
Cisco 7120-4T1 - 7120 Router manuals

7120-4T1 - 7120 Router first page preview

7120-4T1 - 7120 Router

Brand: Cisco | Category: Recording Equipment
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. new and changed information
  10. document organization
  11. document conventions
  12. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  13. Information About Interfaces
  14. Chapter 1 Overview
  15. Management Interface
  16. Port-Channel Interfaces
  17. Virtualization Interfaces
  18. Information About the Basic Interface Parameters
  19. C H A P T E R 2 Configuring Basic Interface Parameters
  20. Rate Mode
  21. Flow Control
  22. Port MTU Size
  23. Bandwidth
  24. Carrier Delay
  25. Time Domain Reflectometry Cable Diagnostics
  26. Guidelines and Limitations
  27. Default Settings
  28. Specifying the Interfaces to Configure
  29. Configuring the Description
  30. Configuring the Beacon Mode
  31. Changing the Bandwidth-Rate Mode
  32. Configuring the Error-Disabled State
  33. Configuring the MDIX Parameter
  34. Configuring the Debounce Timer
  35. Configuring the Interface Speed and Duplex Mode
  36. Configuring the Flow Control
  37. Configuring the MTU Size
  38. Configuring the Bandwidth
  39. Configuring the Throughput Delay
  40. Shutting Down and Activating the Interface
  41. Configuring the UDLD Mode
  42. Configuring the Carrier Delay Timer
  43. Configuring Port Profiles
  44. Performing TDR Cable Diagnostics
  45. Configuring Rate Limits for Packets that Reach the Supervisor
  46. Verifying the Basic Interface Parameters
  47. Clearing Interface Counters
  48. Related Documents
  49. configuring layer 2 interfaces
  50. Chapter 3 Configuring Layer 2 Interface
  51. Information About Access and Trunk Interfaces
  52. IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation
  53. Access VLANs
  54. Native VLAN IDs for Trunk Ports
  55. High Availability
  56. Licensing Requirements for Layer 2 Port Modes
  57. Configuring Access and Trunk Interfaces
  58. Guidelines for Configuring Access and Trunk Interfaces
  59. Configuring Access Host Ports
  60. Configuring Trunk Ports
  61. Configuring the Native VLAN for 802.1Q Trunking Ports
  62. Configuring the Allowed VLANs for Trunking Ports
  63. Configuring a Default Interface
  64. Configuring SVI Autostate Exclude
  65. Configuring the Device to Tag Native VLAN Traffic
  66. Changing the System Default Port Mode to Layer 2
  67. Verifying the Interface Configuration
  68. Monitoring the Layer 2 Interfaces
  69. Additional References
  70. MIBs
  71. Information About Layer 3 Interfaces
  72. Chapter 4 Configuring Layer 3 Interface
  73. VLAN Interfaces
  74. Loopback Interfaces
  75. Virtualization Support
  76. Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
  77. Configuring a Subinterface
  78. Configuring the Bandwidth on an Interface
  79. Configuring a VLAN interface
  80. Configuring Inband Management in the Nexus Chassis
  81. Configuring a Loopback Interface
  82. Assigning an Interface to a VRF
  83. Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration
  84. Monitoring Layer 3 Interfaces
  85. Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces
  86. Standards
  87. Information About BFD
  88. C H A P T E R 5 Configuring Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
  89. Distributed Operation
  90. Security
  91. Configuring BFD
  92. Configuration Hierarchy
  93. Configuring Global BFD Parameters
  94. Configuring BFD on an Interface
  95. Configuring BFD on a Port Channel
  96. Configuring BFD Echo Function
  97. Optimizing BFD on Subinterfaces
  98. Configuring BFD Support for Routing Protocols
  99. Verifying the BFD Configuration
  100. Configuration Examples for BFD
  101. RFCs
  102. Information About Port Channels
  103. Chapter 6 Configuring Port Channel
  104. Basic Settings
  105. Compatibility Requirements
  106. Load Balancing Using Port Channels
  107. LACP
  108. Licensing Requirements for Port Channeling
  109. Configuring Port Channels
  110. Creating a Port Channel
  111. Adding a Layer 2 Port to a Port Channel
  112. Adding a Layer 3 Port to a Port Channel
  113. Configuring the Bandwidth and Delay for Informational Purposes
  114. Shutting Down and Restarting the Port-Channel Interface
  115. Configuring a Port-Channel Description
  116. Configuring the Speed and Duplex Settings for a Port-Channel Interface
  117. Configuring Flow Control
  118. Configuring Load Balancing Using Port Channels
  119. Enabling LACP
  120. Configuring LACP Port-Channel Port Modes
  121. Configuring LACP Port-Channel MinLinks
  122. Configuring the LACP Port-Channel MaxBundle
  123. Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate
  124. Configuring the LACP Port Priority
  125. Disabling LACP Graceful Convergence
  126. Reenabling lacp graceful convergence
  127. Disabling LACP Suspend Individual
  128. Reenabling LACP Suspend Individual
  129. Verifying the Port-Channel Configuration
  130. Monitoring the Port-Channel Interface Configuration
  131. Feature History for Configuring Port Channels
  132. configuring vpcs
  133. Chapter 7 Configuring vPC
  134. vPC Terminology
  135. vPC Peer Links
  136. Peer-Keepalive Link and Messages
  137. vPC Peer-Gateway
  138. vPC Domain
  139. vPC Topology
  140. Compatibility Parameters for vPC Interfaces
  141. vPC Number
  142. Configuring vPC Peer Links and Links to the Core on a Single Module
  143. vPC Interactions with Other Features
  144. vPC Recovery After an Outage
  145. Licensing Requirements for vPCs
  146. Configuring vPCs
  147. Enabling vPCs
  148. Disabling vPCs
  149. Creating a vPC Domain and Entering the vpc-domain Mode
  150. Configuring the vPC Keepalive Link and Messages
  151. Creating the vPC Peer Link
  152. Configuring the vPC Peer-Gateway
  153. Configuring a Graceful Consistency Check
  154. Checking the Configuration Compatibility on a vPC Peer Link
  155. Moving Other Port Channels into a vPC
  156. Manually Configuring a vPC Domain MAC Address
  157. Manually Configuring the System Priority
  158. Manually Configuring the vPC Peer Device Role
  159. Configuring the Tracking Feature on a Single-Module vPC
  160. Configuring for Recovery After an Outage
  161. Configuring the Suspension of Orphan Ports
  162. Configuring the vPC Peer Switch
  163. Verifying the vPC Configuration
  164. Monitoring vPCs
  165. Feature History for Configuring vPCs
  166. Information About IP Tunnels
  167. Chapter 8 Configuring IP Tunnel
  168. Path MTU Discovery
  169. Prerequisites for IP Tunnels
  170. Enabling Tunneling
  171. Configuring a GRE Tunnel
  172. Enabling Path MTU Discovery
  173. Verifying the IP Tunnel Configuration
  174. Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels
  175. Information About Q-in-Q Tunnels
  176. Chapter 9 Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnel
  177. Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
  178. Licensing Requirements for Q-in-Q Tunnels
  179. Creating a 802.1Q Tunnel Port
  180. Changing the EtherType for Q-in-Q
  181. Enabling the Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel
  182. Configuring Global CoS for L2 Protocol Tunnel Ports
  183. Configuring the Rate Limit for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports
  184. Configuring Thresholds for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports
  185. Verifying the Q-in-Q Configuration
  186. Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
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