
Yamaha A3000 manuals

A3000 first page preview


Brand: Yamaha | Category: Software
A3000 first page preview


Brand: Yamaha | Category: Recording Equipment
Table of contents
  1. special message section
  2. list of accessories
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Using the Manual
  6. Panel and Connector Arrangement
  7. rear panel
  8. A3000 Options
  9. Handling the Floppy Disk Drive(FDD) and Floppy Disk
  10. Chapter 1 Setting Up
  11. Setting Up
  12. Connecting the Power
  13. Connecting the A3000 Outputs
  14. Connecting the Audio Inputs
  15. MIDI Connections
  16. Power ON/OFF
  17. Sound Check
  18. Chapter 2 Trying It Out
  19. Introduction
  20. Starting Out
  21. Next Step
  22. Sample Editing
  23. Program Editing
  24. Sequence Play
  25. Saving and Reloading Your Data
  26. saving your data
  27. loading data from disk
  28. Accompanying Disks
  29. Chapter 3 Basics
  30. Samples and Programs
  31. Sample Output Destinations and Effects
  32. Data Configuration and Handling
  33. chapter 3 basics
  34. Modes and Functions
  35. edit functions
  36. Basic Operation
  37. changing the settings
  38. executing an operation
  39. Other Keys and Operations
  40. midi indicator
  41. Chapter 4 PLAY Mode
  42. Play Mode
  43. Program & Sample Selection Screen
  45. INIT (Program Initialization)
  46. COPY
  47. PGMDUMP (Program Dump)
  48. SETINIT (Set Program's Initial Conditions)
  49. NEWBANK (Create a Sample Bank)
  50. DELETE
  51. DUPL (Duplicate)
  52. SMPDUMP (Sample Dump)
  53. PROGRAM Function
  54. SAMPLE Function
  55. SAMPLE - SmpBnk (Select Sample from Sample Bank)
  56. SAMPLE - ToBank (Assign Sample to Bank)
  57. SAMPLE - SmpSort (Sort Samples)
  58. EASY EDIT Function
  59. EASY EDIT - EasyEd
  60. EFFECT Function
  61. EFFECT - Efct1,...,Efct3 (Edit the Effects)
  62. EFFECT - In&Out (Input/output levels and pan)
  63. EFFECT - EdType (Effect Edit Type)
  64. SETUP Function
  65. SETUP - Portmnt (Portamento)
  66. SETUP - ADSetup (A/D-In Setup)
  67. SETUP - ADOut (Output Setup for A/D-Input Signal)
  68. CONTROL Function
  69. CONTROL - PgmCtl2 (Program Controller Setup 2)
  70. CONTROL - Reset (Controller Reset)
  71. Chapter 5 EDIT Mode
  72. EDIT Mode
  73. SAVE
  74. REVERT
  75. NORM (Normalize)
  76. RESMPL - TmStrch (Resampling - Time Stretch)
  77. RESMPL - PtchCnv (Resampling - Pitch Conversion)
  78. FADE
  79. REVERS (Reverse)
  80. LOOPXFD (Loop Crossfade)
  81. SETINIT (Register Initial Parameter Values)
  82. TRIM/LOOP Function
  83. TRIM/LOOP - Wave (Edit Waveform)
  84. TRIM/LOOP - Loop (Edit Loop Addresses)
  85. TRIM/LOOP - WvMode (Set Wave Mode)
  86. MAP/OUT Function
  87. MAP/OUT - VelRnge (Velocity Range)
  88. MAP/OUT - Lvl&Mode
  89. MAP/OUT - Output
  90. MAP/OUT - Pitch
  91. MAP/OUT - Expand
  92. MAP/OUT - LvlScale (Level Scaling)
  93. FILTER Function
  94. FILTER - FltSens (Filter Sensitivity)
  95. FILTER - FltScale (Filter Scaling)
  96. FILTER - EQ (Equalization)
  97. EG Function
  98. EG - AEGMode (AEG Mode Settings)
  99. EG - FEGRate (Filter-EG Rates)
  100. EG - FEGLevel (Filter-EG Levels)
  101. EG - FEGMode (FEG Mode Settings)
  102. EG - PEGRate (Pitch-EG Rates)
  103. EG - PEGLevel (Pitch-EG Levels)
  104. EG - PEGMode (PEG Mode Settings)
  105. LFO Function
  106. LFO - FltrMod (Filter Modulation)
  107. LFO - PtchMod (Pitch Modulation)
  108. LFO - AmpMod (Amplitude Modulation)
  109. MIDI/CTRL Function
  110. MIDI/CTRL - SmpCtl1 (Sample Controller Setup 1)
  111. MIDI/CTRL - SmpCtl2 (Sample Controller Setup 2)
  112. MIDI/CTRL - Vel&PB (Velocity and Pitchbend)
  113. Chapter 6 RECORDING Mode
  114. RECORDING Mode
  115. RECORD Function
  116. SETUP - RecData
  117. SETUP - Target
  118. SETUP - KeyRnge
  119. SETUP - Trigger
  120. SETUP - Process
  121. METER Function
  122. METER - TrgLvl
  123. EFFECT - EfType (Select the Effect Types)
  124. EFFECT - RecEf1,...,RecEf3 (Edit the Effects)
  125. EXT CTRL Function
  126. EXT CTRL - CD-DA
  127. MONITOR Function
  128. MONITOR - Click
  129. Chapter 7 DISK Mode
  130. DISK Mode
  131. LOAD
  132. FORMAT
  133. PHYS_FMT (Physical Format)
  134. PART_FMT (Format a Partition)
  135. FD_FMT (Format a Floppy Disk)
  136. PROGRAM - PgmLoad (Load Program(s))
  137. SAMPLE - SmpLoad (Load Sample(s))
  138. SEQUENCE Function
  139. VOLUME Function
  140. DISK Function
  141. DISK - Config (Configure)
  142. DISK - SelfID
  143. IMPORT Function
  144. IMPORT - ImpVce (Import a voice)
  145. IMPORT - ImpOthr (Import Other Data Type)
  146. Chapter 8 UTILITY Mode
  147. UTILITY Mode
  148. SAVESYS (Save System Settings)
  149. LOADSYS (Load System Settings)
  150. ALLDUMP (Data Dump)
  151. TOTAL EQ Function
  152. Total EQ - Gain
  153. Total EQ - Freq
  154. Total EQ - Width
  155. PANEL PLAY Function
  156. PANEL PLAY - KnobSet
  157. PANEL PLAY - FKeySet (Set Function Keys)
  158. SEQUENCE - SeqSel (Select Sequence)
  159. SEQUENCE - Play&Rec (Playback and Recording)
  160. MASTER Function
  161. MASTER - StOut (Stereo Output Assignment)
  162. SYSTEM Function
  163. SYSTEM - Display
  164. SYSTEM
  165. SYSTEM - FreeMem
  166. MIDI Function
  167. MIDI - Adjust
  168. MIDI - RcvFlt (Receiving Filter)
  169. MIDI - Bulk (Bulk Dump)
  170. Appendix
  171. Installing SIMMs
  172. Installing the AIEB1 I/O Expansion Board
  173. Setting the SCSI Board Terminator Switch
  174. Installing an Internal Hard Disk
  175. Connecting external SCSI devices
  176. Specifications
  177. Effect type list
  178. Effect parameter list
  179. Control change number list
  180. Troubleshooting
  181. other problems
  182. Error messages
  183. MIDI data format
  184. Index
  185. important safety instructions
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