EasyCoder 501/601 – Installation Instructions3q Remove the existing cover plate.q Make sure that the CPU board is strapped and equipped for thedesired type of communication on "uart1:" (see the EasyCoder501 or EasyCoder 601 Technical Description). Once the inter-face board has been fitted, it will be difficult to access the rearpart of the CPU board.q Fit the required straps on the Industrial Interface Board asdescribed on page 5.q Connect the cable from the interface board to connector P-4 atthe bottom rear corner of the CPU board. Be careful so theinterface board and the CPU board do not come in contact witheach other, which possibly may cause damage or short-circuiting.q Fit the interface board assembly to the printer's rear plate fromthe inside as illustrated below using the same screws that held theremoved cover plate.Continued!INDUSTRIAL INTERFACE KIT, cont'd.Step-by-Step InstallationInstructions, cont'd.P2P6P7P8123 123 123 123P1IndustrialInterface BoardConnect to P-4on CPU BoardRear PlateScrewScrewFemale DB15I/O ConnectorFemale DB25Connector"uart3:"