations
- setting a proxy pid
- Supported configurations and platforms
- Support
- Proxy devices
- dual backbone configuration
- configuring backbone fabrics for interconnectivity
- monitoring resources
- routing echo
- interoperability with legacy fcr switches
- administering ficon fabrics
- supported switches
- ficon commands
- configuring switches
- preparing a switch
- setting a unique domain id
- displaying information
- fru failures
- using ficon cup
- enabling and disabling ficon management server mode
- displaying the fmsmode setting
- displaying mode register bit settings
- setting mode register bits
- port and switch naming standards
- troubleshooting
- backing up ficon files
- sample rmf configuration file for mainframe
- configuring the distributed manager server
- controlling access
- configuring the server database
- controlling topology discovery
- working with diagnostic features
- viewing switch status
- viewing port information
- viewing equipment status
- viewing the system message log
- viewing the port log
- configuring for syslogd
- configuring the switch
- viewing and saving diagnostic information
- about troubleshooting
- gathering information for technical support
- analyzing connection problems
- to check for zoning problems
- to download a correct configuration
- to correct a fabric merge problem quickly
- to edit zone configuration members
- to check fan components
- correcting device login issues
- identifying media-related issues
- to test components to and from the hba
- correcting link failures
- to correct a port that has come up in the wrong mode
- correcting marginal links
- inaccurate information in the system message log
- port mirroring
- supported hardware
- how port mirroring works
- port mirroring considerations
- creating, deleting, and displaying port mirroring
- administering npiv
- configuration scenarios
- displaying login information
- administering advanced performance monitoring
- displaying and clearing the crc error count
- adding end-to-end monitors
- setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
- deleting end-to-end monitors
- monitoring filter-based performance
- deleting filter-based monitors
- monitoring isl performance
- displaying monitor counters
- administering advanced performance monitoring (apm)
- clearing monitor counters
- saving and restoring monitor configurations
- administering extended fabrics
- fabric considerations
- configuring external ports
- configuring an extended isl
- administering isl trunking
- standard trunking criteria
- initializing trunking on ports
- monitoring traffic
- enabling and disabling isl trunking
- setting port speeds
- displaying trunking information
- trunking over extended fabrics
- troubleshooting trunking problems
- administering advanced zoning
- zone types
- zone objects
- zone configurations
- software-enforced zoning
- rules for configuring zones
- supported switches for broadcast zones
- high availability considerations with broadcast zones
- creating and managing zone aliases
- to delete an alias
- to delete a zone
- activating default zones
- merging zones
- creating and modifying zoning configurations
- to delete a zone configuration
- to view selected zone configuration information
- maintaining zone objects
- to delete a zone object
- managing zoning configurations in a fabric
- splitting a fabric
- configuring and monitoring fcip tunneling
- fcip licensing
- port numbering
- port numbering on the b-series mp router blade
- port numbering on the 400 mp router
- fcip fastwrite and tape pipelining
- unsupported configurations
- platforms and os requirements for fc fastwrite
- constraints for fc fastwrite
- disabling fc fastwrite on a port
- configuring ipsec
- ipsec parameters
- configuring fcip tunnels
- defining the ip interface of each virtual port
- configuring the gbe ports
- verifying ip connectivity
- fcip tunnel create option
- fcip tunnel modify and delete options
- verifying the fcip tunnel configuration
- checklist for configuring fcip links
- about the ipperf option
- wan tool performance characteristics
- wan tool ipperf syntax
- fcip tunnel performance characteristics
- a configuring the pid format
- impact of changing the fabric pid format
- selecting a pid format
- evaluating the fabric
- planning the update procedure
- offline update
- changing to extended edge pid format
- converting port number to area id
- performing pid format changes
- hp/ux procedure
- aix procedure
- swapping port area ids
- vendor switch requirements
- supported features
- zoning restrictions
- zone name restrictions
- c understanding legacy password behaviour
- password prompting behaviors
- password migration during firmware changes
- d using remote switch
- e zone merging scenarios
- Routing types
- Matching fabric parameters
- Monitoring resources
- Preparing a switch
