Panasonic recommends Windows® 7.1.800.662.3537 O L U T I O N S I S O U R M I D D L E N A M E■ Genuine Windows® 7 Professional1■ Sunlight-viewable Up to 6000 Nit in Direct Sunlight■ Optional Integrated Camera, GPS and Barcodeand Fingerprint Readers■ Wi-Fi, Bluetooth® and Optional 3G Gobi™ WWAN■ Numeric and QWERTY Keyboard Options■ Twin Hot-swappable Batteries for Continuous UseThE NExT gENERATION Of hANDhELD pOwERwITh wINDOwS® 7 pROfESSIONAL.1The Panasonic Toughbook® U1 Ultra is the newest memberof the Toughbook U1 family, and is the clear alternative forlegacy Windows® Mobile solutions when you need yourmobile workers to do more in the field and need an advancedmobile solution that can work anywhere. The U1 Ultra featuresa brilliant LED screen capable of up to 6000 nit in directsunlight and can automatically adjust its screen brightnessto fit its environment. Genuine Windows® 71 support meansan easier to use interface and more off-the-shelf commercialapplications than any OS on the planet. Plus, the U1 Ultrafeatures a rugged modular design and a host of integratedoptions like GPS, Gobi™ mobile broadband, a 2MP cameraand barcode readers—there are no limits to productivity.The U1 Ultra is ideally suited for multitasking applicationssuch as SAP, CRM, turn-by-turn directions, drawings,schematics, GEO tagging and paperless forms, to namea few. And for more basic applications and usageenvironments, the Toughbook U1 Essential is the perfectcompanion with a combination of value and versatility.The first MIL-STD-810Gcertified handheld PC2ThE TOUghBOOKU1ULTRA