- 4 -InstallationHow to connect an external antennaTo obtain the best audio and video quality it is necessary to install an external antenna,with adequate cables (75 ohms co-axial cable) and the adequate terminal connector.Your local TV service can help you to acquire the adequate system and accessories forthe installation of an external antenna in your location.Any other options of installation, upgrading of existing systems or required accessories, andthe cost for such options, are the owner’s responsibility.OperationPOWER buttonWhen pressed the TV set is placed onSTAND BY, and it is necessary to press thebutton STAND BY on the set panel orPOWER on the remote control to turn the TVset on.STAND BY buttonUse this button to turn the TV set on and off.The POWER button TV set must be in the ONposition.Notes:• When the TV set is turned on for thefirst time or when the channel ischanged, useful information will betemporarily displayed on the screen.• When using the numerical keypad inCABLE mode to select channels 10, 11,or 12, there is a delay before thechannels are changed, due to theVOLUME buttonsPress these buttons to adjust sound level.MUTE buttonPress this button to temporarily turn off thesound.On the screen the red icon “™” will appear.To turn the sound back on press this buttonagain.Switching channels - two alternatives1st alternativePress the buttons CHANNEL ($ or 4) to stepback or forward through the channels, inthe sequence in which they have beenprogrammed.2nd alternativeEnter the digits for the channel in thenumerical keypad (for example, forchannel 5 press the 0 button followed bythe 5 button). For channels over 99, presssequentially the three buttonscorresponding to the desired channel.possibility of the channels 100 to 125being selected.• If the signals for channels over 13 arenot received, verify the type ofantenna input (Cable or TV) andadjust the corresponding tune in(check item “Configuration properties”in the manual for the antenna type).TC-20G12P / TC-29G12P / TC-29G12PUOperation Guide