- Setting a unique domain ID
- Displaying information
- Zoning and PDCM considerations
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- About this guide
- Document conventions and symbols
- HP-authorized reseller
- Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
- About the CLI
- Additional help topics
- Performing basic configuration tasks
- Setting the IP address
- Changing the default passwords at login
- Setting the date and time
- Synchronizing local time with an external source
- Maintaining licensed features
- Removing a licensed feature
- Customizing the chassis name
- Disabling and enabling a port
- Activating Ports on Demand
- Working with domain IDs
- Setting the domain ID
- Checking status
- Verifying device connectivity
- Enabling the TC feature
- Setting the switch status policy threshold values
- Configuring standard security features
- Ensuring network security
- Configuring the telnet interface
- Blocking listeners
- Creating and maintaining user-defined accounts
- Deleting a user-defined account
- Changing an account password
- Configuring the RADIUS server
- Linux
- Enabling clients
- Configuring users
- Configuring the switch
- Adding a RADIUS server to the switch configuration
- Changing the order in which RADIUS servers are contacted for service
- Browser and Java support
- Choosing a CA
- Obtaining certificates
- Activating a switch certificate
- Installing a root certificate to the Java Plug-in
- Troubleshooting certificates
- Setting the security level
- Using legacy commands for SNMPv1
- Configuring secure file copy
- Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, and SAN Switch 4/32
- Without a recovery string
- Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director
- Recovering forgotten passwords
- Maintaining configurations and firmware
- Restoring a configuration
- Restoring configurations in a FICON environment
- Downloading configurations across a fabric
- Checking connected switches
- About the download process
- Effects of firmware changes on accounts and passwords
- Summary of the upgrade process
- Upgrading HP StorageWorks directors
- Upgrading the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director
- Troubleshooting firmware downloads
- Configuring Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director
- Basic blade management
- Disabling and enabling port blades
- CP blades
- Port blade compatibility
- Obtaining slot information
- Configuring a new SAN Director 2/128 with two domains
- Converting an installed SAN Director 2/128 to support two domains
- Setting the blade beacon mode
- Routing traffic
- Assigning a static route
- Forcing in-order frame delivery across topology changes
- Viewing routing path information
- Viewing routing information along a path
- Administering FICON fabrics
- Fabric OS commands related to FICON and FICON CUP
- Configuring switches
- Configuring a high-integrity fabric
- Displaying information
- FRU failures
- Setup summary
- Setting up CUP when FMS mode is enabled
- Setting mode register bits
- Persistently enabling and disabling ports
- Port and switch naming standards
- Identifying ports
- Backing up FICON files
- FICON switch configuration worksheet
- Sample Resource Management Facility configuration file for mainframe
- Configuring the Distributed Management Server
- Controlling access
- Deleting a member from the ACL
- Configuring the server database
- Clearing the management server database
- Disabling topology discovery
- Working with diagnostic features
- Viewing switch status
- Displaying switch information
- Viewing port information
- Displaying the port statistics
- Port error summary description
- Viewing equipment status
- Displaying temperature status
- Viewing the port log
- Configuring for syslogd
- Specifying syslogd hosts
- Viewing and saving diagnostic information
- Setting up periodic checking of the remote server
- Troubleshooting
- Gathering information for technical support
- Analyzing connection problems
- Checking the Simple Name Server (SNS)
- Checking for zoning problems
- Downloading a correct configuration
- Correcting a fabric merge problem quickly
- Editing zone configuration members
- Checking fan components
- Identifying media-related issues
- Testing a port's external transmit and receive path
- Testing components to and from the HBA
- Checking for a loop initialization failure
- Correcting a port that came up in the wrong mode
- Loopback modes
- Inaccurate information in the system message log
- Administering extended fabrics
- Choosing an extended ISL mode
- Configuring an extended ISL
- Trunking over distance
- Administering ISL trunking
- Standard trunking criteria
- Initializing trunking on ports
- Using the portperfshow command
- Enabling and disabling ISL trunking
- Setting the speed for one port
- Displaying trunking information
