141Content Error log Network Log Display onMonitor 2Output from theconnector atthe rear panelSingle mode format failure Recorder: MAIN-y SINGLEFORMAT ERRORExtension unit: EXTx-y SINGLEFORMAT ERROR– F–FAIL HDD errorRAID5 format failure Recorder: MAIN RAID5FORMAT ERRORExtension unit: EXTx RAID5FORMAT ERROR– F–FAIL HDD errorRAID6 format failure Recorder: MAIN RAID6FORMAT ERRORExtension unit: EXTx RAID6FORMAT ERROR– F–FAIL HDD errorRAID5 1 down Recorder: MAIN RAID5 1DOWNExtension unit: EXTx RAID5 1DOWN– 1DOWN HDD errorRAID5 2 down Recorder: MAIN RAID5 2DOWNExtension unit: EXTx RAID5 2DOWN– 2DOWN HDD errorRAID6 1 down Recorder: MAIN RAID6 1DOWNExtension unit: EXTx RAID6 1DOWN– 1DOWN HDD errorRAID6 2 down Recorder: MAIN RAID6 2DOWNExtension unit: EXTx RAID6 2DOWN– 2DOWN HDD errorRAID6 3 down Recorder: MAIN RAID6 3DOWNExtension unit: EXTx RAID6 3DOWN– 3DOWN HDD errorHDD S.M.A.R.T. warning Recorder: MAIN-y SMARTWARNINGExtension unit: EXTx-y SMARTWARNING– SMART HDD errorHDD hour meter warning Recorder: MAIN-y HOURMETER WARNINGExtension unit: EXTx-y HOURMETER WARNING– H–METER HDD errorHDD SKIP warning • Per HDD (In the single mode)Recorder: MAIN-y HDDSKIPHDDExtension unit: EXTx-y HDDSKIP• Per unit (in the RAID 5 orRAID 6 mode)Recorder: MAIN HDD SKIPExtension unit: EXTx HDD SKIP– – –Auto remove of link (perHDD)Recorder: MAIN-y LOGICALLYREMOVEDExtension unit: EXTx-yLOGICALLY REMOVED– REMOVE HDD errorAuto remove of link (perrecorder or extension unit)Recorder: MAIN LOGICALLYREMOVEDExtension unit: EXTxLOGICALLY REMOVED– REMOVE HDD error