
Yamaha 02R manuals

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Brand: Yamaha | Category: Music Mixer
Table of contents
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Brand: Yamaha | Category: Recording Equipment
Table of contents
  1. important information
  2. Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Digital Recording Console 02R
  7. User Guides
  8. Top and Rear Panels
  9. Features
  10. Key Features
  11. user interface
  12. dynamics processors
  13. Getting Started
  14. Basic Assumptions
  15. Basic Setup
  16. Power ON/OFF
  17. Recall Scene Memory 0
  18. Introductory Recording Tutorial
  19. Setting the Input Level
  20. setting the gain
  21. peak hold
  22. Applying EQ
  23. Using the EQUALIZER Library
  24. Routing
  25. Panning
  26. pairing channels
  27. Secondary Recording Tutorial
  28. Auxiliary Send Channels
  29. Setting the Auxiliary Send Level
  30. Creating a Monitor Mix
  31. Applying Effects
  32. Recalling and Editing Effects
  33. editing effects
  34. Patching in a Dynamics Processor
  35. Using the Dynamics Library
  36. Scene Memories
  37. recalling a scene memory
  38. Mixing and Automation
  39. What is 02R Automation
  40. Real-Time Automation
  41. creating a new automix
  42. Editing Automation Events
  43. Off-Line Automix Editing
  44. deleting events
  45. Using the AUTOMIX Library
  46. automix memory
  47. recalling an automix
  48. Index
  49. Contents
  50. Table Of Contents
  51. Table Of Contents
  52. Table Of Contents
  53. Table Of Contents
  54. controls and connections
  55. rear panel
  56. about the user interface
  57. cursor buttons
  58. enter button
  59. display functions
  60. Mixing and Monitoring
  61. Table Of Contents
  62. analog inputs
  63. gain controls
  64. analog outputs
  65. phase and attenuation
  66. pan and balance
  67. stereo width
  68. direct outputs
  69. display screen
  70. channel library
  71. equalizer programs
  72. recalling eq programs
  73. preset eq program parameters
  74. preset dynamics programs
  75. dynamics display function
  76. patching in a processor
  77. dynamics processor meters
  78. key in and link indicators
  79. dynamics library
  80. preset dynamics program parameters
  81. about the 02r auxiliaries
  82. the aux buttons
  83. stereo input channels
  84. monitor mix
  85. about effects
  86. preset effects programs
  87. aux 7 and aux
  88. internal effects
  89. effects library
  90. preset effects program parameters
  91. what are scene memories
  92. what is stored in a scene memory
  93. storing mix scenes
  94. protecting scene memories
  95. recalling scene memories
  96. fader recall safe
  97. fade time
  98. what is the automation function
  99. what is timecode
  100. automation function
  101. main screen
  102. memory management
  103. fader edit
  104. midi and the 02r
  105. receive channel
  106. program change assign
  107. bulk dump/request
  108. grouping faders
  109. grouping mutes
  110. word clock select
  111. input signal select
  112. recording mode
  113. emphasis monitor
  114. channel status monitor
  115. battery check
  116. r system initialization
  117. digital recording console 02r options
  118. installing options
  119. installing 02r options
  120. digital cascade kit (cd8-cs)
  121. solo function
  122. peak meter bridge (mb)
  123. specifications
  124. Dimensions
  125. troubleshooting
  126. error messages
  127. midi data format
  128. parameter change and request format
  129. bulk dump and request format
  130. references and further reading
  131. midi implementation chart
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Brand: Yamaha | Category: Recording Equipment
Table of contents
  1. Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Introduction to the 02R
  5. user guides
  6. key features
  7. user interface
  8. motorized faders
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. making the connections
  11. basic setup
  12. power on/off
  13. getting started
  14. using the eq library
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. aux sends
  17. setting the aux send level
  18. creating a monitor mix
  19. applying effects
  20. recalling and editing effects
  21. editing effects
  22. patching in a dynamics processor
  23. using the dynamics library
  24. storing a scene memory
  25. recalling a scene memory
  26. what is 02r automix
  27. editing automix events
  28. off-line automix editing
  29. using the automix library
  30. User Guides
  31. Contents
  32. Table Of Contents
  33. Panning
  34. Table Of Contents
  35. Table Of Contents
  36. controls and connections
  37. Aux Sends
  38. Scene Memories
  39. display functions
  40. analog inputs
  41. sel buttons
  42. analog outputs
  43. solo button
  44. phase and attenuation
  45. pan and balance
  46. pan gang
  47. direct outputs
  48. channel library
  49. eq controls
  50. recalling eq programs
  51. preset eq program parameters
  52. about surround pan
  53. selecting a surround mode
  54. panning sounds freely
  55. panning sounds using the trajectories
  56. linking channels for surround pan
  57. csr (center'ide ratio)
  58. preset dynamics programs
  59. dynamics display function
  60. patching in a processor
  61. dynamics processor meters
  62. key in and link indicators
  63. dynamics library
  64. preset dynamics program parameters
  65. about the 02r auxiliaries
  66. the aux buttons
  67. stereo input channels
  68. monitor mix
  69. about effects
  70. preset effects programs
  71. aux 7 and aux
  72. internal effects
  73. effects library
  74. preset effects program parameters
  75. Scene Memories 9
  76. Table Of Contents
  77. what are scene memories
  78. what is stored in a scene memory
  79. storing mix scenes
  80. character set
  81. protecting scene memories
  82. fader recall safe
  83. fade time
  84. Automix 10
  85. Table Of Contents
  86. what is the automix function
  87. what is timecode
  88. automix function
  89. automix main
  90. Real-time Automix
  91. memory management
  92. event copy
  93. event edit (scene/lib)
  94. event edit (ch on, pan, fader)
  95. midi and the 02r
  96. program change assign
  97. fader start
  98. midi control change assign
  99. midi remote
  100. grouping faders
  101. grouping mutes
  102. pairing channels
  103. ms decoding
  104. word clock select
  105. input signal select
  106. slot output select
  107. aux output select
  108. bit recording
  109. input patching
  110. emphasis monitor
  111. channel status monitor
  112. battery check
  113. communication speed
  114. r system initialization
  115. r options
  116. installing 02r options
  117. analog i/o card—ad/da (cd8-ad)
  118. digital i/o card—adat (cd8-at)
  119. digital cascade kit (cd8-cs)
  120. solo function
  121. digital i/o card—tdif-1 (cd8-tdii)
  122. peak meter bridge (mb)
  123. specifications
  124. troubleshooting
  125. error messages
  126. midi data format
  127. Editing Automix Events
  128. Installation
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Brand: Yamaha | Category: Music Mixer
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