The UgMo ProHome Wireless Soil-Sensor-System has beendesigned to deliver wireless range up to 600 feet from the basestation to its sensors.However, there will be situations when a base station cannotestablish a connection with a sensor within that distance. Thiscan be caused by many factors that may not be within the controlof the installer.There may be other times when additional range is required dueto the size of a property.The UgMO ProHome PH100WR Repeater has been developedto provide both improved and extended range between UgMOPH100WS Soil Sensors and UgMO PH100BS Base Stations. .The PH100WR Repeater is compatible with all generations ofUgMO Sensors and Base Stations.No pairing, programing or other set-up is required. Just posi-tion the Repeater and simply plug in the provided 12V AC/DCtransformer. The Repeater will automatically forward any sensorpackets it is able to receive.Install a Repeater mid-way between Sensors and Base Stationsto enhance range.Repeaters are suitable for mounted both inside or outsideprovided the AC outlet provides proper protection for the AC/DCtransformer from the elements.The AC adaptor can be placed up to 300’ away from the Repeaterby splicing suitable wire.For long distances, multiple repeaters may be used to “hop” thesignal from the sensors to the base station.Wireless Repeater Installation ManualI N T RO D U CT I O N E ASY I N STA L L AT I O N