2CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK,DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK).NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFERSERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK DO NOT OPENThe lightning flash with arrowheadsymbol, within an equilateral trian-gle, is intended to alert the user tothe presence of uninsulated "dan-gerous voltage" within the prod-uct's enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitutea risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within anequilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence ofimportant operating and mainte-nance (servicing) instructions inthe literature accompanying theappliance.WARNING:• To prevent fire or electric shock hazard, do notexpose this apparatus to rain or moisture.• The apparatus should not be exposed to drippingor splashing and that no objects filled withliquids, such as vases, should be placed on theapparatus.• All work related to the installation of this productshould be made by qualified service personnel orsystem installers.• To prevent injury, this apparatus must be securelyattached to the floor/wall/ceiling in accordancewith the installation instructions.• The installation shall be carried out in accordancewith all applicable installation rules.• This product has no power switch.When turning off the power, turn off a PowerSupply or remove a power cable.• The connections should comply with localelectrical code.We declare under our sole responsibility that theproduct to which this declaration relates is inconformity with the standard or other normativedocument following the provisions of Directive2004/108/EC.Vi deklarerar härmed vårt fulla ansvar för att denprodukt till vilken denna deklaration hänvisar är iöverensstämmelse med standarddokument ellerannat normativt dokument som framställs i direktiv2004/108/EC.Wij verklaren als enige aansprakelijke, dat het productwaarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft, voldoet aande volgende norm of ander normatief dokument,overeenkomstig de bepalingen van Richtlijn2004/108/EC.Ilmoitamme yksinomaisella vastuullamme, että tuote,jota tämä ilmoitus koskee, noudattaa seuraavaastandardia tai muuta ohjeellista asiakirjaa, jotkanoudattavat direktiivin 2004/108/EC säädöksiä.Vi erklærer os eneansvarlige for, at dette produkt,s o m d e n n e d e k l a r a t i o n o m h a n d l e r, e r ioverensstemmelse med standard eller andrenormative dokumenter i følge bestemmelserne idirektiv 2004/108/EC.Vi erklærer oss alene ansvarlige for at produktet somdenne erklæringen gjelder for, er i overensstemmelsemed følgende norm eller andre normgivendedokumenter som følger bestemmelsene i direktiv2004/108/EC.