By using the MPEG4 system which hassuperior compression efficiency in videoimages, real-time images and sound in atotal of 8 channels can be recorded at arate of 25 frames per second. Furthermore,resolution, dynamic range and colourreproduction recordings are faithful to theoriginal image.Our goal is to provide a stable systemenvironment with heat management of thehard disk drive, stand-alone design andtemporary emergency power during ablackout.Environment-friendly DesignPanasonic is a certified, registered company under the ISO14001 international standard. While maintaining product quality in orderto pass on to our descendants a bright and abundant earth, we strive to develop products that will lighten the burden on the globalenvironment. WJ-HD88 too, in keeping with our corporate philosophy, has eliminated from its components all harmful and toxicsubstances such as lead.Panasonic has developed a monitoring digital disk recorder revolutionary to the industry; the WJ-HD88.Consolidated in one unit the WJ-HD88 is fundamental to a monitoring camera system promoting perfectsynchronisation of image and sound.This product combines the two most sought after features in a recording system: high definition and long-periodrecording. The WJ-HD88 boasts exellent scalability from an interlocking network function and Panasonic ssystem controller. In addition, it is designed to offer system stability for trouble free operation providing a safe,functional and fast product. Used in combination with Panasonic s high performance related devices such as theSuper Dynamic III series camera, the WH-HD88 is the ideal Digital Disk Recorder (D.D.R) solution. WithPanasonic you can ensure to receive the total solution.Fine Picture QualityStrong Network FunctionSystem StabilitySystem CapabilityHigh-definition, fine scalability witha stable support system.New Innovation Digital Disk RecorderAchieved by Panasonic.SystemStabilitySystemStabilitySoftware that makes it possible for clientsto integrate the management of a networkof multiple WJ-HD88 is standard equip-ment. A simultaneous live/image playbacksplit-screen display;search, download andplayback of recordedimages; and control ofPanasonic s dome-type camera can all beconducted from a PC.With Panasonic s system controllerWV-CU650 (option) as core, you candevelop a combination system withmultiple WJ-HD88 units anda matrix switcher.Back panelFan ONFront panelBack panelFan OFFFront panelPower transformerhighlow Temperature