
Cisco 860 Series manuals

860 Series first page preview

860 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
860 Series first page preview

860 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: IP Phone
860 Series first page preview

860 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. related documentation
  6. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  7. product overview
  8. Chapter 1 Product Overview
  9. Cisco 860VAE Series ISRs
  10. IOS Images
  11. Cisco 860VAE-POE-W-A-K9 ISRs
  12. External Interfaces
  13. LED Indicators
  14. Cisco 880 Series ISRs
  15. Cisco 880 Series Voice and Data Routers
  16. Cisco 881 SRST and Cisco 888 SRST
  17. Cisco 881-V, Cisco 887VA-V, and Cisco 887VA-V-W
  18. Cisco 880 Series with Embedded WLAN Antennas
  19. C881WD
  20. Cisco C881, C886, and C887 Series ISRs
  21. Cisco C881 Router
  22. Cisco C886VA Router
  23. Cisco C886VAJ Router
  24. Cisco C887VA Router
  25. Cisco C887VAM Router
  26. Cisco 890 Series ISRs
  27. Cisco 892FSP, Cisco 896VA, Cisco 897VA, and Cisco 898EA
  28. Cisco C891 Series ISRs
  29. Cisco C891F Router
  30. Cisco C891FW Router
  31. Hardware Features
  32. Kensington Lock
  33. Custom Configuration File for Cisco 892FSP, 896VA, 897VA, and Cisco 898EA
  34. LEDs
  35. Shared LEDs on the Cisco 881-V and Cisco 887VA-V Voice and Data Routers
  36. Memory
  37. USB Port
  38. Power Supply
  39. G Cellular Data WAN Connectivity
  40. Wireless LAN Connectivity
  41. Supported Cisco Radio Antennas
  42. Feature Summary
  43. Equipment, Tools, and Connections
  44. Items Shipped with your Router
  45. Chapter 2 Installing the Router
  46. installing antennas
  47. installing on a table
  48. mounting on a wall
  49. installing in a rack
  50. Installing the Router Ground Connection
  51. installing the router ground connection
  52. Installing the FIPS Cover
  53. connecting the router
  54. Chapter 3 Connecting the Router
  55. Preparing to Connect the Router
  56. Connecting a PC, Server, or Workstation
  57. Connecting a Phone
  58. Connecting an External Ethernet Switch
  59. Connecting the V.92 modem Port
  60. Connecting a Terminal or PC to the Console Port
  61. Terminal Emulator Settings
  62. Connecting the 3G Card
  63. Installing the 3G Adapter for Extended Cable/Antenna
  64. Connecting a Data BRI Port
  65. Connecting an FE Line to an FE WAN Port
  66. Connecting a GE Line to an GE WAN Port
  67. Connecting an xDSL Line
  68. Connecting Power over Ethernet
  69. Connecting the AC Adapter
  70. Connecting an FXS Line
  71. Connecting an FXO Line
  72. Connecting a Voice ISDN BRI Line
  73. Connecting a Small Form-Factor Pluggable Module
  74. Installing an SFP Module
  75. Online Insertion and Removal
  76. Verifying Connections
  77. initial configuration
  78. Chapter 4 Initial Configuration
  79. setup command facility
  80. Setup Command Facility
  81. Verifying the Initial Configuration
  82. Initial Configuration of the Wireless Access Point
  83. technical specifications
  84. Router Specifications
  85. Appendix A Technical Specification
  86. Cisco 860VAE-W-A-K9, Cisco 860VAE-W-E-K9, and Cisco 860VAE-POE-W-A-K9 Series
  87. Wireless Access Point
  88. FE and GE Port Pinouts
  89. Console and Auxiliary Port Connector Pinouts
  90. ADSL2+ Port Connector Pinouts
  91. Data BRI Port Connector Pinouts
  92. Voice ISDN BRI Interface Pin Numbers and Functions
  93. Cable Specifications
860 Series first page preview

