Link Functions (Q-Link / VIERA Link)66Speaker control [Speaker Selection]You can control the home theatre speakers with this TV remote control (point the remote control at the TV’s signal receiver).tIf you cannot operate, check the settings and the equipment“Summary of Q-Link and VIERA Link features” (p. 59, 60), “Preparations” (p. 62)RETURNjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyzabc defEXITDIRECT TV RECMENU NASPECTINPUTTV AVSD CARDOPTIONINDEX HOLDSTTLTEXTLAST VIEWPROGRAMMERECTV1 Display [VIERA Link Menu]2 Select [Speaker Selection]VIERA Link MenuPause Live TV StartDirect TV RecVIERA Link ControlSpeaker SelectionStartRecorderHome Cinemaselect3 Set to [Home Cinema] or [TV]set[Home Cinema]The Player theatre, Blu-ray Disc theatre or Amplifier will be automatically turned on if it isin Standby mode and the sound will be output from theatre speakers connected to theequipment.tVolume up / down tMutetThe sound of the TV speakers is muted.tWhen the equipment is turned off, the TV speakers will be activated.[TV]TV speakers are active.Multi-channel soundIf you wish to enjoy multi-channel sound (e.g. Dolby Digital 5.1ch) via an Amplifier, connect theAmplifier to the TV with an HDMI cable and an Optical digital audio cable (p. 60), and then select“Home Cinema”. If your Amplifier has “HDAVI Control 5” function, you only need to connect withan HDMI cable. In this case, connect your Amplifier to the TV’s HDMI2 terminal.To enjoy the sound from the DIGA Recorder in multi-channel sound, connect an HDMI cablefrom the DIGA Recorder to the Amplifier (p. 60).NotetThese functions may not work properly depending on the connected equipment.tImage or sound may not be available for the first few seconds when input mode is switched.tEasy playback may be available by using the remote control for Player theatre, Blu-ray Disc theatre or Amplifier. Read themanual of the equipment.t“HDAVI Control 5” is the newest standard (current as of December, 2010) for HDAVI Control compatible equipment. Thisstandard is compatible with conventional HDAVI equipment.tTo confirm this TV’s version of HDAVI Control [System Information] (p. 32)