Siemens 7SR45 Argus manuals
7SR45 Argus
Table of contents
- Description of Operation
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Siemens Protection Devices Limited
- Section 1: Introduction
- Ordering Options
- Functional Diagram
- Terminal Diagram
- Section 2: Hardware Description
- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- Keypad
- Light Emitting Diode (LED)
- Software Version Menu
- Parameter Edit Screen
- Section 3: Protection Functions (50, 51, 50N, 51N, 50G, 51G, 50LC)
- Time Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51)
- Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Protection (50N)
- Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection (51N)
- Instantaneous Measured Earth Fault Protection (50G)
- Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Protection (51G)
- Switch-On-To-Fault (50LC/SOTF)
- General Alarm
- Reydisp Software
- Current Inputs
- Binary Outputs
- Figure 3-13 Binary Output Logic
- Binary Output Operation
- USB Power
- Maintenance Mode
- Data Storage
- Real Time Clock
- The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document, and in any model or article produced from it
7SR45 Argus
Table of contents
- Description of Operation
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Siemens Protection Devices Limited
- Open Source Software
- Section 1: Introduction
- Ordering Options
- Functional Diagram
- Terminal Diagram
- Figure 1-3 Terminal Diagram of Self Powered (7SR4501-xGB10-1AA0) and (7SR4503-xGB10 1AA0) Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay with Flag
- Figure 1-5 Terminal Diagram of Dual Powered (7SR4502/7SR4504) Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay with Flag
- Section 2: Hardware Description
- Front Fascia without Flag Output
- Connectors
- Operator Interface
- Relay Information
- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- Keypad
- Light Emitting Diode (LED)
- Home Screen
- Alert Screen
- Parameter Edit Screen
- Section 3: Protection Functions (50, 51, 50N, 51N, 50G, 51G, 50LC)
- Time Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51)
- Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Protection (50N)
- Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection (51N)
- Instantaneous Measured Earth Fault Protection (50G)
- Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Protection (51G)
- Switch-On-To-Fault (50LC/SOTF)
- Figure 3-8 Operating Time for Switch-On-To fault with Binary Outputs
- General Alarm
- Reset through Binary Input
- Current Inputs
- Binary Outputs
- Binary Output Operations
- Pulse Output
- Figure 3-14 Sensitivity for Single Phase Fault with Binary Output
- Battery
- Sleep Mode
- Data Storage
- Event Records (Event Log)
- Settings Groups