6.8. VGA480 / 60 Hz DEFLECTIONADJUSTMENT /CONFIRMATION6.8.1. V-CENTER ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust V-POS (VGA) so that center of the crosshatchpattern is center of the CRT.6.8.2. V-HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust V-AMP (VGA) so that A = B in Fig. H-CENTER ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust H-POS (VGA) so that horizontal position is center ofCRT.6.8.4. H-WIDTH ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust H-AMP (VGA) so that C = D in Fig. 8.6.9. VGA400 / 70 Hz DEFLECTIONADJUSTMENT /CONFIRMATION6.9.1. V-CENTER ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust V-POS (VGA 400) so that center of the crosshatchpattern is center of the CRT.6.9.2. V-HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust V-AMP (VGA 400) so that A = B in Fig. 10.2. Add 10 dac to the above data and set to EEPROM [336].6.8.5. EW ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust the vertical line to straight line by Parabola (VGA).2. Adjust the vertical line to straight line of both side verticalline in Fig. 9 by Trapezoid (VGA).3. Confirm there is no H-Parallel distortion.If there is distortion, adjust by H-Parallel (VGA).In that case, repeat 2 and 3 so that there is no trapezoid /parallel distortion.4. Confirmation vertical pincushion of the corner side.If needed, adjust Top-Corner (VGA) and Bottom-Corner(VGA).5. Confirm bow level of the both side.If it is not symmetrical, adjust C-Correct (VGA).6. Set H-SIZE in the user control to NORMAL.(No need, if SELF CHECK is done before shipping.)6.9.3. V-LINEARITY CONFIRMATION /ADJUSTMENT1. Confirm V-linear as to the balance of the circle.If needed, adjust V-linear (VGA 400).6.9.4. EW ADJUSTMENT1. Confirm the vertical line is straight line.If needed, adjust the vertical line to straight line by Parabola(VGA 400).2. Confirm both sides vertical line in Fig. 1 are straight line.If needed, adjust the vertical line to straight line of both sidevertical line in Fig. 11 by Trapezoid (VGA 400).3. Set H-SIZE in the user control to NORMAL.(No need, if SELF CHECK is done before shipping).21TX-29P180T