Advanced3 FTPCorontation StreetCH05 SC1 PAL23• Editing and Setting ChannelsEditchannelsŶDeleteŶAddŶMoveŶChangenameŶChangesoundsystemŶChangecoloursystemProgrammeEditProgramme Edit1 CH332 CH213 CH214 CH605 CH21Prog. Chan. Name1 2 3X Y ZF T P4 5 6SC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSound Sys. Colour Sys.ŶTo change sound system based on signalsSelect the“Sound Sys.” fieldSelectsound systemSC1 : PAL B, G, H / SECAM B, GSC2 : PAL ISC3 : PAL D, K / SECAM D, KF : SECAM L / L’Programme Edit1 CH332 CH213 CH214 CH605 CH21Prog. Chan. Name1 2 3X Y ZF T P4 5 6SC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSound Sys. Colour Sys.Programme Edit1 CH332 CH213 CH214 CH605 CH21Prog. Chan. Name1 2 3X Y ZF T P4 5 6SC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSound Sys. Colour Sys.ŶTo change the name of the broadcaster displayed when selecting channelsCursorSelect the channel to editEditŶTo delete redAfter confirming, press redŶTo add greenAfter confirming, press greenŶTo move yellowSelect newposition yellowEdit the programme position settingsProgramme Edit1 CH332 CH213 CH214 CH605 CH21Prog. Chan. Name1 2 3X Y ZF T P4 5 6SC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSC1 AutoSound Sys. Colour Sys. Select the “Colour Sys.” fieldSelect colour systemŶTo change colour system based on signal• Normally, select “Auto”selectChannelNameredSelect the “Name” fieldEnter the “Programme Edit” modeSelect the character(Maximum: five characters)SetSetchannelsmanuallyManualTuningFine TuningProgramme 1 [CH33]Manual TuningManual Tuning 2 21 4199ŶFine TuningUse to make small adjustments to the tuning of an individual channel (affected by weatherconditions, etc.)ŶManual TuningSet channel manually after Auto Setup.If a VCR is connected with only the RF cable, select programme position “0”.Select the channelSelect the programme positionVCR1 324 657 980 storesearchSearch and store• To change channel number“Manual Tuning”