Watching TVBlu-ray, DVD, Game Console, etc.Input signalSignals other than those listed below may not be displayed properly.The signals are reformatted for optimal viewing on your display.Component and HDMI (* HDMI only)Input signal Vertical frequency (Hz)525 (480)/60i 59.94/60.00525 (480)/60p 59.94/60.00750 (720)/60p 59.94/60.001,125 (1,080)/60i 59.94/60.001,125 (1,080)/60p 59.94/60.001,125 (1,080)/24p * 23.98/24.00Signals other than those listed below may not be displayed properly.The signals are reformatted for optimal viewing on your display.Signals other than those listed below may not be displayed properly.The signals are reformatted for optimal viewing on your display.Component and HDMI (* HDMI only)Component and HDMI (* HDMI only)Component and HDMIComponent and HDMIInput signal Vertical frequency (Hz)525 (480)/60i 59.94/60.00525 (480)/60p 59.94/60.00750 (720)/60p 59.94/60.001,125 (1,080)/60i 59.94/60.001,125 (1,080)/60p 59.94/60.001,125 (1,080)/24p * 23.98/24.0022 (0100404)