50Itemslt@mDescription• Some menus are grayed out depending on the input signal or condition.(e.g. "Zoom adjustments" will be grayed out if the aspect is not set to Zoom.)Aspect Screen format FULUH-FILL/ Changes the format (aspect ratio).adjustments JUST/4:3/ZOOM Lets you choose the aspect depending on the formatofreceived signal. (p. 55)HD size Size 1/Size 2H size Size 1/Size 2Selects between 95o/o(Size 1) or 100°/o(Size 2) for thescanning area with High-definition signal.Select "Size 1" if noise is generated on the edgesofthe screen.• Size1:Selected item for "HD size". Scanning 95o/oe Size2:Selected item for "HD size". Scanning 100°/oAdjusts the horizontal display range to reduce noise of both sideedges ofanimage.Size2:Adjusts the image size according to the aspect mode toreduce noise. (p. 55)Zoom Adjusts vertical alignment and size when aspect setting is "ZOOM".adjustmentsPCadjustments Reset to defaults Resets PC adjustments.HDMI settingsSync H & VTheHand V sync signals are inputfromthe HD/VD connector.(p.58)Dot clockH-positionV-positionClock phaseInputresolutionH-frequencyV-frequencyOn green Uses a synchronized signal on the Video G signal, which isinput from the G connector. (p. 58)Alleviatestheproblem if a picture appearstobevertically-striped, flickers partially orisblurred.Adjusts the horizontal position.Adjusts the vertical position.01III-Io:~LLJJ' :OI..II:oAlleviates the problem if the whole picture appears to flicker or is blurred.First adjust the Dot Clock to get the best possible picture, then adjust the clock Phaseso that a clear picture appears.• It may not be possible to display a clear picture due to poor input signals.Switches to wide display.e VGA (640x480 pixels), WVGA (852x480 pixels), XGA(1,024x768 pixels),WXGA(1,280x768 pixels)• Options change depending on signalsDisplays the H (Horizontai)/V (Vertical) frequencies.Display rangeHorizontal: 15 - 110 kHzVertical: 48 - 120 HzHDMI/DVI RGB Auto/ Prevents the blown out highlights and blocked up shadows whenrange (HDMI 1-4) Standard a wide-range signal is received. Selects between standard RGB(16-23S)/ range (16-235 bits) or non-compliance (0-255 bits).Contents type(HDM11-4)Auto: Switches the RGB range (Standard (16-235)/Nonstandard Nonstandard) depending on the HDMI signal information.Off/Auto/Photo/ Sets content type to each HDMI input.Graphics Auto: Switches content type automatically depending on theHDMI signal information.Photo: Best setting for JPEG viewing.Graphics: Best setting for On-Screen display of connectedequipment.