ENTERTAINMENTASSIGNING IMAGES AND PIX (PHOTOS)Images can be assigned via the main “My Images”screen or when previewing. Pix can be assigned rightfrom the main “Pix Gallery” screen or when previewinga specific selection.Assigning as a Pix ID1. Select an image or pix (see above) and press[ASSIGN].2. Under “Assign,” select “Pix ID” and press [OK].3. Under “Find,” your list of Contacts will be displayed.4. At the cursor, enter a name (or select a name usingthe NAV KEY) and press [OK].5. “Image [NAME] assigned” will appear to confirm thecompleted action.NOTE:SEE CHAPTER 4: MESSAGING FOR MORE DETAILS ON ENTERING LETTERS,NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS.Assigning as Wallpaper1. Select an image or pix (see above) and press[ASSIGN].2. Under “Assign,” select “Wallpaper” and press[OK].3. “Image [NAME] assigned” will appear to confirmthe completed action.83CH 4