IntroductionIn This Manual• The following abbreviations are used:SIP extension → Extensions of the Control Box that use Session Initiation Protocol for communication.• The suffix of each model number (e.g., VL-VN1800BX) is omitted.• The following icons are used frequently.ConditionsHints!!!!Notice• This Control Box supports SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) phones. However, some features may not beavailable, depending on your telephone type.• Prior to connection of this product, please verify that the intended operating environment is supported.Satisfactory performance cannot be guaranteed for the following:– interoperability and compatibility with all devices and systems connected to this productNOTES• Some optional hardware, software, and features are not available in some countries/areas, or for somemodels. Please consult your certified Panasonic dealer for more information.• This manual provides basic information on how you can access commonly used Control Box functionswith KX-HDV series SIP phones. For detailed information about each feature or setting, follow theinstructions for your phone. For details about using other devices, refer to the documentation for thosedevices.• SIP extensions may become busy and you may not be able to make or receive calls, depending on thenetwork status.• The contents of this manual apply to a certain software version, as indicated on the cover of this manual.To confirm the software version, consult your dealer.• Product specifications are subject to change without notice.• The operations for SIP phones may differ from the steps in this manual, and may vary depending on thetype of telephone being used.• To execute an operation, you may have to press the OK button after performing all the steps in theoperation.Trademarks• iPhone and iPad Air are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.• Android™ is a trademark of Google LLC.• All trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.Open Source Software NoticeParts of this product use open source software supplied based on the relevant conditions of the FreeSoftware Foundation's GPL and/or LGPL and other conditions. Please read all licence information andcopyright notices related to the open source software used by this product. This information is available atthe following web page:Introduction2 Operating Manual