Parameter Description and available settings DefaultZOOM POSITION Determines the camera zoom position.[01]: UPPER LEFT[02]: UPPER SIDE[03]: UPPER RIGHT[04]: LEFT[05]: CENTRE[06]: RIGHT[07]: LOWER LEFT[08]: LOWER SIDE[09]: LOWER RIGHT05(CENTRE)SET POWER FREQ. Tells the system what frequency of power is suppliedto the lobby station.[00]: 50 HZ[01]: 60 HZ00(50 HZ)SET CAMERA SIGNAL Tells the system what signal format is used by theexternal camera.[00]: PAL[01]: NTSC00(PAL)SET TIME&DATE Determines the system’s time and date settings. 1/JAN/201500:00SET TIME OUTMONITOR TIME OUT Determines the amount of time that passes whenwatching camera images before the standby screen isdisplayed.[00]: 180 SEC[01]: 90 SEC[02]: 60 SEC[03]: 30 SEC00(180 SEC)TALK TIME OUT Determines the amount of time that passes whentalking before the standby screen is displayed.[00]: 90 SEC[01]: 60 SEC[02]: 30 SEC[03]: 180 SEC[04]: 300 SEC00(90 SEC)SET LIFTSIGNAL MODE TO LIFT Determines the signalling method used by the liftcontroller to communicate with the lift. Select the signaltype according to the specifications of the lift.[00]: RELAY[01]: BINARY00(RELAY)SIGNAL TIME TO LIFT After a visitor is admitted, this setting determines theamount of time that the visitor can use the lift to visit thecorresponding floor.If the lift has a similar setting, set this parameter to anyvalue other than "0"; the lift’s box setting will takepriority.(001–900 SEC, or 000 to disable)300(300 SEC)SET ACCESS CODE Determines the access code that allows you to uselobby stations to configure the system.(6 digits)123456485. Programming