860 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. related documentation
  7. product overview
  8. hardware features
  9. sku information
  10. general description
  11. cisco 860 series isrs
  12. cisco 860vae series isrs
  13. cisco 860vae-w-a-k9, cisco 860vae-w-e-k9, and
  14. common features
  15. cisco 880 series isrs
  16. cisco 880 series data routers
  17. cisco 880 series voice and data routers
  18. cisco 880 series with embedded wlan antennas
  19. c881g-b/s/v-k9 isrs
  20. c881g-u-k9 isrs
  21. cisco c881 router
  22. cisco c886va router
  23. cisco c886vaj router
  24. cisco c887va router
  25. cisco c887vam router
  26. cisco c888 integrated services router
  27. cisco c880 series and cisco c890 series 4g lte integrated services routers
  28. cisco c881g-4g integrated services router
  29. cisco c887vag-4g integrated services router
  30. cisco c897vag-lte integrated service router
  31. cisco c898eag-lte integrated service router
  32. cisco c899g-lte integrated service router
  33. cisco 890 series integrated service routers
  34. cisco c897vab-k
  35. cisco c891 series isrs
  36. cisco c891fw router
  37. kensington lock
  38. usb port
  39. power supply
  40. g cellular data wan connectivity
  41. small form-factor pluggable port
  42. installing the router
  43. grounding the cisco 812 isr
  44. installing the cisco 819 isr
  45. mounting the dc power supply
  46. installing the cisco 860, 880, 890 isr
  47. additional items
  48. ethernet devices
  49. mounting on a wall
  50. installing the router ground connection
  51. installing antennas for cisco 890 series
  52. installing cisco 890 series in a rack
  53. installing the c881g-b/s/v-k9 isr
  54. installing the cisco 880g for 3.7g (hspa+)/3.5g (hspa) isrs
  55. connecting the router
  56. connecting an external ethernet switch
  57. connecting a modem to the console port
  58. connecting the dc adapter
  59. verifying connections
  60. safety warnings
  61. preparing to connect the router
  62. preventing damage to the router
  63. connecting a phone
  64. connecting the v.92 modem port
  65. connecting a terminal or pc to the console port
  66. connecting a modem to the auxiliary port
  67. connecting the 3g card
  68. installing the 3g adapter for extended cable/antenna
  69. connecting a data bri port
  70. connecting an fe line to an fe wan port
  71. connecting a ge line to an ge wan port
  72. connecting power over ethernet
  73. connecting the ac adapter
  74. connecting an fxs line
  75. connecting an fxo line
  76. connecting a voice isdn bri line
  77. initial configuration
  78. verifying the initial configuration
  79. setup command facility
  80. initial configuration of the wireless access point
  81. technical specifications
  82. mean time between failure ground benign environment
  83. supported power adapters
  84. router specifications
  85. cisco 860vae series
  86. cisco 860vae-w-a-k9, cisco 860vae-w-e-k9, and cisco 860vae-poe-w-a-k9 series
  87. cisco 870 series
  88. cisco 880 series
  89. cisco 880g series 3g wireless integrated services router
  90. cisco 890 series
  91. wireless access point
  92. fe and ge port pinouts
  93. console and auxiliary port connector pinouts
  94. adsl2+ port connector pinouts
  95. data bri port connector pinouts
  96. voice isdn bri interface pin numbers and functions
  97. cable specifications
860 Series first page preview

860 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. related documentation
  5. searching cisco documents
  6. product overview
  7. general description
  8. cisco 860vae series isrs
  9. ios images
  10. cisco 880 series isrs
  11. cisco 880 series voice and data routers
  12. cisco 881-v, cisco 887va-v, and cisco 887va-v-w
  13. cisco 880 series with embedded wlan antennas
  14. cisco 890 series isrs
  15. cisco 892fsp, cisco 896va, cisco 897va, and cisco 898ea
  16. hardware features
  17. custom configuration file for cisco 892fsp, 896va, 897va, and cisco 898ea
  18. shared leds on the cisco 881-v and cisco 887va-v voice and data routers
  19. usb port
  20. power supply
  21. wireless lan connectivity
  22. supported cisco radio antennas
  23. feature summary
  24. installing the router
  25. equipment, tools, and connections
  26. ethernet devices
  27. installing antennas
  28. installing on a table
  29. mounting on a wall
  30. installing in a rack
  31. installing the router ground connection
  32. installing the fips cover
  33. connecting the router
  34. safety warnings
  35. preparing to connect the router
  36. connecting a pc, server, or workstation
  37. connecting a phone
  38. connecting an external ethernet switch
  39. connecting the v.92 modem port
  40. connecting a terminal or pc to the console port
  41. terminal emulator settings
  42. connecting the 3g card
  43. installing the 3g adapter for extended cable/antenna
  44. connecting a data bri port
  45. connecting an fe line to an fe wan port
  46. connecting a ge line to an ge wan port
  47. connecting an xdsl line
  48. connecting power over ethernet
  49. connecting the ac adapter
  50. connecting an fxs line
  51. connecting an fxo line
  52. connecting a voice isdn bri line
  53. connecting a small form-factor pluggable module
  54. installing an sfp module
  55. online insertion and removal
  56. verifying connections
  57. initial configuration
  58. setup command facility
  59. verifying the initial configuration
  60. initial configuration of the wireless access point
  61. technical specifications
  62. router specifications
  63. wireless access point
  64. console and auxiliary port connector pinouts
  65. fxs and fxo port connector pinouts
  66. v.92 port connector pinouts
  67. data bri port connector pinouts
  68. cable specifications
  69. ethernet cable specifications
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