Yamaha A3000 manuals
Table of contents
- special message section
- list of accessories
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Using the Manual
- Panel and Connector Arrangement
- rear panel
- A3000 Options
- Handling the Floppy Disk Drive(FDD) and Floppy Disk
- Chapter 1 Setting Up
- Setting Up
- Connecting the Power
- Connecting the A3000 Outputs
- Connecting the Audio Inputs
- MIDI Connections
- Power ON/OFF
- Sound Check
- Chapter 2 Trying It Out
- Introduction
- Starting Out
- Next Step
- Sample Editing
- Program Editing
- Sequence Play
- Saving and Reloading Your Data
- saving your data
- loading data from disk
- Accompanying Disks
- Chapter 3 Basics
- Samples and Programs
- Sample Output Destinations and Effects
- Data Configuration and Handling
- chapter 3 basics
- Modes and Functions
- edit functions
- Basic Operation
- changing the settings
- executing an operation
- Other Keys and Operations
- midi indicator
- Chapter 4 PLAY Mode
- Play Mode
- Program & Sample Selection Screen
- INIT (Program Initialization)
- PGMDUMP (Program Dump)
- SETINIT (Set Program's Initial Conditions)
- NEWBANK (Create a Sample Bank)
- DUPL (Duplicate)
- SMPDUMP (Sample Dump)
- PROGRAM Function
- SAMPLE Function
- SAMPLE - SmpBnk (Select Sample from Sample Bank)
- SAMPLE - ToBank (Assign Sample to Bank)
- SAMPLE - SmpSort (Sort Samples)
- EASY EDIT Function
- EASY EDIT - EasyEd
- EFFECT Function
- EFFECT - Efct1,...,Efct3 (Edit the Effects)
- EFFECT - In&Out (Input/output levels and pan)
- EFFECT - EdType (Effect Edit Type)
- SETUP Function
- SETUP - Portmnt (Portamento)
- SETUP - ADSetup (A/D-In Setup)
- SETUP - ADOut (Output Setup for A/D-Input Signal)
- CONTROL Function
- CONTROL - PgmCtl2 (Program Controller Setup 2)
- CONTROL - Reset (Controller Reset)
- Chapter 5 EDIT Mode
- EDIT Mode
- NORM (Normalize)
- RESMPL - TmStrch (Resampling - Time Stretch)
- RESMPL - PtchCnv (Resampling - Pitch Conversion)
- REVERS (Reverse)
- LOOPXFD (Loop Crossfade)
- SETINIT (Register Initial Parameter Values)
- TRIM/LOOP Function
- TRIM/LOOP - Wave (Edit Waveform)
- TRIM/LOOP - Loop (Edit Loop Addresses)
- TRIM/LOOP - WvMode (Set Wave Mode)
- MAP/OUT Function
- MAP/OUT - VelRnge (Velocity Range)
- MAP/OUT - Lvl&Mode
- MAP/OUT - Output
- MAP/OUT - Pitch
- MAP/OUT - Expand
- MAP/OUT - LvlScale (Level Scaling)
- FILTER Function
- FILTER - FltSens (Filter Sensitivity)
- FILTER - FltScale (Filter Scaling)
- FILTER - EQ (Equalization)
- EG Function
- EG - AEGMode (AEG Mode Settings)
- EG - FEGRate (Filter-EG Rates)
- EG - FEGLevel (Filter-EG Levels)
- EG - FEGMode (FEG Mode Settings)
- EG - PEGRate (Pitch-EG Rates)
- EG - PEGLevel (Pitch-EG Levels)
- EG - PEGMode (PEG Mode Settings)
- LFO Function
- LFO - FltrMod (Filter Modulation)
- LFO - PtchMod (Pitch Modulation)
- LFO - AmpMod (Amplitude Modulation)
- MIDI/CTRL Function
- MIDI/CTRL - SmpCtl1 (Sample Controller Setup 1)
- MIDI/CTRL - SmpCtl2 (Sample Controller Setup 2)
- MIDI/CTRL - Vel&PB (Velocity and Pitchbend)
- Chapter 6 RECORDING Mode
- RECORD Function
- SETUP - RecData
- SETUP - Target
- SETUP - KeyRnge
- SETUP - Trigger
- SETUP - Process
- METER Function
- METER - TrgLvl
- EFFECT - EfType (Select the Effect Types)
- EFFECT - RecEf1,...,RecEf3 (Edit the Effects)
- EXT CTRL Function
- MONITOR Function
- MONITOR - Click
- Chapter 7 DISK Mode
- DISK Mode
- PHYS_FMT (Physical Format)
- PART_FMT (Format a Partition)
- FD_FMT (Format a Floppy Disk)
- PROGRAM - PgmLoad (Load Program(s))
- SAMPLE - SmpLoad (Load Sample(s))
- SEQUENCE Function
- VOLUME Function
- DISK Function
- DISK - Config (Configure)
- DISK - SelfID
- IMPORT Function
- IMPORT - ImpVce (Import a voice)
- IMPORT - ImpOthr (Import Other Data Type)
- Chapter 8 UTILITY Mode
- SAVESYS (Save System Settings)
- LOADSYS (Load System Settings)
- ALLDUMP (Data Dump)
- TOTAL EQ Function
- Total EQ - Gain
- Total EQ - Freq
- Total EQ - Width
- PANEL PLAY Function
- PANEL PLAY - KnobSet
- PANEL PLAY - FKeySet (Set Function Keys)
- SEQUENCE - SeqSel (Select Sequence)
- SEQUENCE - Play&Rec (Playback and Recording)
- MASTER Function
- MASTER - StOut (Stereo Output Assignment)
- SYSTEM Function
- SYSTEM - Display
- SYSTEM - FreeMem
- MIDI Function
- MIDI - Adjust
- MIDI - RcvFlt (Receiving Filter)
- MIDI - Bulk (Bulk Dump)
- Appendix
- Installing SIMMs
- Installing the AIEB1 I/O Expansion Board
- Setting the SCSI Board Terminator Switch
- Installing an Internal Hard Disk
- Connecting external SCSI devices
- Specifications
- Effect type list
- Effect parameter list
- Control change number list
- Troubleshooting
- other problems
- Error messages
- MIDI data format
- Index
- important safety instructions
Table of contents
Table of contents