- Troubleshooting trunking problems
- Administering advanced zoning
- Zoning concepts
- Zone objects
- Zone aliases
- Zoning enforcement
- Enforcing hardware zoning
- Hardware-enforced non-overlap ping zones
- Rules for configuring zones
- Creating and managing zone aliases
- Adding members to an alias
- Viewing an alias in the defined configuration
- Removing devices (members) from a zone
- Resulting database size: 0 to 96K
- Creating and modifying zoning configurations
- Creating a zoning configuration
- Clearing changes to a configuration
- Viewing a configuration in the effective zone database
- Renaming a zone object
- Managing zoning configurations in a fabric
- Splitting a fabric
- Considerations for zoning architecture
- Administering advanced performance monitoring
- Displaying and clearing the CRC error count
- Monitoring EE performance
- Monitoring the traffic from Host A to Dev B
- Displaying the current EE mask of a port
- Displaying a monitor
- Adding standard filter-based monitors
- Adding filter-based monitors
- Monitoring ISL performance
- Clearing monitor counters
- Saving and restoring monitor configurations
- A Configuring the PID format
- Host reboots
- Selecting a PID format
- Evaluating the fabric
- Planning the update procedure
- Hybrid update
- Changing to Extended Edge PID format
- Converting port number to area ID
- SAN Director with Extended Edge PID
- PID format changes
- Executing the HP–UX procedure
- Executing the AIX procedure
- B Configuring interoperability mode
- C Using the HP Remote Switch feature
- D Understanding legacy password behavior
- Password prompting behaviors
- Password migration during firmware changes
- Password recovery options
- E Zone merging scenarios
- F Upgrading firmware in single-CP mode
- Upgrading a single Core Switch 2/64 or SAN Director 2/128 blade
- Correcting I2C bus errors
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- about this guide
- Overview
- Conventions
- Text symbols
- Equipment symbols
- Rack stability
- HP Storage web site
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N models
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N chassis
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N—nonport side
- SAN Switch 4/32 models
- SAN Switch 4/32 chassis
- SAN Switch 4/32—nonport side
- Upgrading SAN Switch 4/32 ports
- SAN Switch licensing
- ISL Trunking groups
- SAN Switch supported (optional) features
- SAN Switch optional kits
- Installing and configuring
- SAN Switch shipping carton contents
- SAN Switch shipping carton contents checklist
- Installation and safety considerations
- Rack specifications
- Installing as a stand-alone device
- Installing the switch in a rack using the SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit
- SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit hardware
- Installing the rear mounting brackets (HP 10,000 series)
- Installing the rear mounting brackets (HP System/e rack-left rear upright)
- Installing the outer rails (HP 10,000 series)
- Assembling the outer rails (HP 10,000 series)
- Assembling the outer rails (HP System/e rack)
- Number of screws required to assemble the inner rails
- Securing the inner rails to the SAN Switch 2/8V with plenum
- Securing the inner rails to the SAN Switch 2/16V
- Installing the switch into a rack (HP 10,000 series rack)
- Installing the switch into a rack (HP System/e rack)
- Cabling and configuring the SAN Switch
- Connecting the SAN Switch to the fabric
- Connecting the serial cable to a SAN Switch 2/16V
- Logging in
- Setting the IP address
- Creating an Ethernet connection
- Modifying the Fibre Channel domain ID (Optional)
- Installing the SFP transceivers
- Verifying the configuration
- Synchronizing local time with an external source
- tsTimeZone command parameter selection
- Managing SAN switches
- Powering on and off
- Management features
- Managing SAN Switches from a single management station
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N LEDs
- SAN Switch 2/16V and 2/16N LED locations
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N LED patterns
- Port LED patterns
- Ethernet LED patterns
- SAN Switch 4/32 LEDs—port side
- SAN Switch 4/32 port side LEDs
- SAN Switch 4/32 port side LED patterns during normal operation
- SAN Switch 4/32 LEDs—nonport side
- Nonport side LED patterns during normal operation
- POST and boot specifications
- Interpreting POST results
- Installing field-replaceable units
- Replacing the SAN Switch 4/32 power supply
- Power supply status LEDs
- Items required
- Inserting the power supply in the SAN Switch 4/32
- Replacing the fan assembly in the SAN Switch 4/32
- Fan status LED behavior
- Procedure
- Inserting the fan assembly
- Replacing SFPs
- Installing or removing an SFP
- A Regulatory compliance notices
- EMC statement (Canada)
- VCCI EMC statement (Japan)
