251. 2. 3.FutabaUse the adapter thatmatches your servo.MID size servoFor basic set-up use3x6x2 composite shims.For basic set-up use3x6x2 composite shims.For STANDARD size servo use theoptional #306200 alu servo mounts.For MID size servo use the included#376255 alu servo mounts.MID servoSTANDARD size servo STANDARDservoNote the orientation of servo saverwhen servo is in neutral.The chassis has two rows of holes for servostand mounting. The position of the servo(forward, backward) influences Ackermann.Ackermann is influenced by the servoposition and the thickness of shims betweenservo & stands and ball-ends & servo saver.IMPORTANT!Note orientationof standard vs.mid-size servoHitec KO Propo72mmLeft threadLeft thread72mm2xServo(Not included)From servoFor basic set-up use 3x6x3composite shimsTOEINITIAL POSITION90º903305SFH M3x5903310SFH M3x10