
HP 5890 Series II manuals

5890 Series II first page preview

5890 Series II

Brand: HP | Category: Laboratory Equipment
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Chapter 1 — Columns and Fittings
  7. Column oven
  8. Column placement
  9. Hewlett•Packardcapillary columns
  10. Fittings
  11. Liners/adapters and inserts, general
  12. Inlet/detector liners/adapters
  13. Detector liners/adapters
  14. ECD and TCD adapters
  15. Liner/adapter installation
  16. Inlet inserts
  17. Split/splitless or split•onlycapillary inlet inserts
  18. Jet replacement, FIDs or NPDs
  19. Chapter 2 — Keyboard and Displays
  20. Displaying setpoints
  21. Entering setpoints
  22. Keyboard operation, INET control
  23. Protecting setpoints
  24. Loading default setpoints
  25. Chapter 3 — Temperature Control
  26. temperature control
  27. Valid setpoint ranges
  28. Cryogenic (sub•ambient)oven control
  29. Programming oven temperature
  30. Oven status
  31. Oven safety
  32. Fault: messages
  33. After a power failure
  34. Oven temperature calibration
  35. Chapter 4 — Electronic Flow Sensing
  36. Displaying gas flow rate
  37. Designating gas type
  38. Electronic flow sensor (EFS) calibration
  39. Preparation
  40. Setting the GAIN calibration value
  41. Entering specific ZERO and GAIN values
  42. Chapter 5 — Signal Output
  43. Zeroing signal output
  44. Signal attenuation
  45. Switching off the +1 mV output
  46. Test signal output
  47. Instrument network (INET)
  48. An instrument
  49. Active workspace
  50. INET operation
  51. Automatic INET reconfiguration
  52. Switching between Global and Local
  53. INET/HP•ILaddresses
  54. HP•ILloopback test
  55. Warn: and fault: messages
  56. File compatibility with data handling devices
  57. How do I change modes
  58. How to convert HP 339X Integrator workfiles from 5890A to SERIES II mode
  59. Chapter 6 — Inlet Systems
  60. Packed column inlet
  61. Electronic flow sensor
  62. Septum•purgedpacked column inlet
  63. Problems at high inlet temperatures
  64. Septum purge
  65. Split/splitless capillary inlet
  66. Carrier gas considerations
  67. Initial column head pressure
  68. Split sampling
  69. Splitless sampling
  70. Injection technique, split/splitless sampling
  71. Chapter 7 — Detector Systems
  72. Capillary makeup gas flow rate
  73. FID and NPD jets
  74. Flame ionization detector (FID)
  75. FID flameout problems
  76. Performance considerations
  77. Electron capture detector (ECD)
  78. Temperature
  79. Background level
  80. Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
  81. Optimizing performance
  82. Analyzing for hydrogen, special considerations
  83. TCD•to•FID series connection
  84. Capillary column considerations
  85. Flame photometric detector (FPD)
  86. Flame ignition problems
  87. Chapter 8 — Preventive Maintenance
  88. Conditioning columns
  89. Re)Packing columns
  90. Changing septa
  91. Insert/liner care
  92. Cleaning
  93. Split/splitless capillary inlets
  94. Insert care
  95. Leaks
  96. Liner and/or insert care
  97. Repacking a split insert
  98. Metal inserts and/or liners
  99. Jet exchange/replacement
  100. Ignition problems
  101. Removing/replacing the NPD collector
  102. Type B NPD transformer/collector assembly
  103. Reinstallation
  104. Frequency test
  105. Thermal cleaning
  106. Packed column
  107. Radioactivity leak test (wipe test)
  108. Flame photometric detector
  109. Cleaning/replacing the FPD jet
  110. FPD leak testing (GC with electronic flow sensor)
  111. FPD leak testing (GC without electronic flow sensor)
  112. Conditioning chemical traps
  113. Chapter 9 — Chromatographic Troubleshooting
  114. Introduction
  115. Wander and drift
  116. Noise
  117. Spiking
  118. Retention time symptoms
  119. Peak symptoms
  120. Deformed peaks
  121. Troubleshooting valve systems
  122. Locating leaks
  123. Pressure check
  124. Electronic pressure control
  125. Safety shutdown
  126. Proper configuration
  127. Switch setting examples
  128. Chapter 10 — Test Sample Chromatograms
  129. test sample chromatograms
  130. Test sample chromatograms
  131. Index
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