- RRL EMC statement (Korea)
- Laser safety
- Battery replacement notice
- B Electrostatic discharge
- C SAN Switch technical specifications
- General specifications
- Weight and physical dimensions
- Facility requirements
- Environmental requirements
- Data transmission ranges
- Laser data transmission ranges for the 4/32
- Fibre Channel port specifications
- Cabling pinouts
- Power supply specifications
- Memory
- Supported SFPs
- Glossary
- Index
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Audience
- Conventions
- Getting Help
- HP Storage Website
- Introduction to Zoning
- Implementing Zoning
- Installing Zoning
- Installing Zoning from Web Tools
- Using Zoning
- Soft Zones
- Defined
- Enabling a Zone Configuration
- Configuring Zoning
- Modifying Configurations
- Transactional Model
- Using QuickLoop Zones
- Configuring QuickLoop Zones
- Set Up Zones in a Dual-Switch QuickLoop
- Overview
- aliAdd
- aliCreate
- aliDelete
- aliRemove
- aliShow
- cfgAdd
- cfgClear
- cfgCreate
- cfgDelete
- cfgDisable
- cfgEnable
- cfgRemove
- cfgSave
- cfgShow
- cfgSize
- cfgTransAbort
- qloopCreate
- qloopDelete
- qloopRemove
- qloopShow
- zoneAdd
- zoneCreate
- zoneDelete
- zoneRemove
- zoneShow
- Index
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N Installation Guide
- Overview
- Conventions
- Text Symbols
- Rack Stability
- Getting Help
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N Features
- SAN Switch Licensing
- Switch Characteristics
- Nonport Side of SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N
- ISL Trunking Groups
- Supported (Optional) Features
- Optional Hardware Kits
- Installing the SAN Switch
- Items Included with the SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N
- Shipping Carton Contents
- Installation and Safety Considerations
- Installing a Stand-Alone SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N
- Installing a SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V or 2/16N Into an EIA Cabinet
- Power Requirements
- Installing the Switch in a Rack Using the SAN Switch Rack Mount Kit
- Cabling and Configuring the SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V or 2/16N
- Items Required for Installation
- Create a Serial Connection
- Power Up the Switch and Log In
- Set the IP Address
- Create an Ethernet Connection and Log In
- Modify the Fibre Channel Domain ID (Optional)
- Install the SFP Transceivers
- Verifying Configuration
- Managing the SAN Switches
- Powering the Switch On and Off
- Interpreting LED Activity
- LED Location
- LED Patterns
- Port LED Patterns
- Ethernet LED Patterns
- POST and Boot Specifications
- Interpreting POST Results
- Backing Up the Configuration and Upgrade Firmware
- SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V and 2/16N Management Features
- Maintaining the SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V and SAN Switch 2/16N
- Removing an SFP
- regulatory compliance notices
- FCC EMC Statement (USA)
- EMC Statement (Canada)
- EMC Statement (European Union)
- European Union Notice
- Germany Noise Declaration
- VCCI EMC Statement (Japan)
- RRL EMC Statement (Korea)
- Laser Safety
- Battery Replacement Notice
- Grounding Methods
- technical specifications
- Data Transmission Ranges
- Fibre Channel Port Specifications
- Serial Port Specifications
- Power Supply Specifications
- Weight and Physical Dimensions
- Memory Specifications
- Supported SFPs
- Facility Requirements
- Environmental Requirements
- Supported HBAs
- System Specifications
- Glossary
- Index
- Document Conventions
- Management Options
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- About this Guide
- Intended audience
- HP technical support
- Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
- About the CLI
- Help information
- Performing basic configuration tasks
- Using a console session on the serial port
- Changing default passwords summary
- How to change default passwords at login
- How to display network interface settings
- Configuring DHCP
- Setting the date and time
- How to set the time zone
- How to set the time zone interactively
- Synchronizing local time
- Maintaining licensed software features
- How to generate or activate a license key
- How to remove a licensed feature
- Customizing a switch name
- Customizing the chassis name
- How to display domain IDs
- Ports on Demand license summary for applicable switches
- Configuring Dynamic Ports on Demand
- Activating Dynamic Ports on Demand
- Managing licenses
- Releasing a port
- Disabling and enabling a switch
- How to enable a port
- Linking through a gateway
- Checking status
- Tracking and controlling switch changes
- How to display the status of the track changes feature
- How to set the switch status policy threshold values
- Configuring the audit log
- How to verify host syslog prior to configuring the audit log
