
HP 53131A/132A 225 MHz manuals

53131A/132A 225 MHz first page preview

53131A/132A 225 MHz

Brand: HP | Category: Cash Counter
Table of contents
  1. programming guide
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Introduction
  11. HP 53131A Containing Firmware Revisions (3317, 3335 or 3402)
  12. HP 53132A Time Interval Delay Arming
  13. Getting Started
  14. Learning to Program the Counter
  15. Applications
  16. Programming Guide Contents
  17. Related Documentation
  18. command summary
  19. Chapter Summary
  20. Front Panel to SCPI Command Maps
  21. Input Channels Conditioning Keys to SCPI Command Map
  22. input channels conditioning keys to scpi command map
  23. Instrument Control, Utility, Recall, and Save & Print Keys to SCPI Command Map
  24. MEASURE Keys to SCPI Command Map
  25. Gate & ExtArm Key to SCPI Command Map
  26. LIMITS and MATH Keys to SCPI Command Map
  27. Calibration Menu to SCPI Command Map
  28. HP 53131A/132A Command Summary
  29. IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
  30. HP 53131A/132A SCPI Subsystem Commands
  31. RST Response
  32. Where to Find Some Specific Information
  33. Where to Find HP BASIC Programming Examples
  34. Configuring the HP-IB
  35. To Connect the Counter to a Computer
  36. Overview of Command Types and Formats
  37. Elements of SCPI Commands
  38. Abbreviated Commands
  39. Implied Channel (Optional Numeric Keyword Suffix)
  40. Parameter Types
  41. Parameter Separator
  42. Suffix Multipliers
  43. Using Multiple Commands
  44. Overview of Response Message Formats
  45. Response Message Data Types
  46. Status Reporting
  47. Status Byte Register and Service Request Enable Register
  48. Service Request Enable Register
  49. Standard Event Status Register Group
  50. Standard Event Status Enable Register
  51. Operation Status Register Group and Questionable Data/Signal Status Register Group
  52. Condition Register
  53. Event Register
  54. Operation Status Register Group
  55. Questionable Data/Signal Status Register Group
  56. Command Settings for Optimizing Throughput
  57. Typical Optimizing Throughput Results for Different Computers
  58. How to Program the Counter for Status Reporting
  59. Using the Standard Event Status Register to Trap an Incorrect HP-IB command— Example 2
  60. Questionable Data Status Register
  61. How to Program the Counter to Display Results
  62. Commands for Displaying Scaled/Offset Results
  63. Commands for Enabling and Disabling the Display
  64. How to Program the Counter to Synchronize Measurements
  65. Using the *OPC? Command
  66. How to Program the Counter for Math/Limit Operations
  67. Using the Scale and Offset Over HP-IB
  68. How to Program the Counter to Define Macros
  69. Writing SCPI Programs
  70. Programming Examples
  71. Using QuickBASIC
  72. Easiest Way to Make a Measurement (HP BASIC)
  73. To Make a Frequency Measurement (HP BASIC)
  74. To Perform Limit Testing (HP BASIC)
  75. To Perform a Time Interval Calibration (HP BASIC)
  76. To Optimize Throughput (HP BASIC)
  77. To Use Macros (HP BASIC)
  78. To Make a Frequency Measurement (QuickBASIC)
  79. To Perform Limit Testing (QuickBASIC)
  80. To Read and Store Calibration Data (QuickBASIC)
  81. To Optimize Throughput (QuickBASIC)
  82. To Use Macros (QuickBASIC)
  83. To Make a Frequency Measurement (Turbo C)
  84. To Use Limits to Filter Data Before Measuring Statistics (Turbo
  85. command reference
  86. ABORt Command
  87. CALCulate Subsystems
  88. CALCulate[1] Subsystem
  89. CALCulate[1]:MATH Subtree
  90. CALCulate2 Subsystem
  91. CALCulate2:LIMit Subtree
  92. CALCulate3 Subsystem
  93. CALCulate3:LFILter Subtree
  94. CALibration Subsystem
  95. CALibration:SECurity Subtree
  96. CONFigure Subsystem
  97. Device Clear
  98. DIAGnostic Subsystem
  99. DISPlay Subsystem
  100. FETCh Subsystem
  101. FORMat Subsystem
  102. Group Execute Trigger (GET)
  103. HCOPy Subsystem
  104. INITiate Subsystem
  105. INPut[1|2] Subsystem
  106. INPut3 Subsystem
  107. MEASure Subsystem
  108. Using :MEAsure
  109. Using :CONFigure with :READ?
  110. Firmware Revision Work-Around Commands
  111. MEMory Subsystem
  112. SENSe] Subsystem
  113. SENSe]:EVENt3 Subtree
  114. SENSe]:FREQuency Subtree
  115. SENSe]:PHASe Subtree
  116. SENSe]:ROSCillator Subtree
  117. SENSe]:TINTerval Subtree (HP 53131A and HP 53132A With S/N Prefix Below 3646)
  118. SENSe]:TINTerval Subtree (HP 53132A With S/N Prefix 3646 and Above)
  119. SENSe]:TOTalize Subtree
  120. STATus Subsystem
  121. STATus:QUEStionable Subtree
  122. SYSTem Subsystem
  123. TRACe Subsystem
  124. TRIGger Subsystem
  125. CAL? (Calibration Query)
  126. CLS (Clear Status Command)
  127. DDT <arbitrary block> (Define Device Trigger Command)
  128. EMC <NRf> (Enable Macro Command)
  129. ESE <NRf> (Standard Event Status Enable Command)
  130. ESR? (Event Status Register Query)
  131. GMC? <string> (Get Macro Contents Query)
  132. IDN? (Identification Query)
  133. LMC? (Learn Macro Query)
  134. OPC (Operation Complete Command)
  135. OPC? (Operation Complete Query)
  136. OPT? (Option Identification Query)
  137. PMC (Purge Macro Command)
  138. RCL <NRf> (Recall Command)
  139. RST (Reset Command)
  140. SAV <NRf> (Save Command)
  141. SRE <NRf> (Service Request Enable Command)
  142. STB? (Status Byte Query)
  143. TRG (Trigger Command)
  144. TST? (Self-Test Query)
  145. WAI (Wait-to-Continue Command)
  146. Displaying Errors
  147. Error Queue
  148. Error Types
  149. Execution Error
  150. Query Error
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