Safety Instructions• Read the Safety Instructions carefully and keep it for use later.• The chassis metalwork of the module must be installed properly to the main earthing terminationfor Class 1 equipment.• Care must be exercised in the application of the system to prevent overheating. Ensure that theambient temperature around the system does not exceed 60°C and provide adequate means ofventilation to achieve this.• When cleaning c ut off the electrical supply at all times. Never us e liquid or aerosol detergent,use a soft damp cloth instead.• Never ins ert anything metallic into the ch assis op enings. Th is may create an e lectric shockhazard or hazard from rotating fan blades.• To avoid electric shock, never touch the inside of the system. There are no user adjustablecomponents inside, only a qualified technician should open the system’s case.• Openings in the system enclosure are to allowfor ventilation. To prevent overheating, theseopenings should not be blocked or covered.• If the system does not operate normally – in particular, if there are any unusual sounds or smellscoming from it – disconnect it immediately.• Do not put pressure on the LCD panel screen because it is very fragile.• Always handle the system with care when moving it.• Take care that the system is disposed of c orrectly at the end of its life. If in doubt refer to yourlocal ordinances or regulations for proper disposal.Cleaning the LCD monitorTo clean the LCD panel:• Wipe the screen gently with a clean lens brush made of camel hair , or a soft, clean, lint freecloth. This is to remove dust and other particles without scratching the LCD panel.• If it is still not clean, then wipe with a damp lint free cloth and blow on it to dry.Do not clean the panel with a keton-type material (e.g. acetone), or ethyl toluene, ethyl acid, methylor chloride. These may damage the LCD panel.Do not apply pressure to the LCD panel.15.0 Panel Mount PC 486-0002-01-033