- How to configure an audit log for specific event classes
- To power off a switch gracefully (5.1.0 and later)
- Managing user accounts
- Role Permissions
- Configuring the authentication model
- About the default accounts
- How to create an account
- How to change account parameters
- Recovering accounts
- How to change the password for a different account
- How to accept the user database
- How to set the password history policy
- Upgrade and downgrade considerations
- Creating Fabric OS user accounts
- Windows 2000 IAS
- RADIUS configuration and admin domains
- Configuring the RADIUS server
- Linux
- How to enable clients
- How to configure RADIUS users
- Configuring RADIUS servers on the switch
- How to display the current RADIUS configuration
- How to enable and disable a RADIUS server
- Enabling and disabling local authentication as backup
- SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director
- How to set the boot PROM password for a Director without a recovery string
- How to recover passwords
- Configuring standard security features
- Ensuring network security
- Configuring the telnet interface
- Blocking listeners
- Configuring for the SSL protocol
- Browser and Java support
- Generating a public/private key
- Obtaining certificates
- Activating a switch certificate
- Installing a root certificate to the Java Plug-in
- Troubleshooting certificates
- Setting the security level
- Using legacy commands for SNMPv1
- Configuring secure file copy
- Configuring advanced security
- Configuring ACL policies
- Displaying ACL policies
- DCC policy restrictions
- Examples of creating DCC policies
- Saving changes to ACL policies
- Adding a member to an existing policy
- Aborting all uncommitted changes
- Configuring the database distribution settings
- Distributing ACL policies to other switches
- Setting the consistency policy fabric-wide
- Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
- Matching fabric-wide consistency policies
- Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
- Maintaining configurations
- to upload a configuration file
- Troubleshooting configuration upload
- Configuration download without disabling a switch
- Security considerations
- Restoring configurations in a FICON environment
- SAN Director configuration form
- Managing administrative domains
- Admin domain features
- Requirements for admin domains
- System-defined administrative domains
- Admin domain access levels
- Admin domains and login
- Switch port members
- Fabric showing switch and device WWNs
- Admin domain compatibility and availability
- Managing admin domains
- Implementing admin domains
- Assigning a user to an admin domain
- Activating and deactivating admin domains
- Adding and removing admin domain members
- Renaming an Admin Domain
- Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains
- Using Admin Domains
- Displaying an Admin Domain configuration
- Performing zone validation
- Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
- Admin Domains and LSAN zones
- Configuration upload and download in an AD context
- Installing and maintaining firmware
- Effects of firmware changes on accounts and passwords
- Checking connected switches
- Summary of the firmware download process
- Summary of firmware downloads on Director models
- SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director firmware download procedure
- Testing and restoring firmware on switches
- Testing and restoring firmware-on Directors
- Validating the firmware download
- Troubleshooting firmware download
- Pre-installation messages
- Blade troubleshooting tips
- Configuring Directors
- By slot and port number
- Basic blade management
- MP Router exceptions
- Blade terminology and compatibility
- CP blades
- Obtaining slot information
- Configuring a new SAN Director 2/128 with two domains
- Converting an installed SAN Director 2/128 to support two domains
- Setting the blade beacon mode
- Routing traffic
- Assigning a static route
- Using Dynamic Load Sharing
- Viewing routing path information
- Viewing routing information along a path
- Using the FC-FC routing service
- A metaSAN with interfabric links
- Front domain consolidation
- Using front domain consolidation
- Range of output ports
- Routing types
- Fibre Channel NAT and phantom domains
- Performing verification checks
- Assigning backbone fabric IDs
- Configuring FCIP tunnels (optional)
- Configuring an interfabric link
- portcfgexport options
- Configuring LSANs and zoning
- Configuring backbone fabrics for Interconnectivity
- Upgrade, downgrade, and HA considerations
- Setting a proxy PID
- EX_Port frame trunking (optional)
- Using EX_Port Frame trunking
- Monitoring resources
- Routing ECHO
- Interoperability with legacy FCR switches
- Connecting to HP M-Series or McDATA SANs
- Connectivity modes
- configuring interoperability
- Configuring M-Series or McDATA for interconnection
- SAN Pilot and EFCM zone screens
- Pending Zone Set list in SAN Pilot and EFCM zone screens
- LSAN zoning with McDATA
- Completing the configuration
- Administering FICON fabrics
- Supported switches
- Types of FICON configurations
- FICON commands
- Configuring switches
- Preparing a switch
- Setting a unique domain ID
- Displaying information
- FRU failures
- Enabling and disabling FICON management server mode
- Setting up CUP when FICON management server mode is enabled
- Displaying mode register bit settings
- Setting mode register bits
- Port and switch naming standards
- Troubleshooting
- Backing up FICON files
- SAN Director switches
- Sample RMF configuration file for mainframe
- Configuring the distributed manager server
- Controlling access
- Configuring the server database
- Controlling topology discovery
- Working with diagnostic features
- Viewing switch status
- Viewing port information
- Viewing equipment status
- Viewing the system message log
- Viewing the port log
- Configuring for syslogd
- Configuring the switch
- Viewing and saving diagnostic information
- Most common problem areas
- Gathering information for technical support
- Analyzing connection problems
- To check for zoning problems
- To download a correct configuration
- To correct a fabric merge problem quickly
- To edit zone configuration members
- To check fan components
- Correcting device login issues
- Identifying media-related issues
- To test a switch's internal components
- Correcting link failures
- To check for a point-to-point initialization failure
- Correcting marginal links
- Inaccurate information in the system message log
- Port mirroring
- Supported hardware
- How port mirroring works
- Port mirroring considerations
- Creating, deleting, and displaying port mirroring
- Administering NPIV
- Configuration scenarios
- Displaying login information
- Administering Advanced Performance Monitoring (APM)
- Displaying and clearing the CRC error count
- Adding end-to-end monitors
- Setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
- Deleting end-to-end monitors
- Monitoring filter-based performance
- Adding custom filter-ased monitors
- Deleting filter-based monitors
- Monitoring ISL performance
- Displaying monitor counters
- Clearing monitor counters
- Saving and restoring monitor configurations
- Administering Extended Fabrics
- Choosing an Extended ISL mode
- Configuring external ports
- Configuring an extended ISL
- Administering ISL Trunking
- Standard trunking criteria
- Initializing trunking on ports
- Monitoring traffic
- Enabling and disabling ISL trunking
- Setting port speeds
- Displaying trunking information
- Trunking over Extended Fabrics
- Troubleshooting trunking problems
- Administering Advanced Zoning
- Zone types
- zone objects
- Zone objects
- Hardware-enforced Zoning
- Hardware-enforced non-overlapping Zones
- Hardware-enforced overlapping zones
- Rules for configuring zones
- To create an alias
- To delete an alias
- To add devices (members) to a zone
- Activating default zones
- Creating and modifying Zoning configurations
- To remove zones (members) from a zone configuration
- To view selected zone configuration information
- Maintaining zone objects
- To delete a zone object
- Managing Zoning configurations in a fabric
- Splitting a fabric
- Configuring and monitoring FCIP tunneling
- FCIP licensing
- Network using FCIP
- Port numbering on the B-Series MP Router blade
- Port Numbering on the 400 MP Router
- configuring ipsec
- ipsec parameters
- managing policies
- Configuring FCIP tunnels
- defining the ip interface of each virtual port
- configuring the gbe ports
- verifying ip connectivity
- supported configurations
- unsupported configurations
- fcip tunnel modify and delete options
- verifying the fcip tunnel configuration
- Checklist for configuring FCIP links
- about the ipperf option
- wan tool performance characteristics
- wan tool ipperf syntax
- A Configuring the PID format
- Impact of changing the fabric PID format
- Selecting a PID format
- Evaluating the fabric
- Planning the update procedure
- Hybrid update
- Changing to extended edge PID format
- Converting port number to area ID
- SAN Director With Extended Edge PID
- Performing PID format changes
- HP/UX procedure
- AIX procedure
- Swapping port area IDs
- B Configuring interoperability mode
- Configuration recommendations
- Zoning restrictions
- Zone name restrictions
- C Understanding legacy password behaviour
- Password prompting behaviors
- Password migration during firmware changes
- D Using Remote Switch
- E Zone merging scenarios
- Index
- Correcting I2C bus errors
- Recovering forgotten passwords
AA979A - StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
Table of contents
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